Colección de insectos agrícolas del proyecto diversidad en sistemas de cultivos
Castro Ramírez A E, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Colección de insectos agrícolas del proyecto diversidad en sistemas de cultivos. Version 1.16. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-01-15.Description
Se elaboró la base de datos de la Colección del Proyecto Diversidad en Sistemas de Cultivos-ECOSUR, San Cristóbal de las Casas, mediante el programa Biotica 5.0. Dicha base incluyó 8160 registros de 249 especies y morfoespecies, 115 géneros y 37 familias en siete órdenes. El nivel de identificación taxonómica es 100 % a nivel genérico y de 93.5 % a nivel de especie (7634 registros). La familia más representativa es Melolonthidae (Coleoptera) con 7576 registros (93 %), los cuales se incluyen en 32 géneros y 138 especies. El estado con mayor número de registros es Chiapas, el cual incluye a 8097 registros (99 %). Para órdenes como Arachnida y Orthoptera, no fue posible alcanzar los porcentajes de determinación específica deseados, no obstante el número de registros totales y la identificación de órdenes como Coleoptera (el de mayor abundancia), superó al estimado inicialmente. La computarización de la colección permitió la adquisición de material y equipo para el manejo de la colección y su posterior crecimiento ordenado.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 2 Orden: 7 Familia: 38 Género: 127 Subgénero: 20 Especie: 214 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 2
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Insectarank: class
Arachnidarank: class
Coleopterarank: order
Orthopterarank: order
Araneaerank: order
Hemipterarank: order
Hymenopterarank: order
Dipterarank: order
Lepidopterarank: order
Scarabaeidaerank: family
Tettigoniidaerank: family
Passalidaerank: family
Salticidaerank: family
Coccinellidaerank: family
Chrysomelidaerank: family
Tetragnathidaerank: family
Thomisidaerank: family
Theridiidaerank: family
Coreidaerank: family
Dryophthoridaerank: family
Pyrgomorphidaerank: family
Araneidaerank: family
Pentatomidaerank: family
Linyphiidaerank: family
Apidaerank: family
Vespidaerank: family
Bombyliidaerank: family
Pieridaerank: family
Anyphaenidaerank: family
Curculionidaerank: family
Lycosidaerank: family
Cerambycidaerank: family
Limacodidaerank: family
Oonopidaerank: family
Noctuidaerank: family
Sparassidaerank: family
Melyridaerank: family
Oxyopidaerank: family
Carabidaerank: family
Tachinidaerank: family
Romaleidaerank: family
Acrididaerank: family
Meloidaerank: family
Lycidaerank: family
Nitidulidaerank: family
Formicidaerank: family
Geotrupidaerank: family
Phyllophagarank: genus
Paranomalarank: genus
Neoconocephalusrank: genus
Dichotomiusrank: genus
Hopliarank: genus
Passalusrank: genus
Diplotaxisrank: genus
Ceraspisrank: genus
Phidippusrank: genus
Cyclocephalarank: genus
Isonychusrank: genus
Epilachnarank: genus
Xyloryctesrank: genus
Ontherusrank: genus
Euetheolarank: genus
Diabroticarank: genus
Tetragnatharank: genus
Mecaphesarank: genus
Macrodactylusrank: genus
Ancognatharank: genus
Coprisrank: genus
Thymoitesrank: genus
Anasarank: genus
Orthognathusrank: genus
Erisrank: genus
Coscinocephalusrank: genus
Golofarank: genus
Chrysinarank: genus
Spodistesrank: genus
Synemarank: genus
Ligyrusrank: genus
Pelidnotarank: genus
Cyclonedarank: genus
Cotinisrank: genus
Epitrixrank: genus
Sphenariumrank: genus
Habronattusrank: genus
Lariniarank: genus
Enemarank: genus
Theridionrank: genus
Acrosternumrank: genus
Tutaiborank: genus
Lyssomanesrank: genus
Viridimicusrank: genus
Euphoriarank: genus
Araneusrank: genus
Callistethusrank: genus
Trigonarank: genus
Hippodamiarank: genus
Misumenoidesrank: genus
Eriophorarank: genus
Synoecarank: genus
Systropusrank: genus
Plusiotisrank: genus
Microcentrumrank: genus
Leptophobiarank: genus
Wulfilarank: genus
Euschistusrank: genus
Heterogomphusrank: genus
Exophthalmusrank: genus
Leucaugerank: genus
Strategusrank: genus
Oileusrank: genus
Orizabusrank: genus
Cyclosarank: genus
Polyphyllarank: genus
Chilocorusrank: genus
Misumenarank: genus
Geraeusrank: genus
Piratarank: genus
Pardosarank: genus
Proxysrank: genus
Arachosiarank: genus
Frontinellarank: genus
Xysticusrank: genus
Leptinotarsarank: genus
Eustalarank: genus
Colaspisrank: genus
Derobrachusrank: genus
Strigodermarank: genus
Murgantiarank: genus
Brachiacantharank: genus
Xenochalepusrank: genus
Coelosisrank: genus
Achariarank: genus
Opopaearank: genus
Polistesrank: genus
Anelosimusrank: genus
Phileurusrank: genus
Mythimnarank: genus
Padaeusrank: genus
Dyscinetusrank: genus
Mesosternusrank: genus
Epicaerusrank: genus
Sassacusrank: genus
Pentisparank: genus
Brachypnoearank: genus
Mermessusrank: genus
Anyphaenarank: genus
Oliosrank: genus
Macraspisrank: genus
