Locations of plants on dot distribution maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997)
Artemov I, Egorova A (2021). Locations of plants on dot distribution maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). Version 1.2. Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/jb84wg accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
In 1987-1997 the 13 volumed collective monograph Flora of Siberia was published where data on systematics, ecology and distribution of 4302 native and naturalised alien vascular plant species and subspecies were presented (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). Dot distribution maps for 2569 of them were made by authors of the monograph on the base of specimens stored in herbaria of Novosibirsk (NS, NSK), Tomsk (TK), Moskow (MW, MHA) and Saint Petersburg (LE). The total number of locations on the maps are 169854. The resource contains coordinates of the locations which were geocoded by means of the standard ArcView GIS procedures.Purpose
In 1987-1997 the 13 volumed collective monograph Flora of Siberia was published where data on systematics, ecology and distribution of 4302 native and naturalised alien vascular plant species and subspecies were presented (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). Dot distribution maps for the most of them were made by authors of the monograph on the base of herbarium specimens. Academic status of the edition propose a high level of their taxonomic certainty.The total number of locations on the maps is almost 170000. It is a valuable information resource on the biodiversity of a region mainly hard to reach and quite poorly studied. The purpose of the present work is geocoding of species and subspecies locations marked on dot maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997).
Sampling Description
Study Extent
2569 dot distribution maps of vascular plant species and subspecies published in the first (Russian) edition of the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997) were used. The total number of locations on the maps are 169854.Sampling
The authors of the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997; Flora of Siberia, 2000–2007) marked species and subspecies locations on the contour maps mainly on the base of label information of specimens stored in herbaria of Novosibirsk (NS, NSK), Tomsk (TK), Moskow (MW, MHA) and Saint Petersburg (LE). Sometimes technical personnel marked dots on the maps but by materials prepared by specialists. At the preliminary stage, the authors marked species and subspecies locations on the USSR contour map of the Main Department of Geodesy and Cartography (1982) which had been made in scale 1 : 25 000 000, in Kavrayskiy equidistant conic projection. While preparing print layouts of the Flora of Siberia volumes (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997), reduced or increased fragments of maps were used in depends of species distribution. As a result, the scales of dot maps in the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997) vary from 1 : 20 000 000 to 1 : 45 000 000. Species and subspecies locations on maps in the print layouts were marked by dots 0.6–1.3 mm in diameter. Taking into account the map scales, it takes 20–50 km. We accept a dot diameter as a value of coordinate uncertainty at geocoding.Method steps
- 1. Scanning the dot maps from the Flora of Siberia (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). 2. Species/subspecies locations geocoding. Using the Geographic Information system ArcView GIS 3.2a (registration number is 843181116338) and the module ArcView Spatial Analyst 2.0a (registration number is 849601104159) for every dot map the following procedures were made: – A scanned map made in Kavrayskiy equidistant conic projection was snaped by several grid intersections to ArcView map made in Krasovsky equidistant conic projection with the central meridian E 100° and standard parallels N 47° and N 62°. The Krasovsky projection is rather similar to the Kavrayskiy one. The difference is in the scale by meridian: in the Kavrayskiy projectiom it is m=1 and in the Krasovsky one it is m=0.997 (Gedymin, 1984); – Species/subspecies locations were marked; – Coordinates of locations were geocoded by means of the standard ArcView procedures; – Coordinates were exported to the database table. Related information (volume number, map number, species/subspecies name) were added in the table. 3. Calculation coordinate uncertainty of species/subspecies locations. For every dot map the following procedures were made: – The segment of the central meridian E100° between parallels N50° and N60° was measured with an accuracy of 0.5 mm. If the map did not include this segment, the nearest one was measured. The map scale was calculated using the segment length. The scale was rounded to the nearest multiple of 1 : 5 000 000; – The dot diameters were measured with an accuracy of 0.1 mm using a microscope with a micrometer eyepiece; – To determine coordinate uncertainty, the dot diameters were calculated taking into account the map scale. The coordinate uncertainty was rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 km.
Additional info
Temporal scope of the resource is determined as 1800–1997. Low limit of the interval is rather uncertain since the authors of the Flora of Siberia used all available collections, including specimens collecded by first explorers of Siberia in XIX (Borodin, 1908). The high limit is a year of publication of the 13 volume of the Flora of Siberia in Russian (Flora Sibiraea, 1987–1997). In 2000-2007 the Flora of Siberia was republished in English (Flora of Siberia, 2000–2007).Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Borodin I. Collectors and collections of Siberian flora. Saint Petersburg, 1908. 208 p. (In Russian) -
- Gedymin A.V. Cartographic projections of Soviet school maps: characteristics, recognition and demonstrative methods for explaining of their properties. Moscow, 1984. 111 p. (In Russian) -
- Flora Sibiriae. Novosibirsk, 1987–1997. Tomis 1–13. (in Russian) -
- Flora of Siberia. Enfield, NH, USA, 2000–2007. Vol. 1–13. -
- USSR map. Scale 1 : 25 000 000. Moscow, 1982. (in Russian) -
Igor Artemovoriginator
position: Senior Researcher
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya Str., 101
email: artemov_1@mail.ru
Alexandra Egorova
position: Senior Engineer
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya Str., 101
email: esasha@mail.ru
Igor Artemov
metadata author
position: Senior Researcher
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya Str., 101
email: artemov_1@mail.ru
Igor Artemov
email: artemov_1@mail.ru
Igor Artemov
administrative point of contact
position: Senior Researcher
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya Str., 101
email: artemov_1@mail.ru