WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, Threatened Flora Seed Centre
Western Australia, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (2019). WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, Threatened Flora Seed Centre. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/xupzxg accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-06.Description
Records from the specimens of the WA DPaW Threatened Flora Seed Centre. The Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife's Threatened Flora Seed Centre was established in 1992 to safeguard genetically representative seed collections of the State's conservation-listed flora. This insurance policy complements other strategies designed to protect Western Australia's floral diversity, including use of these seeds in recovery actions such as threatened species reintroduction. The Centre is principally involved in seed collection and long-term storage, including research into germination biology, and seed quality, seed longevity and seed ecology. The Centre is located in the department's Science Division, Flora Conservation and Herbarium Program in Perth which is responsible for a wide range of complementary plant conservation research including: - Plant reintroduction - Genetic studies into seed sourcing, sampling and the viability of plant populations - Threat susceptibility studies, including disease, salinity and climate change - Taxonomy Since 1992 the Centre has successfully stored seeds from an estimated 3638 collections. These collections comprise 77 per cent of Australia's nationally threatened species (EPBC Act), 78 per cent of WA's Declared Rare Flora and 22 per cent of WA's Priority flora, including seed from a wide range of species associated with Threatened Ecological Communities.Purpose
Sampling Description
Method steps
Taxonomic Coverages
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Bibliographic Citations
originatorAustralian Seedbank Partnership
metadata author
Australian Seedbank Partnership
Atlas of Living Australia
CSIRO Ecosystems Services
email: info@ala.org.au
WA Department of Parks and Wildlife, Threatened Flora Seed Centre
Anne Cochrane
administrative point of contact
position: Data Custodian and Facility Manager
Telephone: 08 92199062
email: Anne.Cochrane@dec.wa.gov.au