Collopsrank: genus
Peucetiarank: genus
Notiobiarank: genus
Cryptomeigeniarank: genus
Coleomegillarank: genus
Taeniopodarank: genus
Chryssorank: genus
Schistocercarank: genus
Wixiarank: genus
Achaearanearank: genus
Meloerank: genus
Hologymnetisrank: genus
Piezogasterrank: genus
Leucothyreusrank: genus
Mesopteronrank: genus
Callipogonrank: genus
Polybiarank: genus
Calligrapharank: genus
Conotelusrank: genus
Diphaulacarank: genus
Parachartergusrank: genus
Anatisrank: genus
Trochosarank: genus
Leptoglossusrank: genus
Attarank: genus
Neoathyreusrank: genus
Phyllophagarank: subgenus
Phytalusrank: subgenus
Paranomalarank: subgenus
Chlaenobiarank: subgenus
Pertinaxrank: subgenus
Caelontherusrank: subgenus
Hopliarank: subgenus
Golofarank: subgenus
Ligyrodesrank: subgenus
Pelidnotarank: subgenus
Cotinisrank: subgenus
Trigonarank: subgenus
Dineterogomphusrank: subgenus
Ligyrusrank: subgenus
Polyphyllarank: subgenus
Mixigenusrank: subgenus
Phyllophapharank: subgenus
Aphanilopterusrank: subgenus
Daemonoplusrank: subgenus
Neoathyreusrank: subgenus
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pilosularank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tzeltalarank: species
Paranomala picturellarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) discarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) rufotestacearank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) sticticopterarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) testaceipennisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) tumulosarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ravidarank: species
Neoconocephalus triopscommon name: esperanza rank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) denticollisrank: species
Dichotomius colonicusrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tenuipilisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) obsoletarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) cometesrank: species
Passalus (Pertinax) punctatostriatuscommon name: cimolil (Maya) rank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) lenisrank: species
Diplotaxis megapleurarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) menetriesirank: species
Ceraspis pilateirank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) scabripygarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) senicularank: species
Cyclocephala alexeirank: species
Isonychus neglectusrank: species
Epilachna varivestisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) halffterianarank: species
Xyloryctes lobicollisrank: species
Ontherus (Caelontherus) mexicanusrank: species
Diplotaxis puncticollisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) longifoliatarank: species
Phyllophaga marilucasanarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rugipenniscommon name: umo (Maya) rank: species
Euetheola bidentatarank: species
Diplotaxis halleirank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) lineatoidesrank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) chiapensisrank: species
Xyloryctes cornigerrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) multiporarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chamularank: species
Mecaphesa decorarank: species
Paranomala inconstansrank: species
Macrodactylus nigripesrank: species
Ancognatha sellatarank: species
Copris incertusrank: species
Hoplia (Hoplia) guatemalensisrank: species
Cyclocephala lunulatarank: species
Paranomala trapeziferarank: species
Thymoites maderaerank: species
Diplotaxis cavifronsrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) vetularank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pallidicornisrank: species
Diplotaxis puberearank: species
Cyclocephala complanatarank: species
Xyloryctes teuthrascommon name: kolom (Maya) rank: species
Diplotaxis denigratarank: species
Cyclocephala fulguratarank: species
Orthognathus subparallelusrank: species
Coscinocephalus tepehuanusrank: species
Golofa (Golofa) imperialiscommon name: kutum (Maya) rank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rugulosarank: species
Chrysina expansarank: species
Spodistes monzonirank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) vexatarank: species
Synema maculosumrank: species
Ligyrus (Ligyrodes) salleirank: species
Pelidnota (Pelidnota) guatemalensisrank: species
Isonychus ocellatuscommon name: prietillos rank: species
Hoplia mexicanarank: species
Cycloneda sanguineacommon name: catarinita roja rank: species
Cyclocephala amazonarank: species
Tetragnatha laboriosarank: species
Pelidnota (Pelidnota) strigosarank: species
Cotinis (Cotinis) mutabiliscommon name: tomayate, mayate verde, tomayate, tomayatl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Dichotomius satanasrank: species
