Inventario multitaxonómico del ANP Médanos de Samalayuca
Gatica Colima A B, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Inventario multitaxonómico del ANP Médanos de Samalayuca. Version 1.10. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-12.Description
Médanos de Samalayuca es un ANP decretada en 2009, caracterizado por un paisaje de dunas tipo Aklé y atributos característicos del desierto Chihuahuense. Uno de los objetivos específicos del Programa de Manejo es contar con la información sistematizada, disponible y actualizada, para fortalecer el cúmulo de conocimientos sobre el medio físico, la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas. Con un esfuerzo multi-institucional y atendiendo diferentes grupos taxonómicos se espera documentar la flora y fauna de esta región árida. Por ello, la presente propuesta tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento de la riqueza biológica del ANP, incluyendo el estudio de las plantas, invertebrados acuáticos, invertebrados terrestres y vertebrados. Para ello se realizará trabajo de campo en cinco zonas de muestreo de manera itinerante cubriendo tres temporadas climáticas (secas, húmedas y posthúmedas) de 2017. Los ejemplares se preservarán, se determinarán a nivel de especie, se depositarán en colecciones científicas de seis instituciones. Se generarán proyectos en el portal AverAves y Naturalista a través de 300 fotografías e información asociada. Como resultado se generará información biológica y georeferenciada de 2,700 ejemplares en BIÓTICA v. 5. Se obtendrá información de campo y bibliográfica de tres especies de serpientes de la región para la evaluación a través del MER. La información será útil para el SNIB de CONABIO, la ANP Médanos de Samalayuca, los pobladores de la ANP, público en general y los investigadores.
Reino: 2 Filo: 5 Clase: 9 Orden: 41 Familia: 116 Género: 257 Subgénero: 4 Especie: 304 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 6
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Rotiferarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Chordatarank: phylum
Bryophytarank: phylum
Eurotatoriarank: class
Branchiopodarank: class
Arachnidarank: class
Insectarank: class
Equisetopsidarank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Reptiliarank: class
Amphibiarank: class
Bryopsidarank: class
Ploimarank: order
Diplostracarank: order
Flosculariacearank: order
Araneaerank: order
Hymenopterarank: order
Ephedralesrank: order
Trombidiformesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Lagomorpharank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Squamatarank: order
Cupressalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Carnivorarank: order
Rodentiarank: order
Artiodactylarank: order
Orthopterarank: order
Anurarank: order
Pottialesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Coleopterarank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Chiropterarank: order
Ixodidarank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Testudinesrank: order
Bryalesrank: order
Cucurbitalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Grimmialesrank: order
Zygophyllalesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Fagalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Commelinalesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Hypnalesrank: order
Brachionidaerank: family
Chydoridaerank: family
Hexarthridaerank: family
Lepadellidaerank: family
Testudinellidaerank: family
Lecanidaerank: family
Trochosphaeridaerank: family
Pholcidaerank: family
Apidaerank: family
Ephedraceaerank: family
Caeculidaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Thomisidaerank: family
Sicariidaerank: family
Halictidaerank: family
Leporidaerank: family
Formicidaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Phrynosomatidaerank: family
Theraphosidaerank: family
Cupressaceaerank: family
Cactaceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Crotaphytidaerank: family
Mephitidaerank: family
Salticidaerank: family
Heteromyidaerank: family
Gnaphosidaerank: family
Theridiidaerank: family
Trombiculidaerank: family
Cervidaerank: family
Felidaerank: family
Acrididaerank: family
Philodromidaerank: family
Erythraeidaerank: family
Lycosidaerank: family
Viperidaerank: family
Scaphiopodidaerank: family
Canidaerank: family
Pottiaceaerank: family
Mustelidaerank: family
Tayassuidaerank: family
Bufonidaerank: family
Gryllidaerank: family
Oxyopidaerank: family
Araneidaerank: family
Mysmenidaerank: family
Boraginaceaerank: family
Diguetidaerank: family
Tenebrionidaerank: family
Teiidaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Tettigoniidaerank: family
Molossidaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Andrenidaerank: family
Oonopidaerank: family
Romaleidaerank: family
Argasidaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Dictynidaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Sciuridaerank: family
Emydidaerank: family
Tetranychidaerank: family
Bryaceaerank: family
Cucurbitaceaerank: family
Vespidaerank: family
Colletidaerank: family
Dipsadidaerank: family
Agelenidaerank: family
Miturgidaerank: family
Asparagaceaerank: family
Geomyidaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Uloboridaerank: family
Ptychomitriaceaerank: family
Procyonidaerank: family
Megachilidaerank: family
Nesticidaerank: family
Linaceaerank: family
Martyniaceaerank: family
Onagraceaerank: family
Cricetidaerank: family
Fagaceaerank: family
Colubridaerank: family
Orobanchaceaerank: family
Oleaceaerank: family
Filistatidaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Phyllanthaceaerank: family
Vespertilionidaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Fouquieriaceaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Trombidiidaerank: family
Oecobiidaerank: family
Leeuwenhoekiidaerank: family
Cleomaceaerank: family
Mimetidaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Sparassidaerank: family
Koeberliniaceaerank: family
Bignoniaceaerank: family
Smarididaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Commelinaceaerank: family
Linyphiidaerank: family
Salicaceaerank: family
Polemoniaceaerank: family
Tetragnathidaerank: family
Segestriidaerank: family
Malpighiaceaerank: family
Mutillidaerank: family
Fabroniaceaerank: family
Corinnidaerank: family
Brachionusrank: genus
Chydorusrank: genus
Hexarthrarank: genus
Colurellarank: genus
Testudinellarank: genus
Lecanerank: genus
Platyiasrank: genus
Filiniarank: genus
Lepadellarank: genus
