A Distribution and Taxonomic Reference Dataset of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World
Aedo C, Pando F (2021). A Distribution and Taxonomic Reference Dataset of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World. Version 2.12. Real Jardín Botánico (CSIC). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15470/ibqzdo accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-15.Description
The dataset includes 8937 records that covers genus Geranium the New World, providing an updated, taxonomically consistent and a sound geographical distribution of the 137 species of Geranium in America. These are the studied specimens on which following monograph was based: Aedo, Carlos (2012). Revision of Geranium (Geraniaceae) in the New World. Systematic Botany Monographs 95: 550p.
Besides the exhaustive taxonomic work done, and reflected in the dataset, a detailed revision of the locality of the specimens was performed, and geographic coordinates could be assigned with a 1 minute accuracy in c. 6500 records. Duplicate specimens kept in different collections have been aggregated into single records. Specimens from 128 herbaria were reviewed. These were supplemented by others collected during nine field trips, which allowed to know better the variability of characters within populations, and refine species distribution ranges. These expeditions took place in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, United States and Venezuela, and yielded 235 herbarium specimens of Geranium belonging to 46 species.
The potential for this dataset to be widely reused is very high, given the level of taxonomic and geographic scrutiny this dataset encompasses, its completeness, and the fact that Geranium is a well-known genus, widely used in horticulture and for pharmaceutical products.
This dataset gathers the primary data organized to support a modern and comprehensive monograph of Geranium in America
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Specimens of 128 herbaria were studied. The herbarium acronyms (and number of studied specimens) containing the higher number of relevant specimens were: MO (1493); NY (1181); MA (774); GH (666); F (630); MEXU (504); COL (469); DAO (440); CONC (413); BM (258) Herbarium material was supplemented by specimens collected during nine field trips, which allowed knowing better the variability of characters within populations, and refining species distribution ranges. These expeditions took place in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, United States and Venezuela, and yielded 235 herbarium specimens of Geranium belonging to 46 species.Sampling
Field expeditions targeting geographic and taxonomic gaps identified during herbarium revision workQuality Control
Studied specimens are listed in sufficient detail to allow revision and act checking. These data are made publicly available. Previous taxonomic sources studied and listed in the monograph. Database details (scientific names, dates, geographic coordinates and places checked for consistency using controlled vocabularies. Further validation procedures (geographic coordinate format, coordinates within country/provincial boundaries, absence of ASCII anomalous characters in the dataset) were performed with DARWIN_TEST (v3.3) software (Ortega-Maqueda and Pando 2008), and additional checks were performed using the Vesper platform (Graham and Kenedy 2014).Method steps
- Eighty-nine characters were scored for the species description: 58 qualitative and 27 quantitative traits as well as four ratios. Ideally at least 15 specimens were scored for each species. Quantitative characters were assessed with a Digital caliper Mitutoyo CD-15CD. The most frequent values are percentiles, and the extreme values are enclosed in parentheses. In the line drawings of leaf laminas and petals the adaxial side is shown, unless stated otherwise. For scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of pollen, mericarps, and seeds, samples were glued to aluminum stubs, coated with 40—50 nm gold, and examined with a JEOL TSM T330A scanning electron microscope at 15 kV. A database containing nomenclature, taxonomic and specimen-level data was built following the guidelines described in: Pando, F.. 1999: Manual de las bases de datos de Flora Mycologica Iberica. – Cuad. Fl. Micol. Ibérica 2: 3-67 Pando, F., Muñoz Garmendia, J. F. & Aedo, C. 1999: Manual de las bases de datos nomenclaturales de Flora Mycologica Iberica y Flora Iberica. – Cuad. Fl. Micol. Ibérica 14: 3-58.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geraniumcommon name: Geranio rank: genus
Geraniaceaerank: family
Geranialesrank: order
Magnoliophytarank: phylum
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Geraniumrank: subgenus
Robertianumrank: subgenus
Erodioidearank: subgenus
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Aedo, C., Muñoz Garmendia, F. & Pando, F. (1998). World checklist of Geranium L. (Geraniaceae). Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 56(2) : 211-252. -
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Carlos Aedooriginator
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: aedo@rjb.csic.es
Francisco Pando
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: pando@rjb.csic.es
Carlos Aedo
metadata author
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: aedo@rjb.csic.es
Francisco Pando
metadata author
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: pando@rjb.csic.es
Francisco Pando
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: pando@rjb.csic.es
Carlos Aedo
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: aedo@rjb.csic.es
Carlos Aedo
content provider
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: aedo@rjb.csic.es
Carlos Aedo
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: aedo@rjb.csic.es
Francisco Pando
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Real Jardin Botanico -CSIC
Claudio Moyano 1
email: pando@rjb.csic.es