Macrodactylus fulvescensrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) xkumukarank: species
Habronattus cuspidatusrank: species
Diabrotica adelpharank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) yaxbitanarank: species
Ligyrus laevicollisrank: species
Diplotaxis alutacearank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) guatemalarank: species
Hoplia subcostatarank: species
Cyclocephala pictarank: species
Enema endymionrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) spinitarsisrank: species
Diabrotica hillirank: species
Theridion adjacensrank: species
Ancognatha falsarank: species
Acrosternum marginatumrank: species
Tutaibo phoeniceusrank: species
Pelidnota (Pelidnota) punctulatarank: species
Viridimicus aurescensrank: species
Euphoria basalisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) cinnamomearank: species
Araneus pegniarank: species
Copris laevicepsrank: species
Paranomala terronoidesrank: species
Copris lugubrisrank: species
Callistethus bimaculatusrank: species
Trigona (Trigona) fuscipenniscommon name: abeja sin aguijón, kuris-kab (Maya), mosca de la virgen, senencab (Maya) rank: species
Hippodamia convergenscommon name: catarinita rank: species
Xyloryctes ensifercommon name: kolom (Maya) rank: species
Mecaphesa persimilisrank: species
Misumenoides annulipesrank: species
Diplotaxis hirsutarank: species
Euphoria iridescensrank: species
Synoeca septentrionalesrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) fulviventrisrank: species
Isonychus arizonensisrank: species
Plusiotis adelaidarank: species
Plusiotis quetzalcoatlirank: species
Microcentrum retinerverank: species
Leptophobia aripacommon name: blanca aripa rank: species
Euschistus crenatorrank: species
Heterogomphus (Dineterogomphus) chevrolatirank: species
Exophthalmus clathratusrank: species
Cotinis (Cotinis) pauperularank: species
Strategus aloeusrank: species
Leucauge marianarank: species
Paranomala semicinctarank: species
Ligyrus (Ligyrus) nasutusrank: species
Oileus sargirank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) integricepsrank: species
Orizabus subazirorank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) abdominalisrank: species
Euphoria leucographarank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) histrionellarank: species
Cyclocephala guttatarank: species
Polyphylla (Polyphylla) concurrensrank: species
Orizabus clunalisrank: species
Chilocorus cactirank: species
Geraeus x-notatumrank: species
Theridion sanctumrank: species
Pardosa delicatularank: species
Pelidnota (Pelidnota) aurescensrank: species
Pirata sedentariusrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rorulentarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) acapulcarank: species
Cycloneda emarginatarank: species
Chrysina halffterirank: species
Golofa (Mixigenus) tersandercommon name: kutum (Maya) rank: species
Hoplia squamiferarank: species
Epilachna olivacearank: species
Derobrachus sulcicornisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) parvisetisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rufithoraxrank: species
Strigoderma sulcipennisrank: species
Murgantia histrionicarank: species
Brachiacantha lepidarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophapha) leoninarank: species
Coelosis bilobarank: species
Acharia extensarank: species
Opopaea concolorrank: species
Polistes (Aphanilopterus) carnifexcommon name: sicala (Maya) rank: species
Euphoria pulchellarank: species
Strigoderma mexicanarank: species
Diabrotica viridularank: species
Brachiacantha decorarank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) forrerirank: species
Passalus (Pertinax) inopsrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) sturmirank: species
Phileurus valgusrank: species
Euphoria candezeirank: species
Mythimna unipunctarank: species
Padaeus trivittatusrank: species
Dyscinetus laevipunctatusrank: species
Epilachna difficilisrank: species
Mesosternus halffterirank: species
Paranomala cinctarank: species
Diabrotica balteatacommon name: catarinita rank: species
Epicaerus opacusrank: species
Cyclocephala luridarank: species
Sassacus vitisrank: species
Strategus jugurtharank: species
Chrysina triumphalisrank: species
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) aegrotarank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) discoidalisrank: species
Cyclocephala mafaffarank: species
Isonychus vittatusrank: species
Callistethus marginatusrank: species
Dichotomius amplicollisrank: species
Euphoria westermannirank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) ochropterarank: species
Epilachna mexicanarank: species
Xyloryctes thestaluscommon name: kolom (Maya) rank: species
Heterogomphus (Daemonoplus) mniszechirank: species
Cyclosa carolirank: species
