Registros faunísticos de invertebrados marinos en el SE del Golfo de California
Hendrickx Reners M E, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Registros faunísticos de invertebrados marinos en el SE del Golfo de California. Version 1.17. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-01-20.Description
Una base de datos se elaborará en base a material ya recolectado (ca. 75% de los cuales el 40% ya esta identificado) o por recolectar (ca. 25%) en tres sistemas naturales registrados como áreas prioritarias amenazadas (estero de Urias, región · 20; laguna de Agua Brava, región No. 21; corredor Nayarit-Bahía Banderas, región No. 22) del SE del golfo de California. El estudio implica actividades de laboratorio (identificación, captura de información) y de campo ( muestreo comparativo de los tres sistemas considerados (estero de Urias, región No. 20; laguna de Agua Brava, región No. 21). Los métodos de muestreo en los dos sistemas por ser visitados son los métodos clásicos para muestreo no cuantitativos (transectos, buceo, uso de pequeñas dragas y equipo de arrastre, recolección a mano).
Reino: 1 Filo: 3 Clase: 6 Orden: 30 Familia: 94 Género: 189 Subgénero: 29 Especie: 260 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 9
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Molluscarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Annelidarank: phylum
Gastropodarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Maxillopodarank: class
Polychaetarank: class
Polyplacophorarank: class
Cycloneritidarank: order
Decapodarank: order
Ostreidarank: order
Sessiliarank: order
Sabellidarank: order
Neogastropodarank: order
Capitellidarank: order
Eunicidarank: order
Mytilidarank: order
Arcidarank: order
Phyllodocidarank: order
Orbiniidarank: order
Veneridarank: order
Terebellidarank: order
Trochidarank: order
Opheliidarank: order
Myidarank: order
Spionidarank: order
Amphinomidarank: order
Isopodarank: order
Cirratulidarank: order
Lepetellidarank: order
Pteriidarank: order
Chitonidarank: order
Patellidarank: order
Ellobiidarank: order
Chaetopteridarank: order
Stomatopodarank: order
Flabelligeridarank: order
Cossuridarank: order
Neritidaerank: family
Aethridaerank: family
Ostreidaerank: family
Balanidaerank: family
Epialtidaerank: family
Sabellidaerank: family
Mitridaerank: family
Capitellidaerank: family
Panopeidaerank: family
Diogenidaerank: family
Eunicidaerank: family
Sesarmidaerank: family
Mytilidaerank: family
Chthamalidaerank: family
Calappidaerank: family
Arcidaerank: family
Nephtyidaerank: family
Oziidaerank: family
Chrysopetalidaerank: family
Orbiniidaerank: family
Veneridaerank: family
Littorinidaerank: family
Porcellanidaerank: family
Ocypodidaerank: family
Grapsidaerank: family
Portunidaerank: family
Mactridaerank: family
Menippidaerank: family
Pectinariidaerank: family
Alpheidaerank: family
Calyptraeidaerank: family
Turbinidaerank: family
Xanthidaerank: family
Opheliidaerank: family
Potamididaerank: family
Conidaerank: family
Pholadidaerank: family
Muricidaerank: family
Mithracidaerank: family
Parthenopidaerank: family
Spionidaerank: family
Penaeidaerank: family
Amphinomidaerank: family
Solecurtidaerank: family
Sphaeromatidaerank: family
Naticidaerank: family
Leucosiidaerank: family
Nereididaerank: family
Paraonidaerank: family
Phyllodocidaerank: family
Nassariidaerank: family
Cymatiidaerank: family
Dorvilleidaerank: family
Columbellidaerank: family
Cardiidaerank: family
Ucididaerank: family
Fissurellidaerank: family
Ligiidaerank: family
Syllidaerank: family
Fasciolariidaerank: family
Eriphiidaerank: family
Cypraeidaerank: family
Hesionidaerank: family
Cerithiidaerank: family
Lumbrineridaerank: family
Inachoididaerank: family
Isognomonidaerank: family
Pilumnidaerank: family
Tegulidaerank: family
Onuphidaerank: family
Pilargidaerank: family
Chitonidaerank: family
Lottiidaerank: family
Ungulinidaerank: family
Coenobitidaerank: family
Cirratulidaerank: family
Ellobiidaerank: family
Cirolanidaerank: family
Glyceridaerank: family
Chaetopteridaerank: family
Inachidaerank: family
Gonodactylidaerank: family
Raninidaerank: family
Palaemonidaerank: family
Pseudorhombilidaerank: family
Strombidaerank: family
Sicyoniidaerank: family
Cyrenidaerank: family
Pinnidaerank: family
Tellinidaerank: family
Flabelligeridaerank: family
Lysmatidaerank: family
Cossuridaerank: family
Donacidaerank: family
Neritarank: genus
Hepatusrank: genus
Crassostrearank: genus
Fistulobalanusrank: genus
Peliarank: genus
Megalommarank: genus
Mitrarank: genus
Mediomastusrank: genus
Panopeusrank: genus
Dardanusrank: genus
Eunicerank: genus
Lysidicerank: genus
Armasesrank: genus
Mytellarank: genus
Euraphiarank: genus
Calapparank: genus
Libiniarank: genus
Anadararank: genus
Aniculusrank: genus
Aglaophamusrank: genus
Aratusrank: genus
Epixanthusrank: genus
Chrysopetalumrank: genus
Nainerisrank: genus
Petricolarank: genus
Littorariarank: genus
Porcellanarank: genus
Petrolisthesrank: genus
Chionopsisrank: genus
Ucarank: genus
Grapsusrank: genus
