Captura de datos de la Colección de Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
Wallace Jones R, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Captura de datos de la Colección de Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Version 1.16. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
La presente propuesta propone capturar los datos de las especies de Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) cos, montadas, etiquetadas e identificadas (91% a nivel 6 de curación, y 9% a nivel 3) por el responsable del proyecto y colaboradores desde 1996 hasta la fecha en México y guardada en la colección zoológica en la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales en la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ). La colección es producto de varios proyectos financiados en los últimos años. Uno de ellos es un proyecto previo de CONABIO: Proyecto L044: Los crisomélidos del bosque mesófilo de la reserva de la biósfera El Cielo, Gómez Farías, Tamaulipas, del cual, el responsable, el Dr. Santiago Niño aportó los especímenes de Curculionoidea colectados junto con la colecta de su grupo de interés. Además, la presente propuesta es posible por otro apoyo de CONABIO a la colección faunistica de la Facultad de Ciencias Natural de la UAQ de 1998 (Proyecto I028, Colecciones Faunísticas, responsable Dr Robert W. Jones, de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro). La mayoría de las especies identificadas en el presente trabajo actualmente están publicadas en dos artículos: 1) Coleoptera: Curculionoidea , del Libro Historia Natural de la Reserva de la Biósfera El Cielo, (Tamaulipas, México) 2005; y 2) Lista de especies de Curculionoidea del estado de Querétaro, México (2007, Acta Zoológica Mexicana 23(3): 59-57).
Se propone la captura los datos de 3201 ejemplares, con 408 especies, y 804 registros de aproximadamente 100 localidades de varios estados de México (principalmente de Tamaulipas en la Reserva de la Biosfera El Cielo (RBEC) y el estado de Querétaro) y analizar los datos en una publicación de la distribución altitudinal de los Curculionoidea de RBEC, apoyo a estudiantes de la Licenciatura y Posgrado e iniciar una página web de los Curculionoidea de México.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 1 Familia: 6 Género: 157 Especie: 413
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Insectarank: class
Coleopterarank: order
Curculionidaerank: family
Brentidaerank: family
Dryophthoridaerank: family
Attelabidaerank: family
Brachyceridaerank: family
Rhynchitidaerank: family
Conotrachelusrank: genus
Coelocephalapionrank: genus
Theogneterank: genus
Sitophilusrank: genus
Lechriopsrank: genus
Trichapionrank: genus
Epicaerusrank: genus
Exophthalmusrank: genus
Ampeloglypterrank: genus
Chrysapionrank: genus
Sphenophorusrank: genus
Isodrususrank: genus
Sibariopsrank: genus
Anthonomusrank: genus
Geraeusrank: genus
Rhodobaenusrank: genus
Limnobarisrank: genus
Ceratopusrank: genus
Barisrank: genus
Hypocoeliodesrank: genus
Pandeleteiusrank: genus
Sapotesrank: genus
Pseudocentrinusrank: genus
Pterocolusrank: genus
Himatolabusrank: genus
Cylindrocopturusrank: genus
Pantomorusrank: genus
Sibiniarank: genus
Nicentrusrank: genus
Centrinopusrank: genus
Kissingeriarank: genus
Eudociminusrank: genus
Trichobarisrank: genus
Isodacrysrank: genus
Piazurusrank: genus
Apionionrank: genus
Pilolabusrank: genus
Alocentronrank: genus
Cyrionyxrank: genus
Colecerusrank: genus
Notiodesrank: genus
Pseudobarisrank: genus
Chalcodermusrank: genus
Alceisrank: genus
Centrinaspisrank: genus
Amphideesrank: genus
Rhyssomatusrank: genus
Macrorhoptusrank: genus
Ileomusrank: genus
Naupactusrank: genus
Tanymecusrank: genus
Ophryastesrank: genus
Eurhinusrank: genus
Pseudopiazurusrank: genus
Melexerusrank: genus
Cionomimusrank: genus
Isotrachelusrank: genus
Microhyusrank: genus
Oxytenopterusrank: genus
Copturomimusrank: genus
Desmoglyptusrank: genus
Cactophagusrank: genus
Promecopsrank: genus
Sitonarank: genus
Craptusrank: genus
Linogeraeusrank: genus
Mitostylusrank: genus
Zygobarellarank: genus
Caulophilusrank: genus
Optatusrank: genus
Auletobiusrank: genus
Scyphophorusrank: genus
Hadromeropsisrank: genus
Myrmexrank: genus
Anisorrhamphusrank: genus
Lepidobarisrank: genus
Pheloconusrank: genus
Ericydeusrank: genus
Zascelisrank: genus
Atractomerusrank: genus
Trepobarisrank: genus
Sciomiasrank: genus
Vasseletiarank: genus
Metriophilusrank: genus
Copturusrank: genus
Apinocisrank: genus
Piazorhinusrank: genus
Claeotegesrank: genus
Curculiorank: genus
Cylindrocerusrank: genus
Glyptobarisrank: genus
Nicentritesrank: genus
Cercobarisrank: genus
Nanobarisrank: genus
Pandeleteinusrank: genus
Thegilisrank: genus
Peltophorusrank: genus
Madarellusrank: genus
Eustylusrank: genus
Allopentarthrumrank: genus
Coelosternusrank: genus
Apteromechusrank: genus
Neapionrank: genus
Metamasiusrank: genus
Trachyphloeomimusrank: genus
Neochetinarank: genus
Neomastixrank: genus
Auletesrank: genus
Chrysobarisrank: genus
Orthognathusrank: genus
Eugnamptusrank: genus
Euscepesrank: genus
Odontopusrank: genus
Marshalliusrank: genus
Hoplocopturusrank: genus
Compsusrank: genus
Xestolabusrank: genus
Prionobrachiumrank: genus
Xystusrank: genus
Mazenesrank: genus
Platyomusrank: genus
Orchestomerusrank: genus
Achiarank: genus
Megalostylusrank: genus
Leptoschoinusrank: genus
Hyperarank: genus
Laemosaccusrank: genus
Microzurusrank: genus
Cholusrank: genus
Phelyperarank: genus
Peridinetusrank: genus
Sternechusrank: genus
Grypidiopsisrank: genus
Ambatesrank: genus
Sayapionrank: genus
Pseudhypoptusrank: genus
Oopterinusrank: genus
Aphrastusrank: genus
Botanebiusrank: genus
Polytusrank: genus
Tomolipsrank: genus
Anthonomopsisrank: genus
Madarusrank: genus
Philidesrank: genus
Hypoptusrank: genus
Smicronyxrank: genus
Cionopsisrank: genus
Pantotelesrank: genus
Linomadarusrank: genus
Lixusrank: genus
Euscelusrank: genus
Ameladusrank: genus
Heilipodusrank: genus
Macrocopturusrank: genus
Phyrdenusrank: genus
Cratosomusrank: genus
Buchananiusrank: genus
Conotrachelus dimidiatusrank: species
Coelocephalapion erythropterumrank: species
Theognete laurentaerank: species
Sitophilus zeamaisrank: species
Lechriops oculatarank: species
Trichapion procliverank: species
Epicaerus cultripennisrank: species
Exophthalmus agrestisrank: species
Coelocephalapion decoloratumrank: species
Ampeloglypter sulcifronsrank: species
Theognete tuberosarank: species
Chrysapion auctumrank: species
Trichapion consanguineumrank: species
Sphenophorus memnoniusrank: species
Isodrusus debilisrank: species
Sibariops concinnarank: species
Anthonomus grandisrank: species
Coelocephalapion subaequalerank: species
Coelocephalapion carinatumrank: species
Geraeus metoecusrank: species
Rhodobaenus sanguineusrank: species
Ceratopus subfasciatusrank: species
Hypocoeliodes gibbicollisrank: species
Pandeleteius ornatifronsrank: species
Sapotes caseyirank: species
Pseudocentrinus ochraceusrank: species
Pterocolus ovatusrank: species
Anthonomus eugeniirank: species
Sphenophorus venatusrank: species
Conotrachelus corallinusrank: species
Trichapion godmanirank: species
Himatolabus umbosisrank: species
Anthonomus rufipennisrank: species
Coelocephalapion prosolitarerank: species
Hypocoeliodes phytobioidesrank: species
Cylindrocopturus armatusrank: species
Pantomorus uniformisrank: species
Pantomorus albosignatusrank: species
Sibinia setosarank: species
Nicentrus testaceipesrank: species
Centrinopus mendaxrank: species
Kissingeria trichiumrank: species
Sibinia ruidularank: species
Sapotes sordidusrank: species
Eudociminus mannerheimiirank: species
Rhodobaenus subcylindricusrank: species
Anthonomus lomongarank: species
Trichobaris mucorearank: species
Hypocoeliodes bicarinatusrank: species
Theognete grimblyaerank: species
Pandeleteius fasciatusrank: species
Geraeus senilisrank: species
Sibinia variegatarank: species
Rhodobaenus lebasiirank: species
Sibinia gryparank: species
Isodacrys crispumrank: species
Trichapion tenuirostrumrank: species
Piazurus maculipesrank: species
Anthonomus cyaneusrank: species
Conotrachelus nigricollisrank: species
Apionion fenyesirank: species
Pilolabus nigriclavarank: species
Alocentron chiriquenserank: species
Cyrionyx clathratusrank: species
Trichapion rufipennerank: species
Colecerus marmoratusrank: species
Notiodes robustusrank: species
Pseudobaris gibbicollisrank: species
Chalcodermus longirostrisrank: species
Sapotes setosusrank: species
Alceis sulfuratusrank: species
Trichapion mirandumrank: species
Lechriops lebasiirank: species
Trichapion gracilirostrerank: species
Sibinia candidatarank: species
Centrinaspis picumnarank: species
Amphidees latifronsrank: species
Rhyssomatus ovalisrank: species
Geraeus lentiginosarank: species
Trichapion enoplusrank: species
Himatolabus nudusrank: species
Cylindrocopturus albonotatusrank: species
Macrorhoptus sphaeralceaerank: species
Centrinopus scutellinusrank: species
Ileomus distinguendusrank: species
Sibinia earinarank: species
Ceratopus longiclavarank: species
Naupactus godmannirank: species
Anthonomus griseisquamisrank: species
Anthonomus hunterirank: species
Kissingeria amaurarank: species
Tanymecus confertusrank: species
Ophryastes vittatusrank: species
Ophryastes simulansrank: species
Alocentron relictumrank: species
Anthonomus singularisrank: species
Eurhinus festivusrank: species
Anthonomus elutusrank: species
Pseudopiazurus centraliamericanusrank: species
Geraeus tonsusrank: species
Melexerus hispidusrank: species
Cionomimus brevisrank: species
Coelocephalapion praeditumrank: species
Isotrachelus tibialisrank: species
Microhyus angustatusrank: species
Geraeus simulatorrank: species
Oxytenopterus clothorank: species
Copturomimus confluensrank: species
Desmoglyptus arizonicusrank: species
Cylindrocopturus biradiatusrank: species
Sphenophorus quadrivittatusrank: species
Trichapion occiduumrank: species
Anthonomus altamnisrank: species
Trichapion oscillatorrank: species
Cactophagus fahraeirank: species
Sibinia championirank: species
Promecops leucothyreusrank: species
Cyrionyx championirank: species
Sitona hispidulusrank: species
Geraeus picumnusrank: species
Craptus undulatusrank: species
Ampeloglypter speculiferrank: species
Linogeraeus x-albusrank: species
Mitostylus setosusrank: species
Coelocephalapion sordidumrank: species
Zygobarella tristicularank: species
Rhyssomatus sculpturatusrank: species
Trichapion eccentricumrank: species
Cactophagus spinolaecommon name: picudo del nopal rank: species
Caulophilus filirostrisrank: species
Coelocephalapion subornatumrank: species
Lechriops sticticarank: species
Trichapion lassumrank: species
Pandeleteius brevipesrank: species
Optatus palmarisrank: species
Auletobius rostralisrank: species
Rhyssomatus nigerrimusrank: species
Pandeleteius ciliatipennisrank: species
Trichapion modicumrank: species
Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatusrank: species
Scyphophorus acupunctatuscommon name: botija, chatita, gusano del maguey mezcalero, picudo del agave, picudo del maguey, tepocho rank: species
Hadromeropsis flagellatarank: species
Ophryastes cinereusrank: species
Anthonomus palmerirank: species
Myrmex dugesirank: species
Sibinia inermisrank: species
Anisorrhamphus squamiventrisrank: species
Ampeloglypter ovalisrank: species
Lepidobaris nitidipennisrank: species
Cylindrocopturus ganglbauerirank: species
Trichapion murinumrank: species
Trichapion submetallicumrank: species
Pheloconus rubicundulusrank: species
Ericydeus modestusrank: species
Chalcodermus mexicanusrank: species
Zascelis irroratarank: species
Atractomerus indicivusrank: species
Anthonomus morbosusrank: species
Coelocephalapion nodicornerank: species
Pandeleteius tibialisrank: species
Trepobaris perlongarank: species
Tanymecus confususrank: species
Lechriops festivarank: species
Rhodobaenus deltoidesrank: species
Conotrachelus parvicollisrank: species
Rhyssomatus sexcostatusrank: species
Anthonomus mexicanusrank: species
Conotrachelus dentiferusrank: species
Sciomias subtilisrank: species
Trichapion neocoxalerank: species
Hypocoeliodes chiriquensisrank: species
Pandeleteius flexilisrank: species
Conotrachelus inexplicatusrank: species
Exophthalmus cupreipesrank: species
Vasseletia vasseletirank: species
Metriophilus ramosusrank: species
Copturus aguacataerank: species
Pandeleteius rotundicollisrank: species
Piazorhinus scutellarisrank: species
Sitophilus oryzaerank: species
Conotrachelus anaglypticusrank: species
Amphidees nubilosusrank: species
Claeoteges obliteratarank: species
Curculio longinasusrank: species
Cylindrocerus circumlineatusrank: species
Amphidees nasutusrank: species
Glyptobaris leconteirank: species
Nicentrites hidalgoanusrank: species
Trichapion aurichalceumrank: species
Sibinia aulacisrank: species
Glyptobaris rugatarank: species
Cercobaris fortirostrisrank: species
Nanobaris retusarank: species
Sibinia tessellatarank: species
Coelocephalapion spretissimumrank: species
Pandeleteinus subcancerrank: species
Geraeus inchoatusrank: species
Thegilis baridioidesrank: species
Peltophorus polymitusrank: species
Madarellus cuneatusrank: species
Pandeleteius hispidusrank: species
Pantomorus stupidusrank: species
Conotrachelus humerosusrank: species
Conotrachelus subfasciatusrank: species
Rhyssomatus perparvulusrank: species
Cylindrocopturus binotatusrank: species
Eustylus striatusrank: species
Coelocephalapion aduncirostrerank: species
Piazorhinus uniformisrank: species
Zascelis sulcifronsrank: species
Epicaerus operculatusrank: species
Anthonomus morpheusrank: species
Allopentarthrum elumberank: species
Pilolabus klugiirank: species
Ophryastes squalidusrank: species
Lechriops californicarank: species
Pandeleteius robustusrank: species
Kissingeria seminudumrank: species
Sphenophorus cicatristriatusrank: species
Coelosternus albocaudatusrank: species
Anthonomus baridioidesrank: species
Sibinia seminicolarank: species
Pantomorus globicollisrank: species
Rhodobaenus arcuatusrank: species
Trichapion brunnicornisrank: species
Apteromechus longulusrank: species
Neapion cretaceicollerank: species
Notiodes aeratusrank: species
Epicaerus samsonrank: species
Curculio montanusrank: species
Epicaerus spretusrank: species
Himatolabus vestitusrank: species
Metamasius quadrilineatusrank: species
Trichapion auriferumrank: species
Pilolabus californicusrank: species
Trichobaris majorrank: species
Trachyphloeomimus championirank: species
Anthonomus ruficollisrank: species
Pandeleteius brevinasusrank: species
Nicentrites lineicollisrank: species
Trichapion heterogeneumrank: species
Zascelis affaberrank: species
Sphenophorus incurrensrank: species
Sibariops confusarank: species
Anthonomus aereusrank: species
Neochetina eichhorniaerank: species
Pandeleteius maculicollisrank: species
Neomastix idolumrank: species
Lechriops maculicepsrank: species
Kissingeria pauperrank: species
Rhyssomatus acutecostatusrank: species
Pandeleteius nodiferrank: species
Colecerus variegatusrank: species
Auletes sulcifronsrank: species
Pantomorus viridisrank: species
Hypocoeliodes coronatusrank: species
Chrysobaris plurisetosarank: species
Orthognathus subparallelusrank: species
Linogeraeus lineellusrank: species
Piazurus succivusrank: species
Eugnamptus nigripennisrank: species
Coelocephalapion lividumrank: species
Anthonomus phymosiaerank: species
Conotrachelus cristatusrank: species
Caulophilus oryzaerank: species
Rhodobaenus auctusrank: species
Kissingeria disparipesrank: species
Pandeleteius plumosiventrisrank: species
Euscepes divisusrank: species
Chalcodermus dentipesrank: species
Pandeleteius vitticollisrank: species
Odontopus mucidusrank: species
Trichapion plectrocolumrank: species
Marshallius guttatusrank: species
Conotrachelus cruciferrank: species
Hoplocopturus leptopusrank: species
Compsus auricephalusrank: species
Xestolabus sedatusrank: species
Prionobrachium schoenherrirank: species
Xystus gracilirostrisrank: species
Conotrachelus tetrastigmarank: species
Conotrachelus guatemalensisrank: species
Geraeus x-notatumrank: species
Piazorhinus albofasciatusrank: species
Mazenes bifoveatusrank: species
Pilolabus splendensrank: species
Platyomus chrysopusrank: species
Chrysapion tantillumrank: species
Conotrachelus longirostrisrank: species
Orchestomerus gibbicollisrank: species
Conotrachelus cinerascensrank: species
Cylindrocopturus imbricatusrank: species
Myrmex cylindricollisrank: species
Colecerus setosusrank: species
Coelocephalapion emaciipesrank: species
Rhodobaenus thoracicusrank: species
Achia adustarank: species
Claeoteges granulosarank: species
Trichapion alticolarank: species
Exophthalmus verecundusrank: species
Apionion howdenirank: species
Megalostylus albicansrank: species