Plationusrank: genus
Ephedrarank: genus
Caeculusrank: genus
Apisrank: genus
Sporobolusrank: genus
Loxoscelesrank: genus
Lepusrank: genus
Psilostropherank: genus
Phrynosomarank: genus
Arundorank: genus
Aphonopelmarank: genus
Solenopsisrank: genus
Enneapogonrank: genus
Flaveriarank: genus
Juniperusrank: genus
Erioneuronrank: genus
Echinocactusrank: genus
Sylvilagusrank: genus
Machaerantherarank: genus
Peteriarank: genus
Astragalusrank: genus
Crotaphytusrank: genus
Mephitisrank: genus
Habronattusrank: genus
Chaetodipusrank: genus
Drassyllusrank: genus
Steatodarank: genus
Acomatacarusrank: genus
Psilochorusrank: genus
Odocoileusrank: genus
Paramarpissarank: genus
Callilepisrank: genus
Lynxrank: genus
Acaciarank: genus
Melanoplusrank: genus
Prosopisrank: genus
Spilogalerank: genus
Pardosarank: genus
Stephanomeriarank: genus
Crotalusrank: genus
Scaphiopusrank: genus
Metacyrbarank: genus
Canisrank: genus
Pseudocrossidiumrank: genus
Aristidarank: genus
Taxidearank: genus
Dicotylesrank: genus
Spearank: genus
Metaphidippusrank: genus
Anaxyrusrank: genus
Dipodomysrank: genus
Gryllusrank: genus
Opuntiarank: genus
Hesperotettixrank: genus
Peucetiarank: genus
Dieteriarank: genus
Chondrosumrank: genus
Schizocosarank: genus
Metepeirarank: genus
Trimerotropisrank: genus
Echinocereusrank: genus
Neolarrarank: genus
Diguetiarank: genus
Pomariarank: genus
Utarank: genus
Weissiarank: genus
Aspidoscelisrank: genus
Pediodectesrank: genus
Mammillariarank: genus
Tadaridarank: genus
Latrodectusrank: genus
Viguierarank: genus
Mermiriarank: genus
Mecaphesarank: genus
Setariarank: genus
Paraphanolophusrank: genus
Camponotusrank: genus
Taeniopodarank: genus
Pogonomyrmexrank: genus
Hoffmannseggiarank: genus
Crossidiumrank: genus
Agapostemonrank: genus
Trixisrank: genus
Baileyarank: genus
Misumenopsrank: genus
Xerospermophilusrank: genus
Phaseolusrank: genus
Tortularank: genus
Brickelliarank: genus
Terrapenerank: genus
Eborank: genus
Otospermophilusrank: genus
Paraplonobiarank: genus
Bryumrank: genus
Helianthusrank: genus
Titaneborank: genus
Hylaeusrank: genus
Hypsiglenarank: genus
Agelenopsisrank: genus
Syspirarank: genus
Xysticusrank: genus
Escobariarank: genus
Asagenarank: genus
Lycosarank: genus
Boutelouarank: genus
Dalearank: genus
Yuccarank: genus
Geomysrank: genus
Anconiarank: genus
Pumarank: genus
Emblynarank: genus
Hymenopappusrank: genus
Holbrookiarank: genus
Hognarank: genus
Phidippusrank: genus
Artemisiarank: genus
Sassacusrank: genus
Oxyopesrank: genus
Sennarank: genus
Cylindropuntiarank: genus
Crematogasterrank: genus
Urochloarank: genus
Jaffueliobryumrank: genus
Bassariscusrank: genus
Heteropogonrank: genus
Didymodonrank: genus
Perditarank: genus
Philodromusrank: genus
Coryphantharank: genus
Seneciorank: genus
Gutierreziarank: genus
Conepatusrank: genus
Rhysodromusrank: genus
Psorothamnusrank: genus
Digitariarank: genus
Verbesinarank: genus
Linumrank: genus
Baccharisrank: genus
Proboscidearank: genus
Neotomarank: genus
Bahiarank: genus
Synagelesrank: genus
Muhlenbergiarank: genus
Apollophanesrank: genus
Palafoxiarank: genus
Quercusrank: genus
Pectisrank: genus
Erigeronrank: genus
Vulpesrank: genus
Porophyllumrank: genus
Onychomysrank: genus
Melampodiumrank: genus
Pituophisrank: genus
Peromyscusrank: genus
Gleditsiarank: genus
Procyonrank: genus
Dendryphantesrank: genus
Ancylandrenarank: genus
Mimosarank: genus
Pseudognaphaliumrank: genus
Polypogonrank: genus
Cenchrusrank: genus
Hilariarank: genus
Kukulcaniarank: genus
Sorghumrank: genus
Acaciellarank: genus
Phyllanthusrank: genus
Pterygoneurumrank: genus
Urocyonrank: genus
Antrozousrank: genus
Fouquieriarank: genus
Euryopisrank: genus
Sceloporusrank: genus
Epithelantharank: genus
Centrisrank: genus
Perognathusrank: genus
Oecobiusrank: genus
Urosaurusrank: genus
Zelotesrank: genus
Pappophorumrank: genus
Tridensrank: genus
Leptochloarank: genus
Jefearank: genus
Wislizeniarank: genus
Menodorarank: genus
Physocyclusrank: genus
Paspalumrank: genus
Aloinarank: genus
Macroptiliumrank: genus
Xanthiumrank: genus
Andropogonrank: genus
Partheniumrank: genus
Mimetusrank: genus
Lampropeltisrank: genus
Ferocactusrank: genus
Leptusrank: genus
Eragrostisrank: genus
Koeberliniarank: genus
Gambeliarank: genus
Thymophyllarank: genus
Dasylirionrank: genus
Echinochloarank: genus
Eriochloarank: genus
Tecomarank: genus
Filistatoidesrank: genus
Fessoniarank: genus
Orobancherank: genus
Nodocionrank: genus
Argioperank: genus
Geolycosarank: genus
Myrmecocystusrank: genus
Frontinellarank: genus
Sanvitaliarank: genus
Ipomopsisrank: genus
Dictynarank: genus
Dactylotumrank: genus
Acourtiarank: genus
Camptocosarank: genus
Dieunomiarank: genus
Gaillardiarank: genus
Rhinocheilusrank: genus
Lepidiumrank: genus
Hamataliwarank: genus
Arizonarank: genus
Nicolletiarank: genus
Tepoztlanarank: genus
Chilopsisrank: genus
Herpyllusrank: genus
Commelinarank: genus
Aculepeirarank: genus
Tropidolophusrank: genus
Coluberrank: genus
Ariadnarank: genus
Gymnospermarank: genus
Thelespermarank: genus
Micariarank: genus
Syntrichiarank: genus
Bootettixrank: genus
Colletesrank: genus
Chlorisrank: genus
Modisimusrank: genus
Chrysothamnusrank: genus
Fabroniarank: genus
Castianeirarank: genus
Thanatusrank: genus
Cynodonrank: genus
Messorrank: genus
Glandulicactusrank: genus
Lepadellarank: subgenus
Gryllusrank: subgenus
Quercusrank: subgenus
Titaneborank: subgenus
Brachionus calycifloruscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus angulariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Chydorus brevilabrisrank: species
Hexarthra fennicacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Colurella obtusacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Testudinella patinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane papuanacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Platyias quadricorniscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Filinia pejlericommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane hamatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane cornutacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Brachionus quadridentatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) patellacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Plationus patuluscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane lateralisrank: species
Apis melliferacommon name: Honey bee, abeja, abeja de la miel, Bees, aha cab, abeja mielera, abeja prieta, enjambre, abeja europea, miel de abeja, abeja, abeja de la miel, abeja europea, abeja mielera, abeja prieta, aha cab (Maya), enjambre, miel de abeja rank: species