Macraspis aterrimarank: species
Polyphylla petitirank: species
Chrysso pulcherrimarank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) flavillarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) pruinosarank: species
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) soctonarank: species
Thymoites expulsusrank: species
Paranomala (Paranomala) undulatarank: species
Cyclocephala melanocephalarank: species
Cyclocephala ovulumrank: species
Hologymnetis kinichahauirank: species
Cyclocephala sticticarank: species
Leucothyreus femoratusrank: species
Anyphaena judicatarank: species
Mesopteron obliquumrank: species
Misumenoides bifissusrank: species
Trigona (Trigona) fulviventriscommon name: comasachi (Maya), muul kab (Maya) rank: species
Callipogon cinnamomeusrank: species
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) divertensrank: species
Geraeus podagrosusrank: species
Chrysina adolphirank: species
Conotelus obscurusrank: species
Anatis hydropicarank: species
Leptoglossus gonagrarank: species
Atta mexicanacommon name: arrieras, chicatanas, cocash (Maya), cuatalatas, cucu (Maya), hormiga arriera, hormiga chicatana, kuchu iá (popoloca), nucu (Maya), sontetas, tzim-tzim (Maya) rank: species
Neoathyreus (Neoathyreus) excavatusrank: species
Diabrotica virgifera subsp. zeaerank: infraspecificname
Coleomegilla maculata subsp. lengirank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Fairchild, G. B. 1953. Notes on Neotropical Tabanidae with descriptions of new species. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 46(2): 259-280. USA. -
- Fairchild, G. B. 1943. Notes on Tabanidae (Dipt.) from Panama. X. The genus Tabanus Linn., and resume of the Tabanidae of Panama. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 35(4): 441-474. USA. -
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- Fairchild, G. B. 1941. Notes on Tabanidae (Dipt.) from Panama. IV. The genus Leucotabanus Ad. Lutz. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 34(3): 629-638. USA. -
- Walker, F. 1857. Characters of undescribed Diptera in the collection of W. W. Saunders. Trans. Ent. Soc. London (1858-1861). 4: 119-158. London, UK. -
- Bequaert, J. 1931. Tabanidae of the Peninsula of Yucatan, Mexico, with descriptions of new species. J. New York Ent. Soc. 39(4): 533-553. New York, USA. -
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- Kröber, O. 1929. Die Ausbeute der Deutschen Chaco-Expedition. 1925/26. Diptera. Konowia. Xi-XIII. 8: 170-193. Germany. -
- Kröber, O. 1931. Die Tabanus-Gruppen Straba End. und Poecilosoma Lutz (= Hybostraba End. und Hybopelma End.) der neotropischen Region. Zool. Anz. 94: 67-89. -
- Rondani, C. 1863. Diptera exotica revisa et annotata. 99 pp. Modena. -
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- Strand, E. 1928. Miscellanea nomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica. Arch. f. Naturgesch. I-II. 92: 30-75. Germany. -
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- Philip, C. B. 1936. New Tabanidae (horseflies) with notes on certain species of the longus group of Tabanus. Ohio Journal Sci. 36: 149-156. Ohio, USA. -
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- Philip, C. B. 1954. New North American Tabanidae (Diptera). VI. Descriptions of Tabaninae and new distibutional data. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 47(1): 25-33. USA. -
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- Coquillett, D. W. 1909. New Stratiomyid from Texas. Canad. Ent. 41: 212. Canada. -
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- James, M. T. 1939. Notes on my monorgaph of Odontomyia (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 34: 220. USA. -
- James, M. T. 1974. The status of Odontomyia arcuata Loew, O. inaequalis Loew, and their close relatives in western North America (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 47: 222-226. Kansas, USA. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1887. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 31e partie. XXXII. Descriptions de nouvelles especes de Stratiomydi et de Conopsidi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 7: 20-46. France. -
- James, M. T. & Steyskal, G. C. 1952. A review of the Nearctic Stratiomyini (Diptera, Stratiomyidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 45: 385-412. USA. -
- Curran, C. H. 1932. New North American Diptera, with notes on others. Am. Mus. Novit. 456: 1-23. USA. -
- James, M. T. 1942. A review of the Myxosargini (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 18: 49-60. USA. -
- Lindner, E. 1933. Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der sudamerikanischen Stratiomyidenfauna (Dipt.). Rev. Ent. 3: 199- 205. -
