Flora of Greenland Checklist
Jacobsen I B D, Böcher T W, Holmen K A, Jakobsen K (2020). Flora of Greenland Checklist. Version 1.3. Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. Checklist dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/r9efxw accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
This is a checklist of all native and naturalized taxa of vascular plants (species, subspecies, forma, and varieties) mentioned as occurring in Greenland in Grønlands Flora, Böcher, Holmen, and Jakobsen, Haase, 1978. The checklist is a historically important inventory of the taxa occurring in Greenland known in 1978. Some taxa have been omitted even though mentioned in the flora: (1) Taxa mentioned as “possibly” or “maybe” occurring in Greenland, (2) Taxa not mentioned by unanimous scientific name (a few mentioned by chromosome number but not named), (3) Hybrids, (4) Taxa described as only occurring in Greenland as cultivated or farmed species have not been included. With the exception of taxa mentioned in full numbered description on level with all other main taxa (e.g. Avena sativa #706). The total number of native and naturalized taxa mentioned in Groenlands Flora is 766. This high number of taxa includes 583 species, 81 subspecies (15 species only represented by descriptions of subspecies or lower rank), 27 forma and 73 varieties. This number is much higher than the 497 native species which the authors state to have included 497. This inventory finds that the flora includes descriptions of 468 species (15 represented be description of subspecies) of native and naturalized species, 26 forma, 80 subspecies and 72 varieties). There is no detailed description of which species the authors included in their count in what categories.Purpose
The purpose of this checklist dataset to bring the content of Flora of Greenland into the digitized world of databases and GBIF.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
This study is based on a thorough and meticulous examination of the species mentioned in Grønlands Flora (Flora of Greenland), Böher et al, Haase, 1978, which represented the most comprehensive synopsis of the flora of Greenland at the time of its publication in 1978.Sampling
Study of literature. The book Grønlands Flora has been meticulously and systematically examined and each mentioned taxon registered.Quality Control
Internal quality control and cross checking have been performed.Method steps
- Registration of individual taxon
- Spell check of scientific names
- Spell check of author abbreviations
- Registration of status (native/non-native/Both native and non-native strains)
- Cross checking taxon and flora
Additional info
No further information.Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
This checklist is of the vascular plants of occurring in Greenland known in 1978.
Bibliographic Citations
- Böcher, T.W., Holmen, K. & Jakobsen, K. (1978). P. Haase & Søns Forlag, Copenhagen, Denmark ISBN 87-559-0385-1 - http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/183098604
Ida Bomholt Dyrholm Jacobsenoriginator
position: Researcher/biologist
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Kivipq 2
email: idja@natur.gl
homepage: https://natur.gl
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2481-8061
Ida Bomholt Dyrholm Jacobsen
metadata author
position: Researcher/biologist
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Kivipq 2
email: idja@natur.gl
homepage: https://natur.gl/
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2481-8061
Isabel Calabuig
position: Node manager, data curator
DanBIF, Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: icalabuig@snm.ku.dk
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5515-7900
Tyge Wittrock Böcher
position: Professor
Københavns Universitet
Kjeld Axel Holmen
position: Lektor
Københavns Universitet
Knud Jakobsen
position: Uknown
Ida Bomholt Dyrholm Jacobsen
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher/biologist
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources
Kivioq 2
Telephone: 586786
email: idja@natur.gl
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2481-8061