Sporobolus contractuscommon name: zacate alcalino espigado, zacate compacto, zacate alcalino espigado, zacate compacto rank: species
Loxosceles apachearank: species
Lepus callotiscommon name: liebre torda, white-sided Jackrabbit, liebre, liebre, liebre de costados blancos, liebre torda rank: species
Psilostrophe tagetinarank: species
Phrynosoma cornutumcommon name: camaleón, camaleón Texano, lagartija cornuda texana, texas hornet lizard, camaleón, camaleón Texano, lagartija cornuda texana rank: species
Arundo donaxcommon name: carricillo, junco, acatl, baácam, bacá, bacaca, baká, caña, caña de castilla, cañaveral, carrizo, daxó, gubaguih, gubaguihoguere, gueere, haca, háca-te, halache, halal, jara, ja-sa, ka'tit, ocatl, pacab, patamu, shití, tarro, tek'halal, xitji, canuto, pakaab, caña hueca, carrizo de la selva, tekhalal, carrizillo, carrizo de sol, carrizo rayado, jalal, acatl (Náhuatl), bacaca (Tarahumara), bacá (Tarahumara), baká (Tarahumara), baácam (Mayo), carricillo, carrizillo, carrizo, carrizo de la selva, carrizo de sol, carrizo rayado, caña, caña de castilla, caña hueca, cañaveral, daxó (Popoloca), gueere (Zapoteco), haca (Huichol), háca-te (Huichol), ja-sa (Chontal de Oaxaca), jalal (Maya), jara (Cora), junco, ka'tit (Totonaco), ocatl (Náhuatl), pacab (Huasteco), patamu (Tarasco), shití (Otomí), tarro, tek'halal (Maya), xitji (Mazahua) rank: species
Aphonopelma marxirank: species
Solenopsis xylonirank: species
Enneapogon desvauxiicommon name: agrillo, pasto, zacate cola de zorra, zacate ladera, agrillo, pasto, zacate cola de zorra, zacate ladera rank: species
Flaveria trinerviacommon name: sajum, centella, centella, contrayerba, sajum (Maya) rank: species
Juniperus arizonicacommon name: enebro rank: species
Erioneuron pulchellumcommon name: zacate borrego, zacate borreguero, zacate pelillo, zacate borrego, zacate borreguero, zacate pelillo rank: species
Echinocactus parryicommon name: lago guzman barrel cactus, biznaga tonel del lago guzmán, biznaga tonel, barrilito, biznaga tonel del lago guzmán rank: species
Sylvilagus auduboniicommon name: conejo, conejo del desierto, desert cottontail, rowi, conejo, conejo del desierto, rowi (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Machaeranthera pinnatifidacommon name: árnica, hierba de la víbora, hierba del burro, árnica rank: species
Peteria glandulosarank: species
Crotaphytus collariscommon name: cachorón, collared lizard, common collared lizard, eastern collared lizard, lagartija, lagartija de collar común, cabezona, cachorón de collar, lagartija de collar del altiplano, cabezona, cachorón, cachorón de collar, lagartija, lagartija de collar común, lagartija de collar del altiplano rank: species
Habronattus conjunctusrank: species
Drassyllus mumairank: species
Steatoda variatarank: species
Acomatacarus arizonensisrank: species
Psilochorus imitatusrank: species
Odocoileus hemionuscommon name: venado bura, mule deer, mazatl, mazatl (Yuto-nahua), venado bura rank: species
Paramarpissa albopilosarank: species
Lynx rufuscommon name: lince, lince americano, bobcat, gato montés, ruchí, gato montés, lince, lince americano, lince rojo, ruchí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Acacia constrictacommon name: vara prieta, acacia, largoncillo, gigantillo, huizache, chaparro prieto, huajillo, guajillo, palo blanco, huizachillo, largorcillo, acacia, chaparro prieto, gigantillo, guajillo, huajillo, huizache, huizachilla, huizachillo, largoncillo, mezquitillo, palo blanco, shaminí (Otomí), vara prieta rank: species
Spilogale graciliscommon name: zorrillo manchado, Western spotted skunk, zorrillo manchado, zorrillo manchado del oeste rank: species
Pardosa surarank: species
Stephanomeria pauciflorarank: species
Crotalus viridiscommon name: cascabel occidental, prairie rattlesnake, víbora cascabel occidental, víbora de cascabel, western rattlesnake, cascabel de pradera, serpiente de cascabel de la pradera, víbora de cascabel de pradera, cascabel de pradera, cascabel occidental, serpiente de cascabel de la pradera, víbora cascabel occidental, víbora de cascabel, víbora de cascabel de pradera rank: species
Scaphiopus couchiicommon name: sapo de espuelas de Conch, Couch's spadefoot, sapo cavador, sapo de espuela, cavador, cavador, sapo cavador, sapo de espuela, sapo de espuelas de Conch rank: species
Metacyrba taeniolarank: species
Canis latranscommon name: coyote, coyotl, brush wolf, coyote, coyotl (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Pseudocrossidium aureumcommon name: musgo rank: species
Aristida adscensioniscommon name: pasto, tres barbas, zacate cola de zorra, zacate de agua, zacate de agua tres barbas, pasto, tres barbas, zacate cola de zorra, zacate de agua, zacate de agua tres barbas rank: species
Taxidea taxuscommon name: tlalcoyote, American badger, tejón, North American badger, tejón, tlalcoyote rank: species
Dicotyles angulatuscommon name: collard peccary, jabalina, jabalí de collar, pecarí de collar, pecarí de collar norteño rank: species
Anaxyrus cognatuscommon name: sapo de las grandes planicies, great plains toad, sapo, sapo de espuelas, sapo de la gran planicie, sapo, sapo de espuelas, sapo de la gran planicie, sapo de las grandes planicies rank: species
Dipodomys ordiicommon name: rata canguro común, Ord's kangaroo rat, rata canguro, rata canguro, rata canguro común rank: species
Lepus californicuscommon name: liebre cola negra, black-tailed jackrabbit, ruyé, ruwé, liebre cola negra, liebre de cola negra, ruwé (Yuto-nahua), ruyé (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Opuntia macrocentracommon name: purple prickly pear, nopal violaceo, nopal, duraznilla, gisoki (Yuto-nahua), heel (Seri), nabo, nopal, nopal Santa-Rita, nopal coyotillo, nopal morado, nopal violaceo, saapom (Seri), ziix istj captalca (Seri) rank: species
Hesperotettix viridisrank: species
Dieteria canescensrank: species
Chondrosum barbatumcommon name: navajita, navajita anual, navajita de agua, pasto, pata de cuervo, navajita barbada, navajita liebrera, racimosa, zacate liebre, navajita, navajita anual, navajita barbada, navajita de agua, navajita liebrera, pasto, pata de cuervo, racimosa, zacate liebre rank: species
Metepeira arizonicarank: species
Trimerotropis pallidipenniscommon name: chapulín rank: species
