Land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain
Langeraert W (2020). Land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain. Version 1.4. Ghent University. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-13.Description
“Land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain” is an occurrence dataset containing 222 observations of 73 different taxa of land and freshwater molluscs encountered in Northern Spain (Vízcaya, Cantabria and Asturias). Various sites were inspected in a period between 2004 to 2019. The aim is to contribute to the knowledge on the ecology and distribution of these species such that it may aid conservation and research of these organisms in the future. The dataset is published as a standardized Darwin Core Archive and includes for each observation a stable occurrenceID, scientific name, date, and location of the observation, as well as info on lifeStage and organismQuantity, and supplementary remarks on the determination and the observation itself. We have released this dataset to the public domain under a CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication ( Description
Study Extent
Locations were not predefined, but some regions were specifically visited because of known species richness or endemics occurrence. At site, observations were incidental, but microhabitats or elements that were thought to be favourable for snails or were given more attention (e.g. dead wood, north facing slopes etc.).Sampling
Sampling was done ad random along random routes. Collection of specimens was mainly done by hand on sight. In some cases, a soil sample was taken that was later examined at home.Quality Control
Multiple different sources were consulted for determination of the species. The dataset was reviewed by Han Raven (an expert on land and freshwater molluscs of Northern Spain) before publishing. His remarks and tips were used for improvement of the dataset.Method steps
- Determination was mainly done with Cadevall & Orozco (2016) and Welter-Schultes (2012) and for species with a wider, European, distribution also the following works were consulted: Cameron (2008), Glöer (2015), Horsák (2013), Jansen (2015). Finally, the following articles were consulted as well: Arconada et al. (2007) and Rolán et al. (2009) for Alzoniella, Gittenberger & Bank (1996) for Pyramidula, Gittenberger (1973) for Chondrina, Raven (1990) for Obscurella, Suárez & Quiñonero Salgado (2017) for Plentuisa vendia, Prieto et al. (2020) for Oestophora, Suárez et al. (2019), Elejalde et al. (2009) and Caro et al. (2019) for Pyrenaearia (see also Langeraert, 2017), and De Winter (1986) for Arion urbiae.
Taxonomic Coverages
Land and freshwater molluscs do not comprise a monophyletic taxonomic group, but are all mollusc species that live in respectively land and freshwater habitats. On land, only gastropods occur (class Gastropoda, snails and slugs) and in freshwater, both gastropods as bivalves (class Bivalvia) occur.
Abida vasconica
Aegopinella nitidula
Alzoniella spec.
Ancylus fluviatilis
Arion (Mesarion) urbiae
Arion (Arion) spec.
Arion (Kobeltia) spec.
Azeca goodalli
Cecilioides acicula
Cepaea nemoralis
Cernuella aginnica
Chondrina cliedentata
Chondrina kobelti
Clausilia bidentata
Cochlicella acuta
Cochlicella barbara
Cochlicopa lubrica
Cochlicopa lubricella
Cornu aspersum
Deroceras spec.
Discus rotundatus
Elona quimperiana
Euglesa aff. globulare
Euglesa cf. casertana
Galba truncatula
Gastropoda spec.
Helicella itala itala
Helicella pampelonensis
Helicella spec.
Helicella valdeona
Hygromia limbata
Hygromiidae spec.
Lauria cylindracea
Leucophytia bidentata
Macrogastra rolphii digonostoma
Mengoana jeschaui
Merdigera obscura
Obscurella asturica
Obscurella asturica/hidalgoi
Obscurella bicostulata
Obscurella crassilabrum
Obscurella hidalgoi
Obscurella spec.
