Twite Breeding Season Survey, Wales 2008
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (2023). Twite Breeding Season Survey, Wales 2008. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-12.Description
This survey updated a survey undertaken in 2002 by Snowdonia National Park and the National Trust. In Wales, twite are restricted primarily to northern Snowdonia around the valley of Nant Ffrancon and Llyn Ogwen, bounded by the Carneddau to the north and east, by Elidir Fawr and Y Garn to the west and by the Glyder range to the south, where breeding has been recorded since 1944 (Lovegrove et al. 1994), with post breeding flocks of over 150 birds in the recent past (1999 - 2000). This dataset also contains records other species in addition to twite which were recorded during the survey.
This survey updated a survey undertaken in 2002 by Snowdonia National Park and the National Trust to assess current status and provide reliable indication of trend in range and abundance between the reference years (2002 - 2008).
Sampling Description
Quality Control
These data have been gathered by trained field-workers and the data are of a high quality. These data have been mapped and checked for sensitivities and typographical/geographical errors.Method steps
This survey follows the same method used for the 1999 Statutory Conservation Agencies/RSPB Annual Breeding Bird Scheme (SCARABBS) and is based on Gilbert et al (1998). Bird Monitoring Methods. RSPB. Sandy, Bedfordshire.
Three visits were made each to selected 1km squares in two strata 1) stratified random sample of 1km squares; 2) squares identified with historic records. Survey staff walked modified point transects at 200m intervals. Whilst recording was continuous at 100m intervals within suitable breeding habitat, observers made five-minute stops to scan and listen for twite (observers were advised to avoid steeply sloping land). Habitat cover was recorded to the nearest 10%. Supplementary records were also collated.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
originatorRoyal Society for the Protection of Birds
metadata author
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
NBN Atlas
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn
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