Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database
Cofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service (2023). Miscellaneous records held on the Cofnod database. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/hcgqsi accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-14.Description
This dataset includes all records held on the Cofnod database, with some exceptions. Records of INNS are supplied in a separate dataset. Cofnod only supplies records where the data supplier has given us specific permission to do so or has been advised that this will happen and has not objected. We have also excluded the following records: any which we believe to be already held on the NBN Atlas; any submitted to us by Biological Records Centre or a National Scheme/Society/Conservation organisation; and any owned by Natural Resources Wales (some of which are submitted by Cofnod within three separate datasets). This dataset includes Sensitive species records (as described in our Data Sourcing, Management and Use policy available from the Cofnod website), however they are not sensitive at the resolution supplied and as their site names and any attached comments have been removed.
Records will have been collected for many different reasons, but have been collated by Cofnod as part of our aim to bring together species records across North Wales.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
All records have been screened to ensure that they have valid dates, species names and grid references. Depending on the source of the record, and whether or not it fails any of the rule sets included within the NBN Record Cleaner, it may have been subject to systematic verification by the relevant local expert. This dataset contains both Accepted and Unconfirmed - Not reviewed records, labelled accordingly, with these Verification Statuses having been translated from Cofnod’s more detailed system of Dataset Categorisation and Record Verification Levels. Records identified by Verifiers as 'Not Accepted' or 'Unconfirmed - Plausible' have been excluded. Further details are given within relevant Cofnod policies. Data should be checked against original sources before use in contentious circumstances. Please contact Cofnod quoting the relevant RecordKey if more information is required about a particular record.Method steps
- Records originate from a wide variety of different recorders and data suppliers, and have been submitted in various different electronic or paper formats or entered directly onto the Cofnod Online Recording System.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
originatorCofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service
metadata author
Cofnod – North Wales Environmental Information Service
NBN Atlas
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn
email: admin@nbnatlas.org
Aisling May
administrative point of contact
email: record@cofnod.org.uk