Global diversity and distributions of symbiotic copepod crustaceans living on echinoderms
Korzhavina O, Ivanenko V (2020). Global diversity and distributions of symbiotic copepod crustaceans living on echinoderms. Lomonosov Moscow State University. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-08.Description
This dataset is the first source of information about diversity, hosts and distribution of symbiotic copepods (Copepoda, Crustacea) reported living on echinoderms of the World.
The dataset unites data on all (2080) records of 290 species of copepods representing 96 genera, 35 families and 3 order discovered worldwide associated with 240 species of echinoderms representing 134 genera, 66 families, 24 orders and five classes. It includes information about taxonomy of hosts and symbionts, the names and coordinates of all known (477) sampling sites, the depth and date of all sampling events with such notes in original sources (1401 and 1694, correspondingly), as well as references to almost all (233 from 236) publications.
Here is a list of articles that have not yet been found, as a result of which data from them is missing in the dataset. – Austin, W.C. (1985). An annotated checklist of marine invertebrates in the cold temperate northeast Pacific. Khoyatan Marine Laboratory, Cowichan Bay, British Columbia 3:505-546. – Bartsch, I. (1994). Siphonostomatoide copepoden auf ophiacanthiden (Ophiuroidea). Beschreibung von drei Cancerilla-arten (Cancerillidae, Copepoda) aus der Antarktis. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, Hamburg 91:61-76. [In German.] – Boeck, A. (1859) Beskrivelse over tvende nye parasitiske Krebsdyr. Artotrogus orbicularis og Asterocheres liljeborgii. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabeit Christiania 1859, 171-182. – Brun, E. (1976). Ecology and taxonomic position of Henricia oculata Pennant. Thalassia Jugoslavica 12, 51-64. – Calvez, J. le. (1938). Parachordeumium tetraceros n. gen. n. sp., Copépode gallicole parasite d'une Ophiure de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Comptes rendus du Congrès des sociétés savantes de Paris et des départements. Section des sciences. 71:259-263. – Cherbonnier, G. (1951). Inventarie de la faune marine de Roscoff: Echinodermes. Trav. Stn biol. Roscoff (N.S.), 2, Suppl. 4: XV + 1-15 – Gotto, R.V. (1954). A copepod new to the British Isles and others hitherto unrecorded from the Irish coastal waters. Irish Naturalists' Journal 11(5):133-135. – Hamond, R. (1961). Marine Fauna. In: Norwich and Its Region. British Association for the Advancement of Science. :75-77, figs. 1-3. – Hartog, C. Den. (1961). Zuid-Bevelandse sterrenshow. Zeepaard 21(2):28-30. – Kossmann, R. (1877a). Zoologische Ergebnisse einer im Auftrage der Königlichen Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin ausgeführten Reise in die Küstengebiete des Rothen Meeres, 1(4), Entomostraca, 1. Theil, Lichomolgidae. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 4:1-24, pls. 1-6. – Sebastian, M.J. (1972). Copepod associates of South Indian invertebrates. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India 344pp. – Stephensen, K. (1935). Two crustaceans (a cirriped and a copepod) endoparasitic in ophiurids. Danish Ingolf-Expedition 3(12):1-18, figs. 1-10, chart.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The dataset is based on data of scientific articles (see below the bibliographic list).Sampling
The data has been combined using an originally designed Microsoft Access database.Method steps
- We searched scientific articles for information about symbiotic copepods and their hosts.
- We added the found data to the database.
- We checked the validity of all taxonomic names using WoRMS and made changes if necessary.
- We added country codes and coordinates of all sampling sites.
- The accuracy of the coordinates is indicated as a radius around the point.