Conotrachelus leucophaeatusrank: species
Kissingeria disparatumrank: species
Geraeus mendaxrank: species
Leptoschoinus aspersusrank: species
Conotrachelus albinusrank: species
Rhyssomatus rugosusrank: species
Ophryastes lucanusrank: species
Apionion neolentumrank: species
Himatolabus rudisrank: species
Geraeus bipustulatusrank: species
Copturomimus asperatusrank: species
Hypera posticarank: species
Chrysapion chrysocomumrank: species
Laemosaccus ruficornisrank: species
Coelocephalapion epicumrank: species
Pandeleteius viridiventrisrank: species
Lechriops infusarank: species
Microzurus championirank: species
Anthonomus pazmanirank: species
Cholus nigrofasciatusrank: species
Phelypera distigmarank: species
Epicaerus auriferrank: species
Pandeleteius inflatusrank: species
Peridinetus rufotorquatusrank: species
Ophryastes prolatusrank: species
Rhodobaenus varieguttatusrank: species
Peridinetus distinctusrank: species
Trachyphloeomimus mexicanusrank: species
Sternechus tuberculatusrank: species
Atractomerus punctipennisrank: species
Grypidiopsis variegatarank: species
Ambates solanirank: species
Sayapion teralerank: species
Pseudhypoptus eurylobusrank: species
Oopterinus laevigatusrank: species
Aphrastus submarginatusrank: species
Coelocephalapion luteirostrerank: species
Botanebius gibbosusrank: species
Apionion inflatipennerank: species
Polytus mellerborgiirank: species
Conotrachelus serpentinusrank: species
Xystus mexicanusrank: species
Anthonomus canescensrank: species
Trichapion latitatorrank: species
Epicaerus mexicanusrank: species
Metamasius callizonarank: species
Tomolips quercicolarank: species
Coelocephalapion pallitarserank: species
Anthonomopsis mixtarank: species
Lepidobaris latisquamisrank: species
Madarus bistrigellusrank: species
Trichapion innocensrank: species
Odontopus carinatusrank: species
Trichapion tomentosumrank: species
Philides comansrank: species
Hypoptus macularisrank: species
Trichobaris championirank: species
Trichapion glyphicumrank: species
Lechriops bicolorrank: species
Megalostylus splendidusrank: species
Smicronyx spretusrank: species
Anthonomus squamansrank: species
Cylindrocopturus tetralobusrank: species
Trichapion hadromerumrank: species
Anthonomus somniculosusrank: species
Anthonomus dormitorrank: species
Cionopsis crispularank: species
Epicaerus monclovaerank: species
Lechriops alboterminatarank: species
Pantoteles longimanusrank: species
Sayapion absonumrank: species
Anthonomus tenuirostrisrank: species
Linomadarus distigmarank: species
Naupactus virescensrank: species
Lixus maculipennisrank: species
Atractomerus albolateralisrank: species
Cylindrocopturus filicornisrank: species
Euscelus fenestratusrank: species
Claeoteges virosarank: species
Ameladus inornatusrank: species
Trichapion evustumrank: species
Heilipodus lentiginosusrank: species
Conotrachelus curvilineatusrank: species
Anthonomus solariirank: species
Anthonomus alboannulatusrank: species
Trachyphloeomimus undulatoidesrank: species
Macrocopturus lamprothoraxrank: species
Exophthalmus opulentusrank: species
Xystus pallidipennisrank: species
Trachyphloeomimus alternatusrank: species
Anthonomus heterogenusrank: species
Trichapion bicolorrank: species
Phyrdenus muriceusrank: species
Rhodobaenus cariniventrisrank: species
Cratosomus punctulatusrank: species
Anthonomus arrogansrank: species
Pandeleteius thomasirank: species
Anthonomus unipustulatusrank: species
Trichapion acanonicumrank: species
Conotrachelus foveicollisrank: species
Trichapion laminatumrank: species
Xestolabus corvinusrank: species
Anthonomus distigmarank: species
Sapotes puncticollisrank: species
Piazurus plagiatusrank: species
Pseudhypoptus parcusrank: species
Conotrachelus nodulosusrank: species
Sphenophorus cariosusrank: species
Sibinia aspersarank: species
Trichapion macropusrank: species
Buchananius sulcatusrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Sanderson, M. W. 1958. Fauna affinities of Arizona Phyllophaga with notes and descriptions of new species. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 31 -
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- Barret. 1935. New species of North American Scarabaeidae II. (Coleoptera). The Canadian Entomologist. 67 -
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- Saylor. 1940. Ten new West Indian scarab beetles of the genus Phyllophaga with two new names. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 30 -
- Morón. 1995. Phyllophaga vazquezae, una nueva especie mexicana del grupo Blanchardi (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. 46 -
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- Howden. 1969. Species of Coenonycha Horn from mainland Baja California, Mexico. (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 23 -
- Sharp, D. 1877. Description of some new species of beetles (Scarabaeidae) from Central America. Journal Linn. Society Zoologycal. 13 -
- Harold. 1863. Note sur les especes mexicaines du genre phanaeus et descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles de Coleopteres Mexicains. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de France. 4(3) -
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- Morón. 1999. Four new species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) from Southeastern Mexico. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 53(4) -
- Morón & Cano. 2000. Three new species of Phyllophaga (s. str.) group Rostripyga (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) from Mexico and Guatemala. The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 76(4) -
- Morón, Rivera & López. 2001. New species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae) from Biosphere Reserve of Manantlán, Jalisco-Colima, Mexico. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 55(4) -
- Morón. 2001. New and rare species of Phyllophaga (S. str.) from Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Melolonthinae). The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 77(3) -
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- Morón. 2000. Twelve new species of Phyllophaga subgenus Phytalus (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae) from Eastern and Southern Mexico. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 73(1) -
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- Hardy. 1978. Three new Pachydemini and a key to the species of the genus Phobetus (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 32(1) -
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- Van Dyke. 1928. Notes and descriptions of new species of Scarabaeidae from Western North America. The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 4 -
- Howden. 1962. New species and synonymy in Acoma (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Canadian Entomologist. 94(11) -
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- Ohaus. 1915. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia). Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. XVII -
- Hardy. 1974. Two new species of Pseudocotalpa Hardy (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 50(3) -
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- Deloya & Morón. 1988. Descripción de cuatro especies nuevas de Parachrysina (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. 76 -
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- Hope. 1840. On a new species of Dynastes and other Coleoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London. 4 -
- Morón. 1981. Descripción de dos especies nuevas de Plusiotis Burm. 1844 y discusión de algunos aspectos zoogeográficos del grupo de especies Costata (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. (49) -
- Gray. 1832. Notices of new genera and species. The Animal Kingdom arraged in conformity with its organization by the Baron Cuvier. 14. London. -
- Ohaus. 1913. XI- beitrag zur kenntnis der Reteliden (Coleoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. XI -
- Boucard. 1878. Notes on some Coleoptera of the genus Plusiotis, with descriptions of three new species from Mexico and Central America. Proceedings of the Zoologycal Society of London. -
- Rotschild & Jordan. 1894. Six new species of Plusiotis and one new Anoplostethus. Novitates zoologicae. 1 -
- Blackaller & Delgado. 1994. Plusiotis citlaltepetlamayatli, a new species of the Lecontei group from Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 102(1) -
- Ratcliffe & Taylor. 1992. Two remarkable new species of Plusiotis (Coleoptera, Scarab. Rutelinae) from Mexico and Central America. Insecta mundi. 6(1) -
- Ohaus. 1912. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 73 -
- Ohaus. 1905. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Amerikanischen Ruteliden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 66 -
- Boucard. 1875. Monographic list of the Coleoptera of the genus Plusiotis of America North of Panama with descriptions of several new species. Proceedings of the Zoologycal Society of London. -
- Sturm. 1843. Catalog der kaefersammlung von Jacob Sturm, Nurnberg. -
- Morón. 1992. Adiciones al género Plusiotis Burmeister, 1844 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Giornale Italiano de Entomologia. 6. Milano, Italia. -
- Horn. 1882. Notes on some little known genera and species of Coleoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 10 -
- Casey. 1915. A review of the American species of Rutelinae, Dynastinae and Cetoniinae. Memoirs on the Coleoptera by Thomas l. Casey. 6 -
- Curoe & Beraud. 1994. A new Plusiotis Burmeister from Mexico Chiapas and Guatemala, (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Giornale Italiano de Entomologia. 7. Milano, Italia. -
- Ohaus. 1930. Eine neue Plusiotis aus Guatemala. (Col. Lamell. Rutelin.) |. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 91 -
- Francillon. 1795. Description of a rare Scarabaeus (Sc. Macropus ) from Potosi in South American. London. -
- Hardy. 1975. A revision of the genus Pelidnota of America North of Panama (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae). University of California Publications in Entomology. 78 -
- Delgado, Deloya & Morón. 1987. Descripción de dos nuevas especies mexicanas de Pelidnota (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Rutelinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. (74) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1874. Descriptions of new Coleoptera chiefly the Pacific slope of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 5 -
- Laporte, F. L. 1840. Histoire Naturelle des animaux articulés. 1 -
- Arrow. 1900. On pleurostict Lamellicorns from Grenada and St. Vincent (West Indies). The Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Serie B. -
- Ohaus. 1905. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Amerikanischen Ruteliden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. -
- Olivier, A. G. 1789. Encyclopedie methodique. Histoire Naturelle. Insectes. -
- Waterhouse. 1881. On some South American Coleoptera of the family Rutelidae. The Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Serie B. -
- Ohaus. 1902. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 63 -
- Ohaus. 1897. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ruteliden (I.- Die Gattung Popillia Serv. und the nachten verwandten, II- anomaliden von mittel - und Sud - Amerika). Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 58 -
- Gyllenhal, L. 1817. Shônherr, appendix and synonymia insectorum. 1(3) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1858. Description of new species of Coleoptera, chiefly collected by the United States and Mexican boundary commission, under major W. H. Emory. U. S. A. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 10 -
- Stephens, J. F. 1830. Illustrations of British Entomology, synopsis of indigenous insects: containing their generic and specific distributions with an account of their metam. 3 -
- Robinson. 1938. Studies in the Scarabaeidae I. (Coleoptera ). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 64 -
- Schaeffer. 1906. Notes on some species of the genus Anomala with descriptions of new species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 14 -
- Ohaus. 1908. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Amerikanischen Ruteliden. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de Belgique. 52 -
- Nonfried. 1893. Monographische beitrage zur kaferfauna von Centra-Amerika . I- Rutelidae: epectinaspis und Strigoderma. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 38 -
- Melsheimer, F. E. 1844. Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 2 -
- Fabricius, J. C. 1792. Entomologia Systematica. 1. Hafniae. -
- Newman. 1841. A descriptive list of the species of Popillia in the cabinet of the rev. F. W. Hope, M. A. with one description added from a specimen in the British Museum. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 3 -
- Newman. 1838. New species of Popillia. The Magazine of Natural History. 2(2) -
- Casey. 1884. Contributions to the descriptive and systematic Coleopterology of North America. Part II. Part II -
- Endrödi. 1963. Neue Cyclocephala Arten (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationals Hungarici Pars Zoological. 55 -
- Ratcliffe & Delgado. 1990. New species and notes of Cyclocephala from Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Dynastinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. 80 -
- Linnaeus, C. 1767. Systema Naturae. Editio deudecima reformata, Holmiae. 1(Part 2) -
- Howden & Endrödi. 1966. Five new species of Cyclocephala Latreille from North and Central America (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Canadian Entomologist. 98(3) -
- Martínez. 1969. Dos nuevas Cyclocephalas mexicanas. Acta Zoológica Mexicana. 55 -
- Arrow. 1911. Notes on the coleopterous subfamily Dynastinae with descriptions of new genera and species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 8(VIII) -
- Höhne. 1923. Neue Dynastiden (Coleoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. -
- Arrow. 1902. Notes and descriptions of some Dynastidae from tropical American chiefly supplementary to the Biologia Centrali- Americana. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7(X) -
- Herbst. 1792. Natursystem aller bekannten in - und auslandischen insecten. 4 -
- Arrow. 1914. Some further notes on Lamellicorn beetles of the family Dynastinae. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 14(Serie 8) -
- Martínez. 1968. Notas sobre Cyclocephalini Americanos con descripción de dos nuevas especies (Coleoptera, Scarab. Dynast.). Ciencia. 26 -
- Endrödi. 1964. Eine relhe von neven Cyclocephala arten (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica. 17(31) -
- Olivier, A. G. 1879. Entomologie ou histoire naturelle des insects avec leurs caracteres generiques et specifiques, leur description, leur synonymie et leur figure enluminee. I. 5. Coleopteres vol 1. 1(5) -
- Ratcliffe. 1992. Two new species of Cyclocephala from Arizona and Mexico and a note on Melanistic C. Melanocephala (Coleoptera, Scarab. Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 46(3) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1866. Additions to the Coleopterous fauna of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8 -
- Endrödi. 1966. Monographie der Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia). Entomologische abhandlungen I. teil museum fur Tierkunde. 33 -
- Höhne. 1922. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cyclocephaliden (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 83 -
- Arrow. 1937. Systematic notes on beetles of the subfamily Dynastinae, with descriptions of a few new species in the British Museum Colection (Coleoptera). The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 86 -
- Fabricius, J. C. 1798. Supplementum Entomologie Systematicae. Hafniae. -
- Delgado. 1991. Una nueva especie mexicana de Stenocrates (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM, Serie Zoológica. 62(1) -
- Endrödi. 1967. Drei neue arten der tribe Cyclocephalini R. K. Folia Entomologica Hungarica. 20(1) -
- Germar, E. F. 1824. Insectorum species novae ut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. -
- Dechambre. 1985. Quatre nouvelles especes de Stenocrates (Coleoptera, Dynastidae). Revue Francais d´Entomologie (n. s.). 7 -
- Kirsch. 1870. Beitrag zur Kaferfauna von Bogota. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 14 -
- Hope. 1837. The Coleopterist´s Manual. -
