MMS Ship survey, SCB 1975-1978
Ford, G. and J. Casey. 2013. MMS Ship survey, SCB 1975-1978. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd. accessed via on 2025-01-23.Description
Original provider: Minerals Management Service Dataset credits: Minerals Management Service Abstract: This dataset is from the marine mammal and seabird surveys of the southern California Bight studies: Southern California Bight ship surveys [birds and mammals] study code: SS, Contract number: AA550-CT7-36, Principal investigators: K.S. Norris and B.J. Le Boeuf, University of California, Santa Cruz, and G.L. Hunt, University of California, Irvine. Time period: May 1975 through March 1978 Study area: The Southern California Bight, from Point Conception to the United States-Mexico boundary and offshore to the 2,000 m isobath. Methodology: Aerial and ship surveys were conducted along pre-established transects designed to systematically sample marine mammal and seabird abundance in all waters of the study area. Aerial surveys were conducted at two altitudes (200 ft and about 750-1,000 ft ASL) alternating at 2-3 week intervals. Seabirds and pinnipeds were recorded only on the low-altitude surveys which predominantly sampled along eight lines of latitude, separated by 25 nm, and connecting lines of longitude. High-altitude surveys sampled cetacean abundance along 15 Loran lines oriented northeast-southwest and separated by 12-15 nm. On low-altitude surveys, seabirds were counted only within a 50 m corridor on the shaded side of the aircraft. Marine mammals were counted in an unbounded corridor on one side of the aircraft on low-altitude surveys and both sides of the aircraft on high-altitude surveys. A clinometer or marks on the wing-strut were used to estimate the declination, and the measurement or estimate later used to calculate probability density functions of frequency with right-angle distance. Ships were used for surveys of inshore waters along standard (i.e., predetermined and replicate) transects and for search, catch, and tagging/tracking of small cetaceans. The standard ship transect cruises sampled abundance of seabirds and marine mammals over banks, basins, and ridges in waters inshore of the Patton Escarpment (the shelf break). Seabirds and marine mammals were counted on both sides of the cruise track and distance estimated or measured with a range-finder. Catch cruises attempted to find and remain with schools of common dolphin and other small cetaceans; therefore, data on sightings from these cruises cannot be used as samples of animal abundance. The Southern California Bight Study also included ground and aerial censuses of pinniped and seabird colonies, and special studies of productivity, mortality rates, and foraging range. Databases produced: 1) sightings of seabirds and marine mammals on 24 low-altitude aerial surveys, 2) sightings of cetaceans on 35 high-altitude aerial surveys, 3) sightings of seabirds and marine mammals on 29 ship transect surveys, and 4) sightings of cetaceans on 34 catch cruises. Included in this database are the following: High Altitude Mammal Observations: 75,489 km of effort, 695 sightings of 68,557 individual animals Low Altitude Mammal Observations: 37,843 km of effort, 1,320 sightings of 15,070 individual animals Low Altitude Bird Observations: 35,445 km of effort, 7,950 sightings of 63,359 individual animals Ship Observations: 17,903 km of effort, 23,519 sightings of 181,287 individual animals Purpose: Objectives of the study were to characterize the marine mammal and seabird fauna of the Southern California Bight, estimate abundance of species, describe the distribution, determine the timing and routes of migrations and movements, and document seasonal changes in numbers or patterns of habitat-use. In addition, studies were conducted to determine the size and status of breeding colonies of seabirds and pinnipeds, their productivity, and trends in growth. Supplemental information: [2020-09-30] The following invalid species names were corrected according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Bonaparte's Gull: Larus philadelphia (176839) => Chroicocephalus philadelphia (824040) Caspian Tern: Sterna caspia (176924) => Hydroprogne caspia (176935) Sterna elegans (176925) => Thalasseus elegans (176931) Manx Shearwater: Puffinus puffinus puffinus (174556) => Puffinus puffinus (174555) Red Phalarope: Phalaropus fulicaria (554376) => Phalaropus fulicarius (176734) Royal Tern: Sterna maxima (176922) => Thalasseus maximus (824142) Catoptrophorus semipalmatus (176638) => Tringa semipalmata (824147) Larus sabini (176865) => Xema sabini (176866) Phalacrocorax olivaceus (174722) => Phalacrocorax brasilianus brasilianus (824220) Larus tridactyla (176874) => Rissa tridactyla (176875) Endomychura hypoleuca (824180) => Synthliboramphus hypoleucus (177011) 8/1/2011: Species previously recorded as Hyperoodon ampullatus have been corrected as Hyperoodon sp.Purpose
