Collembola in clear cutting areas of Arkhangelsk region: spatial and temporal series of the data
Kuznetsova N A, Klyueva N M (2022). Collembola in clear cutting areas of Arkhangelsk region: spatial and temporal series of the data. Version 1.10. Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPSU).. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-01-25.Description
Effect of clear-cuttings on the diversity of springtails, small soil arthropods involved in the destruction of organic residues in the soil was investigated. The study was carried out in July of 1970-1971 and 1984 in Arkhangelsk region, European part of Russia. Sampling plots were in birch forests of different ages with spruce underbrush and in old spruce forest. In 1970, cores were taken at sites where the forest was restored 15, 30 and 80 years after clear cuttings, as well as in a 180-year old spruce forest. In 1984, sampling was repeated in two plots. Data on 1468 records on 18788 specimens of 47 species (7 series of sampling, 720 soil cores) are presented.
Изучали влияние вырубок на разнообразие ногохвосток - мелких почвенных членистоногих, участвующих в деструкции органических остатков в почве. Работу проводили в июле 1970 и 1984 гг. в окрестностях Архангельска, Европейская часть России. Пробные площади были в березовых лесах разного возраста с подлеском из ели, а также в старом ельнике. Образцы собирали на участках, где лес восстанавливался 15, 30 и 80 лет после вырубки, а также в 180-летнем еловом лесу в 1970 г. На двух участках учеты были повторены в 1984 г. Представлены данные по 1468 записям о 18788 экземплярах 47 видов (7 серий учетов, 211 почвенных образцов).
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Samplings were taken in summer of 1970-1971 and were repeated in 1984. In 1970, cores were taken at sites where the forest was restored 15, 30 and 80 years after clear cuttings, as well as in a 180-year old spruce forest. In 1984, cores were taken in 10-year clear cutting area and repeated in sites which were 15 and 30 years old in 1970, and became 29 and 44 years old in 1984, respectively. Data on 1468 specimens of 47 species (7 series of records, 211 soil samples). The material was collected by Nelly Klyuyeva and was identified by Natalia Kuznetsova.Sampling
A quadrangular frame of 5х5 cm was used for sampling in all sites. Each core was subdivided into 3 layers: 1) litter (L-layer) with ground cover, 2) fermentative layer (F) and 3) humus layer (H) with 2 см of mineral soil. Cores were placed along lines between trees: near tree trunks (cores with numbers 1,5,6,10), under middle of tree crowns (numbers 2,4,7,9), in a gap between trees (numbers 3,8). 10 cores were taken when sampling. A distance between 2 lines of cores was about 10 m.Quality Control
Keys by Fjellberg (1980, 1998, 2007), Potapov (2002) and particular taxonomic articles, advices from the expert on the taxonomy of springtails Mikhail Potapov.Method steps
- Sampling sites were chosen to estimate an effect of clear cutting on soil fauna using Collembola as an example. Sites of forests of different age after clear cutting were studied. A chronosequence method (Johnson, Miyanishi, 2008) was supplemented with material taken at the same sites 14 years after the first sampling. Thus, the real changes in Collembola communities can be estimated. Design of sampling was based on regular arrangement which cover different forest microsites. Regular approach to sampling is common in soil zoology as much as the random sampling (Petersen, Luxton, 1982). Collembola were extracted into 70% alcohol using Tullgren funnels, the material was mounted on slides in Phoera liquid according to a standard procedure (Гиляров, 1975; Потапов, Кузнецова, 2011). Springtails were identified to species level using a microscope and taxonomic keys (Fjellberg, 1980). Later the determinations were corrected using modern keys (Fjellberg, 1998, 2007, Potapov, 2002) and some taxonomic papers. Data on species were digitized, standardized, the quality of data was checked and errors were corrected, and then published.
Taxonomic Coverages
Arthropodarank: phylum
Collembolarank: order
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Johnson E., Miyanishi K. Testing the assumptions of chronosequences in succession. Ecology Letters, 2008. 11 (5): 419–431. - doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01173
- Fjellberg A. Identification keys to Norwegian Collembola. Geography. Norsk Entomologisk Forening, As, Norway 1980. P.1-152. -
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- Petersen H., Luxton M. A comparative analysis of soil fauna populations and their role in decomposition processes. Oikos, 1982. 39: 287-388. -
- Potapov M. Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola. V.3. Isotomidae. Abhandlungen und Berichte der Naturkundemuseum Gorlitz, 2002. S. 1-603. -
- Потапов М.Б., Кузнецова Н.А. Методы исследования сообществ микроартропод: пособие для студентов и аспирантов. М.: Т-во научных изданий КМК. 2011. C. 1-77. -
- Kuznetsova N, Ivanova N (2020) Diversity of Collembola under various types of anthropogenic load on ecosystems of European part of Russia. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e58951. -
Natalia A. Kuznetsovaoriginator
position: Professor
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3
Telephone: +7916 388 98 41
Nellie M. Klyueva
position: Senior Lecturer
M.V. Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University
Severnaya Dvina Emb. 17
Natalia A. Kuznetsova
metadata author
position: Professor
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3
Telephone: +7916 388 98 41
Natalya Ivanova
position: Reseacher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str.
Moscow Region
Natalia A. Kuznetsova
administrative point of contact
position: Professor
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3
Telephone: +7916 388 98 41