Oestophora silvae
Oestophorella buvinieri
Oligolimax annularis
Oxychilus navarricus navarricus
Paralaoma servile
Peringia ulvae
Physella acuta
Plentuisa vendia
Pomatias elegans
Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Potamopyrgus antipodarum f. carinata
Geographic Coverages
Northern Spain (Vízcaya, Cantabria and Asturias)
Bibliographic Citations
- Suárez, A. A. & Quiñonero-Salgado, S. (2017). Distribución geográfica de Xerotricha corderoi Gittenberger & Manga, 1977 y Plentuisa vendia Puente & Prieto, 1992 (Gastropoda: Helicoidea) en la cornisa Cantábrica (NE de España).- NEMUS 7: 140-146. -
- Arconada, B., Rolán, E. & Boeters, H. D. (2007). A revision of the genus Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984 (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Hydrobiidae) on the Iberian Peninsula and its implications for the systematics of the European hydrobiid fauna. - Basteria 71(4/6): 113-156. -
- Cadevall, J. & Orozco, A. (2016). Caracoles y babosas de la península Ibérica y Baleares. - Omega Ediciones SA, Barcelona: 817 pp. -
- Cameron, R. (2008). Keys for the identification of Land Snails in the British Isles. Second Edition. - FSC, Shrewsbury: 84 pp. -
- De Winter, A. J. (1986). Little known and new south-west European slugs (Pulmonata: Agriolimacidae, Arionidae). - Zoologische Mededelingen 60(10): 135-158. -
- Gittenberger, E. (1973). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea III. Chondrininae. - Zoologische Verhandelingen 127: 1-267, pls. 1-7. -
- Gittenberger, E. & Bank, R. A. (1996). A new start in Pyramidula (Gastropoda Pulmonata: Pyramidulidae). - Basteria 60: 71-78. -
- Glöer, P. (2015). Süβwassermollusken. Ein Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Muscheln und Schnecken im Süβwasser der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 14., überarbeitete Auflage. - Deutscher Jugendbund für Naturbeobachtung (DJN), Götingen: 135 pp. -
- Horsák, M., Juřičková, L. & Picka, J. (2013). Molluscs of the Czech and Slovak Republics. - Nakladatelství kabourek, Zlín: 264 pp. -
- Jansen, E. A. (2015). Veldgids slakken en mossels - land en zoetwater. - KNNV Uitgeverij, Zeist: 272 pp. -
- Raven, J. G. M. (1990). A revision of Obscurella Clessin, 1889 (Gastropoda Prosobranchia: Cyclophoridae). - Basteria 54(1/3): 17-62. -
- Rolán, E., Arconada, B. & Boeters, H. D. (2009). A new species of Alzoniella Giusti & Bodon, 1984 (Gastropoda, Caenogastropoda, Hydrobiidae) from northern Spain. - Basteria 73(4/6): 117-121. -
- Welter-Schultes, F. (2012). European non-marine molluscs, a guide for species identification. - Planet Poster Editions, Götingen: 679 pp. -
- Prieto, C. E., Arribas, O., Madeira, M. J. & Gómez-Moliner, B. J. (2020). An unexpected new Oestophora species from Picos de Urbión, Iberian Peninsula (Pulmonata: Trissexodontidae). - Iberus 38(1): 135-149. -
- Elejalde, M. A., Madeira, M. J., Prieto, C. E., Backeljau, T. & Gómez-Moliner, B. J. (2009). Molecular phylogeny, taxonomy, and evolution of the land snail genus Pyrenaearia (Gastropoda, Helicoidea). - American Malacological Bulletin 27(1/2): 69-81. -
- Langeraert, W. (2017). Een korte introductie van het geslacht Pyrenaearia Hesse, 1921 (HYGROMIIDAE) uit het Spaanse hoog- en middelgebergte. - Gloria Maris 56(2):45-47. -
- Suárez, A. A., Raven, J. G. M. & Quiñonero-Salgado, S. (2019). The Iberian Pyrenaearia cantabrica (Hidalgo, 1873) clade: elucidation of the type localities of its taxa (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Hygromiidae). - Basteria 83(4-6): 169-180. -
- Caro, A., Gómez-Moliner, B. J. & Madeira, M. J. (2019). Integrating multilocus DNA data and 3D geometric morphometrics to elucidate species boundaries in the case of Pyrenaearia (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae). - Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 132: 194-206. -
Ward Langeraertoriginator
position: Student
Ward Langeraert
metadata author
position: Student
Ward Langeraert
position: Student
Ward Langeraert
administrative point of contact
position: Student
Dimitri Brosens
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INBO/ Belgian Biodiversity Platform