Balanusrank: genus
Callinectesrank: genus
Megalobrachiumrank: genus
Rangiarank: genus
Capitellarank: genus
Menipperank: genus
Eurypanopeusrank: genus
Chonerank: genus
Aethrarank: genus
Pectinariarank: genus
Alpheusrank: genus
Clibanariusrank: genus
Crucibulumrank: genus
Arenaeusrank: genus
Portunusrank: genus
Turborank: genus
Heteractaearank: genus
Polyophthalmusrank: genus
Cerithidearank: genus
Conusrank: genus
Martesiarank: genus
Goniopsisrank: genus
Mancinellarank: genus
Thoerank: genus
Pachychelesrank: genus
Parthenoperank: genus
Cataleptodiusrank: genus
Metopocarcinusrank: genus
Acanthonyxrank: genus
Mithraxrank: genus
Streblospiorank: genus
Protothacarank: genus
Farfantepenaeusrank: genus
Sesarmarank: genus
Chloeiarank: genus
Tagelusrank: genus
Paradellarank: genus
Naticarank: genus
Iliacantharank: genus
Pachygrapsusrank: genus
Perinereisrank: genus
Paradoneisrank: genus
Eteonerank: genus
Ophelinarank: genus
Nassariusrank: genus
Cymatiumrank: genus
Microphrysrank: genus
Orthochelarank: genus
Schistomeringosrank: genus
Eurytiumrank: genus
Columbellarank: genus
Scolelepisrank: genus
Prionospiorank: genus
Trigoniocardiarank: genus
Daldorfiarank: genus
Stenocionopsrank: genus
Planesrank: genus
Euphylaxrank: genus
Petrochirusrank: genus
Ucidesrank: genus
Chionerank: genus
Xanthodiusrank: genus
Fissurellarank: genus
Croniusrank: genus
Dosiniarank: genus
Xiphopenaeusrank: genus
Oziusrank: genus
Crepidularank: genus
Heteromastusrank: genus
Persephonarank: genus
Eupleurodonrank: genus
Ligiarank: genus
Protodorvillearank: genus
Exogonerank: genus
Fasciolariarank: genus
Aricidearank: genus
Platypodiellarank: genus
Eriphiarank: genus
Palolarank: genus
Cypraearank: genus
Synalpheusrank: genus
Polydorarank: genus
Armandiarank: genus
Ophiodromusrank: genus
Cerithiumrank: genus
Lumbrinerisrank: genus
Paradasygyiusrank: genus
Spiorank: genus
Isognomonrank: genus
Pilumnusrank: genus
Tegularank: genus
Diopatrarank: genus
Notolopasrank: genus
Loandaliarank: genus
Chitonrank: genus
Opeatostomarank: genus
Thaisrank: genus
Edwardsiumrank: genus
Onuphisrank: genus
Tecturarank: genus
Diplodontarank: genus
Cassidinidearank: genus
Coenobitarank: genus
Litopenaeusrank: genus
Caulleriellarank: genus
Clastotoechusrank: genus
Marinularank: genus
Metacirolanarank: genus
Tharyxrank: genus
Malacocerosrank: genus
Hexapanopeusrank: genus
Glycerarank: genus
Teleophrysrank: genus
Alarank: genus
Malacoplaxrank: genus
Leucozoniarank: genus
Telepsavusrank: genus
Nodilittorinarank: genus
Eucinetopsrank: genus
Cyclinellarank: genus
Theodoxusrank: genus
Lottiarank: genus
Neodoclearank: genus
Neopisosomarank: genus
Automaterank: genus
Neogonodactylusrank: genus
Spiophanesrank: genus
Stramonitarank: genus
Raninoidesrank: genus
Lithophagarank: genus
Gyptisrank: genus
Sigambrarank: genus
Neanthesrank: genus
Tycherank: genus
Palaemonrank: genus
Oediplaxrank: genus
Strombusrank: genus
Pontoniarank: genus
Sicyoniarank: genus
Ocypoderank: genus
Polymesodarank: genus
Pisidiarank: genus
Atrinarank: genus
Macomarank: genus
Bradarank: genus
Lysmatarank: genus
Sigerank: genus
Plicopurpurarank: genus
Tellinarank: genus
Arcarank: genus
Cossurarank: genus
Astraearank: genus
Odontosyllisrank: genus
Herbstiarank: genus
Genetyllisrank: genus
Stenorhynchusrank: genus
Donaxrank: genus
Megabalanusrank: genus
Theliostylarank: subgenus
Diluvarcarank: subgenus
Bulimilittorinarank: subgenus
Minucarank: subgenus
Rangianellarank: subgenus
Ucarank: subgenus
Callopomarank: subgenus
Cerithideopsisrank: subgenus
Martesiarank: subgenus
Leptucarank: subgenus
Leukomarank: subgenus
Tagelusrank: subgenus
Naticariusrank: subgenus
Mesopleurarank: subgenus
Arculariarank: subgenus
Turritritonrank: subgenus
Parascolelepisrank: subgenus
Dosiniarank: subgenus
Cymostylarank: subgenus
Crucibulumrank: subgenus
Pleuroplocarank: subgenus
Pseudozonariarank: subgenus
Thericiumrank: subgenus
Agathistomarank: subgenus
Chitonrank: subgenus
Potiarcarank: subgenus
Nodilittorinarank: subgenus
Vittoclithonrank: subgenus
Servatrinarank: subgenus
Nerita (Theliostyla) funiculatarank: species
Hepatus kossmannicommon name: cangrejo cajeta habana rank: species
Crassostrea columbiensiscommon name: ostión, ostra negra rank: species
Fistulobalanus suturaltusrank: species
Pelia tumidacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Megalomma pigmentumcommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Mitra tristisrank: species
Mediomastus californiensiscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Panopeus chilensisrank: species
Dardanus sinistripescommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Eunice americanarank: species
Lysidice ninettacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Armases magdalenenserank: species
Mytella strigatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Euraphia eastropacensisrank: species
Calappa convexacommon name: cangrejo cajeta bola rank: species
Libinia rostratacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Anadara (Diluvarca) mazatlanicacommon name: arca de Mazatlán, pata de mula rank: species
