CSIRO - Great Barrier Reef seabed biodiversity study 2003-2006
Pitcher, C.R., Doherty, P., Arnold, P., Hooper, J., Gribble, N., Bartlett, C., Browne, M., Campbell, N., Cannard, T., Cappo, M., Carini, G., Chalmers, S., Cheers, S., Chetwynd, D., Colefax, A., Coles, R., Cook, S., Davie, P., De'ath, G., Devereux, D., Done, B., Donovan, T., Ehrke, B., Ellis, N., Ericson, G., Fellegara, I., Forcey, K., Furey, M., Gledhill, D., Good, N., Gordon, S., Haywood, M., Hendriks, P., Jacobsen, I., Johnson, J., Jones, M., Kinninmoth, S., Kistle, S., Last, P., Leite, A., Marks, S., McLeod, I., Oczkowicz, S., Robinson, M., Rose, C., Seabright, D., Sheils, J., Sherlock, M., Skelton, P., Smith, D., Smith, G., Speare, P., Stowar, M., Strickland, C., Van der Geest, C., Venables, W., Walsh, C., Wassenberg, T., Welna, A., Yearsley, G. (2007). Seabed Biodiversity on the Continental Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. AIMS/CSIRO/QM/QDPI Final Report to CRC Reef Research. 320 pp. ISBN 978-1-921232-87-9 http://www.frdc.com.au/Archived-Reports/FRDC Projects/2003-021-DLD.pdf https://doi.org/10.15468/25cbe3 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-12.Description
The benthic invertebrate, plant, mobile invertebrate and fish biodiversity of the 200,000 km2 area of the Great Barrier Reef shelf seabed was sampled by a 200 m tow of a 1.5 m epibenthic sled at 1191 sites, and a 1 km tow of a 8 fthm otter trawl (single high-flying Florida Flyer) at 458 sites, representing a full range of known physical environments, during six 1-month-long voyages on the AIMS vessel Lady Basten and four 1-month-long voyages on the QDPIF vessel Gwendoline May, over the period September 2003-March 2006. More than 7,000 species/species-equivalent OTUs (operational taxonomic units) were identified. The dataset comprises 121,986 site-by-species records, of which approximately 38,000 are identified at least to species level and this subset is supplied to OBIS, the Ocean Biodiversity Information System. The full dataset is maintained at CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre in Australia. The full report document is available here: http://www.frdc.com.au/Archived-Reports/FRDC Projects/2003-021-DLD.pdf
For additional information refer to the following CSIRO Marlin metadata records (https://marlin.csiro.au). Seabed Biodiversity on the Continental Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Prawn Trawl) https://marlin.csiro.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/577b2025-cf45-4574-bf5c-a11d1fd5964c Seabed Biodiversity on the Continental Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Epibenthic Sled) https://marlin.csiro.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/8453621c-c978-4d19-a5a8-1beee037dbe5 Seabed Biodiversity on the Continental Shelf of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Towed Video) https://marlin.csiro.au/geonetwork/srv/eng/catalog.search#/metadata/fb9e778d-fb5f-4d88-b4b4-a4826c49fa93
Additional info
marine, harvested by OBISTaxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Roland Pitcheroriginator
position: Scientist
Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 2583
Telephone: +61 7 3826 7250
email: Roland.Pitcher@csiro.au
metadata author
position: Data Officer
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
GPO Box 1538
Telephone: +61 3 9545 2176
email: OBISAU@csiro.au
homepage: https://research.csiro.au/ncmi-idc/
OBIS Australia Node manager
position: OBIS Australia Data Manager
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
GPO Box 1538
Telephone: +61 3 6232 5062
email: OBISAU@csiro.au
homepage: http://www.obis.org.au
administrative point of contact
position: Data Officer
CSIRO National Collections and Marine Infrastructure Data Centre
GPO Box 1538
Telephone: +61 3 9545 2176
email: OBISAU@csiro.au
homepage: https://research.csiro.au/ncmi-idc/