Stone-curlew Annual Surveys
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (2023). Stone-curlew Annual Surveys. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-06.Description
The population of stone-curlew Burhinus oedicnemus in the UK declined by 85% between 1940 and 1985, when there were only 150-160 pairs. By 2008, there were over 340 breeding pairs. This dataset documents the RSPB Recovery Projects monitoring of the UK stone-curlew population in Central Southern England and East Anglia. Specially created nesting plots and areas with suitable habitat, both semi-natural and arable are surveyed throughout the breeding season (April - October). Locations of all breeding & non-breeding pairs & singletons were recorded.
The dataset was funded by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Natural England.
The aim of the surveys is to annually count the total number of breeding stone-curlew in Britain, in order to monitor the recovery of the species.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
These data have been gathered by trained field-workers and the data are of a high quality. These data have been mapped and checked for sensitivities and typographical/geographical errors.Method steps
The breeding range and distribution of stone-curlew are restricted and all known sites and potential sites are monitored annually. Site visits were made between March and September, and locations of all breeding & non-breeding pairs, singletons, and their nest sites were recorded.
In order to verify records and validate the dataset, the data have been mapped and thoroughly checked. Geographical checks have included comparing the distribution with that shown in the published paper and ensuring that records with the same area name are located close to each other.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Full resolution is either 10 m or 100 m.
Bibliographic Citations
originatorRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds
metadata author
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
NBN Atlas
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