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- James, M. T. 1966. A new genus of Pachygasterine Stratiomyidae reared from cactus (Diptera). J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 39: 109-112. Kansas, USA. -
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- James, M. T. 1967. A preliminary review of the Argentine genera and species of Stratiomyidae (Diptera). Part. 2. Pachygasterinae. Acta Zool. Lilloana. 21: 95-121. Argentina. -
- Loew, H. 1847. Chauna genus novum. Stett. Entomol. Z. 8: 370. -
- James, M. T. 1971. A stratiomyid fly (Diptera) from the amber of Chiapas, Mexico. Univ. Calif. Pub. Ent. 63: 71-73. California, USA. -
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- Wulp, van der, F. M. 1885. On exotic Diptera. Notes Leiden Mus. 7: 1-15, 57-86. -
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- Martin, C. H. 1957. A revision of the Leptogastrinae in the United States (Diptera, Asilidae). Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 111: 345-385. USA. -
- Aldrich, J. M. 1923. New genera of two-winged flies of the subfamily Leptograstrinae of the family Aslidae. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 62: 1-6. USA. -
- Scarbrough, A. G. 1997. West Indian species of Beameromyia Martin (Diptera: Asilidae). Insecta Mundi. 11(3-4): 237-246. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1878. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 9e partie. XII. Genus Phumosia, Pyrellia, Cosmina, Ochromyia, et Curtonerva; 9e partie, XIII: Genres Ocyptera (Latr.), Ocypterula, Exogaster (Rond). 9e partie, XIV: Notes et melanges; 10e partie, XV: -
- Martin, C. H. 1971. A review of the genus Leptopteromyia in the western hemisphere (Diptera: Leptogastridae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 47: 264-270. San Francisco, California, USA. -
- Bezzi, M. 1910. Un novo genere di asilidi dell´America Centrale. Boll. Lab. Zool. Portici. 4: 175-197. Italy. -
- Martin, C. H. 1961. A revision of the genus Lissoteles (Diptera, Asilidae). American Museum Novitates. 2027: 1-13. USA. -
- Loew, H. 1847. Ueber die esuropaischen Raubfliegen (Diptera- Asiliea). Linnaea Ent. 2: 384-568, 587-591. -
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- Back, E. A. 1909. The robber-flies of America north of Mexico, belonging to the subfamilies Leptogastrinae and Dasypogoninae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 35: 137-400. USA. -
- Kaletta, D. F. 1976. Algunas especies nuevas de la tribu Stichopogonini de Venezuela (Diptera, Asilidae). Revta fac. agron. Univ. cent. Venez. 9: 65-74. Venezuela. -
- Martin, C. H. 1966. The genus Townsendia Williston in Mexico (Diptera: Asilidae). J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 39(3): 542-551. Kansas, USA. -
- Williston, S. W. 1883. On the North American Asilidae (Dasypogoninae, Laphrinae), with a new genus of Syrphidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 11: 1-35. Philadelphia, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1935. Description of the male of Willistoniella bilineata (Williston) together with a new form (Diptera: Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 11: 31-34. California, USA. -
- Loew, H. 1874. Neue nordamerikanische Dasypogonina. Berlin Ent. Ztschr. 18: 353-377. Berlin, Germany. -
- Cole, F. R. 1916. New species of Asilidae from southern California. Psyche. 23: 63-69. Cambridge, Mass. -
- Cole, F. R. & Wilcox. 1938. The genera Lasiopogon Loew and Alexiopogon Curran in North America (Diptera-Asilidae). Ent. Amer. 18: 1-90. USA. -
- Engel, E. O. 1925-1930. Asilidae. Die Fliegen der Palaearktischen Region. Lindner, E. 24: 1-491. Sttutgart. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1934. The robber flies of Texas (Diptera, Asilidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 27: 74-113. USA. -
- Enderlein, G. 1914. dipterologische studien. XII. Zur kenntnis der Asilidensufamilien Dasypogoninae und Archilaphriinae. Wien. Ent. Ztg. 33: 151-174. Wien. -
- Hermann, F. 1926 (1924-25). Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Asiliden. Der Verwandtschaftskreis des Gen. Holocephala Jännicke. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. 74-75: 140-172. Wien. -
- Pritchard, A. E. 1938. Synopsis of North and Central American Holcocephala with a description of a new species (Diptera: Asilidae). J. New York Ent. Soc. 46: 11-21. New York, USA. -
- Hull, F. M. 1958. New genera of Robber flies (Diptera, Asilidae). Rev. Brasil. Biol. 18(3): 317-324. Brazil. -
- Curran, C. H. 1930. New American Asilidae (Diptera). Am. Mus. Novit. (I). 425: 1-21. USA. -
- Loew, H. 1858. Bericht uber die neueren Erscheinungen auf dem Gebiete der Dipterologie. Berlin Ent. Ztschr. 2: 325-349. Berlin, Germany. -