Objectives of the study were to characterize the marine mammal and seabird fauna of the Southern California Bight, estimate abundance of species, describe the distribution, determine the timing and routes of migrations and movements, and document seasonal changes in numbers or patterns of habitat-use. In addition, studies were conducted to determine the size and status of breeding colonies of seabirds and pinnipeds, their productivity, and trends in growth.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
NAMethod steps
- NA
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
Aechmophorus occidentaliscommon name: Western Grebe rank: species
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Anas acutacommon name: Northern Pintail rank: species
Arctocephalus philippiicommon name: Juan Fernndez Fur Seal rank: species
Ardea herodiascommon name: Great Blue Heron rank: species
Arenaria interprescommon name: Ruddy Turnstone rank: species
Arenaria melanocephalacommon name: Black Turnstone rank: species
Laridaecommon name: Gulls rank: family
Balaenoptera acutorostratacommon name: Minke Whale rank: species
Balaenoptera borealiscommon name: Sei Whale rank: species
Balaenoptera musculuscommon name: Blue Whale rank: species
Balaenoptera physaluscommon name: Fin Whale rank: species
Berardius bairdiicommon name: Baird's Beaked Whale rank: species
Brachyramphus marmoratuscommon name: Marbled Murrelet rank: species
Callorhinus ursinuscommon name: Northern Fur Seal rank: species
Tringa semipalmatacommon name: Willet rank: species
Cepphus columbacommon name: Pigeon Guillemot rank: species
Cerorhinca monoceratacommon name: Rhinoceros Auklet rank: species
Chlidonias nigercommon name: Black Tern rank: species
Sternarank: genus
Delphinus delphiscommon name: Short-beaked Common Dolphin rank: species
Phoebastria immutabiliscommon name: Laysan Albatross rank: species
Phoebastria nigripescommon name: Black-footed Albatross rank: species
Anatidaecommon name: Ducks rank: family
Synthliboramphus cravericommon name: Craveri's Murrelet rank: species
Synthliboramphus hypoleucuscommon name: Xantus's Murrelet rank: species
Eschrichtius robustuscommon name: Gray Whale rank: species
Eumetopias jubatuscommon name: Steller Sea Lion rank: species
Fregata magnificenscommon name: Magnificent Frigatebird rank: species
Fulmarus glacialiscommon name: Northern Fulmar rank: species
Fulmarusrank: genus
Gaviacommon name: Loons rank: genus
Gavia immercommon name: Common Loon rank: species
Gaviacommon name: Loons rank: genus
Gavia stellatacommon name: Red-throated Loon rank: species
Globicephala melascommon name: Long-finned Pilot Whale rank: species
Grampus griseuscommon name: Risso's Dolphin rank: species
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Oceanodroma microsomacommon name: Least Storm Petrel rank: species
Procellariidaecommon name: Fulmars rank: family
Procellariidaecommon name: Fulmars rank: family
Hyperoodonrank: genus
Lagenorhynchus obliquidenscommon name: Pacific White-sided Dolphin rank: species
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Cetaceacommon name: cetaceans rank: order
Larus argentatuscommon name: Herring Gull rank: species
Larus californicuscommon name: California Gull rank: species
Larus canuscommon name: Mew Gull rank: species
Larus delawarensiscommon name: Ring-billed Gull rank: species
Larus glaucescenscommon name: Glaucous-winged Gull rank: species
Larusrank: genus
Larus heermannicommon name: Heermann's Gull rank: species
Larus occidentaliscommon name: Western Gull rank: species
Chroicocephalus philadelphiacommon name: Bonaparte's Gull rank: species
Xema sabinicommon name: Sabine's Gull rank: species
Larus thayericommon name: Thayer's Gull rank: species
