Monitoring Melitaea cinxia on Rauer Norway
Roos R E, Vang R (2025). Monitoring Melitaea cinxia on Rauer Norway. Version 1.2. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2025-02-11.Description
This project contains data collected in conjunction with the project Monitoring of Melitaea cinxia on Rauer, Norway. The project was established in 2022 and aims to study the effects of different management practices on vegetation, and as such habitat suitability for M. cinxia. In short, 10 permanent vegetation plots (1 m2) were established at two 40 x 40m sites on the island of Rauer, which is a known locality for M. cinxia. Additional plots were established around any winternests of M. cinxia found within each of the 40 x 40 m sites. At each plot, the cover of all vascular plants and vegetation parameters (e.g., vegetation cover, vegetation height) was recorded. In 2022, the dataset contained 32 plots. In 2023, all 20 permanent plots were revisited. Six of these had received treatment in the form of mowing or shrub removal. In addition, 15 temporary plots were analysed. in 2023, the dataset contained 35 plots. In 2024, all permanent plots were revisited and a simplified vegetation analysis performed.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Two known localities of Melitaea cinxia in NorwaySampling
In 2022 10 permanent vegetatio nmonitoring plots were established at two 40 x 40 m sites. These plots were selected randomly from 25 possible points on a 10 x 10 m grid. Additional plots were established around the winter nests of M. cinxia, to a maximum of 10 per sites. In total 32 plots were included in the dataset. At each plot, cover of all vascular plants was recorded. In addition, vegetation height, and the cover of vegetation was recorded (bryophytes and lichens, vascular vegetation lower than 5cm, lower than 80cm, between 80 and 200 cm, and over 200 cm). In addition, the number of winter nests of M. cinxia and the number of rosettes of Plantago lanceolata were recorded. In 2023, all 20 permanent plots were revisited. Six of these had received treatment in the form of mowing or shrub removal. In addition, 15 temporary plots were analysed, 13 of which had winternests. in 2023, the dataset contained 35 plots. The same ecological variales were measured as in 2023, except for vegetation 80 - 200 cm which was not recorded. In 2024, all permanent plots were revisited and simplified vegetation recordings were performed. As such, only forbs and nectar plants for M. cinxia were recorded.Method steps
- Methods are described in Evju, M., Roos, R.E., Endrestøl, A., Nowell, M., Hanssen, O. & Ombler, E.E. 2022. Effektovervåking av trua arter og naturtyper 2022. NINA Rapport 2196. Norsk institutt for naturforskning Additional methods for 2023 are descibed in Roos, R.E., Evju, M., Endrestøl, A., Hanssen, O., Nowell, M. 2023. Overvåking av effekter av tiltak for seks trua arter og en naturtype i 2023. NINA Rapport 2377. Norsk institutt for naturforskning. Additional methods for 2024 are described in Roos, R., Evju, M., Endrestøl, A., Nowell, M., Hanssen, O., Nordén, B., Andreasen, M., Kyrkjeeide, M.O., Bengtsson, F. & Hassel, K. 2024. Overvåking av effekter av tiltak for åtte trua arter og en naturtype i 2024. NINA Rapport 2538. Norsk institutt for naturforskning
Taxonomic Coverages
Poaceaerank: family
Geraniaceaerank: family
Hypericaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Crassulaceaerank: family
Violaceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Lamialesrank: order
Dipsacalesrank: order
Geranialesrank: order
Urticaceaerank: family
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Asteralesrank: order
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Viburnaceaerank: family
Rosaceaerank: family
Plantaerank: kingdom
Magnoliophytarank: phylum
Cyperaceaerank: family
Rosalesrank: order
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Saxifragalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Apiaceaerank: family
Oleaceaerank: family
Brassicalesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Caryophyllaceaerank: family
Ranunculalesrank: order
Eudicotsrank: class
Poalesrank: order
Papaveraceaerank: family
Malpighialesrank: order
Asteraceaerank: family
Asparagalesrank: order
Polygonaceaerank: family
Apialesrank: order
Monocotsrank: class
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Evju, M., Roos, R.E., Endrestøl, A., Nowell, M., Hanssen, O. & Ombler, E.E. 2022. Effektovervåking av trua arter og naturtyper 2022. NINA Rapport 2196. Norsk institutt for naturforskning -
Ruben Erik Roosoriginator
position: Researcher
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
userId: 0002 1580 6424
Roald Vang
metadata author
Ruben Erik Roos
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
userId: 0002 1580 6424