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliacommon name: Animals rank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Crustaceacommon name: Crustaceans rank: subphylum
Hexanaupliarank: class
Asteroidearank: class
Crinoidearank: class
Echinoidearank: class
Holothuroidearank: class
Ophiuroidearank: class
Copepodarank: subclass
Cyclopoidarank: order
Harpacticoidarank: order
Siphonostomatoidarank: order
Amphilepididarank: order
Apodidarank: order
Arbacioidarank: order
Camarodontarank: order
Cidaroidarank: order
Clypeasteroidarank: order
Comatulidarank: order
Dendrochirotidarank: order
Diadematoidarank: order
Echinothurioidarank: order
Elasipodidarank: order
Euryalidarank: order
Forcipulatidarank: order
Holothuriidarank: order
Ophiacanthidarank: order
Ophiuridarank: order
Paxillosidarank: order
Spatangoidarank: order
Spinulosidarank: order
Stomopneustoidarank: order
Synallactidarank: order
Valvatidarank: order
Velatidarank: order
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Bartsch, I. (1994). Siphonostomatoide copepoden auf ophiacanthiden (Ophiuroidea). Beschreibung von drei Cancerilla-arten (Cancerillidae, Copepoda) aus der Antarktis. Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut, Hamburg 91, 61-76. -
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- Boeck, A. (1859) Beskrivelse over tvende nye parasitiske Krebsdyr. Artotrogus orbicularis og Asterocheres Liljeborgii. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabeit Christiania 1859, 171-182. -
- Bonnier, J. (1898). Note sur le Pionodesmotes phormosomae, Copépode parasite du Phormosoma uranus. Résultats des Campagnes Scientifiques du Prince Albert Ier de Monaco 12, 61-66, pl. 10. -
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- Brady, G.S. (1910). Die marinen Copepoden der Deutschen Südpolar Expedition 1901-1903. I. Über die Copepoden der Stämme Harpacticoida, Cyclopoida, Notodelphyoida und Caligoida. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. 11 (= Zool. 3), 497-594, pls. 52-63. -
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- Calvez, J. le. (1938). Parachordeumium tetraceros n. gen. n. sp., Copépode gallicole parasite d'une Ophiure de Villefranche-sur-Mer. Comptes rendus du Congrès des sociétés savantes de Paris et des départements. Section des sciences. 71, 259-263. -
- Canu, E. (1891). Les Copépodes marins du Boulonnais. V. Les semi-parasites. 1. Sur le dimorphisme sexuel des copépodes ascidicoles. Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique 23, 467-487. -
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- Carton, Y. (1964). Spécificité relative à l'intérieur de l'espèce Stellicola clausi(Rosell), Copépode Cyclopoïde parasite des deux Stellérides Marthasterias glacialis (L.) et Asterina gibbosa (Penn.). Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale. 103, 13-19. -
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- Gotto, R.V. (1954). A copepod new to the British Isles and others hitherto unrecorded from the Irish coastal waters. Irish Naturalists' Journal 11(5), 133-135. -
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- Goudey-Perrière, F. (1979). Amphiurophilus amphiurae (Hérouard), Crustacé Copépode parasite des bourses génitales de l'Ophiure Amphipholis squamata Della Chiaje, Échinoderme: morphologie des adultes et étude des stades juvéniles 20, 201-230. -
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- Hamond, R. (1961). Marine Fauna. In: Norwich and Its Region. British Association for the Advancement of Science, 75-77, figs. 1-3. -
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- Hansen, H.J. (1902). Echinocheres globosus n. gen., n. sp., a copepod parasitic in spines of an echinothurid. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistoriske Forening, Copenhagen 54, 437-449, pl. 15. -
- Hansen, H.J. (1923). Crustacea Copepoda. II. Copepoda Parasita and Hemiparasita. Danish Ingolf-Expedition 3(7), 1-92, pls. 1-5. -
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- Hartog, C. Den. (1961). Zuid-Bevelandse sterrenshow. Zeepaard 21(2), 28-30. -
- Heegaard, P.E. (1944). A new copepod (Scambicornus hamatus) parasitic on a Japanese holothurian. Papers from Dr. Th. Mortensen's Pacific Expedition 1914-16. Vidensk. Meddr dansk naturh. Foren. 107, 359-366, figs. 1-10. -