Aniculus eleganscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Aglaophamus dicirriscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Aratus pisoniicommon name: cangrejo de mangle rank: species
Epixanthus tenuidactylusrank: species
Chrysopetalum occidentalecommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Naineris dendriticacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Petricola exaratacommon name: almeja rank: species
Littoraria (Bulimilittorina) aberransrank: species
Porcellana cancrisocialiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Megalomma rouleirank: species
Petrolisthes robsonaecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Chionopsis gnidiacommon name: almeja roñosa, venus vistosa rank: species
Panopeus mirafloresensisrank: species
Uca (Minuca) zacaerank: species
Grapsus grapsuscommon name: cangrejo abuete negro rank: species
Balanus amphitriterank: species
Petrolisthes sanfelipensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Callinectes arcuatuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba cuata rank: species
Megalobrachium festaicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Petrolisthes lindaecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Balanus eburneusrank: species
Rangia (Rangianella) mendicacommon name: almeja rank: species
Capitella capitatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Menippe frontaliscommon name: cangrejo de piedra estridulante rank: species
Eurypanopeus canalensisrank: species
Chone minutarank: species
Aethra scutatarank: species
Pectinaria californiensisrank: species
Chone ecaudatarank: species
Alpheus mazatlanicuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Clibanarius panamensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Crucibulum umbrellarank: species
Arenaeus mexicanuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba arenera rank: species
Portunus aspercommon name: jaiba rank: species
Turbo (Callopoma) fluctuosuscommon name: caracol burgado, caracol de porcelana, caracol turbo, turbante del pacífico rank: species
Heteractaea lunatarank: species
Clibanarius albidigituscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Polyophthalmus pictuscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Petrolisthes armatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Conus purpurascenscommon name: conito, cono rank: species
Martesia (Martesia) striatacommon name: almeja rank: species
Goniopsis pulchracommon name: cangrejo caraña de mangle, cangrejo rojo rank: species
Mytella guyanensiscommon name: choro de mangle, mejillón de guayana, mejillón de lodo, mejillón fanguero de guayana, mejillón liso rank: species
Mancinella speciosarank: species
Pachycheles setimanuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Uca (Leptuca) latimanusrank: species
Balanus inexpectatusrank: species
Parthenope depressiuscularank: species
Cataleptodius occidentalisrank: species
Metopocarcinus truncatusrank: species
Pachycheles panamensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Acanthonyx petivericommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Mithrax armatuscommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña porteña rank: species
Streblospio benedicticommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Protothaca (Leukoma) asperrimacommon name: almeja rank: species
Farfantepenaeus californiensiscommon name: camarón café, camarón patiamarillo rank: species
Sesarma rhizophoraerank: species
Chloeia entypacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Tagelus (Tagelus) affiniscommon name: almeja rank: species
Paradella dianaerank: species
Petrolisthes hianscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Natica (Naticarius) chemnitziicommon name: caracol luna, nática fanguera rank: species
Iliacantha hancockirank: species
Pachygrapsus transversuscommon name: cangrejo saltador rank: species
Alpheus armillatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Perinereis monterearank: species
Paradoneis lyracommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Eteone lightirank: species
Tagelus (Mesopleura) polituscommon name: almeja rank: species
Ophelina acuminatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Nassarius (Arcularia) luteostomarank: species
Cymatium (Turritriton) gibbosumrank: species
Microphrys platysomacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Orthochela pumilacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Schistomeringos longicorniscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Petrolisthes lewisicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Eurytium albidigitumrank: species
Columbella fuscatarank: species
Scolelepis (Parascolelepis) tridentatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Prionospio pygmaeuscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Trigoniocardia graniferacommon name: almeja, berberecho rank: species
Daldorfia garthirank: species