Crotalus atroxcommon name: cocázni, tortuga Island rattlesnake, víbora cascabel de Isla Tortuga, víbora de cascabel, víbora serrana, western diamond-backed rattlesnake, cascabel de diamantes, víbora de cascabel de diamantes de occidente, cascabel de diamantes, cocázni (Seri), víbora cascabel de Isla Tortuga, víbora de cascabel, víbora de cascabel de diamantes de occidente, víbora serrana rank: species
Echinocereus triglochidiatuscommon name: huevo de toro, claret cup cactus, alicoche copa de vino, pitaya rank: species
Diguetia signatarank: species
Pomaria jamesiirank: species
Uta stansburianacommon name: antique side blotched lizard, lagartija, lagartija costado manchado adornada, lagartija costado manchado antigua, lagartija costado manchado común, lagartija de manchas laterales, ornamental side blotched lizard, side Blotched lizard, cachora gris, tozípla, lagartija de cercos, lagartija manchada norteña, cachora gris, lagartija, lagartija costado manchado adornada, lagartija costado manchado antigua, lagartija costado manchado común, lagartija de cercos, lagartija de manchas laterales, lagartija manchada norteña, tozípla (Seri) rank: species
Aspidoscelis marmoratuscommon name: huico marmoleado rank: species
Mammillaria grahamiicommon name: cabeza de viejo, Arizona fishhook cactus, biznaga chollo chico, biznaga de miller, snow ball pincushion, chollita, ban cekida (Yuto-nahua), ban ha-'isvig (Yuto-nahua), biznaga chollo chico, biznaga de miller, biznaguita, cabecita de viejo, cabeza de viejo, chicul onoore (Mayo), chollita, choyita, churrito, falso peyote, hant iipzx itéja (Seri), hantipzxitija (Seri), hikuli rosapara, hikuri (Tarahumara), hue tchuri (Guarijío), peyote, peyote de San Pedro, pitahayita, tori bichu (Mayo), wichuriki (Tarahumara) rank: species
Tadarida brasiliensiscommon name: murciélago cola suelta brasileño, Mexican free-tailed bat, murciélago guanero, sopichí, murciélago cola suelta brasileño, murciélago guanero, murciélago mexicano de cola libre, sopichí (Yuto-nahua) rank: species
Latrodectus hesperuscommon name: capulina, casampulga, cintlatlahua (Náhuatl), tzintlatlauhqui (Náhuatl), viuda negra rank: species
Viguiera dentatacommon name: chamiso, girasol, hierba dulce, mirasol, ta, tah, taj, chimalacate, tajonal, flor de tajonal, chamiso, flor de tajonal, girasol, hierba dulce, mirasol, ta (Maya), tah (Maya), taj (Maya), tajonal rank: species
Mermiria bivittatarank: species
Mecaphesa celerrank: species
Pseudocrossidium replicatumcommon name: musgo rank: species
Dipodomys merriamicommon name: rata canguro de Merriam, Merriam's kangaroo rat, rata canguro, rata canguro, rata canguro de Merriam, rata canguro mexicana rank: species
Phrynosoma modestumcommon name: camaleón, lagartija cornuda cola redonda, roundtail hornet lizard, tapayatxin, camaleón de cola redonda, camaleón, camaleón de cola redonda, lagartija cornuda cola redonda, tapayatxin rank: species
Setaria verticillatacommon name: be-laga-cuti, cadillo, guixi-ziti, pasto, pe-laga-cijti, zacate pegajoso, be-laga-cuti (Zapoteco), cadillo, guixi-ziti (Zapoteco), pasto, pe-laga-cijti (Zapoteco), zacate pegajoso rank: species
Echinocereus dasyacanthuscommon name: alicoche arcoiris de texas, texas rainbow cactus, kapírame, huevo de toro, pitaya, órgano pequeño arcoiris de Texas rank: species
Opuntia engelmanniicommon name: engelmann prickly pear, nopal de engelmann, nopal, héel, heel hayén ipáii (Seri), héel (Seri), ibhai (Yuto-nahua), nav (Yuto-nahua), nopal, nopal de engelmann, nopal de monte, nopal kakanapo, rastrero, tuna rank: species
Aristida purpurearank: species
Mecaphesa coloradensisrank: species
Taeniopoda equesrank: species
Pogonomyrmex maricoparank: species
Chaetodipus eremicuscommon name: ratón de abazones, Chihuahuan pocket mouse, ratón de abazones chihuahuense, ratón de abazones, ratón de abazones chihuahuense, ratón de bolsas Chihuahuense rank: species
Hoffmannseggia glaucacommon name: tlamízquitl, tlamízquitl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Ephedra asperacommon name: canutillo, popotillo, cañatillo, hintimorreal, itamo real, pitamo real, sanguinaria, tepopote, cañatillo, cañutillo, pitamo real, popotillo, sanguinaria, tepopote rank: species
Mephitis macrouracommon name: zorrillo listado del sur, hooded skunk, zorrillo listado, zorrillo listado, zorrillo listado del sur, zorrillo listado norteño, zorrillo rayado sureño rank: species
Trixis californicacommon name: guillermito rank: species
Baileya multiradiatacommon name: hierba amarilla rank: species
Echinocactus horizonthaloniuscommon name: turk head cactus, biznaga tonel mancamula, biznaga tonel mancacaballo, biznaga meloncillo, biznaga de meloncillo, manca caballo, manca mula, barrilito, biznaga de dulce, biznaga meloncillo, mancacaballo, mancamula, visnaga meloncillo rank: species
Xerospermophilus spilosomacommon name: ardillón punteado, spotted ground squirrel, ardilla terrestre, ardilla moteada, ardilla de tierra manchada, ardilla moteada, ardilla terrestre, ardillón punteado, juancito manchado rank: species
Phaseolus pedicellatusrank: species
Tortula ruraliscommon name: musgo rank: species
Brickellia coulterirank: species
Terrapene ornatacommon name: tortuga adornada, ornated box turtle, tortuga apestosa, tortuga de caja del desierto, tortuga adornada, tortuga apestosa, tortuga de caja del desierto rank: species
Gryllus (Gryllus) pennsylvanicusrank: species
Viguiera stenolobarank: species
Ebo mexicanusrank: species
Aspidoscelis inornatuscommon name: huico liso, huico liso del altiplano, huico liso, huico liso del altiplano rank: species
Odocoileus virginianuscommon name: venado cola blanca, white-tailed deer, venado de llano, mazatl, venado de campo, deer, venado real, mazatl (Yuto-nahua), venado cola blanca, venado de campo, venado de llano, venado real rank: species
Otospermophilus variegatuscommon name: ardillón de roca, rock squirrel, ardilla terrestre, ardilla de pedregal, techalote, chipawí, ardillón, ardilla de pedregal, ardilla terrestre, ardillón, ardillón común, ardillón de roca, chipawí (Yuto-nahua), techalote rank: species
Bryum argenteumcommon name: musgo rank: species
Helianthus petiolarisrank: species
Titanebo dondaleirank: species
Hypsiglena torquatacommon name: culebra nocturna, culebra nocturna ojo de gato, night snake, culebra de la noche, culebra ojo de gato, culebra de la noche, culebra noctura del Pacífico, culebra nocturna, culebra nocturna ojo de gato, culebra ojo de gato rank: species
Agelenopsis apertarank: species
Ephedra trifurcacommon name: cola de zorra, canutillo, popotillo, itamo real, canutillo, cola de zorra, popotillo rank: species
