Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
Causton C, Jäger H, Jiménez-Uzcátegui G, Keith I, Jenna Wong L, Pagad S (2020). Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species - Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Version 1.5. Invasive Species Specialist Group ISSG. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2024-09-10.Description
The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) presents validated and verified checklists (inventories) of introduced (alien) and invasive alien species at the country, territory, and associated island level.
Phase 1 of the project focused on developing validated and verified checklists of countries that are Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Phase 2 which is on-going, aims to achieve global coverage including non-party countries and all overseas territories of countries e.g. Netherlands, France and United Kingdom. Species belonging to all Kingdoms are covered as well as occurring in all Environment/systems.
Country/ Territory/ Island checklists are reviewed and verified by networks of country or species experts. Verified checklists/ species records as well as those under review are presented on the online GRIIS website ( Individual species records are flagged with a ‘yes’ for verification. Only verified checklists/ species records are presented on the GBIF Portal.
This annotated checklist is of introduced (alien) and invasive alien species known to occur in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador.
The introduced species database for Galapagos has been managed by the Charles Darwin Foundation (CDF) since it was formed and can be found on the CDF website under ‘dataZone’. This is a centralized database for species found in Galapagos and includes contributions from many researchers as well as staff from the Galapagos National Park Directorate, Galapagos Biosecurity Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and other local institutions. CDF is currently working on a new design for dataZone that will include new fields for introduced species to meet the requirements of CBD. The last review of invasive species in Galapagos was carried out ten years ago. Because of this, the list of invasive species in the checklist is not current. A review of invasive species will be conducted in 2019 using risk analysis tools.
The resource will be a support to countries to make progress to achieve Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 -in the development of their National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans, their National Invasive Alien Species Strategy and Action Plan, target setting and monitoring.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The geographic focus of this checklist is the Galapagos Islands of EcuadorSampling
This annotated checklist is focused on introduced (alien) and invasive species that are known to occur in the Galapagos Islands of Ecuador The International Union for Conservation of Nature, (IUCN) describes an Introduced/ Alien and Invasive alien species as follows:An Introduced/ Alien species means a species, subspecies, or lower taxon occurring outside of its natural range (past or present) and dispersal potential (i.e. outside the range it occupies naturally or could not occupy without direct or indirect introduction or care by humans) and includes any part, gametes or propagule of such species that might survive and subsequently reproduce. An Invasive alien species means an alien species which becomes established in natural or semi-natural ecosystems or habitat, is an agent of change, and threatens native biological diversity.
Quality Control
The draft checklist (inventory) is compiled by collating data and information through a comprehensive literature overview. Additional steps implemented to control the quality of the data are described below. Taxonomic harmonization and normalization using the GBIF taxonomic backbone In order to harmonize all species names across countries, species lists are subjected to a normalization process in which taxon rank and taxonomic status are identified and assigned. Spelling and other errors in assigning species authorship are also corrected. Data validation The checklist (inventory) compiler team completes a review and validates all the annotations especially those on provenance and 'invasiveness' status of the species based on evidence of impact. Data verification The checklist (inventory) is submitted to a network of country editors for a review of both accuracy of records, annotations and identification of any significant gaps in the data. Data verification is an iterative process and the activity is declared completed on agreement of all relevant country editors.Method steps
- Data collation and categorization Data filtering and categorization/ classification Taxonomic harmonization and normalization Data validation Data verification
- The published methods underpinning GRIIS and each Checklist are described in the following article: Pagad S, Genovesi P, Carnevali L, Schigel D, McGeoch MA (2018) Introducing the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species. Scientific Data, 5, 170202. Contacts
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Bacteriarank: kingdom
Chromistarank: kingdom
Fungirank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Protozoarank: kingdom
Virusesrank: kingdom
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Charlotte Caustonoriginator
Charles Darwin Foundation Puerto Ayora, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
Heinke Jäger
Charles Darwin Foundation Puerto Ayora, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
Gustavo Jiménez-Uzcátegui
Charles Darwin Foundation Puerto Ayora, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
Inti Keith
Charles Darwin Foundation Puerto Ayora, Islas Galápagos, Ecuador
Lian Jenna Wong
position: Research Assistant
Biodiversity Data Management Ltd
Shyama Pagad
position: Deputy Chair- Information
IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
metadata author
Fundación Charles Darwin para las Islas Galápagos Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands
Telephone: (593) 5 2526-146/2527-013 Ext 101
Shyama Pagad
position: Deputy Chair- Information
IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Shyama Pagad
administrative point of contact
position: Deputy Chair- Information
IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)