"Phytoplankton and Zooplankton data collected during the Black Sea cruises of UkrSCES R/V Viktor Bugaev 1993"
Kovalishina S. (2016): "Phytoplankton and Zooplankton data collected during the Black Sea cruises of UkrSCES R/V Viktor Bugaev 1993". v1.2. Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES). Dataset/Occurrence. http://gp.sea.gov.ua:8082/ipt/resource?r=viktor_bugaev_1993&v=1.2 https://doi.org/10.15468/oyqa3k accessed via GBIF.org on 2021-12-12. accessed via GBIF.org on 2023-10-16. accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
This dataset contains information about monitoring cruises carried out by R/V “Viktor Bugaev” in 1993. Cruise number 57 performed in accordance with the programs: “World ocean”, “Global changes in natural environment and climate”, “Earth sciences and environment problems”, “Geology and litho-geochemical feature of oligofen-quaternary sediments of the Azov and Black Seas within the shelf and continental slope” . The program of research expeditions of the R/V "Viktor Bugaev" in the cruise 57 validated by the UkrSCES scientific director in July 1993.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Black SeaSampling
Expeditionary cruise 57 duration of 26 days (15.09.-10.10.1993.) was carried out in two stages. First stage - transition from the Port Yuzhnyi to station № 23. Environmental survey of the western part of the Black Sea with entry to the port Yalta (27-28. 09.93). Second stage - September 28 at 16:20 the vessel left the port of Yalta and started to implement the final part of the expedition - ecological survey of the eastern part of the Black Sea and of associated cut (28. 09-10. 10. 93). The works of the first stage were accompanied by favorable weather conditions. The works of the second stage were accompanied by adverse weather conditions. During hydrobiological survey the following observations were made: Primary production of phytoplankton; the amount species composition of phytoplankton; photosynthetic pigments of phytoplankton; strength of species and age groups of zooplankton; dark assimilation of carbon dioxide, bacterial production and destruction of organic matter; the total number of bacterial biomass.Method steps
- When carrying out the definition of qualitative and quantitative composition of phytoplankton, photosynthetic pigments, primary production, and also microbiological work, the following equipment were used: Spectrometer SF-46 LOMO; vacuum pump; laboratory centrifuges; tungsten bottle glass 250 ml; membrane filters "synpor"; "bunsen" flask volume of 5 liters; microscopes "Biolam"; "Nauman" camera to count the number of phytoplankton cells; installation for filtering; flowing aquarium-incubator; light filters 46, 25, 10, 1% of the surface illumination; batchers volume of 0.05 ml, 0.1 ml; plastic water "Niskin" bottle with a volume of 30 liters; drying cabinets 2B-151; aquarium-incubator "Pantaskone"; thermostats TS-8-M-2; electric stove. Water sampling was carried out using a stationary ship winch "LER0K-1.2" on the starboard side at the bow. To conduct work on the definition of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of zooplankton (including zooneyston) and zoobenthos the next devices and equipment have been used: Large net of Djedy (LDN); neuston net (NN); binocular microscope MBS-2; camera for counting zooplankton volume of 3.5 ml, and 4.5 ml; grab “Ocean-0.25”; a set of wash sieves. During the expedition cruise 57 were completed 21 stations 1st category and 50 stations 2nd category. Samples for qualitative and quantitative analysis of zooplankton were collected from all stations 1st and 2nd category in layers: surface - upper mixed layer, discontinuity layer, the lower limit of the thermocline – 50m; 50 – 75m; 75 – 100m; 100 – 125m; 125 – 150m; 150 – 175m; 175-200m. To determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of phytoplankton at the stations of the 1st category, determination of photosynthetic pigments, and bacterioplankton indicators were chosen depending on the layer transparency, selected an appropriate layers 100, 46, 25, 10 and 1 % of surface illumination. Choice a layer of photosynthesis and level for sampling have been calculated on the basis of transparency, according to the standard formula: Z = 1.3 D (2-lg Iz) Z – depth in meters D – transparency in meters Iz – light transmission filter in % At the stations of the 2nd category sampling phytoplankton was carried with horizons 0, 10, 25, 50m. Microbiological complex of the 1st category stations included the total number