Setaria leucopilarank: species
Escobaria tuberculosacommon name: biznaga escobar rómbica, rombical cactus, biznaga-Escobar Rómbica, biznaga escobar rómbica, mancacaballo, viejito rank: species
Bouteloua curtipendulacommon name: banderilla, banderita, navajita, navajita banderilla, pasto, gramilla, banderilla, banderita, navajita, navajita banderilla, pasto rank: species
Dalea formosarank: species
Yucca elatacommon name: láatiro (Mayo) rank: species
Anconia hebardirank: species
Puma concolorcommon name: puma, león de montaña, mawiyá, mawiyaka, miz-tli, cougar, león, león de montaña, mawiyaka (Yuto-nahua), mawiyá (Yuto-nahua), miz-tli (Yuto-nahua), puma rank: species
Dalea lanatarank: species
Emblyna melvarank: species
Hymenopappus flavescensrank: species
Holbrookia maculatacommon name: lagartija sorda menor, lesser earles lizard, lagartija sorda pequeñita, lagartilla perrilla, lagartija sorda, lagartija sorda, lagartija sorda menor, lagartija sorda pequeñita, lagartilla perrilla rank: species
Artemisia ludovicianacommon name: ajenjo, altamisa, azumate de Puebla, estafiate, guie tee, hierba maestra, istafiate, ixtauhyatl, nexmitzi, quije-tee, sisim, ten ts'ojol, artemisa, tsauangueni, istafiete, stauyak, istafiat, mephi, ajenjo de país, ajenjo, ajenjo de país, artemisa, estafiate, guie tee (Zapoteco), hierba maestra, istafiat (Náhuatl), ixtauhyatl (Náhuatl), mephi (Otomí), nexmitzi (Otomí), quije-tee (Zapoteco), sisim (Maya), stauyak (Totonaco), ten ts'ojol (Huasteco), tsauangueni (Tarasco) rank: species
Echinocereus stramineuscommon name: strawberry hedgehog cactus, alicoche sanjuanero, agosteña, alicoche, alicoche sanjuanero, alicoche verde, biznaga pitayera, pitahaya, pitahaya de agosto, pitaya, pitaya de agosto, sanjuanera, órgano pequeño sanjuanero rank: species
Gryllus (Gryllus) assimiliscommon name: Crickets, grillo cantor rank: species
Oxyopes tridensrank: species
Senna bauhinioidesrank: species
Cylindropuntia leptocauliscommon name: duraznillo, agujilla, desert christmas cactus, nopal con vaina, cholla alfilerillo, sheathed cholla, catalina, catalinia, tasajillo, tasajo, aci vipinoi (Yuto-nahua), agujilla, alfilerillo, catalina, catalinaria, catalinia, ce'ecem vipinoi (Yuto-nahua), cholla, cholla alfilerillo, confite, iipxö (Seri), jíjica (Mayo), nopal con vaina, sasaluistli (Náhuatl), sibirito, siviri (Mayo), tasajillo, tasajo, tesajo, tzazalhuiztli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Juniperus deppeanacommon name: enebro, ciprés, sabino, cedro, aorí, cedro chino, tláscal, tláxcal, aorí (Tarahumara), cedro, cedro blanco, cedro chino, cedro de incienso, ciprés, enebro, junípero, sabino, táscate rank: species
Urochloa texanacommon name: panizo tejano, panizo texano rank: species
Jaffueliobryum wrightiicommon name: musgo rank: species
Bassariscus astutuscommon name: cacomixtle norteño, ringtail, tejón, cacomixtle, rikamúchi, babisuri, cacomixtle, cacomixtle norteño, rikamúchi (Yuto-nahua), sietillo, tejón rank: species
Heteropogon contortuscommon name: pasto, zacate aceitillo, zacate colorado, barba negra, retorcido moreno, barba negra, pasto, retorcido moreno, zacate aceitillo, zacate colorado rank: species
Didymodon rigiduluscommon name: musgo rank: species
Coryphantha robustispinacommon name: biznaga partida de espinas gruesas, robust pincushion cactus rank: species
Anaxyrus punctatuscommon name: sapo manchas rojas, red-spotted toad, sapo pinto, sapo, sapo de puntos rojos, haat iiqui ix, haat iiqui ix (Seri), sapo, sapo de puntos rojos, sapo manchas rojas, sapo pinto rank: species
Senecio riddelliirank: species
Coryphantha macromeriscommon name: biznaga partida partida, long mamma cory cactus rank: species
Aspidoscelis exsanguiscommon name: Chihuahuan spotted whiptail, huico, huico pinto de Chihuahua, huico (Seri), huico pinto de Chihuahua rank: species
Gutierrezia sarothraecommon name: hierba de san nicolás, hierba del pasmo, pasmo, hierba de san nicolás, hierba del pasmo rank: species
Conepatus leuconotuscommon name: zorrillo narigón occidental, eastern hog-nose skunk, zorrillo, zorrillo, zorrillo de espalda blanca norteño, zorrillo espalda blanca, zorrillo narigón occidental rank: species
Bouteloua eriopodacommon name: navajita negra, pasto azul, navajita negra, pasto azul rank: species
Rhysodromus histriorank: species
Psorothamnus scopariusrank: species
Dalea wrightiirank: species
Digitaria californicacommon name: zacate punta blanca rank: species
Verbesina encelioidescommon name: hierba ceniza, hierba de la bruja, lampotillo, anil del muerto, anil del muerto, hierba ceniza (Cora), hierba de la bruja rank: species
Prosopis glandulosacommon name: mezquite dulce, mezquite, mezquite colorado, mezquite dulce rank: species
Chaetodipus intermediuscommon name: ratón de abazones de roca, rock pocket mouse, ratón de campo, ratón de abazones de roca, ratón de bolsas de las rocas, ratón de campo rank: species
Linum aristatumrank: species
Baccharis salicifoliacommon name: escobilla, jarilla, batamote, chamiso, chilca, guastamote, guatamote, hierba del carbonero, hierba del pasmo, jara, jaral, jarilla de río, vara dulce, azumiate, jara mexicana, jarillo del río, yerba del pasmo, chamiso, chamizo, escobilla, hierba del carbonero, hierba del golpe, hierba del pasmo, jara (Cora), jara mexicana, jarilla, vara dulce, yerba del pasmo rank: species
Proboscidea sabulosarank: species
Neotoma albigulacommon name: rata cambalachera garganta blanca, white-throated woodrat, rata magueyera, calquimichin, calquimichin (Yuto-nahua), rata cambalachera garganta blanca, rata de campo de garganta blanca, rata magueyera, rata nopalera rank: species
Bahia absinthifoliacommon name: aceitilla amarilla rank: species
Crotalus ornatusrank: species
Callilepis mumairank: species
Synageles noxiosusrank: species
Habronattus klauserirank: species
Mecaphesa dubiarank: species
Muhlenbergia texanarank: species
Palafoxia sphacelatarank: species
Quercus (Quercus) pungenscommon name: encino, encino blanco, encino chino, encino prieto, palo blanco rank: species
Pectis angustifoliarank: species
Diguetia imperiosarank: species
Vulpes macrotiscommon name: zorra norteña, kit fox, zorra del desierto, zorra del desierto, zorra norteña rank: species
Porophyllum scopariumcommon name: jarilla, romerillo, hierba del venado, hierba del venado, jarilla, romerillo rank: species
Didymodon revolutuscommon name: musgo rank: species
Sassacus papenhoeirank: species
