NDFF Monitoring territorial bats by transect
van Oene M, de Kruif T (2018). NDFF Monitoring territorial bats by transect. Dutch National Database of Flora and Fauna (NDFF). Metadata dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/q1doum accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-16.Description
This is a sub-monitoring program that counts a limited selection of a population, namely the sexually active males. A transact of at least 2.5 kilometres is set out through a more or less homogeneous landscape: urban or rural landscape woodland or parkland agricultural areas From 15 August to 30 September, all territorial males of the Nyctalus noctula, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and the Pipistrellus nathusii are counted with a bat detector during 4 to 6 visits. The visits are made on foot. They are exclusively carried out in the evenings, 45 minutes after the species leave the nest at sundown. Data was actively collected from 1990 to 1997 for this monitoring program. Dataset available via https://www.ndff.nl/english / serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl Positive observations without zeros. 924 records (March 2018) https://www.ndff.nl/overdendff/validatie/protocollen/17-205-meetnet-transecttellingen-territoriale-vleermuizen/Taxonomic Coverages
Pipistrellus nathusiicommon name: Nathusius s pipistrelle rank: species
Pipistrellus pipistrelluscommon name: Common pipistrelle rank: species
Nyctalus noctulacommon name: Common noctule rank: species
Geographic Coverages
The Netherlands
Bibliographic Citations
Martijn van Oeneoriginator
position: Data manager
Dutch Mammal Society
email: info@zoogdiervereniging.nl
homepage: http://www.zoogdiervereniging.nl/dutch-mammal-society-english-pages
Thijs de Kruif
metadata author
position: metadata publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/
Henk de Vries
position: Node manager NLBIF
NLBIF (Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility)
P.O.Box 9517
2300 RA
email: henk.devries@naturalis.nl
Dries Oomen
administrative point of contact
position: publisher
email: serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/