- Prell. 1936. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastinen ueber die homonymieverhaltnisse der namen von gattungen end untergattungen. Entomologische blätter. 35 -
- Schaeffer. 1906. On Bradycinetus and Bolboceras of North America, with notes on other Scarabaeidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 32 -
- Morón & Ratcliffe. 1996. New tribal placement of the genus Coscinocephalus Prell, 1936 with description of the larva, pupa and adult of a new species from Mexico. (Coleoptera, Scarab. Dynastinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 104(1-2) -
- Schaeffer. 1909. New Coleoptera chiefly from Arizona. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. 1 -
- Howden. 1980. Gillaspytes janzeni, a new genus and species of North American Dynastinae (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Canadian Entomologist. (112) -
- Prell. 1937. Beitrag zur Kenntnis del Dynastinen (XV, 3) neue arten und rassen. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 51 -
- Beauvois. 1805. Insectes recuillis en Afrique et en Amerique, (from Horn). -
- Erichson. 1848. Die inserkten in schomburg´s reise in Guiana. 3. Liepzig. -
- Cartwright. 1959. Scarab beetles of the genus Bothynus in the United States. Proceedings to the United States National Museum. 108 -
- Fairmaire, L. 1878. Description de Coleopteres nouveaux d´Amerique. Revue et Magasin de Zoologie. 3(Serie 3) -
- Prell. 1914. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastinen X (Coleoptera). Entomologische mitteilungen. 3 -
- Delgado & Deloya. 1990. Una especie nueva de Orizabus Fairmaire, 1878 de Mexico (Coleoptera: Melolonthidae: Dynastinae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM, Serie Zoológica. 61 -
- Morón. 1981. Una nueva especie mexicana de Orizabus Fairmaire, 1878. (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. (47) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1848. Fragmenta Entomologica. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 2(1) -
- Ratcliffe. 1994. Orizabus subaziro, a new species from Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarab., Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 48(1) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1856. Notice of three genera of Scarabaeidae found in the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8 -
- Dechambre. 1993. Une nouvelle espece de Orizabus du Mexique (Coleoptera, Dynastinae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. 98(4) -
- Chevrolat. 1843. Coleopteres du Mexiique 226: Pentameres, Hydrocantharesm, Sternoxes, Terediles, Necrophages, Lamellicornes. Magasin de Zoologie. -
- Rivers. 1889. A new genus and species of North America Scarabaeidae. Proceedings California Academy of Sciences. Serie 2. 1 -
- Kolbe. 1906. Die Dynastiden Gattung Daemonoplus. Stettiner Entomologische Zeittung. 67 -
- Ratcliffe. 1976. A revision of the genus Strategus (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum. 10(3) -
- Kolbe. 1906. Ueber die arten der Amerikanischen Dynastiden Gattung Strategus. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 51 -
- Endrödi. 1975. Neue Dynastinen aus der Sonorischen und Neotropischen gebiet. Acta Zool. Acad. Sci. Hung. 21 -
- Delgado & Nájera. 1992. Especie y registros nuevos de Xyloryctes de Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastidae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM, Serie Zoológica. 63(2) -
- Drury. 1773. Illustrations of Natural History. -
- Kolbe. 1910. Ueber die phileurinen Amerikan. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de Belgique. 54 -
- Morón. 1990. Descripción de una especie nueva de Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910 (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Anales del Instituto de Biología de la UNAM, Serie Zoológica. 61(1) -
- LeConte, J. L. 1854. Notice of some coleopterous insects, from the collections of the Mexican Boundary Commission. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 7 -
- Latrielle. 1807. Genera crustaceorum et insectorum ordinem naturalem in familias Disposita, iconibus exemplisque plurimus. 2. Francia. -
- Prell. 1911. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastiden. Entomologische zeitschrift Frankfurt A. M. 25 -
- Prell. 1912. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dynastinen (IX) neubeschreibungen und synonymische bemerkungen. Coleopterologische Rundschau. 1 -
- Beauvois. 1807. Insectes recuillis en Afrique et en Amerique, 1805 -1821 (from Horn). 1(nd) -
- Thomson. 1860. Cétonides. Musee Scientifique. 1 -
- Warner. 1990. A new North American Spodistes Burmeister (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 46(4) -
- Westwood, J. O. 1852. Descriptions of some new or imperfectly know species of Bolboceras Kirby. 21 -
- Kirby, W. 1825. A description of some insectes wich appear to exemplify Mr. Williams S. Mac Leays doctrine of affinity and analogy. Descriptions of some new or imperfectly know species of Bolboceras Kirby. 14 -
- Lachaume. 1985. Beetles of the World V. Dynastini 1: Dynastes, Megasoma, Golofa. In: Compliegne. V(1). Sciences Nat. -
- Morón. 1993. Nueva subespecie mexicana de Dynastes hercules ( l.) (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). Giornale Italiano de Entomologia. Milano, Italia. -
- Hardy. 1972. A brief revision of the North and Central American species of Megasoma (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). The Canadian Entomologist. 104 -
- Bolivar-Pieltain, Martínez & Jiménez-Asua. 1963. Comunicaciones originales, notas sobre Dynastinae neotropicales con especial referencia a especies mexicanas. Ciencia. 22(6) -
- Cartwright. 1963. Two new species of Megasoma from the United States and Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 17 -
- Dechambre. 1975. Diagnose preliminaire de nouvelle especes de Megaceras Hope et Golofa Hope. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. (80) -
- Thomson. 1858. Une espece nouvelle de Scarabaeidae. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. -
- Hope. 1837. On the Golofa a beetles of Venezuela and its allied species. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 2 -
- Morón. 1995. Review of the mexican species of Golofa Hope (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Dynastinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 49(4) -
- Voirin. 1994. Trois nouvelles especes de Golofa Hope (Coleoptera, Scarabaeiodea, Dynastinae). Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse. 67 -
- Arrow. 1911. Notes on the Lamellicorn beetles of the genus Golofa with descriptions of three new species. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 7 -
- Le Peletier & Serville. 1825. Encyclopedie methodique, Entomologie. 10(Pt. 1). París. -
- Morón & Krikken. 1990. A new Mesoamerican genus of Trichiinae (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Folia Entomologica Mexicana. (78) -
- Burmeister. 1840. Genera quaedam insectorum. 1(Fasc. 5) -
- Schaum. 1841. Kritsche revision der Lamellicornia melitophila. Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie (Germar, Leipzig). 3 -
- ND. 1838. Entomological Notes. 5 -
- Newman. 1838. Entomological Notes. The Entomogical Magazine. 5 -
- Howden. 1968. A review of the Triichinae of North and Central America (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Memoires the Entomological Society of Canada. 54 -
- Howden. 1988. A new genus and four new species of new world Trichiinae (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 42(3) -
- Howden & Ratcliffe. 1990. An unusual new species of Trigonopeltastes Burmeister from Chiapas, Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae: Trichiinae). The Canadian Entomologist. 122(1-2) -
- Becker. 1910. Ueber eine neue trichiidengattung (Coleoptera). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. -
- Howden. 1970. The genus Paragnorimus with descriptions of two new species (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Canadian Entomologist. 119 -
- Parry. 1849. Descriptions of some new species of Coleoptera. The Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 5 -
- Howden. 1972. New species of Dialithus Parry and a new synonym of Pantodinus Burmeister (Coleoptera, Scarab. Trichiinae). The Canadian Entomologist. 104 -
- Howden. 1994. A new Mexican Apeltastes Howden and notes on Guatemalan Paragnorimus Becker (Scrabaeidae, Trichiinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 48(4) -
- Burmeister. 1841. Kritische revision der Lamellicornia melitophila. Zeitschrift fur die Entomologie (Germar, Leipzig). 3 -
- Delgado & Morón. 1991. A new genus and species of Trichiini from Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae). The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 67(3) -
- Scriba. 1790. Journal fur die leibbaber der Entomologie. Pt. 1 -
- Cazier. 1937. A new species of Valgus and a new generic record for Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Pan - pacific Entomologist. 13(4) -
- Dugés. 1879. Descripción de coleópteros indígenas (géneros y especies nuevas). Naturaleza. 4 -
- Goodrich. 1966. A revision of the genus Cotinis (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 59(3) -
- Gory & Percheron. 1833. Monographie des Cetoides et genres voisins, format dans les familles naturelles de Latrille, la division des scarabees Melithophiles. -
- Deloya & Ratcliffe. 1988. Las especies de Cotinis Burmeister en Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Cetoniidae). Acta Zoológica Mexicana, Nueva Serie. 28 -
- Deloya. 1995. A new species of Cotinis (Cotinis) Burmeister from Mexico (Coleoptera, Melolonthidae, Cetoniinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 49(2) -
- Perbosc. 1839. Insectes nouveaux decoeverts au Mexique. Revue Zoologique. -
- Thomson. 1880. Diagnoses de genres nouveaux de la famille des Cetonides, naturaliste. 2. París. -
- Thomson. 1878. Typi cetonidarum suivis de typi monommidarum et de type nillionidarum musaei thomsoniani. París. -
- Arnaud. 1988. Les especes du genre Argyripa Thompson (Coleoptera, Cetoniinae). Bulletin of the Soc. Sciences Nat. 57 -
- Martínez. 1949. Datos necesarios en la nominación de algunos géneros de Gymnetini (Coleoptera, Scarab. Cetoniinae) notas coleopterológicas II. II -
- Schurhoff. 1937. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Cetoniden (Coleoptera) VIII- revision der Gattung Gymnetis Mac Leay. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift. -
- Ratcliffe & Deloya. 1992. The biogeography and phylogeny of Hologymnetis (Coleoptera, Scarab. Cetoniinae) with a revision of the genus. The Coleopterists Bulletin. 46(2) -
- Schaum. 1848. Two decades of new Cetoniidae. The Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, Serie B. 5 -
- Latrielle. 1833. Voyage Humboldt et Bonpland (1813). -
- Blanchard. 1849. Brulle (In:) Insectes de l´Amerique Meridionale recueillis par alcide d´Orbigny (Insectes). 2(2) -
- Schaum. 1849. Observations critique sur la famille des Lamellicornes Melitophiles. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de France. 7 -
- Drapiez. 1820. Descriptions de 8 especes d´insectes nouveaux. Annales Generales des Sciences Physiques. 5 -
- Van De Poll. 1886. Novum genus Gymnetinorum not levden mus. 8 -
- Chevrolat. 1870. Description de six Coleopteres exotiques eclos a paris. Annales de la Societé Entomologique de Belgique. 14 -
- Schoch. 1897. Nachtrag zur Schoch: genera und species meiner Cetoniden sammlung mitth schweizerischen ent. ges. 10 -
- Westwood, J. O. 1855. De coleopteris Goliathidis Novi Mundi. Linnaea Entomologica. 10 -
- Morón & Ratcliffe. 1989. A synopsis of the American Goliathini with description of a new Neoscelis from Mexico (Coleoptera, Scarab. Cetoniinae). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 43(4) -
- Fall. 1905. New species of Coleoptera chiefly from the South- West. The Canadian Entomologist. 37 -
- Cartwright. 1939. Eleven new American Coleoptera (Scarabaeidae, Cicincelidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 32 -
- Janson. 1875. Descriptions of three new species of American Cetoniidae. Cistula Entomologica. 1 -
- LeConte, J. L. 1861. Notes on the coleopterous fauna of Lower California. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 13 -
- Chevrolat. 1835. Coleopteres du Mexique. 5 -
- Schaum. 1841. Analecta Entomologica (Dessertario Inaguralis). -
- Haldeman. 1852. Insects: Stansbury and survey of the valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. U.S.A. -
- Schoch. 1895. Die genera und species meiner cetonidensammlung I.- Teil : tribu Goliathidae, Gymnetidae, Madagassae, Schizorrhinidae. -
- Janson. 1881. Descriptions of new American Cetoniidae. Cistula Entomologica. 2(Part II) -
- Mannerheim, C. G. 1837. Observations critiques sur quelques ouvrages entomologiques. Bulletin de la Societe Imperiale des naturalistes de Moscou. 10 -
- Knoch. 1801. Neue beyrage zur insectenkunde. 1. Liepzig. -
- Krikken. 1982. North American Myrmecophilous beetles of the genus Cremastocheilus, discussion of their classification and review of the subgenera Trinodia and Anatrinodia (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae) . Proceedings of the koninklike nederlandse aakademie van wetenschappen. 85(4 Serie C) -
- Cazier. 1940. New North American Myrmecophilous Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera, Cremastocheilus). Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. 35 -
- LeConte, J. L. 1874. Descriptions of new Coleoptera chiefly from the Pacific slope of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 5 -
- Warner. 1985. A revision of the Cremastocheilus (Myrmecotonus): the Robinson group (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Coleopterists Bulletin. 39(2) -
- Westwood, J. O. 1874. Thesaurus Entologicus Exoniensis, or illustrations of new, rare, and interesting insects for the most part conteined in the colections presented to the University of Oxford by the F. W. Hope. nd(nd) -
- Krikken. 1981. Taxonomic review of the New World genus Genuchinus Westwood (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). Proceedings of the koninklike nederlandse aakademie van wetenschappen. 84(4 Serie C) -
- Krikken. 1976. New genera of New World Cremastochelini, with revisional notes (Coleoptera, Cetoniidae). Zoologische verhandelinger. 49 -
- Bates. 1881. Biologia Centrali-Americana, Insecta, Coleoptera, Copridae, Aphodiidae, Orphnidae, Hybosoridae, Geotrupidae, Trogidae, Aclupidae, Chasmatopteridae, Melolonthidae II (2). II(2) -
- Howden. 1966. Notes on Canthonini of the Biologia Centrali- Americana and descriptions of new species (Coleoptera, Scarab.). The Canadian Entomologist. 98 -
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- LeConte, J. L. 1859. The Coleoptera of Kansas and Eastern New Mexico. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. 2 -
- Halffter. 1961. Monografía de las especies norteamericanas del género Canthon Hoffgg. Ciencia. XX(9-12) -
- Say, T. 1832. New species of North American insects found by Joseph Barabino chiefly in Lousiana. New Harmony. Indiana. -
- Robinson. 1946. Studies in the Scarabaeidae III. (Coleoptera). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 3 -
- Robinson. 1948. A review of the species of Canthon inhabiting the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 74 -
- Brown. 1946. Notes on some species of Canthon and Dichelonix. The Canadian Entomologist. 78 -
- Harold. 1868. Monographie der Gattung Canthon. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 12 -
- Harold. 1867. Nachtrag zur Bearbeittung der Gattung Canthidium. Coleopterologische Hefte. 2 -
- Balthazar. 1939. Eine vorstudiezur monographie der Gattung Canthon Hffsg. (10 beitrag zur kenntnis der Scarabaeiden der Neotropischen Region). Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica. 9(2) -
- Martínez & Halffter. 1964. Notas sobre el género Glaphyrocanthon (Coleoptera, Scarab. Canthonina). Acta Zoológica Mexicana. 7 -
- Howden. 1973. Revision of the new world genus Cryptocanthon Balthazar (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 51 -
- Howden. 1976. New species in the genera Bdelyropsis, Criptocanthon and Drepanocerus (Coleoptera, Scarab.). Proceedings Entomological Society of Washington. 78(1) -
- Eschscholltz. 1822. Entomographien 1. 1. Erste Lieferung. Berlin. -
- LeConte, J. L. 1847. Fragmenta Entomologica. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 2(1) -
- Paulian. 1938. Contribution a l´etude des Canthonides Americains (Coleoptera, Lamellicornia). Annales de la Societé Entomologique de France. 107 -