- Heegaard, P.E. (1951). Antarctic parasitic copepods and an ascothoracid cirriped from brittle-stars. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fur dansk Naturhistons. Forening, Kopehavn. 113, 171-190, figs. 1-7, pls. 1-2. -
- Herouard, E. (1906). Sur un nouveau Copépode parasite d'Amphiura squammata. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 142, 1287-1289, figs. 1-3. -
- Ho, J.S. (1982). Copepoda associated with echinoderms of the Sea of Japan. Report of the Sado Marine Biological Station, Niigata University 12, 33-61, figs. 1-15, tab. 1. -
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- Ho, J.S. & P.S. Perkins. (1977). A new family of cyclopoid copepod (Namakosiramidae) parasitic on holothurians from southern California. Journal of Parasitology 63(2), 368-371, figs. 1-13. -
- Ho, J.S., M. Dojiri, G. Hendler & G.B. Deets. (2003). A new species of Copepoda (Thaumatopsyllidae) symbiotic with a brittle star from California, U.S.A., and designation of a new Order Thaumatopsylloida. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23(3), 582-594. -
- Holmes, J.M.C. (1998). A checklist of the Siphonostomatoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of Ireland. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society, Dublin. 22(2), 194-228. -
- Holmes, J.M.C. & R.V. Gotto. (1992). A list of the Poecilostomatoida (Crustacea, Copepoda) of Ireland. Bulletin of the Irish Biogeographical Society 15, 2-33. -
- Holmes, J.M.C. & R.V. Gotto. (2000). A checklist of the Cyclopoida (Crustacea: Copepoda) of Ireland. Irish Biogeograph Hoical Society Bulletin. 24, 2-42. -
- Humes, A.G. (1957). Deux Copépodes Harpacticoïdes nouveaux du genre Tisbe, parasites des Holothuries de la Méditerranée. Vie et Milieu. 8(1), 9-22, figs. 1-53. -
- Humes, A.G. (1958). Copepods parasitic on starfishes and sea urchins in Madagascar. Journal of Parasitology 44(4) (sect.2), 12. -
- Humes, A.G. (1966). Pseudanthessius procurrens n. sp., a cyclopoid copepod associated with a cidarid echinoid in Madagascar. Breviora 246, 1-14, figs. 1-29. -
- Humes, A.G. (1967). A new species of Scambicornus (Copepoda, Cyclopoida, Lichomolgidae) associated with a holothurian in Madagascar, with notes on several previously described species. Beaufortia 14(173), 135-155, figs. 1-73. -
- Humes, A.G. (1968). Lecanurius kossmannianus, a new cyclopoid copepod parasitic in holothurians in Madagascar. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 81(1), 179-190, figs. 1-32. -
- Humes, A.G. (1969). Pseudanthessius pusillus n. sp., a cyclopoid copepod associated with a clypeastroid echinoid ian Madagascar. Zoologischer Anzeiger 183(3-4), 268-277, figs. 1-30. -
- Humes, A.G. (1970). Clavisodalis heterocentroti gen. et sp. n., a cyclopoid copepod parasitic on an echinoid at Eniwetok Atoll. Journal of Parasitology 56(3), 575-583, figs. 1-36. -
- Humes, A.G. (1970a). Stellicola acanthasteris n. sp. (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) associated with the starfish Acanthaster planci (L.) at Eniwetok Atoll. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 17(5), 329-338, figs. 1-30. -
- Humes, A.G. (1971). Cyclopoid copepods (Stellicomitidae) parasitic on sea stars from Madagascar and Eniwetok Atoll. Journal of Parasitology 57(6), 1330-1343, figs. 1-57, tab. 1. -
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Oksana Korzhavinaoriginator
position: PhD student
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Telephone: +7 968 745-3-745
Viatcheslav Ivanenko
position: Ph.D., Leading Researcher
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Telephone: +7 915 320-1967
Oksana Korzhavina
metadata author
position: PhD student
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Telephone: +7 968 745-3-745
Viatcheslav Ivanenko
metadata author
position: Ph.D., Leading Researcher
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Telephone: +7 915 320-1967
Alexey Seregin
point of contact
position: Leading Research Fellow
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Ecology and Geography of Plants
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Viatcheslav Ivanenko
administrative point of contact
position: Ph.D., Leading Researcher
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Biology, Department of Invertebrate Zoology
Leninskie Gory 1-12
Telephone: +7 915 320-1967