Stenocionops ovatacommon name: cangrejo araña, cangrejo araña terciopelo rank: species
Planes cyaneusrank: species
Euphylax robustuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba robusta rank: species
Petrochirus californiensiscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Ucides occidentaliscommon name: cangrejo capuco verde rank: species
Chione subrugosacommon name: almeja, almeja china rank: species
Xanthodius sternberghiirank: species
Pelia pacificacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Fissurella virescenscommon name: fisurela verde rank: species
Cronius rubercommon name: jaiba, jaiba pecosa rank: species
Dosinia (Dosinia) dunkericommon name: almeja rank: species
Xiphopenaeus rivetirank: species
Ozius verreauxiicommon name: cangrejo de piedra perforado rank: species
Crepidula aculeatacommon name: pique espinoso rank: species
Nassarius versicolorrank: species
Mithrax denticulatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Heteromastus filiformiscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Littoraria fasciatarank: species
Persephona townsendirank: species
Petrolisthes polymituscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Eupleurodon peruvianuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Ligia occidentalisrank: species
Nerita (Cymostyla) scabricostarank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) spinosumrank: species
Protodorvillea graciliscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Exogone uniformisrank: species
Fasciolaria (Pleuroploca) granosarank: species
Aricidea neosuecicarank: species
Platypodiella rotundatarank: species
Eriphia squamatarank: species
Palola paloloidesrank: species
Panopeus purpureusrank: species
Cypraea (Pseudozonaria) arabicularank: species
Synalpheus digueticommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Polydora citronarank: species
Alpheus lottinicommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Armandia bioculatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Ophiodromus pugettensiscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Prionospio cirriferacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Alpheus sulcatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) maculosumrank: species
Polydora armatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Hepatus lineatuscommon name: cangrejo cajeta moteada rank: species
Exogone gemmiferacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Lumbrineris tetrauracommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Paradasygyius depressuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Spio filicornisrank: species
Isognomon januscommon name: ostión plano rank: species
Pilumnus pygmaeusrank: species
Tegula (Agathistoma) cortezianarank: species
Diopatra splendidissimacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Notolopas mexicanuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Loandalia fauvelicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Chiton (Chiton) albolineatusrank: species
Opeatostoma pseudodonrank: species
Nassarius bailyirank: species
Thais triangularisrank: species
Anadara (Potiarca) nuxcommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Edwardsium lobipesrank: species
Onuphis eremitacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Tectura fascicularisrank: species
Diplodonta subquadratacommon name: almeja rank: species
Cassidinidea mexicanarank: species
Coenobita compressuscommon name: cangrejo ermitaño rank: species
Litopenaeus vannameicommon name: camarón blanco, camarón patiblanco rank: species
Synalpheus nobiliicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Caulleriella alatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Clastotoechus diffractuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Marinula conccinarank: species
Nassarius angulicostisrank: species
Cerithidea (Cerithideopsis) montagneirank: species
Metacirolana costaricensisrank: species
Crepidula striolatarank: species
Tharyx tesselatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Malacoceros indicuscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Hexapanopeus beebeirank: species
Glycera convolutacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Nassarius tiarularank: species
Alpheus malleatorcommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Teleophrys cristulipescommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Thais kiosquiformisrank: species
Ala cornutacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Malacoplax californiensisrank: species
Leucozonia ceratarank: species
Telepsavus costarumcommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Aricidea suecicacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Nodilittorina (Nodilittorina) asperarank: species
Eucinetops rubellulacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Diopatra ornatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Cyclinella ulloanarank: species
Theodoxus (Vittoclithon) luteofasciatusrank: species