- Casey. 1889. Coleopterological notices I. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 5 -
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- Harold. 1873. Diagnosen neuer Coprophagen. Coleopterologische Hefte. XI -
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- Johnson. 1967. Neotropical species of genus Triplax Herbst and revision of genus Haematochiton Gorham (Coleoptera: Erotylidae). Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 123(3601). WAshington, E. E. U. U. -
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- ND. 1996. Biophytosus Moore and Legner, a new synonym of Salinamexus Moore and Legner (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 50 -
- ND. 1996. A review of Diaulota Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), with a description of a new species and known larvae. Coleopterists Bulletin. 50 -
- ND. 1996. Revision of the intertidal aleocharine genus Tarphiota (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Entomological News. 107 -
- ND. 1997. Revision and systematic position of the intertidal genus Thinusa Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Entomologica Scandinavica. 28 -
- ND. 1969. A revision of the New World Oxyporinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 101 -
- ND. 1999. Tarphiota densus (Moore), a new combination and key to the species of the genus Tarphiota Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 71 -
- ND. 1992. Revision of the intertidal aleocharine genus Pontomalota Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with a discussion of its phylogenetic relationships. Entomologica Scandinavica. 23 -
- ND. 1995. Systematic position of the intertidal genus Bryobiota Casey and a revised phylogeny of the falagriine genera of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88 -
- ND. 1996. A revision of Rothium Moore and Legner (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with a discussion of its phylogenetic relationships. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 69 -
- ND. 1966. Behavior of Staphylinidae associated with army ants (Formicidae: Ecitonini). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 39 -
- ND. 1969. Behavior of Vatesus beetles associated with army ants (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 45 -
- ND. 1988. Post-copulatory aggression toward their mates by males of the rove beetle Leistotrophus versicolor (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 22 -
- ND. 1994. Bionomics and management of Anastrepha. Annual Review of Entomology. 39 -
- ND. 1981. Studies of the life history and habits of Phanerota fasciata Say (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with notes on the mushroom as a habitat and descriptions of the immature stages. Coleopterists Bulletin. 35 -
- ND. 1982. Evidence about species status of Phanerota fasciata (Say) and Phanerota dissimilis (Erichson) (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) from host mushroom relationships. Coleopterists Bulletin. 36 -
- ND. 1984. Generic revision of the subtribe Gyrophaenina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with a review of the described subgenera and major features of evolution. Quaestiones Entomologicae. 20 -
- ND. 1986. Subsocial behavior among gyrophaenine staphylinids (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Sociobiology. 12 -
- ND. 1987. Egg chamber production, egg protection and clutch size among fungivorous beetles of the genus Eumicrota (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) and their evolutionary implications. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 90 -
- ND. 1990. New species, phylogeny and natural history of Tachiona Sharp 1883 (Coleoptera Staphylinidae Aleocharinae). Tropical Zoology. 3 -
- ND. 1991. The larvae of Placusa Mannerheim (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), with notes on their feeding habits. Entomologica Scandinavica. 21 -
- ND. 1991. The systematic position of Placusa Erichson and Euvira Sharp: the tribe Placusini described (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Systematic Entomology. 16 -
- ND. 1991. Males of Tachiona deplanata Sharp and T. nitida Ashe (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with notes on the habitat of these species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 99 -
- ND. 1992. Phylogeny and revision of genera of the subtribe Bolitocharina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). University of Kansas Science Bulletin. 54 -
- ND. 1993. Mothpart modification correlated with fungivory among aleocharine staphylinids (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Functional morphology of insect feeding. Thomas Say publications in Entomology, Entomological Society of America. Lanham, Maryland. -
- ND. 1993. New species and records of Tachiona Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) with a revised key to known species. Entomologica Scandinavica. 24 -
- ND. 1989. Larvae and adults of a new species of Euvira (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) from the nests of the communal pierid butterfly Eucheira socialis with a redescription of the genus Euvira. Sociobiology. 15 -
- ND. 1996. Revision of Gansia Sharp of México and Central America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 103 -
- ND. 1993. Larvae of Trichophya and phylogeny of the tachiporine group of subfamilies (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with a review, new species and characterization of the Trichophynae. Systematic Entomology. 18 -
- ND. 1987. Probable mutualistic association between staphylinid beetles (Amblyopinus) and their rodent hosts. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 3 -
- ND. 1987. Predation by and activity patterns of "parasitic" beetles of the genus Amblyopinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of Zoology. 212. London. -
- ND. 1995. Systematics, distribution, and host specificity of Amblyopinus Solsky 1875 (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) in Mexico and Central America. Tropical Zoology. 8 -
- ND. 1988. Revision of Tachiona Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with a description of the larva of T. latipennis, new species, and a preliminary assessment of generic relationships. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 96 -
- ND. 1997. A revision of the species of Euryalea Mulsant & Rey, Pseudocalea Luze and Ocyota Sharp (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 93 -
- ND. 1844. Révision de la famille des Psélaphiens. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 2(2) -
- ND. 1833. Pselaphiorum monographia cum synonymia extricata. Magasin de Zoologie. 3 -
- ND. 1850. Description de quelques insectes Coléotéres appartenant a l'Europe et a l'Algérie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 8(2) -
- ND. 1877. On the species of Sunius and Paederus found in the United States. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 19 -
- ND. 1991. Mediterranean insect conservation. The conservation of insects and their habitats. Academic Press. London. -
- ND. 1966. New species of the genus Amblyopinus Solsky from Panama and Mexico (Coleptera: Staphylinidae). Ectoparsites of Panama. Field Museum of Natural History. Chicago Illinois. -
- ND. 1965. Coleópteros ectoparásitos de Mamíferos. Ciencia. 23. Mexico City. -
- ND. 1960. Un nuevo coleóptero parásito de roedores: Amblyopinus bolivari sp. nov. (Col., Staph.). Ciencia. 20. Mexico City. -
- ND. 1848. Alcuni specie nuove di Stafilini. Studi Entomologici. 1 -
- ND. 1953. Honduras Pselaphidae. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 46 -
- ND. 1953. Honduras Pselaphidae. Part II. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 46 -
- ND. 1917. Neue Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Megalopinen und Steninen (Col., Staphyl.). Entomologische Blätter. 13 -
- ND. 1926. Neue Megalopsidiinen und Steninen, vorwiegend aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Hamburg (Col.). Entomologische Mitteilungen. 15 -
- ND. 1928. Amerikanische Steninen (Col., Staph.). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 45 -
- ND. 1937. Über einige Mealopsidiinen aus Costa Rica (Coleotera: Staphylinidae). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem. 4 -
- ND. 1938. Die Steninen Mittelamerikas (Col. Staph.). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (e. V.). 28 -
- ND. 1939. Die Steninen Mittelamerikas (Col. Staph.) (Fortsetzung; Schluss). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (e. V.). 29 -
- ND. 1941. Zwei neue mexikanische Stenus-Arten (Col., Staph.). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (e. V.). 31 -
- ND. 1942. Zwei neue Megalopsidiinen des amerikanischen Gebiets (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem. 9 -
- ND. 1952. Spezielles und Allgemeines über die Subfam. Megalopsidiinae (Col. Staph.). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 47 -
- ND. 1996. Floral biology and pollination of the dioecious palm Phytelephas seemannii in Colombia: an adaptation to staphylinid beetles. Biotropica. 28 -
- ND. 1901. Neue exotische Arten der Gattung Aleochara Gravh. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 62 -
- ND. 1902. Die Staphyliniden der paläarktischen Fauna, I Tribus: Aleocharini (II. Theil). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 52 -
- ND. 1903. Die Staphyliniden-Tribus Leptochirina nebst analytischen Bestimmungstabellen der Gattungen und Arten. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1903 -
- ND. 1904. Neue exotische Staphyliniden. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 65 -
- ND. 1905. Neue exotische Staphyliniden. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1905 -
- ND. 1906. Neue Staphyliniden aus Südamerika (II. Teil.). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1906 -
- ND. 1906. Neue Aleocharinen aus Nord-Amerika. (II Teil). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1906 -
- ND. 1907. Neue Staphyliniden aus Südamerika. 4. Stuck. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 26 -
- ND. 1908. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika. Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 74(1) -
- ND. 1909. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika; 6. Beitrag. Bolletino della Società Entomologica Italiana. 40 -
- ND. 1910. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Staphyliniden-Fauna von Zentralamerika. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 60 -
- ND. 1911. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Süd-Amerika (Col.) (7. Beitrag). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1911 -
- ND. 1912. In: Baker, C. F., Some Coleoptera of the beach at Laguna, with description of new species by Dr. M. Bernhauer. Annual Report of Laguna Marine Laboratory. 1 -
- ND. 1912. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika (9. Beitrag). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 31 -
- ND. 1912. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Nordamerika; 5. Beitrag. Pomona College Journal of Entomology. 4 -
- ND. 1915. Zur Staphyliniden-Fauna von Südamerika (13. Beitrag). Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 76 -
- ND. 1917. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Nordamerika. Coleopterologische Rundschau. 6 -
- ND. 1917. Neue südamerikanische Staphyliniden. (18. Beitrag.). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 36 -
- ND. 1917. Vier neue Belonuchus aus Mexiko. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 67 -
- ND. 1917. Beitrag zur Staphyliniden-fauna Südamerikas. 17. Beitrag. Neue Beiträge zur Systematischen Insektenkunde. 1 -
- ND. 1920. Neue Staphyliniden aus Mittelamerika. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 38 -
- ND. 1921. Zur Staphylinidenfauna von Südamerika (24. Beitrag). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1921 -
- ND. 1922. Neue Staphyliniden aus Südamerika (23. Beitrag). Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 71 -
- ND. 1925. 30. Beitrag zur Staphylinidenfauna Südamerikas. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 42 -
- ND. 1926. Die Staphyliniden der Philippinen. 21. Beitrag zur indo-malayischen Staphiyinidenfauna. Philippine Journal of Science. 31 -
- ND. 1928. Neue Staphyliniden der palaearktischen Fauna. Koleopterologische Rundschau. 14 -
- ND. 1928. 33ster Beitrag zur Südamerikanischen Staphylinidenfauna. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 71 -
- ND. 1929. Neue Staphyliniden aus Mittelamerika. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 46 -
- ND. 1933. Neue Staphyliniden aus Argentinien (1) (Col.) (34. Beitrag zur südamrikanischen Fauna). Revista de Entomología. 3 -
- ND. 1934. Neue Staphyliniden aus Argentinien (IV) (Col.) (34. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der südamerikanischen Fauna). Revista de Entomología. 4 -
- ND. 1934. Neue Staphyliniden aus Argentinien (VI, Schluss) (34. Beitrag zur der südamerikanischen Fauna). Revista de Entomología. 4 -
- ND. 1935. Neue Staphyliniden (Col.) aus Südamerika. Stylops. 4 -
- ND. 1939. Neue Staphyliniden (Coleoptera) aus Neu-Seeland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 4(11) -
- ND. 1942. Neue Staphyliniden aus Kostarika. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 138 -
- ND. 1982. Le genre Neopselaphus Jeann. (Coleoptera: Peselaphidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 89 -
- ND. 1926. Staphylinidae VI. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 82. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1997. Comparative morphology of selected larvae of Staphylinoidea (Coleoptera, Polyphaga) with phylogenetic implications. Zoologischer Anzeiger. 236 -
- ND. 1933. Especies nuevas o poco conocidas de Neobisnius (Col. Staphylinidae) de la región neotrópica. Revista de Entomología. 3 -
- ND. 1933. Sobre Paederinae nuevos y poco conocidos de la América Central (Col.). Revista de Entomología. 3 -
- ND. 1934. Un género y especies nuevas de Xantholini (Col. Staph.) de la America Central. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 8 -
- ND. 1934. Neues aus der Staphyliniden-Gattung Cafius (Col.), nebst Beschereibung neuer Arten aus Kuba und Nordamerika. Revista de Entomología. 4 -
- ND. 1934. Géneros y species nuevas de estafilínidos (Col.) Cubanos. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 8 -
- ND. 1935. Especies nuevas del género Trogophloeus (Col.) de la Isla de Cuba. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 9 -
- ND. 1936. Paederinae (Col., Staph.) nuevos netropicales con notas sobre formas ya conocidas. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 10 -
- ND. 1937. Nuevos Staphylinini Neotropicales. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 11 -
- ND. 1938. Sobre el género Acylophorus (Col. Staph.), division subgenerica y descripción de nuevas especies neotropicales. Memorias de la Sociedad Cubana de Historia Natural "Felipe Poey". 12 -
- ND. 1939. Litozoon y Xenaster (Col.), 2 géneros nuevos de Staphylinidae. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 42 -
- ND. 1939. Neue neotropische Staphylinidae der Subfamilie Aleocharinae (Coleoptera). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem. 6 -
- ND. 1943. Algunos Staphyllinidae (Col.) nuevos de Costa Rica. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. 45 -
- ND. 1903. Further notes on Autralian Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. XXXII. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia. 27 -
- ND. 1936. Morphology of the coleopterous family Staphylinidae. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 94(13) -
- ND. 1936. Revision of the North American beetles of the staphylinid subfamily Tachyporinae - Part 1: Genus Tachyporus Gravenhorst. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 84 -
- ND. 1938. Revision of the North American beetles of the staphylinid subfamily Tachyporinae - Part 2: Genus Coproporus Kraatz. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 86 -
- ND. 1939. A generic revision of the staphylinid beetles of the tribe Paederini. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 87 -
- ND. 1942. Notes on the classification of the staphylinid beetles of the groups Lispini and Osoriinae. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 92 -
- ND. 1943. Monograph of the West Indian beetles of the family Staphylinidae. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 182 -
- ND. 1957. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 6. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 185 -