- Lynch Arribalzaga, F. 1880. Asilides argentinos (cont.). An. Soc. Cient. Argentina. 9: 26-33, 49-57, 224-230, 252-265. Argentina. -
- Hull, F. M. 1963. A new species of Laphystia Loew (Diptera: Asilidae). Ent. News. 74: 202-203. USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1960. Laphystia Loew in North America (Diptera: Asilidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 53: 328-346. USA. -
- Curran, C. H. 1931. New American Asilidae (Diptera). American Museum Novitates. II. 487: 1-25. USA. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1951. Asilid notes (Diptera) with descriptions of thirty-two new species. American Museum Novitates. 1532: 1-36. USA. -
- Hermann, F. 1905. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Asiliden (Dipt.). Berlin Ent. Ztschr. 50: 14-42. Berlin, Germany. -
- Schiner, J. R. 1866. Die Wiedemann´schen Asiliden, interpretiert und in die siether errichteten neuen Gattungen eingereiht. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien. 16: 649-722, 845-848. Wien. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1937. The genus Stenopogon Loew in the United States of America (Asilidae: Diptera). J. New York Ent. Soc. 45: 291-309. New York, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1971. The genera Stenopogon Loew and Scleropogon Loew in Aerica North of Mexico (Diptera: Asilidae). Occas. Pprs California Acad. Sci. 89: 1-134. California, USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1968. Revision of Stenopogon Loew (= Scleropogon Loew) as represented in Mexico (Diptera: Asilidae). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 35(17): 371-400. California, USA. -
- Banks, N. 1920. Descriptions of a few new Diptera. Canad. Ent. 52: 65-67. Canada. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1931. New Asilidae, with a revised key to the genus Stenopogon Loew (Diptera). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 24: 427-435. USA. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1878. Dipteres nouveaux ou peu connus. 10e partie. XV. Tribu des Asilidi. Curies des Laphridae et Dasypogonidae. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 8: 213-240, 401-446. France. -
- Coquillett, D. W. 1904. Diptera. Invertebrata Pacifica. Backer, C. F. vol. 1. -
- Say, T. 1824. Appendix. Part I.- Natural History. 1. Zoology. E. Class Insecta. Major Long´s second expedition. Keating, W. H. 268-378; 2: 1-459; 3: 47-53, 73-74. Philadelphia, USA. -
- Coquillett, D. W. 1898. Synopsis of the asilid genus Ospriocerus. Ent. News. 9: 37. Philadelphia, USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1968. A revision of Ospriocerus (Diptera: Asilidae). Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 35(18): 401-424. California, USA. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1934. Two new Dasypogonine robber flies from the Southwest (Asilidae: Diptera). J. New York Ent. Soc. 42: 225-226. New York, USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1966. New Asilidae from Mexico in the genera Itolia and Sphageus (Diptera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 42: 212-218. USA. -
- Back, E. A. 1904. New species of North American Asilidae. Canad. Ent. 36: 289-293. Canada. -
- Johnson, C. W. 1903. A new genus and four new species of Asilidae. Psyche. 10: 111-114. Cambridge, Mass. -
- Carrera, M. & D´Andretta, M. A. V. 1950. Asilideos do Mexico (Diptera). Papeis Avulsos. 9(12): 159-191. Sao Paulo, Brasil. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1889. Note: On relationships of Archilestes and synonymy: Pseudarchilestes proposed. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 9: clxxxiii. France. -
- Loew, H. 1851. Bemerkunden uber die Familie Asiliden. Progr. K. Realschule Meseritz. 1851: 1-22. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1857. Essai d´une classification générale et synoptique de l´ordre des Insectes Diptères. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 5: 517-564. France. -
- Van Duzee, M. C. 1933. The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932. No. 7. Dolichopodidae and Phoridae. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 21: 65-73. California, USA. -
- Aldrich, J. M. 1901. Dolichopodidae. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Supplement. 1: 1-378. London, UK. -
- Martin, C. H. 1960. A new species of Microstylum (Diptera: Asilidae) from Mexico. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 33: 44-45. Kansas, USA. -