Lottia discorscommon name: caracol lapa rank: species
Neodoclea boneticommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Neopisosoma mexicanumcommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Synalpheus biunguiculatuscommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Automate dolichognathacommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Pachycheles spinidactyluscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Neogonodactylus stanschicommon name: camarón galera, camarón mantis rank: species
Spiophanes missionensiscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Farfantepenaeus brevirostriscommon name: camarón cristal, camarón rojo, camarón rosado rank: species
Caulleriella hamatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Stramonita haemastomarank: species
Cerithium (Thericium) stercusmuscarumcommon name: caracol agarista rank: species
Raninoides benedictirank: species
Lithophaga aristatacommon name: mejillón rank: species
Sigambra tentaculatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Euphylax doviicommon name: jaiba, jaiba marciana rank: species
Neanthes succineacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Callinectes bellicosuscommon name: jaiba, jaiba guerrera rank: species
Tyche lamellifronscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Alpheus splendiduscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Palaemon rittericommon name: camarón de mareas rank: species
Oediplax granulatarank: species
Petrolisthes nobiliicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Strombus graciliorcommon name: caracol burro, caracol de uña, caracol uña, cobo del Pacífico oriental rank: species
Pontonia margaritarank: species
Sicyonia disdorsaliscommon name: camarón aquillado, camarón de roca rank: species
Crucibulum (Crucibulum) monticulusrank: species
Ocypode occidentalisrank: species
Lottia mitellarank: species
Polymesoda mexicanacommon name: almeja rank: species
Pisidia magdalenensiscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Petrolisthes agassiziicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Pachycheles biocellatuscommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Atrina (Servatrina) mauracommon name: callo de hacha, callo de hacha china, hacha china, media luna rank: species
Macoma grandiscommon name: almeja rank: species
Brada pluribranchiatarank: species
Lysmata intermediarank: species
Synalpheus lockingtonicommon name: camarón chasqueador rank: species
Sige monterreyensisrank: species
Prionospio malmgrenicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Litopenaeus stylirostriscommon name: camarón azul rank: species
Sesarma sulcatumcommon name: cangrejo abuete cajeta peluda rank: species
Alpheus leviusculuscommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Notolopas lamellatuscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Tellina simulansrank: species
Arca mutabiliscommon name: pata de mula rank: species
Eucinetops lucasicommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Petrolisthes haigaecommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Porcellana paguriconvivacommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Cossura pygodactylatarank: species
Astraea buschiirank: species
Odontosyllis parvarank: species
Chloeia pinnatarank: species
Crepidula uncatarank: species
Neopisosoma dohenyicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Exogone loureicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Herbstia camptacanthacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Palaemon graciliscommon name: camarón grácil rank: species
Genetyllis castaneacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Petrolisthes edwardsiicommon name: cangrejo porcelana rank: species
Stenorhynchus debiliscommon name: cangrejo araña rank: species
Alpheus webstericommon name: camarón chasqueador, camarón pistola rank: species
Crucibulum cyclopiumrank: species
Glycera tesselatacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Pachycheles chaceirank: species
Tagelus bourgeoisaecommon name: almeja rank: species
Chone molliscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Donax punctatostriatuscommon name: almeja, almeja mariposa, coquinas rank: species
Megabalanus coccopomarank: species
Uca (Uca) princeps subsp. princepsrank: infraspecificname
Cerithidea (Cerithideopsis) californica var. mazatlanicacommon name: caracol de cuerno rank: infraspecificname
Thoe sulcata subsp. sulcatacommon name: cangrejo araña rank: infraspecificname
Uca (Leptuca) musica subsp. musicarank: infraspecificname
Uca (Minuca) vocator subsp. ecuadoriensisrank: infraspecificname
Prionospio heterobranchia subsp. newportensisrank: infraspecificname
Uca (Leptuca) crenulata subsp. crenulatarank: infraspecificname
Gyptis arenicola subsp. glabrarank: infraspecificname
Plicopurpura patula subsp. pansarank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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