Melampodium leucanthumrank: species
Pituophis catenifercommon name: burrillo, cincuate, cocasnáacöl, gophersnake, topera, víbora sorda, burrillo, cincuate, cocasnáacöl (Seri), topera, víbora sorda rank: species
Anaxyrus debiliscommon name: sapo verde, green toad rank: species
Peromyscus maniculatuscommon name: ratón norteamericano, deermouse, ratón de campo, ratón venado, ratón de campo, ratón norteamericano, ratón venado rank: species
Gleditsia triacanthosrank: species
Sassacus samalayucaerank: species
Procyon lotorcommon name: mapache común, common raccoon, mapache, mapachtli, raccoon, batúi, batú, me'el, a'ka'bak, osito lavador, a'ka'bak (Maya), batú (Yuto-nahua), batúi (Yuto-nahua), mapache, mapache común, mapachtli (Yuto-nahua), me'el (Maya), osito lavador rank: species
Muhlenbergia tenuifoliacommon name: zacate aparejo, zacate espinilla, zacate aparejo, zacate espinilla rank: species
Pogonomyrmex rugosusrank: species
Peucetia viridansrank: species
Mimosa occidentalisrank: species
Pectis papposacommon name: limoncillo, goy sisi (Mayo), limoncillo, meado de coyote rank: species
Polypogon viridisrank: species
Philodromus arizonensisrank: species
Mecaphesa rothirank: species
Schizocosa mccookirank: species
Hilaria muticacommon name: zacate toboso rank: species
Sorghum halepensecommon name: escoba, ak'il-suuk, alpiste, maicillo, pasto, sorgo, suuk, triguera, zacate, zacate egipto, zacate johnston, zacate nilo, ak'iisu'uk, pasto johnston, tío del maíz, zacate agrarista, zacate johnson, zacate milo, zacate parana, xkuku, trigo de monte, aak'il su'uk, aak'il su'uk (Maya), ak'il-suuk (Maya), alpiste, escoba, maicillo, pasto, pasto johnston, sorgo, suuk (Maya), trigo de monte, triguera, tío del maíz, zacate, zacate agrarista, zacate egipto, zacate johnson, zacate johnston, zacate milo, zacate parana rank: species
Acaciella angustissimacommon name: acacia, algodoncillo, barba de chivo, barbas de chivo, cantemó, guaje, guajillo, huaje, huajillo, jicarillo, k'antemo (Maya), mezquite, palo de pulque, tepeguaje, tepehuaje, timbre, timbrillo, waaxim (Maya), xa'ax (Maya), xaax (Maya), xaxim (Maya), ya'ax (Maya), yaga-ñupi (Zapoteco), ángel rank: species
Phyllanthus warnockiirank: species
Pterygoneurum subsessilecommon name: musgo rank: species
Xysticus fraternusrank: species
Urocyon cinereoargenteuscommon name: zorra gris, gray fox, leoncillo, ostotl, gato de monte, kióchi, kiyóchi, w'ash, ch'amac, ch'amac (Maya), gato de monte, kiyóchi (Yuto-nahua), kióchi (Yuto-nahua), leoncillo, ostotl (Yuto-nahua), w'ash (Maya), zorra gris rank: species
Antrozous palliduscommon name: murciélago desértico norteño, pallid bat, murciélago, murciélago, murciélago desertícola, murciélago desértico norteño, murciélago pálido rank: species
Fouquieria splendenscommon name: albarda, barba, cardo santo, chiquiña, flor de camarón, ocotilla, ocotillo, ocotillo de corral, ocotillo tallo, palo santo, teocotillo, xeshish (Seri), xong (Seri), xongxéziz (Seri) rank: species
Sporobolus airoidescommon name: cresta de gallo, zacate alcalino, zacate de agua, zacatón, zacatón alcalino, cresta de gallo, zacate alcalino, zacate de agua, zacatón, zacatón alcalino rank: species
Sceloporus poinsettiicommon name: cachorón, crevice spiny lizard, lagartija, lagartija escamosa de grieta, lagartija espinosa de barrada, rochaca, lagartija espinosa norteña de grieta, cachorón, lagartija, lagartija escamosa de grieta, lagartija espinosa de barrada, lagartija espinosa norteña de grieta, rochaca rank: species
Epithelantha micromeriscommon name: button cactus, biznaga blanca chilona, biznaga blanca chilona, biznaga de chilitos, botoncillo, botón, chilitos, chilotes, hikuli mulato (Tarahumara), hikuli rosapara, hikuli rosapari (Tarahumara), mulato, rosapara, tapón, torunda rank: species
Metaphidippus cherarank: species
Asagena medialisrank: species
Perognathus flavuscommon name: ratón de abazones sedoso, silky pocket mouse, ratón canguro, ratón canguro, ratón de abazones sedoso, ratón de bolsas sedoso rank: species
Oecobius putusrank: species
Urosaurus ornatuscommon name: cachorita, common tree lizard, lagartija, lagartija arbolera común, salamanquesa, hehe iti cooscl, lagartija de árbol norteña, cachorita, hehe iti cooscl (Seri), lagartija, lagartija arbolera común, lagartija de árbol norteña, salamanquesa rank: species
Chondrosum gracilecommon name: azotador, grama, grama azul, gusanillo, navajita, navajita azul, zacate cepillo rank: species
Anaxyrus woodhousiicommon name: sapo de Woodhouse, Woodhouse's toad, sapo, sapo chihuahuense, sapo de las montañas rocallosas, sapo del río Conchos, sapo, sapo chihuahuense, sapo de Woodhouse, sapo de las montañas rocallosas, sapo del río Conchos rank: species
Zelotes monachusrank: species
Senna lindheimerianarank: species
Pappophorum bicolorcommon name: barbón bicolor rank: species
Tridens muticuscommon name: tridente, tridente esbelto, tridente, tridente esbelto rank: species
Leptochloa dubiacommon name: pasto, zacate, zacate gigante, desparramado dubiano, pasto, zacate, zacate gigante rank: species
Cylindropuntia imbricatacommon name: nopalitos, velas de coyote, tuna cardona, xoconostle, cardenche, cardón, coyonostli, joconoxtli, tasajo, tasajo macho, tuna joconoxtli, xoconochtli, xoconochtle, entraña, joconostli, tuna joconostli, yanaxoconostle, abrojo, cardenche, cardona, cardón, cholla, cholla coyonoxtle, choya, cojonostle, coyonoiste, coyonoistle, coyonoixtle, coyonostle, coyonostli, coyonoxtle, entraña, huevos de coyote, jaconoxtli, joconostle, joconostli, joconoxtle, quahunochtli (Náhuatl), quanochtli (Náhuatl), tasajo, tasajo macho, tencholete, tencholote, tenopalli (Náhuatl), tincholote, tuna joconoxtla, tuna joconoxtli, vela de coyote, velas de coyote, xoconochnopalli (Náhuatl), xoconochtli (Náhuatl), xoconostle, xoconostli, xoconoxtle (Náhuatl) rank: species
Jefea brevifoliarank: species
Pardosa ramulosarank: species
Mammillaria bombycinacommon name: biznaga de seda, silken cactus, biznaga, biznaga de seda, biznaguita, biznaguita vitrea rank: species
Wislizenia refractarank: species
Onychomys leucogastercommon name: ratón saltamontes norteño, Northern grasshopper mouse, ratón de campo, hediondo, ratón chapulinero, ratón de campo, ratón saltamontes norteño, silvador del norte rank: species
Menodora scabrarank: species
Echinocereus pectinatuscommon name: comb hedgehog cactus, alicoche peine, alicoche, biznaga, biznaga arcoiris, hant iipzx iteja caacöl (Seri), huevo de toro, pitaya rank: species