biomass of bacteria, speed dark assimilation of carbon dioxide, bacterial products, and census saprophytic bacteria at layers 2 cm, 0.5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 m . In 2nd category stations microbiological tests consisted of the total number biomass of bacteria in the surface layer of 0-2 cm. Samples of zooplankton were carried out by using a large net of Djedy, with a diameter of 37 cm inlet filter and a filtering gas cone. Netting samples to a depth of 200 m in layers were collected by common method. From the samples were removed large comb jelly and jellyfish, which were counted and measured separately. The sample was fixed with formalin and were subjected to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Tackling zoobenthos samples produced by bottom grab "Ocean-0.25" with an area capture of 0.25 m². Samples of soil were washed out through a set bolters with a size of cells 5 and 1 of mm. All samples of a macrobenthos systematized and processed according to a standard procedure. Calculation of the Mussel production population was made on empirical dependence: P=0,65 B W-0,216 P – production of population, g/m2 in year; B – biomass g/m2 ; W – the average mass of one individual in selection, g. Sampling of a zooneyston was carried out at stations of the 1st and 2nd category and at the daily stations. Three series of tests with an interval of 3-4 hours was selected at the daily stations. Sampling was made in quiet weather by a neuston net with cells of a sieve of 150 microns and with a working area of 0,025 during the daylight hours only. Work was performed manualy on the fodder part of the vessel. Proceeding from the speed of drift and distance etching of a net, the water volume was calculated. Preliminary processing of samples in ship conditions was made by the standard technique. Specific accessory and quantity of organisms determined with the help of a microscope stereoscopic MBS-9. The microbiological complex was carried out by the following techniques. For determination of total number and biomass of microorganisms 5 ml of water was filtered via membrane filters "synpor" with an area of 1 m2. The microorganisms which settled on filters were fixed in vapors of formalin and remained for further processing in coastal laboratories. The quantity of saprophitic bacteria was defined by a cup method of Koch. Water of volume 0.1-0.2 ml was put on firm nutrient mediums of Gorbenko (autochthonous saprophytic bacteria) and (allochthonous saprophytic bacteria) with the subsequent germination in the thermostat at a temperature of 22 °C and 37 °C. The accounting of the grown colonies was carried out for 2-5 days. Simultaneous definition of two groups of saprophytic bacteria supplements a sanitary assessment of seawater. Production of bacterial biomass was determined by a radio-carbon method by measurement of size of dark assimilation, marked by carbonic acid carbon.
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Cruises carried out in the Black Sea in accordance with the "Program of expeditionary researches of the Black sea" within the "Plan for the scientific reserche expeditions of the Ministry of Ecology, Ukraine on 1992-1993".
Bibliographic Citations
Oleksandr Leposhkinoriginator
position: Head of Information Support for the Scientific Researches Department
Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES)
Wilyamsa st. 59/3 apt. 49
Odessa oblast
Telephone: +380979960398
email: cephei7@gmail.com
homepage: http://www.sea.gov.ua
Oleksandr Neprokin
metadata author
position: Head of Information Support for the Scientific Researches Department
Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES)
89, Frantsuzsky Blvd.
email: o.neprokin@gmail.com
homepage: http://www.sea.gov.ua
Alina Junuspecova
metadata author
position: Jr. specialist
Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES)
89, Frantsuzsky Blvd.
Telephone: +380956696037
email: junuspecova@gmail.com
homepage: http://www.sea.gov.ua
Oleksandr Leposhkin
administrative point of contact
position: Acting Head of the Geoinformation Analysis Department
Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea (UkrSCES)
Williams str. 59/3 , flat 49
Odessa oblast
Telephone: +380979960398
email: cephei7@gmail.com
homepage: http://www.sea.gov.ua
Svetlana Kovalishina
administrative point of contact
position: Head of Department of the scientific research and protection the marine biocenoses
89, Franzuskyi blvd.
Telephone: +380974708795
email: svetakovalish@gmail.com
homepage: http://www.sea.gov.ua