Rissa tridactylacommon name: Black-legged Kittiwake rank: species
Limosa fedoacommon name: Marbled Godwit rank: species
Lissodelphis borealiscommon name: Northern Right Whale Dolphin rank: species
Fratercula cirrhatacommon name: Tufted Puffin rank: species
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Cetaceacommon name: cetaceans rank: order
Megaptera novaeangliaecommon name: Humpback Whale rank: species
Melanitta fuscacommon name: Velvet Scoter rank: species
Melanitta perspicillatacommon name: Surf Scoter rank: species
Melanittacommon name: Scoters rank: genus
Mesoplodoncommon name: beaked whales rank: genus
Mirounga angustirostriscommon name: Northern Elephant Seal rank: species
Laridaecommon name: Gulls rank: family
Numenius phaeopuscommon name: Whimbrel rank: species
Oceanodroma furcatacommon name: Fork-tailed Storm Petrel rank: species
Oceanodroma homochroacommon name: Ashy Storm Petrel rank: species
Oceanodroma leucorhoacommon name: Leach's Storm Petrel rank: species
Oceanodroma melaniacommon name: Black Storm Petrel rank: species
Orcinus orcacommon name: Killer Whale rank: species
Pelecanus erythrorhynchoscommon name: American White Pelican rank: species
Pelecanus occidentaliscommon name: Brown Pelican rank: species
Phaethon aethereuscommon name: Red-billed Tropicbird rank: species
Phalacrocorax brasilianus brasilianusrank: subspecies
Phalacrocorax pelagicuscommon name: Pelagic Cormorant rank: species
Phalacrocorax penicillatuscommon name: Brandt's Cormorant rank: species
Phalaropus fulicariuscommon name: Red Phalarope rank: species
Phalaropus lobatuscommon name: Red-necked Phalarope rank: species
Phalaropusrank: genus
Phalacrocoraxrank: genus
Phoca vitulinacommon name: Harbor Seal rank: species
Phocoenoides dallicommon name: Dall's Porpoise rank: species
Physeter macrocephaluscommon name: Sperm Whale rank: species
Caniformiacommon name: pinnipeds rank: suborder
Podiceps nigricolliscommon name: Black-necked Grebe rank: species
Ptychoramphus aleuticuscommon name: Cassin's Auklet rank: species
Puffinus bullericommon name: Buller's Shearwater rank: species
Puffinus carneipescommon name: Flesh-footed Shearwater rank: species
Puffinus creatopuscommon name: Pink-footed Shearwater rank: species
Puffinus griseuscommon name: Sooty Shearwater rank: species
Puffinus puffinuscommon name: Manx Shearwater rank: species
Puffinus tenuirostriscommon name: Short-tailed Shearwater rank: species
Scolopacidaerank: family
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Procellariidaecommon name: Fulmars rank: family
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Ciconiiformescommon name: Auks rank: order
Cetaceacommon name: cetaceans rank: order
Stercorarius longicauduscommon name: Long-tailed Jaeger rank: species
Stercorarius maccormickicommon name: South Polar Skua rank: species
Stercorarius parasiticuscommon name: Parasitic Jaeger rank: species
Stercorarius pomarinuscommon name: Pomarine Jaeger rank: species
Stercorariusrank: genus
Hydroprogne caspiacommon name: Caspian Tern rank: species
Thalasseus eleganscommon name: Elegant Tern rank: species
Sterna forstericommon name: Forster's Tern rank: species
Sterna hirundocommon name: Common Tern rank: species
Thalasseus maximuscommon name: Royal Tern rank: species
Sterna paradisaeacommon name: Arctic Tern rank: species
Procellariidaecommon name: Fulmars rank: family
Sula dactylatracommon name: Masked Booby rank: species
Sula leucogastercommon name: Brown Booby rank: species
Laridaecommon name: Gulls rank: family
Tursiops truncatus truncatusrank: subspecies
Arenariarank: genus
Uria aalgecommon name: Common Murre rank: species
Zalophus californianuscommon name: California Sea Lion rank: species
Ziphius cavirostriscommon name: Cuvier's Beaked Whale rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Northeastern Pacific Ocean
Bibliographic Citations
Janet Caseyoriginator
position: Primary contact
Janet Casey
email: None
Glenn Ford
position: Primary contact
Glenn Ford
metadata author
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Janet Casey
position: Primary contact
Janet Casey
email: None
Glenn Ford
position: Primary contact
Glenn Ford
Janet Casey
administrative point of contact
position: Primary contact
Janet Casey
email: None
Glenn Ford
administrative point of contact
position: Primary contact
Glenn Ford