Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal
Loureiro A, Nuno F D A, Carretero M, Paulo O, Figueira R (2021). Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal. ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-09.Description
This dataset is based on the Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles of Portugal published by ICNF in 2008. The publication of this document is related to the implementation of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Nature and Biodiversity, whose 5th strategic option concerns development throughout the national territory of specific actions for the conservation of species and habitats, defining as one of the action directives the elaboration of several distribution atlases. The Atlas shows, according to the record of observations made up to the date of its publication, the distribution, in Portugal, of amphibians and reptiles that are autochthonous in the Portuguese territory, and also exotic species existing in the wild: 17 species of amphibians; 30 species of terrestrial reptiles; and 5 species of sea turtles. The original publication presents, for each of the species, a sheet with the characterization of the species and notes on the main threats and measures for its conservation.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The geographic area considered for the original study was Portugal Mainland. The species included are native species of amphibians and reptiles for the country, and exotic species existing in the wild.Sampling
Data collection was based on previous atlas for the region, scientific publications, unpublished field data by the atlas authors and newly collected field data for the atlas project. In the case of newly collected data, coordinates and date are automatically collected from GPS records. All data was inserted in a specific database build for the project.Quality Control
All initial data was inserted in a specific relational database built specifically for the project, which implemented several quality control methods. In the preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication, data consistency was verified using cluster algorithms using OpenRefine.Method steps
- Aggregation of original data from several sources (see above) into a purpose specific relational database built for the project. For details, see Loureiro et al (2008)
- Preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication used as source the geographic layer in shape file format. Although the data layer was a polygon layer with a 10 km grid, the attribute table contained, for the field records, original GPS coordinates with higher precision. In that case, the coordinates with higher spatial precision were considered. The following steps were performed: - conversion of the spatial layer to geographic coordinates using WGS84 as reference system; - determine centroids of grid polygons. If the record contains coordinates in the database with higher precision, these were kept; - determine WKT for the polygons for which centroids were considered; - export to csv and reinterpret attributes matching to DwC standard terms.
Taxonomic Coverages
All native amphibians and reptiles in Portuguese territory, and also exotic species existing in the wild: 17 species of amphibians; 30 species of terrestrial reptiles; and 5 species of sea turtles
Animaliarank: kingdom
Chordatarank: phylum
Amphibiarank: class
Reptiliarank: class
Geographic Coverages
Portugal Mainland
Bibliographic Citations
- Loureiro, A. Ferrand de Almeida,N. Carretero, M.A. e Paulo, O.S. (eds.) (2008) Atlas dos Anfíbios e Répteis de Portugal. 1ª edição, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e da Biodiversidade, Lisboa, 257 pp. -
Armando Loureirooriginator
Ferrand de Almeida Nuno
position: Researcher
Miguel Carretero
Octávio Paulo
Rui Figueira
metadata author
Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Teresa Pimenta
administrative point of contact
position: Information System Senior Officer
Mário Reis
administrative point of contact
position: Conservation and Monitoring Senior Officer