- ND. 1952. The generic names of the beetle family Staphylinidae, with an essay on genotypy. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 200 -
- ND. 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Part 1. Bulletin of the United States National Museum. 185 -
- ND. 9999. Catalogue des Coléoptères de la collection de M. le Comte Dejean, pair de France, lieutenant général, grand officer de la légion d honneur, membre de plusieurs sociétés savantes nationales et étrangèr. Tésis de No Aplica. Méquignon-Marvis. Paris. -
- ND. 1978. Description of the larva and pupa of Thoracophorus brevicristatus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca. 75 -
- ND. 9999. Checklist of the Staphylinidae of Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. North American Beetle Fauna Project, Family No. 15 (Yellow Version). Tésis de No Aplica. Biological Rasearch Institute of America,Inc., Siena College. Loudonville, New York. -
- ND. 1956. Revision der ecitophilen Gattung "Mimophites" Fauvel, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Gattung aus Bolivien (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Revista Brasileira de Biología. 16 -
- ND. 1959. Vier neue Gattungen und einige neue Arten termitophiler Staphyliniden aus Costa Rica und Brasilien (Col. Staphylinidae). Studia Entomologica. 2 -
- ND. 1993. On Thomas Say's entomological publications printed in New Harmony, Indiana. Entomological News. 104 -
- ND. 9999. The Pselaphidae of North America. Tésis de No Aplica. Privately published. Pitsburg, Pensilvania. -
- ND. 1865. On some new species of Pselaphidae. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 5 -
- ND. 1888. Synopsis of the family of Pselaphidae. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 5 -
- ND. 1894. On some Pselaphidae. Entomological News. 5 -
- ND. 1942. Descripción de interesantes estafilínidos mirmecófilos. Miscelaneas entomológicas X. Notas del Museo de la Plata (Zoologia). 7 -
- ND. 1904. A new species of Ecitopora. Entomological News. 15 -
- ND. 1992. The immature stages and bionomics of the myrmecophile Thoracophoru corticinus Mostchulsky, and placement of the genus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Osoriinae). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "G. Doria". 89 -
- ND. 1913. Descriptions of new species of Staphylinidae from the West Indies. Part I. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 12(8) -
- ND. 1919. New species of Staphylinidae from Singapore. Pat II. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1919 -
- ND. 1922. Descriptions of new species of Staphylinidae from the West Indies. Part II (continued). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 9(9) -
- ND. 1923. Descriptions of new species of Staphylinidae from the West Indies. Part II (concluded). Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 11(9) -
- ND. 1944. Some observations on the Staphilinidae of the Broun Collection of Coleoptera in the British Museum, wih descriptions of new genera and species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 11(11) -
- ND. 1968. A revision of the New World Micropeplinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with a rearrangement of the world species. Canadian Entomologist. 100 -
- ND. 1973. New species and records of New World Mocropeplinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 105 -
- ND. 1973. A revision of the genus Tachinomorphus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of North and Central America. Canadian Entomologist. 105 -
- ND. 1973. A revision of the genus Tachinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of North and Central America. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 90 -
- ND. 1974. A new species of Oxyporus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Mexico with comments on Oxyporus elegans LeConte. Coleopterists Bulletin. 28 -
- ND. 1975. New species and records of Tachinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of North America. Canadian Entomologist. 107 -
- ND. 1975. A revision of the genera Coproporus and Cilea (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of America north of Mexico. Canadian Entomologist. 107 -
- ND. 1976. New records of Mexican Tachinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 30 -
- ND. 1976. A revision of the genus Sepedophilus Gistel (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of America north of Mexico. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 99 -
- ND. 1978. New species and records of New World Micropeplidae (Coleoptera). II. Canadian Entomologist. 110 -
- ND. 1979. A revision of the genus Tachyporus Gravenhorst (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of North and Central America. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 109 -
- ND. 1980. A revision of the genus Carphacis des Gozis (Coleotera: Staphylinidae) of North America. Canadian Entomologist. 112 -
- ND. 1986. A review of the New World species of Peplomicrus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Micropeplidae) with description of a new species from Peru. Coleopterists Bulletin. 40 -
- ND. 1988. New species and records of North American Tachinus Gravenhorst (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 120 -
- ND. 1990. A new species of Oxyporus (Coleoptera. Staphylinidae) and rediscovery of O. flohri from Guatemala. Coleopterists Bulletin. 44 -
- ND. 1991. A revision of the genera Mycetoporus Mannerheim and Ischnosoma Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae) of North and Central America. Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 156 -
- ND. 1993. A review of the species of Nitidotachinus new genus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae). Canadian Entomologist. 125 -
- ND. 1993. A revision of the genera Bryoporus Kraatz and Bryophacis Reitter adn two new related genera from America North of Mexico (Coleptera: Staphylinidae: Tachyporinae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 166 -
- ND. 1994. Cileoporus, a new genus of rove beetle from Central and South America (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 29 -
- ND. 1983. Revision of the genus Conoplectus Brendel (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 37 -
- ND. 1989. Revision of the genus Eutrichites LeConte (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 43 -
- ND. 1887. Some corrections in the family Pselaphidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 14 -
- ND. 1996. New species, distributional notes and systematics of Eutrichites (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 122 -
- ND. 1884. Notes on Coleoptera. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. 7 -
- ND. 9999. Revision of the Stenini of America north of Mexico. Tésis de No Aplica. Collongs Printing House. Philadelphia. -
- ND. 9999. Contributions to the descriptive and systematic Coleopterology of North America. Part II. Tésis de No Aplica. Collins Printing House. Philadelphia. -
- ND. 1885. New genera and species of Californian Coleoptera. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 1 -
- ND. 1886. Revision of the California species of Lithocharis and allied genera. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 5. 2. -
- ND. 1886. Descriptive notices of North American Coleoptera, I. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 2(6) -
- ND. 1887. On some new North American Pselaphidae. Bulletin of the California Academy of Sciences. 2 -
- ND. 1889. A preliminary monograph of the North American species of Trogophloeus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 4 -
- ND. 1889. Coleopterological notices, I. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 5 -
- ND. 1894. Coleopterological notices, V. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 7 -
- ND. 1897. Coleopterological notices, VII. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 9 -
- ND. 1905. A revision of the American Paederini. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 15 -
- ND. 1904. On some new Coleoptera, including five new genera. Canadian Entomologist. 36 -
- ND. 1906. Observations of the staphylinid groups Aleocharinae and Xantholinini, chiefly of America. Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 16 -
- ND. 1908. Remarks on some new Pselaphidae. Canadian Entomologist. 40 -
- ND. 1910. Synonymical and other notes on Coleoptera. Canadian Entomologist. 42 -
- ND. 1910. Synonymic and descriptive notes on the Paederini and Pinophilini. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Vol. 1. New Era. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. -
- ND. 1913. Notes on various Central American Coleoptera, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1913 -
- ND. 1974. The Hamotus of Arizona (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 49 -
- ND. 1974. A redefinition of the Tyrini with the addition of Anitra Casey (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 50 -
- ND. 1976. New species of Caccoplectus (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 52 -
- ND. 1983. A revisión of Barrojuba (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. 32 -
- ND. 1983. A revision of the Central American Bunoderus (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Brenesia. 21 -
- ND. 1985. The Euplectini of Arizona (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Entomography. 3 -
- ND. 1987. Species richness and abundance of Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) in old growth and 40-year-old forest in New Hampshire. Canadian Jounal of Zoology. 65 -
- ND. 1989. New Barrojuba with a revised key to species (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 64 -
- ND. 1989. Synonymies and notes on the Reichenbachia of eastern North America (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 43 -
- ND. 1858. Coleoptera; species novas descripsit. Konglinga Svenska Fregatten Eugenies resa omkring Jorden... Vetensk. iakttagelsei. 2. Zool. 1. Insecta. Norstedt. Stockholm. -
- ND. 1990. The Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Latimer County, Oklahoma, with revisions of four genera from eastern North America. Part I. Faroninae and Euplectinae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 115 -
- ND. 1990. Insecta: Coleoptera: Pselaphidae. Soil Biology Guide. John Wiley & Sons. New York. -
- ND. 1992. Notes on Briaraxis depressa (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Entomological News. 103 -
- ND. 1992. Short-winged mould beetles of the tribe Arhytodini of Panama, with descriptions of new taxa (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae: Pselaphinae). Insects of Panama and Mesoamerica: Selected Studies. Oxford University Press. Oxford. -
- ND. 1992. The Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Texas caves. Speleological Monographs (Texas Memorial Museum). 3 -
- ND. 9999. Précis d un nouvel arragement de la famille des brachelytres, de l ordre des insectes coléoptères. Tésis de No Aplica. St. Petersbourg. -
- ND. 1999. New synonymies and combinations for New World Pselaphinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae). Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 125 -
- ND. 1973. A new species of Hamotus from galleries of Microcerotermes septentrionalis in western Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) (Isoptera: Termitidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 49 -
- ND. 1986. Seasonality and diversity of Caccoplectus, with a review of the genus and description of a new genus, Caccoplectinus (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Ökologie und Geographie der Tiere. 113 -
- ND. 1981. Notes sur les Psélaphides néotropicaux (Coleoptera). 3 - Le genre Listriophorus de la tribu des Goniacerini. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 54 -
- ND. 1985. Notes sur les Psélaphides néotropicaux (Coleoptera). 5 - La tribu des Pyxidicerini. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 92 -
- ND. 1933. A new species of Staphylinus (Col. Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 65 -
- ND. 1967. A taxonomic study of Eubaeocera new genus (Coleoptera: Scaphidiidae) in North America north of Mexico. Coleopterists Bulletin. 21 -
- ND. 1970. The behavior and distribution of the intertidal sand beetle, Thinopinus pictus (Coleoptera: Staphyliniade). Ecology. 51 -
- ND. 1822. Nya genera och species af insekter. Kongelige Vetenskaps-Academies Handlingar. 9(3) -
- ND. 1994. Evolving under myrmecophily: a cladistic revision of the symphilic beetle tribe Sceptobiini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocherinae):. Systematic Entomology. 19 -
- ND. 1996. An ethogram of the ant-guest beetle tribe Sceptobiini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae; Formicidae). Sociobiology. 27 -
- ND. 1985. Organi erettili e ghiandole tegumentali specializzate nelle larve di Batrisodes oculatus Aubé: studio morfo-istologico (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae). Entomologica [Bari]. 20 -
- ND. 1986. Osservazioni etologiche sulle larve de Batrisodes oculatus Aubé (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). Frustula Entomologica (N. S.). 7-8 -
- ND. 1986. Morfologia delle uova in alcuni Pselafidi (Coleoptera). Entomologica [Bari]. 21 -
- ND. 1987. Morfologia delle larva matura in alcuni Pselafidi (Coleoptera). Entomologica [Bari]. 22 -
- ND. 1988. Construzione della loggia pupale e del bozzolo in alcuni Pselafidi (Coleoptera). Entomologica [Bari]. 23 -
- ND. 1982. Note sulla pesenza di Batrisodes oculatus Aubé (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae) in una grotta di Puglia. Entomologica [Bari]. 17 -
- ND. 1997. Los macro-coleopteros necrofilos de Tepoztlan, Morelos, Mexico (Scarabaeidae, Trogidae, Silphidae). Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 97 -
- ND. 1883. Énumération des Saphylinides décrits depuis la publication du catalogue de MM. Gemminger & de Harold. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. 27 -
- ND. 1915. Verbesserungen und Zusätze su meinem Katalog der Staphylinidengattungen aus dem Jahre 1909. Archiv für Naturgeschichte. 81(A)(5) -
- ND. 1956. Observations on the feeding behavior of several pselaphid beetles. Entomological News. 67 -
- ND. 9999. Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. Vol. 1, Part 1. Tésis de No Aplica. F. H. Morin. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. Die Käfer der Mark Brandenburg. Vol. 1, Part 2. Tésis de No Aplica. F. H. Morin. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. Genera et species staphylinorum insectorum coleopterorum familiae. 1-400. Tésis de No Aplica. F. H. Morin. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. Erste Abtheilung, Coleoptera, Vol. 3. Tésis de No Aplica. Verlag der Nicolaischen Buchhandlung. Berlin. -
- ND. 1980. Insecta, Chilopoda, and Arachnida: Insects and allies. Intertidal Invertebrates of California. Stanford University Press. Stanford, California. -
- ND. 9999. Systema entomologiae, sistens insectorum classes, ordines, genera, species, adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. Tésis de No Aplica. Libraria Kortii. Flensburgi et Lipsiae. -
- ND. 9999. Catalogue des Coléoptères de la Collection de M. le Comte Dejean [2nd edition]. Tésis de No Aplica. Méquignon-Marvis. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Genera insectorum, eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm et proportionem omnium partium oris, adiecta mantissa specierum nuper detectarum. Tésis de No Aplica. M. F. Bartschii. Chilonii. -
- ND. 9999. Species insectorum, exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyma auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin adiectis observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol 1. Tésis de No Aplica. C. E. Bonnii. Hamburgi et Kilonii. -
- ND. 9999. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonimis, locis, observatinibus, decriptionibus. Vol 1 (2). Tésis de No Aplica. C. G. Proft. Haffniae. -
- ND. 9999. Systema eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonnimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol. 1 (2). Tésis de No Aplica. Bibliopolii Academici Novi. Liliae [Kiel]. -
- ND. 1861. Révision des Coléoptères du Chili (suite). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 1(4) -
- ND. 1901. List of the Coleoptera of southern California, with notes on habits and distribution and descriptions of new species. Ocasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences. 8 -