- Cole, F. R. 1924. Notes on the dipterous family Asilidae, with descriptions of new species. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 1: 7-13. California, USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1959. The Holopogon complex of North America, excluding Mexico, with descriptions of a new genus and subgenus (Diptera, Asilidae). American Museum Novitates. 1980: 1-40. USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1967. New Asilidae from Mexico and Arizona (Diptera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 43: 193-201. California, USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1962. The plumose hairs of Heteropogon and two new species from Mexico (Diptera: Asilidae). J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 35: 317-377. Kansas, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1941. New Heteropogon with a key to the species (Diptera, Asilidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 36: 50-56. New York, USA. -
- Coquillett, D. W. 1893. Synopsis of the Asilid genus Anisopogon. Canad. Ent. 25: 20-22. Canada. -
- Pritchard, A. E. 1935. New Asilidae from the southwestern United States (Diptera). Am. Mus. Novit. 813: 1-13. USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1936. Asilidae, new and otherwise, from the southwest, with a key to the genus Stictopogon [sic]. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 12: 201-212; 13 (1937): 37-45. California, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1949. The genus Itolia Wilcox (Diptera: Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 24: 191-193. California, USA. -
- Hull, F. M. 1962. Robber flies of the World. The genera of the family Asilidae. Smiths. Inst. Bull. 224(Pt.1): 1-432; (Pt. 2): 433-907. Washington, D.C., USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1972. The genus Sintoria Hull (Diptera, Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 48: 51-58. California, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1966. New species and keys to the species of Ablautus Loew and Omniablautus Pritchard (Diptera: Asilidae). Canad. Ent. 98: 673-682. Canada. -
- Wilcox, J. 1935. New Asilid flies of the genus Ablautus with a key to the species. Canad. Ent. 67: 222-227. Canada. -
- Wilcox, J. 1964. The genus Metapogon (Diptera: Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 40: 191-200. California, USA. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1890. Diptères nouveaux ou peu connus. 36° partie, XLV: Dolichopodi Essai d´une classification generale. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 10: 261-296. Francia. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1888. Diagnoses d´espèces nouvelles de Dolichopodi. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. 8(Bul.): xxix-xxx. Paris, France. -
- Becker, T. 1922. Dipterologische Studien. Dolichopodidae. B. Nearktische und neotropische Region. Abh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien. 13(1): 1-394. -
- Aldrich, J. M. 1896. On the Diptera of St. Vincent (West Indies). Dolichopodidae. Trans. Ent. Soc. London. In: Williston, S. W. 309-345. London, UK. -
- Parent, O. 1928. Étude sur les Diptères Dolichopodides exotiques conservés au Zoologisches Staatinstitut und Zoologisches Museum de Hambuourg. Mitt. Zool. Staatsinst. u Zool. Mus. Hamburg. 43: 155-198. -
- Parent, O. 1935. Diptères Dolichopodides nouveaux. Encyclopédie Ent., (B, II) Diptera. 8: 59-96. -
- Van Duzee, M. C. 1927. Three new species of Psilopus from North America, and notes on caudatus Wied. (Dip.: Dolichopodidae). Ent. News. 38: 72-76. USA. -
- Loew, H. 1862. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria secunda. Berlin Ent. Ztschr. 6: 185-232. -
- Van Duzee, M. C. 1929. Tropical american Diptera or two-winged flies of the family Dolichopodidae from Central and South America. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 74(10): 1-64. USA. -
- Bigot, J. M. F. 1859. Essai d´une classification générale et synoptique de l´ordre des Insectes Diptères. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. VIIe. 7: 201-231. France. -
- Parent, O. 1929. Etude sur les Dolichopodides exotiques de la collection von Röder. Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles. 49: 169-246. Bruxelles, Belgica. -
- Aldrich, J. M. 1904. A contribution to the study of American Dolichopodidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 30: 269-286. USA. -
- Parent, O. 1934. Especes nouvelles de Dipteres Dolichopodides. Encyclopédie Ent., (B, II) Diptera. 7: 113-140. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1929. New Asilidae from Mexico (Diptera). Psyche. 36(1): 45-47. USA. -
- Fabricius, J. C. 1781. Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma, auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin. 2: 1-517. Hamburg and Kiel. -
- Williston, S. W. 1908. Manual of North American Diptera. 3 Ed., 405 pp. New Haven, Conn., USA. -
- Martin, C. H. 1968. New Mexican Acronyches and Parataracticus (Diptera: Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 44(4): 179-183. California, USA. -