Neotoma micropuscommon name: rata cambalachera de pradera, Southern plains woodrat, rata de campo, rata magueyera, rata cambalachera de pradera, rata de campo, rata de campo de las planicies del sur, rata magueyera rank: species
Spea multiplicatacommon name: New Mexico spadefoot, sapo montícola de espuela, sapo de espuelas mexicano, Mexican spadefoot, sapo de espuelas mexicano, sapo montícola de espuela rank: species
Machaeranthera canescensrank: species
Physocyclus enauluscommon name: arañas patonas rank: species
Paspalum setaceumrank: species
Aloina hamuluscommon name: musgo rank: species
Mecaphesa californicarank: species
Macroptilium atropurpureumcommon name: ojo de zanate, gallinitas, gallito, chorequillo, frijolillo, pica pica, frijol ojo de zanate, bu'ul ch'o', bu'ul ch'o' (Maya), frijol ojo de zanate, frijolillo, gallinitas, gallito, ojo de zanate, pica pica rank: species
Aristida divaricatacommon name: tres barbas abierto rank: species
Xanthium strumariumcommon name: chayotillo, abrojo, cadillo, cahuat, abrojo, cadillo, chayotillo rank: species
Weissia condensacommon name: musgo rank: species
Setaria macrostachyacommon name: ne-kuuk-suuk, pasto, zacate elefante, zacate tempranero, pajita tempranera, ne-kuuk-suuk (Maya), pajita tempranera, pasto, zacate elefante, zacate tempranero rank: species
Proboscidea altheifoliacommon name: cuernitos, espuela del diablo, uña de gato rank: species
Andropogon gerardirank: species
Parthenium incanumcommon name: copalillo, guayule hembra, hembra del guayule, hierba blanca, hierba ceniza, mariola, tananiní, tataniní, copalillo medicinal, copalillo, hembra del guayule, hierba blanca, hierba ceniza (Cora) rank: species
Lampropeltis nigritarank: species
Ferocactus wislizenicommon name: biznaga barril de isla tiburón, biznaga de agua, biznaga barril de Sinaloa, fishhook barrel cust, herrera barrel, tiburon island barrel, biznaga, biznaga de agua, jiavuli (Yuto-nahua), siml (Seri), viznaga rank: species
Sporobolus wrightiicommon name: zacatón rank: species
Eragrostis cilianensiscommon name: amor seco, milpilla, zacate, zacate chino, amor seco pasto, pasto llorón gris, amor seco, amor seco pasto, milpilla, pasto llorón gris, zacate, zacate chino rank: species
Sporobolus giganteusrank: species
Diguetia canitiesrank: species
Koeberlinia spinosacommon name: abrojo, corona de Cristo, junco rank: species
Gambelia wislizeniicommon name: cachorón, hantpízal, lagartija leopardo narigona, lagartija mata caballo, long Nose Leopard lizard, cachorón leopardo de nariz-larga, cachorón leopardo de nariz larga, cachorón, cachorón leopardo de nariz-larga, hantpízal (Seri), lagartija leopardo narigona, lagartija mata caballo rank: species
Artemisia filifoliacommon name: estafiate, istafiate rank: species
Peromyscus eremicuscommon name: ratón de cactus, cactus deermouse, ratón de campo, ratón, ratón, ratón de cactus, ratón de campo, ratón de los catus rank: species
Thymophylla pentachaetacommon name: limoncillo, manzanilla amarilla, parraleña, limoncillo, manzanilla amarilla, parraleña rank: species
Dasylirion wheelericommon name: palma, palmilla, sawo (Guarijío), siriki (Tarahumara), sotol, sotol chino rank: species
Echinochloa muricatarank: species
Eriochloa acuminatarank: species
Gutierrezia microcephalarank: species
Tecoma stanscommon name: elotito, canario, mazorca, tronadora, flor de muerto, copal, nixtamasúchitl, nextamalxochitl, tronador, algodoncillo, trompetilla, sauce, hierba de san nicolás, guajillo, alacrancillo, batilimí, borla de San Pedro, caballito, candox, corneta amarilla, estamasúchil, flor de San Pedro, flor de un día, gloria, guia-biche, güie-bacaná, guie-biche, hierba de San Pedro, hierba del becerro, hoja de baño, ichcuelt, ixontli, k'an-lol, lipa-gundo-flei, lluvia de oro, matilimí, miñona, mixtontze, nixtamalxóchitl, palo de arco, retama, San Pedro, toloache, totopo, trompeta, tulasúchil, vaquerillo, xkanlol, xkanlol-ak, x-kantul, xochimitl, k aan lol, vari-variar, San Francisco, campanilla amarilla, ángel, guachín, estoncle, histoncle, huiztontle, huiztontli, flor amarilla, kaan lool, sauco amarillo, k'an lool, timboque, San Francisco, San Juan, San Pedro, alacrancillo, algodoncillo, borla de San Pedro, caballito, campanilla, campanilla amarilla, canario, candelillo, chocolatillo, copal, copita, corneta amarilla, elotito, esperanza, flor amarilla, flor de San Pedro, flor de muerto, flor de un día, fresnillo, fresno, guachín (Maya), guajillo, guia-biche (Zapoteco), guie-biche (Zapoteco), güie-bacaná (Zapoteco), hierba de San Juan, hierba de San Pedro, hierba de san nicolás, hierba del becerro, hoja de San Pedro, hoja de baño, huajillo, huevo de iguana, k'an lool (Maya), k'an-lol (Maya), kaan lool (Maya), lipa-gundo-flei (Chontal de Oaxaca), lluvia de oro, mazorca, miñona, nextamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamalxóchitl (Náhuatl), nixtamasúchitl, palo de arco, retama, retamo, san pedrito, sanguinaria, sauce, sauco, sauco amarillo, tacho, timboque, toloache, trompeta, trompetilla, tronador, tronadora, trueno, vainilla, vaquerillo, xkanlol (Maya), xkanlol-ak (Maya), ángel rank: species
Sporobolus flexuosuscommon name: zacatón, zacatón flexible, zacatón de los médanos, zacatón, zacatón de los médanos, zacatón flexible rank: species
Sceloporus undulatuscommon name: lagartija escamosa de pradera, lagartija de las yucas, lagartija espinosa de pradera rank: species
Prosopis pubescenscommon name: tornillo rank: species
Crotalus lepiduscommon name: chachamuri verde, chichámora, rock rattlesnake, víbora cascabel variable, víbora de cascabel, cascabel verde, chachamuri, víbora de cascabel de las rocas, víbora de cascabel gris, cascabel verde, chachamuri (Yuto-nahua), chachamuri verde, chichámora, víbora cascabel variable, víbora de cascabel, víbora de cascabel de las rocas, víbora de cascabel gris rank: species
Bouteloua aristidoidescommon name: banderita, navajita velluda, pasto, pasto de cabras, tochite, navajita aguja, pasto de cabra, banderita, navajita aguja, navajita velluda, pasto, pasto de cabra, pasto de cabras rank: species
Orobanche ludovicianarank: species
Nodocion utusrank: species
Weissia controversacommon name: musgo rank: species
Dalea nanarank: species
Eragrostis mexicanacommon name: bayal, bayal-suuk, zacate de agua, bayal (Maya), bayal-suuk (Maya), zacate de agua rank: species
Tortula lanceolatacommon name: musgo rank: species
Frontinella communisrank: species
Sanvitalia abertiirank: species