- ND. 1910. Miscellaneous notes and descriptions of North American Coleoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 36 -
- ND. 1932. New Coleoptera of XV. Canadian Entomologist. 64 -
- ND. 1866. Faune du Chili. Insectes Coléoptères. Staphylinides. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 10 -
- ND. 9999. The natural calssification of the families of Coleoptera. Tésis de No Aplica. Nathaniel Lloyd. London. -
- ND. 9999. British entomology, being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain an Ireland, ... Vol. 5. Tésis de No Aplica. L. Reeve & Co. London. -
- ND. 1907. Descriptions of new species. In: H. C. Fall and T. D. A. Cockerell. The Coleoptera of New Mexico. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 33 -
- ND. 1866. Faune du Chili: Insectes Coléoptères: Staphylinides. Notices entomologiques, quatrième partie. F. Le Blanc-Hardel. Caen. -
- ND. 1873. Faune Gallo-Rhénane ou description des insectes qui habiten la France, la Belgique, la Hollande, les privinces Rhénanes et le Valais, avec tableaux synoptiques et planches gravées. (Suite). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 6(2) -
- ND. 1874. Faune Gallo-Rhénane ou description des insectes qui habiten la France, la Belgique, la Hollande, les provinces Rhénanes et le Valais, avec tableaux synoptiques et planches gravées (suite). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 8(2) -
- ND. 1876. Faune Gallo-Rhénane ou description des insectes qui habiten la France, la Belgique, la Hollande, les provinces Rhénanes et le Valais, avec tableaux synoptiques et planches gravées (suites). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 10(2) -
- ND. 1910. A new staphylinid (Col.) genus from Arizona. Entomological News. 21 -
- ND. 1918. Coleoptera. Fam. Staphylinidae, Subfam. Aleocharinae. Genera Insectorum Fascicule 173a. M. Nijhoff, The Hague. -
- ND. 1921. New genera and species of Aleocharinae a with polytomic synopsis of the tribes. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 65 -
- ND. 1998. Scaphidium mexicanum Castelnau, 1840 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae). Dugesiana. 5(2) -
- ND. 1928. Pselaphidae collected by Dr. Alfons Dampf in Central America. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 21 -
- ND. 1930. Notes on Neotropical Pselaphidae (Coleoptera), with descriptions of new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 5(10) -
- ND. 1932. Undescribed North American species of Pselaphidae (Coleoptera), including a synopsis of the genus Rhexidius Casey. Canadian Entomologist. 64 -
- ND. 1990. Female mimicry and resource defense polygyny by males of a tropical rove beetle, Leistotrophus versicolor (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 26 -
- ND. 1986. Status of Eustilicus Sharp, Trochoderus Sharp, Deroderus Sharp, and Stilocharis Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Paederini) with implications for classification of the Medonina and Stilic. Canadian Jounal of Zoology. 64 -
- ND. 1986. Larvae of Eustilicus Sharp, Rugilus Leach, Deroderus Sharp, StilocharisSharp, and Medon Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae: Paederini), and their phylogenetic significance. Canadian Jounal of Zoology. 64 -
- ND. 1994. Phylogeny and biogeography of Eustilicus Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae): re-evaluation based upon a new and relict species from the Edwards Plateau of Texas. Canadian Entomologist. 126 -
- ND. 1972. The genus Oligota Mannerheim in the Caribbean region (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 26 -
- ND. 1975. A revision of the New World species of the genus Erichsonius Fauvel (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 29 -
- ND. 1976. Platystethus spiculus Er. (Staphylinidae) in Florida. Coleopterists Bulletin. 30 -
- ND. 1981. A revision of the New World species of the genus Neobisnius Ganglbauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae). Ocasional Papers of the Florida State Collection of Arthropods. 1 -
- ND. 1988. Paederus, senso lato (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): an index and review of the taxa. Insecta Mundi. 2 -
- ND. 1986. Biogeography of the seashore Staphylinidae Cafius bistriatus and C. rufifrons (Insecta : Coleoptera). Florida Scientist. 49 -
- ND. 1987. Paederus, sensu lato (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): Natural history and medical importance. Journal of Medical Entomology. 24 -
- ND. 1981. Oxytelus incisus Mostchulsky and O. pennsylvanicus Erichson (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae) in Florida. Florida Entomologist. 64 -
- ND. 1997. A new species of Charoxus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from native figs (Ficus spp) in Florida. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 104 -
- ND. 1995. Biology of Dendroctonus punctatus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 88 -
- ND. 9999. Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa. Die Käfer der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deustchlands, der Schweiz, sowie des französischen und italianischen alpengebietes. Vol 2, Familienreihe Staphylinoidea,. Tésis de No Aplica. Carl Gerod's Sohn. Vienna. -
- ND. 9999. Catalogus coleopterorum hucusque descriptorum synonymicus et systematicus. Vol. 2. Dystiscidae, ...Scaphidiidae. Tésis de No Aplica. E. H. Gummi. Monachii [Munich]. -
- ND. 1989. A revision of the genus Hoplandria Kraatz of America North of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 150 -
- ND. 1986. Review of the types of the genus Platandria Casey with a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 40 -
- ND. 9999. Coleopterorum species novae aut minus cognitae, descriptionibus illustratae. Tésis de No Aplica. J. C. Hendel et Fili. Halae [Halle]. -
- ND. 9999. Die Mysterien der europäischen Insectenwelt. Tésis de No Aplica. T. Dannheimer. Kempten. -
- ND. 9999. Caroli a Linné, ...; Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ... 13th Edition. Vol. 1, part4. Tésis de No Aplica. G. E. Beer. Lipsiae. -
- ND. 1802. Recherche de l'espéce typique de quelques anciens genres. Rectifications synonymiques et notes diverses. Herbin. Montlucon. -
- ND. 9999. Monographia Coleopterorum Micropterum. Tésis de No Aplica. H. Dieterich. Gottingae [Göttingen]. -
- ND. 1832. In : E. Griffith and E. Pidgeon, The class Insecta arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions to each order. Suplement on Brachelitra. 1. Whittaker, Treacher and Co. London. -
- ND. 1996. Rearing techniques for Creophilus maxillosus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), a predator of fly larvae in cattle feedlots. Journal of Economic Entomolgy. 89 -
- ND. 1971. The genus Priochirus Sharp, 1887 (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae): revision of subgeneric classification and descriptions of new species. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 123 -
- ND. 1972. Distribution patterns of Priochirus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in the Solomon Islands. Evolution. 26 -
- ND. 1972. Evolution in the staphylinid genus Priochirus (Coleoptera). Evolution. 26 -
- ND. 1971. A revision of Actium Casey and actiastes Casey (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). University of California Publications in Entomology. 67 -
- ND. 1976. A revision of the genus Oropodes Casey (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 52 -
- ND. 1980. Discrimitation of genera of Euplectini of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). University of California Publications in Entomology. 87 -
- ND. 1844. Description de quelques coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Grenade. Revue Zoologique. 7 -
- ND. 9999. Insecta Suecica, Classis I. Coleoptera sive Eleuterata. Vol 1, Part 2. Tésis de No Aplica. Leverentz. Scaris [Skara]. -
- ND. 9999. Insecta Svecica, Classis I. Coleoptera sive Eleuterata. Vol. 1, Part 4. Tésis de No Aplica. F. Fleischer. Lispiae [Leipzig]. -
- ND. 9999. Insects. Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah... Appendix C: Zoology. Tésis de No Aplica. Lippincott, Grambo & Co. Philadelphia. -
- ND. 1996. Spatial distribution of three groups of Coleoptera along an altitudinal transect in the Mexican Transition Zone and its biogeographical implications. Elytron. 9 -
- ND. 1837. Notes about Cillenum laterale and a submarine species of Aleocharidae. Entomological Magazine. 4 -
- ND. 1971. The systematic position of Brathinus Le Conte and Camioleum Lewis (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of Entomology. 40((B)) -
- ND. 1975. The phylogeny of a remarkable new genus and species of gymnusine staphylinid (Coleoptera) from the Auckland Islands. Journal of Entomology. 44(B) -
- ND. 1976. A review of the genus Anotylus C. G. Thomson (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Entomology. 33 -
- ND. 1984. An annotated check-list of Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) recorded from Borneo. Sarawak Museum Journal (N. S.). 54 -
- ND. 1995. Review of mycophagy, host relationships and behavior in the New World Oxyporinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 49 -
- ND. 1997. Phylogeny and classification of the staphyliniform beetle families (Coleoptera). Biologiske Skrifter, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. 48 -
- ND. 1997. Evolutionary trends in "staphyliniform" beetles (Coleoptera). Steenstrupia. 23 -
- ND. 1938. Report on the Coleoptera collected by Dr. Victor B. Scheffer on the Aleutian Islands in 1937. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 14 -
- ND. 1957. The beetles of th ePacífic Northwest. Part II: Staphyliniformia. University of Washington Publication in Biology. 16(2) -
- ND. 1930. Records and new species of Coleoptera from Oklahoma. Publications of the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey. 2 -
- ND. 1993. Studies on the Asian Staphylininae, I (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Elytra. 21 -
- ND. 9999. Fauna coleopterorum Helvetica. Pars I, fasc. 2. Tésis de No Aplica. Orelii, Fuesslini et Sociorum. Turici [Zurich]. -
- ND. 1926. Die Ameisenmimese. III. Die Tastmimese. Biologisches Zentralblatt. 46 -
- ND. 1898. Neue Käfer vo Celebes, III. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 7(3) -
- ND. 1784. Kritisches Verzeichniss meiner Insektensammlung [cont.]. Archiv der Insectengeschichte. 5 -
- ND. 1965. A revision of Orus Casey. I. Subgenus Leucorus Casey and new subgenus (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 18 -
- ND. 1969. A troglobitic staphylinid from Mexico (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae). American Museum Novitates. 2367 -
- ND. 1970. The ecology, phylogeny, and taxonomy of Stilicolina (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae). American Museum Novitates. 2412 -
- ND. 1970. Phylogeny and reclassification of the genera of the rove-beetle subfamily Oxytelinae af the world (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 142 -
- ND. 1972. A revision of the rove-beetle genus Charhyphus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Phloeocharinae). American Museum Novitates. 2496 -
- ND. 1972. Revision of Bledius and related genera. Part I. The aequatorialis, mandibularis, and semiferrugineus groups and two new genera (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 149 -
- ND. 1975. Revision and phylogeny of the monogeneric subfamily Pseudopsinae for the world (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 155 -
- ND. 1976. Revision of Bledius and related genera. Part II. The armatus, basalis, and melanocephalus groups (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 157 -
- ND. 1981. Revision of the subtribe Dolicaonina of the New World, with discussions of phylogeny and the Old World genera (Staphylinidae, Paederinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 167 -
- ND. 1983. Revision of Bledius. Part III.. The annularis and emarginatus groups (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 175 -
- ND. 1986. Revision of Bledius. Part. IV. Classification of species groups, phylogeny, natural history, and catalogue (Coleotera, Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 184 -
- ND. 1905. Notiz. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 24 -
- ND. 1941. Notes on the food of Micropeplus, with a description of th pupa of M. fulvus Erichson (Coleoptera, Micropeplidae). Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 16((A)) -
- ND. 1851. Beitraege aur naeheren Kenntniss der Staphylinen Russlands. Enthaltend Beschreibung neuer Genera und Arten, nebst Erläuterungen noch nicht hinlänglich bekannter Staphylinen des russischen Reichs. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 24(2) -
- ND. 1976. A revision of the genus Xenodusa (Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) for North America. Sociobiology. 2 -
- ND. 1985. A revision of the rove beetle tribe Falagriini of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 93 -
- ND. 1988. A new species of rove beetle, Autalia phricotrichosa (Coloptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), from Mexico, with a key to the New World species of Autalia. Coleopterists Bulletin. 42 -
- ND. 1988. Review of the genus Thamiaraea Thomson in North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) with description of a new species. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 96 -
- ND. 1993. A new species of Aleodorus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from Costa Rica, and generic reassignment of Falagria costaricensis to Aleodorus. Entomological News. 104 -
- ND. 1994. New species of Autalia Leach 1819 from the Neotropics (Coleoptera Staphylinidae Aleocharinae), with new distributional data for A. phricotrichosa Hoebeke 1988 and key to the Neotropical species of Aut. Tropical Zoology. 7 -
- ND. 1978. Observations on the morphology and behavior of Pinophilus parcus LeConte (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, pinophilinae). Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 39 -
- ND. 1868. New species of Coleoptera from the Pacific district of the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 2 -
- ND. 1871. Descriptions of new Coleoptera of the United States, with notes on known species. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 3 -
- ND. 1877. Synopsis of the genera and species of the Staphylinidae tribe Tachyporini of the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 6 -
- ND. 1884. Synopsis of the Philonthi of Boreal America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 11 -
- ND. 1885. A study of the species of Cryptobium of North America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 12 -
- ND. 1984. The Coleoptera of Baja Californa. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 4(2) -
- ND. 1982. Some Mexican and Central American species of the genus Stenus Latreille from the Canadian National Collection (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 36 -
- ND. 1986. Neue Stenus (Tesnus) Arten Mittel und Südamericas 19. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Steninen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae. Eos - Revista Española de Entomologia. 61 -
- ND. 1997. Predation on the Horn Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) by five species of Philontus (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae). Enviromental Entomology. 26 -
- ND. 9999. Analisis de la fauna de Coleópteros Staphylinidae saprofilos de Zacualtipan, Hidalgo. Tésis de Licenciatura. México. -
- ND. 9999. Latreille s Natürliche Familien des Thierreichs, aus dem Französischen, mit Anmerkungen und Zusätzen. Tésis de No Aplica. Weimar. -
- ND. 9999. Insectes de I Amérique Méridionale, recueillis par Alcide d Orbygny. Vol. 6, part 2. Insectes. Tésis de No Aplica. P. Bertrand. Paris. -
- ND. 1991. Révolution chez les Clavigerinae (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 98 -
- ND. 1996. Function and evolution of the adhesion-capture apparatus of Stenus species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Zoomorphology. 116 -
- ND. 1998. Comparative studies on the predatory behaviour of Stenus spp. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): the significance of its specialized labial apparatus. Journal of Zoology. 244. London. -
- ND. 1999. A behavioural inventory of adult Stenus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of Natural History. 33 -