- Papavero, N. 1971. Neotropical Acronyches (Diptera, Asilidae), new or otherwise. Papeis Avulsos. Zool. 23: 145-151. Brazil. -
- James, M. T. 1941. The robber flies of Colorado (Diptera: Asilidae). J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 14: 27-36, 37-53. Kansas, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1972. New species of robber flies of the genera Wilcoxia and Metapogon. Bull. Southern California Academy of Sciences. 71: 43-47. California, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. & Martin, C. H. 1936. The genus Nannocyrtopogon (Diptera, Asilidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 29: 449-459. USA. -
- Wilcox, J. & Martin, C. H. 1936. A review of the genus Cyrtopogon Loew in North America (Diptera- Asilidae). Ent. Amer. 16: 1-94. USA. -
- Artigas, J. N. & Papavero, N. 1988. The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): Keys for identification with an atlas of female spermathecae and other morphological details. II. Key to the genera of Dasypogoninae Macquart, with descriptions of new genera a -
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- Aldrich, J. M. 1893. New genera and species of Psilopinae. Kansas Univ. Quart. 2: 47-50. USA. -
- Loew, H. 1857. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Dipteren. Fünfter Beitrag. Progr. K. Realschule Meseritz. 1857: 1-56. -
- Aldrich, J. M. 1894. New genera and speciesof Dolichopodidea. Kansas Univ. Quart. 2: 151-157. USA. -
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- Wheeler, W. M. 1899. New species of Dolichopodidae from the United States. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2(Zool.): 1-84. USA. -
- Robinson, H. 1964. Two new genera of Dolichopodidae from Mexico (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 66: 245-252. USA. -
- Gerstaecker, A. 1864. Uebersicht der in der Umgegend Berlins bis jetzt beobachteten Dolichopoden. Stett. Entomol. Z. 25: 20-48. -
- Wheeler, W. M. 1890. Descriptions of some new North American Dolichopodidae. Psyche. 5: 337-343, 355-362, 373-379. -
- Lynch Arribalzaga, F. 1879. Asilides argentinos. An. Soc. Cient. Argentina. 8: 145-153. Argentina. -
- Papavero, N. & Bernardi, N. 1973. Studies of Asilidae (Diptera) systematics and evolution. III. Tribe Blepharepiini (Dasypogoninae). Arq. Zool. Sao Paulo. 24: 163-209. Sao Paulo, Brasil. -
- James, M. T. 1933. New Asilidae from Colorado. American Museum Novitates. 596: 1-3. New York, USA. -
- Pritchard, A. E. 1938. The genus Hodophylax James, with a description of basingeri, new species (Diptera, Asilidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 14: 129-131. California, USA. -
- Wilcox, J. 1961. The genus Hodophylax James (Diptera, Asilidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 56: 112-116. USA. -
- Hardy, D. E. 1943. New Therevidae and Asilidae in the Snow Entomological collection. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 16: 24-29. Kansas, USA. -
- Curran, C. H. 1925. Buckellia, a new genus of Asilidae (Diptera). Canad. Ent. 57: 156. Canada. -
- Pritchard, A. E. 1943. Revision of the genus Cophura Osten Sacken (Diptera, Asilidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 36: 281-309. USA. -
- Schaeffer, C. 1916. New Diptera of the family Asilidae with notes on known species. J. New York Ent. Soc. 24: 65-69. New York, USA. -
- Curran, C. H. 1935. New American Asilidae (Diptera). Am. Mus. Novit. (IV) 806: 1-12. USA. -
- Hermann, F. 1921. Dipteren- Ausbeute aus Paraguay: Mydaiden und Asiliden. Arch. f. Naturgesch. 87: 118-122. -
- Williston, S. W. 1889. Notes on Asilidae. Psyche. 5: 255-259. Cambridge, Mass. -
- Bromley, S. W. 1935. The Laphriinae robber flies of North America (Diptera: Asilidae). Ohio State Univ., Abstr. Doctor´s Diss. 14: 125-134. Ohio, USA. -
- Carrera, M. 1952. Sobre a tribo Megapodini (Diptera, Asilidae, Dasypogoninae). Arq. Zool. Sao Paulo. 8: 53-88. Sao Paulo, Brasil. -
- Walker, F. 1855. List of specimens of dipterous insects in the collection of the British Museum. Suppl. 3: 507-775. London, UK. -
- Wulp, van der, F. M. 1870. Opmerkingen omtrent uitlandsche Asiliden. Tijd. v. Ent. 5(13): 207-217. -
- Lynch Arribalzaga, F. 1882. Asilides argentinos (cont.). An. Soc. Cient. Argentina. 13: 186-192. Argentina. -
- Curran, C. H. 1942. American Diptera. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 80: 51-84. New York, USA. -
- Papavero, N. 1975. Studies of Asilidae (Diptera) systematics and evolution. IV. Tribe Megapodini Carrera (Dasypogoninae), with a review of the neotropical species. Arq. Zool. Sao Paulo. 26: 191-318. Sao Paulo, Brasil. -
- Mik, J. 1878. Dipterologische Untersuchungen. Akad. Gymnasium, Jahrehber. 1878: 1-24. Wien. -
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