Ipomopsis longiflorarank: species
Dictyna tucsonarank: species
Dactylotum bicolorrank: species
Xysticus gertschirank: species
Camptocosa parallelarank: species
Mammillaria muehlenpfordtiicommon name: muehlenpfordt cactus, biznaga de muehlenpfordt, biznaga de chilito, biznaga de muehlenpfordt rank: species
Gaillardia pulchellarank: species
Rhinocheilus leconteicommon name: culebra narigona, long-nosed snake, coralillo falso, cofti caacoj, culebra de nariz larga, culebra de nariz larga de isla Cerralvo, cofti caacoj (Seri), coralillo falso, culebra de nariz larga, culebra de nariz larga de isla Cerralvo, culebra narigona rank: species
Argiope trifasciatarank: species
Ephedra torreyanarank: species
Emblyna reticulatarank: species
Lepidium montanumrank: species
Tortula obtusissimacommon name: musgo rank: species
Arizona eleganscommon name: culebra brillante, glossy snake, green spiny lizard, coíimaj, coíimaj (Seri), culebra brillante rank: species
Opuntia microdasyscommon name: blind prickly pear, nopal cegador, nopal, cegador, ciegaborrego, nopal real, nopalillo cegador, tlatoca-nochtli, tlatoc-nochtli, opuntia, cegador, ciega borrego, ciegaborrega, nopal, nopal cegador, nopal real, nopalillo cegador, tlatoc-nochtli (Náhuatl), tlatoca-nochtli (Náhuatl) rank: species
Nicolletia edwardsiirank: species
Eragrostis pectinacearank: species
Chilopsis lineariscommon name: a-cuáhuitl (Náhuatl), mimbre rank: species
Echinocereus coccineuscommon name: alicoche de flor roja rank: species
Urochloa ciliatissimarank: species
Philodromus histriorank: species
Herpyllus ecclesiasticusrank: species
Commelina erectacommon name: atlic (Náhuatl), corrimiento, corrimiento xiiw (Español-Maya), espuelitas, flor de la virgen, gallito, hierba de lluvia, hierba del gallo, hierba del pollo, maguey verde, manzanita, matalín, nuub en nuub ojo (Español-Maya), pah-tsa (Maya), paj ts'a (Maya), siempreviva, x-habul-ha' (Maya), ya'ax-ha-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Aculepeira packardirank: species
Tropidolophus formosusrank: species
Gymnosperma glutinosumcommon name: mariquita, cola de zorra, escobilla, jarilla, anonita, casal, hierba del tatalencho, hierba pegajosa, jécota, mota, motita, pegajosa, popote, sasal, tatalencho, tzitziu-ton, xoneque, xonequil, xonequilitl, yucun-dede, zazal, anonita, cola de zorra, escobilla, hierba pegajosa, jarilla, mariquita, mota (Cora), motita, pegajosa, popote, tzitziu-ton (Náhuatl), xonequilitl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Thelesperma longipesrank: species
Zelotes lasalanusrank: species
Syntrichia bartramiicommon name: musgo rank: species
Dictyna sierrarank: species
Phidippus apacheanusrank: species
Coluber flagellumcommon name: culebra chirriadora común, chirrionera, coach whip, corredora, amarilla, california coachwhip, chirrionera de Baja California, chirrionera de Sonora, chirrionera norteña, chirrionera rayadita, chirrionera roja, coachwhip, látigo, lined coachwhip, red coachwhip, sonoran coachwhip, western coachwhip, culebra chirrionera, culebra chirrionera roja sonorense, amarilla, chirrionera, chirrionera de Baja California, chirrionera de Sonora, chirrionera norteña, chirrionera rayadita, chirrionera roja, corredora, culebra chirriadora común, culebra chirrionera, culebra chirrionera roja sonorense, látigo rank: species
Habronattus virgulatusrank: species
Bootettix argentatusrank: species
Opuntia phaeacanthacommon name: purple fruited prickly pear, Chihuahua prickly pear, discus prickly pear, nopal de Chihuahua, nopal disco, nopal pardo, nopal, heel hayén ipáii (Seri), nopal, nopal de Chihuahua, nopal disco, nopal morado, nopal morado grande, nopal pardo rank: species
Proboscidea louisianicarank: species
Chloris virgatacommon name: barbas de indio, cebadilla, huak top suuk, meex-maseual, pasto, zacate, zacate cola de zorra, zacate mota, verdillo plumerito, zacate lagunero, me'ex nuk xiib, wak toop su'uk, barbas de indio, cebadilla, huak top suuk (Maya), me'ex nuk xiib (Maya), meex-maseual (Maya), pasto, verdillo plumerito, wak toop su'uk (Maya), zacate, zacate cola de zorra, zacate lagunero, zacate mota rank: species
Gaillardia pinnatifidarank: species
Escobaria sneediicommon name: biznaga Escobar de Sneed rank: species
Apollophanes texanusrank: species
Chrysothamnus pulchellusrank: species
Fabronia ciliariscommon name: musgo rank: species
Pogonomyrmex californicuscommon name: Harvester ant rank: species
Polypogon monspeliensisrank: species
Crossidium crassinerviumcommon name: musgo rank: species
Cynodon dactyloncommon name: pata de gallo, gallitos, acacahuiztli, acaxacahuiztli, alfombrilla, bermuda de la costa, grama, grama de bermuda, grama de la costa, guixi-biguiñi, guixi-gui-too, kan-suuk, pasto, pasto bermuda, pasto estrella, pata de perdiz, pata de pollo, quixi-piguiñe, zacate, zacate bermuda, zacate borrego, zacate chino, zacate de conejo, lansuk, zacate indio, canzuuc, acacahuitztli, guix-biguiñi, zarzuue, acabacahuitztle, tsakam toom, zacate inglés, k'an su'uk, pie de pollo, acacahuitztli (Náhuatl), acacahuiztli (Náhuatl), alfombrilla, bermuda de la costa, canzuuc (Maya), gallitos, grama, grama de bermuda, grama de la costa, guix-biguiñi (Zapoteco), guixi-biguiñi (Zapoteco), guixi-gui-too (Zapoteco), k'an su'uk (Maya), kan-suuk (Maya), pasto, pasto bermuda, pasto estrella, pata de gallo, pata de perdiz, pata de pollo, pie de pollo, quixi-piguiñe (Zapoteco), zacate, zacate bermuda, zacate borrego, zacate chino, zacate de conejo, zacate indio, zacate inglés rank: species
Glandulicactus uncinatuscommon name: biznaga, biznaga bola uncinada, biznaga de anzuelos, biznaga ganchuda, biznaga uña de gato, cactus uña de gato, ganchuda, uña de gavilán, vaquita, viznaga ganchuda rank: species
Dalea lanata var. terminalisrank: infraspecificname
Echinocereus viridiflorus subsp. chloranthuscommon name: green flowered pitaya, alicoche de flor verde, alicoche de flor verde, pitaya rank: infraspecificname
Aristida purpurea var. longisetarank: infraspecificname
Echinocereus triglochidiatus subsp. coccineuscommon name: alicoche de espinas escarlatas, scarlet spined hedgehog cactus, alicoche de flor roja rank: infraspecificname
Opuntia macrorhiza subsp. macrorhizacommon name: nopal, nopal raizudo rank: infraspecificname
Coryphantha robustispina subsp. scheericommon name: biznaga partida mula, needle mulee rank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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