- ND. 1931. Neue Staphyliniden (Col.) aus Cuba und Panama nebst ergänzenden Beschreibungen und systematischer Berichtigung. Revista de Entomología. 1 -
- ND. 1991. A review of the Diglotta of the world (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Bulletin et Annales de la Société Royale Belge d Entomologie. 127 -
- ND. 1887. On the priority of various generic names in use in British Coleoptera. Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 23 -
- ND. 1884. Tropical collecting. Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 20 -
- ND. 1956. Les Xantholinitae de France et des régions voisines (Col. Staphylinidae). Revue Francaise d Entomologie. 23 -
- ND. 1964. Les Xantholinninae du Chili (Col. Staphylinidae). Bulletin de la Société d Histoire Naturelle de Tolouse. 99 -
- ND. 1969. Morphologie et biologie d un coléoptère prédateur: Creophilus maxillosus (L.) (Staphylinidae). Cahiers des Naturalistes, Bulletin des Naturalistes Parisiens (N. S.). 24 -
- ND. 1989. Révision générique des Bythinoplectini Schaufuss, 1890 (=Pyxidicerini Raffray, 1903, syn. nov.) ( Coleoptera, Pselaphidae, Faroninae). Mémoires de la Société Royale Belge d Entomologie. 34 -
- ND. 1863. In: A. Chevrolat & A. Fauvel, Coléoptères de lile de Cuba (suite). Notes, synonymies et descriptions d espèces nouvelles, troisème mémoire. Famille des staphylininiens. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 3(4) -
- ND. 1865. Études sur les Staphylinides de I Amérique Centrale, principalement du Mexique. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 9 -
- ND. 1866. Études sur les Staphylinides de I Amerique Centrale, principalement du Mexique (suite). Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 10 -
- ND. 1878. Les staphylinides de I Amerique du Nord. Bulletin de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie. 2(3) -
- ND. 1889. Liste des Coléoptères communs à I Europe et à I Amerique du Nord d après le catalogue de M. J. Hamilton. Revue d Entomologie. 8 -
- ND. 1889. Les Coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Calédonie et dépendances avec descriptions, notes et synonymies nouvelles (suite). Revue d Entomologie. 8 -
- ND. 1901. Voyage de M. le Dr. Ed. Bugnion au Venezuela, en Colombie et aux Antilles. Revue d Entomologie. 20 -
- ND. 1891. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Vénézuela, (Décembre 1887-Avril 1888), l le mémoire: Staphylinides. Revue d Entomologie. 10 -
- ND. 1901. Sterculia fulgens et ignea. Revue d Entomologie. 20 -
- ND. 1902. Staphylinides exotiques nouveaux. Revue d Entomologie. 21 -
- ND. 1903. Faune analytique des Coléoptères de la Nouvelle-Calédonie. Revue d Entomologie. 22 -
- ND. 1904. Staphylinides myrmécophiles du Brésil. Revue d Entomologie. 23 -
- ND. 1980. Neotropical Oligota Mannerheim (Col., Staphylinidae) described by David Sharp. Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 115 -
- ND. 1989. Laboratory and field observation on the life history and habits of Philonthus cruentatus an Philonthus flavolimbatus. Southwestern Entomologist. 14 -
- ND. 1994. Opinion 1772. METOPIINI Raffray, 1904 (Insecta, Coleoptera): spelling emended to METOPIASINI, and METOPIINI Towsend, 1908 (Insecta, Diptera): spelling emended to METOPIAINI, so removing the homonymy w. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 51 -
- ND. 9999. International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, Fourth Edition, adopted by the International Union of Biological Sciences. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature. Tésis de No Aplica. London. -
- ND. 1977. Revision der neotropischen Platyprosopus-Arten (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) und beschreibung der Larve von Platyprosopus minor Sharp. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 12 -
- ND. 1979. Taxonomie, VerbReitung und Biologie der neotropischen Staphylinidengattung Xenopygus Bernh. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 75 -
- ND. 1981. Neue Arten der Gattung Mimogonia Coiffait (1978) aus der Neotropis (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 77 -
- ND. 1982. Descriptions of new Neotropical Holotrochus and a key to the species of the genus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 35 -
- ND. 1982. A new species of the Neotropical denus Xenopygus Bernhauer (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 36 -
- ND. 1985. Neue Arten de Gattungen Aneucamptus und Thoracophorus (Col., Staphylinidae) aus der Neotropis. Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 81 -
- ND. 1987. New Neotropical species of the genus Holotrochus and new genus Mimotrochus (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey. 35/36 -
- ND. 1991. Neue Arten der Gattung Clavilispinus Blackwelder (Col., Staphylinidae) aus der Neotropis. Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 87 -
- ND. 1994. Taxonomie und Verbreitung neotropischer Lispinus Er. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Beiträge zur Entomologie. 44 -
- ND. 2000. Taxonomy and distribution of the neotropical species of the genera Tannea Blackwelder, 1952 and Nacaeus Blackwelder, 1942 with remarks on the genus Lispinus Erichson, 1840 and Neolosus Blackwelder, 19. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. -
- ND. 1991. Cladistic study, taxonomic restructuring, and revision of the myrmecophilous tribe Leptanillophilini with comments on its evolution and host relationships (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae; Hymenoptera: Form. Sociobiology. 18 -
- ND. 1998. A redescription of the myrmecophilus genus Tetradonia and a description of a new, closely related, free-living genus, Tetradonella (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology. 31 -
- ND. 1992. Cladistic study, taxonomic restructuring, and revision of the mymecophilous tribe Crematoxenini with comments on its evolution and host relationships (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae; Hymenoptera: Formicida. Sociobiology. 20 -
- ND. 1987. A redescription of the myrmecophilus genera Probeyeria, Beyeria and the description of a closely related new genus from Arizona (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology. 13 -
- ND. 1986. Generic revision, phylogenetic classification, and phylogeny of the termitophilous tribe Corotocini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Sociobiology. 12 -
- ND. 1971. The larval and pupal stages of four species of Cafius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with notes on their biology and ecology. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 16 -
- ND. 1960. Sur quelques staphylinides cavernicoles d Amerique du nord. Revue Francaise d Entomologie. 27 -
- ND. 1940. Croisière du Bougainville aux iles australes francaises. III. Coléoptères. Mémoires du Muséum National d Histoire Naturelle (N. S.). 14 -
- ND. 1949. Les Psélaphides de l Afrique Orientale (Coleoptera). Mémoires du Muséum National d Histoire Naturelle (N. S.). 29 -
- ND. 1951. Sur la systématique des genres de la tribu Pselaphini Raffray (Coleoptera Pselaphidae). Revue Francaise d Entomologie. 18 -
- ND. 1959. Révision des Psélaphides de l Afrique intertropicale. Annales du Musée Royal du Congo Belge, Tervuren (Série 8 : Sciences Zoologiques). 75 -
- ND. 1983. Chemical defense of a rove beetle (Creophilus maxillosus). Journal of Chemical Ecology. 9 -
- ND. 1999. Estudio preliminar de Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) de una región árida en Zapotitlán de las Salinas, Puebla, México. Memorias del XXXIV Congreso Nacional de Entomología, Aguascalientes. Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología. -
- ND. 1966. The subfamilies of the larvae of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) with keys to the larvae of the larvae of the British genera of Steninae and Proteininae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 118 -
- ND. 1970. The larvae of Paederinae and Staphylininae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with kys to the known British genera. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 122 -
- ND. 1997. Beitrag zur Larvalmorphologie der Palpenkäfer (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 93 -
- ND. 1992. Comparative morphology of abdominal glands in Paederinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). International Journal of Insect Morphology and Embriology. 21 -
- ND. 1844. Die Staphyhlinenfauna von Leipzig's Umgegend. Entomologische Zeitung [ Stettin]. 5 -
- ND. 9999. The ecology and morphology of Thinobius frizzelli Hatch, an intertidal beetle. Tésis de No Aplica. The Callistoma Co. Seattle, Washington. -
- ND. 1837. The Insects. Fauna Boreali-Americana, or the Zoology of the Northern Parts of British America, ... Part 4. J. Richardson. -
- ND. 9999. Naturgeschichte der Insekten Deutschlands, Abteilung 1, Coleoptera, vol. 2, Staphylinii. Lief. 3-4. Tésis de No Aplica. Nicolaische Buchhandlung. Berlin. -
- ND. 1969. Revision of the termitophilous subfamily Trichopseniinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae), I. The genus Schizelythron Kemner. Entomological News. 80 -
- ND. 1971. Revision of the termitophilous tribe Philotermitini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). I. the genus Neophilotermes Seevers and its host relationships. Fieldiana: Zoology. 58 -
- ND. 1981. The reclassification of the genus Charoxus Sharp with the description of new species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 54 -
- ND. 1996. In: D. H. et al., New species of the myrmecophilous genera Microdonia and Ecitoxenidia from Mexico (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) with a review of previously described species. Sociobiology. 27 -
- ND. 1982. The social insects' bestiary. Social insects. Vol 3. Academic Press. New York. -
- ND. 1998. New species of termitopilous Trichopseniinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) found with Mastotermes darwiniensis in Australia and in Dominican Amber. Sociobiology. 31 -
- ND. 1996. New species of the myrmecophilous genera Microdonia and Ecitoxenidia from Mexico (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) with a review of previously described species. Sociobiology. 27 -
- ND. 1976. New species and new records of termitophilous species from Central America and Mexico with descriptions of behavior, related glands and ultrastructure (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Sociobiology. 2 -
- ND. 1990. Cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the ecitophilous tribe Ecitocharini with studies of their behavior and evolution (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Sociobiology. 17 -
- ND. 1979. A revision of the Gymnusini and Deinopsini of the world (Coleoptera: Stapylinidae, Aleocharinae). Agriculture Canada, Monograph. 25 -
- ND. 1982. Studies of Myllaenini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) 1. Systematics, phylogeny, and zoogeography of Neartic Myllaena Erichson. Canadian Entomologist. 114 -
- ND. 1982. A revision of the Gymnusini and Deinopsini of the world (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Supplementum 2. Canadian Entomologist. 114 -
- ND. 1982. A revision of the genus Lordithon Thomson of North and Central America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 119 -
- ND. 1984. A revision of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorst of America north of Mexico ( Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 129 -
- ND. 1990. Two new species and new records of Aleochara from Latin America (Coeloptera: Staphylinidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 35 -
- ND. 1991. The oxypodine genus Haploglossa Kraatz in North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia. 5 -
- ND. 1992. New distributional data for Nearctic Aleochara Gravenhorts (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 46 -
- ND. 1985. A revision of the Gymnusini and Deinopsini of the world (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Supplement 3. Coleopterists Bulletin. 39(3) -
- ND. 1987. A revision of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorts of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 41(4) -
- ND. 1987. Review of Erichson's types of Aleochara from Mexico, West Indies and South America. Florida Entomologist. 70 -
- ND. 1995. Description of a new Afrotropical species of Adinopsis Cameron 1919 with notes on some Neotropical and/or Neartic species (Coleoptera Staphylinidae Aleocharinae). Tropical Zoology. 7 -
- ND. 1991. Four new species of the oxypodine genus Polylobus Solier (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) collected on the flower heads of some high Andean giant rodette plants (Espeletiinae: Asteraceae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 45 -
- ND. 1978. Ein artspezifisches Sexualpheromon auf der Cuticula dr Weibchen von Eusphalerum minutum L. Naturwissenschaften. 65 -
- ND. 1983. Eusphaleren, blütenbesuchende Staphyliniden. 1) Zur Biologie der Käfer (Col., Staphylinidadae). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 30 -
- ND. 1977. The defensive gland of Omaliinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), I. Gross morphology of the gland and identification of the scent of Eusphalerum longipenne Erichson. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 3 -
- ND. 1936. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der entomologischen Expeditionen seiner Durchlaucht des Fürsten Alessandro C. della Torre e Tasso nach Aegypten und auf die Halbinsel Sinai. XIII. Staphylinidae. Pubblicazioni del Museo Entomologico "Pietro Rossi", Duino. 1 -
- ND. 9999. Naturgeschichte der Insekten Deutschlands, Abteilung 1, Coleoptera, vol. 2, Staphylinii. Lief. 5-6. Tésis de No Aplica. Nicolaische Buchhandlung. Berlin. -
- ND. 1857. Genera aleocharinorum illustrata. Linnaea Entomologica. 11 -
- ND. 1858. Ueber Oligota apicata Er. und Verwandte. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 2 -
- ND. 1858. Einige neue and ausgezeichnete Staphylinen-Gattungen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 2 -
- ND. 9999. Die Staphylinen-Fauna von Ostindien, insbesondere der Insel Ceylan. Tésis de No Aplica. Nicolaische Verlagsbuchhandlung. Berlin. -
- ND. 1859. Zur Kritischen Kenntniss der in Gay's historia Fisica y Politica von Solier beschriebenen Staphylinen. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 3 -
- ND. 1862. Synonimische Bemerkungen: Ueber Coleopteren. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 6 -
- ND. 1863. New species of North American Coleoptera. Part I. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 167 -
- ND. 1874. Appendix . In : E. P. Austin and J. L. LeConte, Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Mt. Washington, N. H., with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. 16 -
- ND. 1877. On certain genera of Staphylinidae Oxytelini, Piestidae, and Micropeplidae, as represented in the fauna of the United States. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 6 -
- ND. 1878. The Coleoptera of the alpine regions of the Rocky Mountains. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. 4 -
- ND. 1880. Short studies of North American Coleoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 8 -
- ND. 1971. Nearctic records of flights of Cafius and some related beetles at the seashore (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae and Hidrophilidae). Wasmann Journal of Biology. 29 -
- ND. 1918. Notes on some changes in the list of Coleoptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 26 -
- ND. 1991. Behavioral observations on the myrmocophile Fustiger knausii (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae: Clavigerinae). with a disscusion of grasping notches in myrmecophiles. Entomological News. 102 -
- ND. 1995. Phylogeny of Scaphidiinae with redefinition of tribal and generic limits (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 102 -
- ND. 1994. Biogeographic patterns of montane Mexican and Central American Carabidae (Coleoptera). Canadian Entomologist. 126 -
- ND. 1984. Über die nomenklatur der Aleocharinen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae. 160 -
- ND. 1976. New species of the genus Sciatrophes Blackburn from Arizona (Coleoptera: Scaphidiidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 30 -
- ND. 1992. On some Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) from Mexico and continental Central America. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 65 -
- ND. 1993. A review of the species of Baeocera Erichson (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) of America north of Mexico. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 100 -
- ND. 1917. Biologisches über brasilianische Staphyliniden. Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie. 13 -
- ND. 1984. Ambracyptus, a new name for Paracyptus Seevers (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 60 -
- ND. 1884. Estafilinos de Buenos Aires. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Córdoba). 7 -
- ND. 1885. Estafilinos de Buenos Aires [continued]. Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Córdoba). 7 -
- ND. 1964. Sobre Megamblyopinus, Amblyopinus y Amblyopinodes (Col. , Staph.). Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. 25 -
- ND. 1871. Notes on a collection of insects from Gayndah. Transactions of the Entomological Society of New South Wales. 2 -
- ND. 1914. Some myrmecophilous insects from Mexico. Psyche. 21 -
- ND. 1921. Three new myrmecophilous beetles. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 59 -
- ND. 1923. New genera and species of termitophilous Coleoptera from northern South America. Zoologica (New York). 3 -
- ND. 1924. Myrmecophiles from the western United States and Lower California. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 17 -
- ND. 1925. New beetle guests of army ants. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 15 -
- ND. 1926. New neotropical myrmecophiles. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 16 -
- ND. 1846. Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Aleutischen Inseln und der Insel Sitkha. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 19(2) -
- ND. 1852. Zwiter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Laender des Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 25(1 & 2) -
- ND. 1843. Beitrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Aleutischen Inseln, der Insel Sitkha. und Neu-Californiens. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 16(2) -
- ND. 2000. La colección de Coleoptera (Insecta) del Museo de Zoología "Alfonso L. Herrera", Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, México. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (N. S.). 79 -
- ND. 1995. Especies de Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) asociadas a detritos de Atta mexicana (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) en los localidades de Moerelos, México. Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 91 -
- ND. 1998. Taxonomical contributions to the subgenus Coprochara Mulsant & Rey, 1874 of the genus Aleochara Gravenhorst, 1802 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau. 68 -
- ND. 1993. Notes synonymiques sur quelques Bythinoplectus Reitter, 1882 (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae, Faroninae). Mémoires de la Société Royale Belge d Entomologie. 129 -
- ND. 9999. Catalogue de la collection de Coléoptères de M. le Baron Dejean, lieutenant-général des armées du roi, commandeur de l ordre royal de la légion d honneur, chevalier de l ordre royal et militaire d. Tésis de No Aplica. Crevot. Paris. -
- ND. 1972. Coléoptères Staphylinidae de la région paléartique occidentale. I. Généralités; Sous-familles: Xantholininae et Leptotyphlinae. Nouvelle Revue d Entomologie, Supplement. 2(2) -
- ND. 9999. In: d Orbigny, Dictionnaire Universel d Histoire naturelle..., vol. 2. Tésis de No Aplica. Paris. -
- ND. 1963. Les Leptotyphlitae (Col. Staphylinidae) du Chili; systématique et Biogéographie de la sous-famille. Biologie de l Amerique Australe. Vol. 2, Études sur la Faune du Sol. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. -
- ND. 1968. Les Staphylinidae (sensu lato) du Chili. Biologie de l Amerique Australe. Vol. 4, Documents Biogéographiques et Écologiques. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Osoriinae (Coleoptera Polyphaga) Fam. Staphylinidae. Exploration du Parc National de l Upemba, Mission G. F. de Witte. Fasc. 39. Tésis de No Aplica. Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Ruanda-Urundi. Bruxelles. -
- ND. 9999. Iconographie du règne animal de G. Cuvier, ou représentation d aprés nature de l une des espéces les plus remarquables et souvent non encore figurés, de chaque genre d animaux. Vol. 3, Insectes, plate. Tésis de No Aplica. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Iconographie du régne animal de G. Cuvier, ou représentation d après nature de l une des espéces les plus remarquables et souvent non encore figurés, de chaque genre d animaux. Insects. Vol. 7. Tésis de No Aplica. Ballière. Paris. -
- ND. 1856. Coleoptera. Histoire physique, politique et naturelle de l Ile de Cuba. Animaux articules, Insectes. Paris. -
- ND. 1962. Les Psélaphides de la Paléantarctide occidentale. Biologie de l Amerique Australe. Vol. 2, Études sur la Faune du Sol. 1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Zhuki Rossii i Zapadnoi Evropy [in Russian]. Part 7. Tésis de No Aplica. A. F. Devriena. St. Petersburg. -
- ND. 9999. In: J. B. A. D. de Boisduval and J. T. Lacordaire. Faune entomologique des environs de Paris; ou species général des insectes qui se trouvent dans un rayon de quinze a vingt lieues aux alentours de pa. Tésis de No Aplica. Méquignon-Marvis. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Naturgeschichte der Insekten Deutschlands, Abteilung 1, Coleoptera, vol. 2, Staphylinii. Lief. 1-2. Tésis de No Aplica. Nicolaische Buchhandlung. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. Études Entomologiques, ou description d insectes nouveaux, et observations sur la synonymie. premiere partie. Tésis de No Aplica. Mequignon-Marvis. Paris. -
- ND. 1840. Histoire Naturelle des Insectes Coléoptères, vol. 2. Histoire Naturelle des Animaux Artículés, Annelides, Crustacés, Arachnides, Myriapodes et Insectes, vol. 3. P. Duménil. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. Précis des caractères génèriques des insectes, disposes dans un ordre naturel. Tésis de No Aplica. F. Bordeaux. Brive. -
- ND. 9999. Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum, secundem Ordinem Naturalem in Familias Disposita, Iconibus Exemplisque Plurimus Explicata. vol. 4. Tésis de No Aplica. Amand Koenig. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. The Zoological Miscellany, being Descriptions of New or Interesting Animals. Vol. 3. Tésis de No Aplica. Nodder. London. -
- ND. 1815. Entomology. Edinburgh Encyclopedia. Vol 9 (1). Edinburgh. -
- ND. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). Biology, phylogeny and classification of Coleoptera: Papers celebrating the 80th birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Muzeum i Institut Zoologii PAN. Warszawa. -
- ND. 9999. In: G. Samouelle, The Entomologist s Useful Compendium, or an Introduction to the Knowledge of British Insects,... Tésis de No Aplica. Thomas Boys. London. -
- ND. 1878. Additional descriptions of new species. In: E. A. Schwarz. The Coleoptera of Florida. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 17 -
- ND. 1993. Evolutionary patterns of feeding in selected Staphylinoidea (Coleoptera): shifts among food textures. Functional Morphology of Insect Feeding. Thomas Say Publications in Entomology, Entomological Society of America, Lanham. Maryland. -
- ND. 9999. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decima, reformata. Vol. 1. Tésis de No Aplica. L. Salvi. Holmiae. -
- ND. 9999. Catalogue of the Scaphidiinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Tésis de No Aplica. Instrumenta Biodiversitatis I, Muséum d Histoire Naturelle. Genève. -
- ND. 1857. Entomologie. Animaux nouveaux our rares recueillis pendant l expédition dans les parties centrales de l. Amérique du Sud, de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, ..., sous la direction du Comte Francis de Castelnau. Paris. -
- ND. 1852. In: C. G. Mannerheim, Zwiter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Laender des Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 25(1 & 2) -
- ND. 1853. In. C. G. Mannerheim, Dritter Nachtrag zur Kaefer-Fauna der Nord-Amerikanischen Laender des Russischen Reiches. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 26(3 & 4) -
- ND. 9999. Entomologia Britannica, sistens insecta britanniae indigena, secundum methodum Linnaeanam disposita. Vol. 1, Coleoptera. Tésis de No Aplica. Wilks & Taylor. Londini. -
- ND. 1888. Fam. Scaphidiidae. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera. Vol. 2 (1). Taylor & Francis. London. -
- ND. 1998. Host records parasitoid Aleochara Gravenhorst species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) attaking puparia of cyclorrhapheous Diptera. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 45 -
- ND. 1844. Description of new species of Coleoptera of the United States. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 2 -
- ND. 1956. Cytological observations on Pselaphid beetles. Ohio Journal of Sciences. 56 -
- ND. 1956. A revision of the Pacific coast Phytosi with a review of the foreign genera (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 12 -
- ND. 1963. Key to the Nearctic Xantholinine genera and new Platyprosopus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 17 -
- ND. 1964. A new marine beetle from the gulf of California (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 13 -
- ND. 1964. The Staphylinidae of the marine mud flats of southern California and northwestern Baja California (Coleoptera):. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 13 -
- ND. 1964. A new key to the subfamilies of the Nearctic Staphylinidae and notes on their classification. Coleopterists Bulletin. 18 -
- ND. 1972. Notes on Diaulota harteri with new synonymy (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 48 -
- ND. 1973. Homaeotarsus despectus LeConte from Mexico. Coleopterists Bulletin. 27 -
- ND. 1974. A new species of Opithes from Mexico with a key to the species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Psyche. 81 -
- ND. 1974. Cafius sulcicollis Le Conte from the Gulf of California (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 28 -
- ND. 1975. The distribution of the Siagonium (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in North America. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 48 -
- ND. 1978. A second species of Rothium, an intertidal beetle from the Gulf of California (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 54 -
- ND. 1978. Two new species of Salinamexus from western North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Entomological News. 89 -
- ND. 1985. Extensions of range for some seashore and intertidal beetles of western North America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Carabidae, Malachiidae & Rhizophagidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 61 -
- ND. 1971. A review of the Nearctic species of Platysthetus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 47 -
- ND. 1973. Laetulonthus, a new genus for Philonthus laetulus Say (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 80 -
- ND. 1973. Speculation on the distribution of the southern California species of Cafius with a new record from the Salton sea (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 49 -
- ND. 1974. Key to the genera of the Staphylinidae of America North of Mexico exclusive of the Aleocharinae (Coleoptera : Staphylinidae). Hilgardia. 42 -
- ND. 1975. A catalogue of the Staphylinidae of America North of Mexico (Coleoptera). University of California Division of Agricultural Sciences Special Publication. 3015 -
- ND. 1975. A study of Bryothinusa (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), comparing a tabular and a dichotomous key to the species. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. 74 -
- ND. 1976. Intertidal rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Marine insects. North Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam. -
- ND. 1977. A report on some intertidal Staphylinidae from Sonora, Mexico with four new genera. Pacific insects. 17 -
- ND. 1979. An illustrated guide to the genera of the Staphylinidae of America North of Mexico exclusive of the Aleocharinae (Coleoptera). University of California Division of Agricultural Sciences Priced Publication. 4093 -
- ND. 1979. Notes on Bryothinusa with description of th e larva of B. catalinae Casey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Psyche. 85 -
- ND. 1979. Diglotta legneri, a new seashore beetle from California (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 33 -
- ND. 1837. Extrait d une lettre adressée par M. V. Mostchulsky à M. B. Zoubkoff. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 10(5) -
- ND. 1840. Enumération systématique des insectes décrits et figurés par T. Victor dans les Mémoire et le Bulletin de la Société Impériale de Moscou depuis 1836 jusqu'en 1840. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 13(2) -
- ND. 1853. Notices. Études Entomologiques. 1 -
- ND. 1855. Voyages. Lettre de M. de Mostchulsky à M. Ménétriés. No. 2. A bord du bateau à vapeur United-States, 20 Mars 1854. Études Entomologiques. 4 -
- ND. 1857. Voyages. Lettres de M. de Mostchulsky à M. Ménétriés. No. 3. New York le 15 Juillet 1654 (sic). Études Entomologiques. 5 -
- ND. 1857. Énumération des nouvelles espéces de Coléoptères rapportés de ses voyages. 2-d. Article. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 30(4) -
- ND. 1858. Énumération des nouvelles espéces de Coléoptères rapportés de ses voyages. 2-d Article. (continuation9. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 31(2) -
- ND. 1858. Énumération des nouvelles espéces de Coléoptères rapportés de ses voyages. 2-d. Article. (continuation). Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 31(3) -
- ND. 1860. Entomologie spéciale: Insectes des Indes orientales, et de contrées analogues (2: de série). Études Entomologiques. 8 -
- ND. 1860. Synonymie et critique. Études Entomologiques. 8 -
- ND. 1860. Énumeration des nouvelles espéces de coléoptères rapportés de ses voyages. 3-ième article. IV. Staphylinides de Russie. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 33(2) -
- ND. 1865. Un genre noveau de staphylinites de l Amerique septentrionale. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 38 -
- ND. 9999. Fauna insectorum Fridrichsdalina, sive methodica descriptio insectorum agri Fridrichsdalensis, cum characteribus genericis et specificis, nominibus trivialibus, locis natalibus, iconibus allegatis, no. Tésis de No Aplica. I. F. Gleditsch. Hafniae et Lipsiae. -
- ND. 1870. Description d un genre noveau de l ordre des coléoptéres, tribu des brachélytres, famille des aléchariens. Opuscules Entomologiques. 14 -
- ND. 1872. Description d un genre nouveau de l ordre des coléoptères: Tribu des brachérlytres, famille des aléochariens. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 18 -
- ND. 1872. Tribu des brévipennes: Famille des aléochariens: Huitième branche: Bolitocharaires. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 19 -
- ND. 9999. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Brévipennes. Aléochariens [Huitième Branche, Bolitocharaires]. Tésis de No Aplica. Deyrolle Fils. Paris. -
- ND. 1873. Description de divers Coléoptères brévipennes nouveaux ou peu connus. Opuscules Entomologiques. 15 -
- ND. 1874. Description de divers coléoptéres brevipennes nouveaux ou peu connus. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 20 -
- ND. 1878. Tribu des brevipennes: Troisiéme famille: Pédériens. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 24 -
- ND. 1880. In: C. Rey, Tribu des brévipennes. Onziéme famille: Omaliens. Douxième famille: Pholidiens. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 27 -
- ND. 9999. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Brévipennes. Pédériens, Évesthétiens. Tésis de No Aplica. Deyrolle. Paris. -
- ND. 9999. In: C. Rey. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Brévipennes (Omaliens - Pholidiens). Tésis de No Aplica. J.-B. Baillière et Fils. Paris. -
- ND. 1977. Nomenclatoric notes on Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Notulae Entomologicae. 57 -
- ND. 1956. A revision of the subfamily Oxyporinae in Japan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Scientific Reports of the Saikyo University (Natural Science and Living Science). 2(A) -
- ND. 1985. The phylogeny and higher classification of the Staphylinidae and their allied groups (Coleoptera, Staphylinoidea). Esakia. 23 -
- ND. 1993. First record of Sepedophilus coronadensis (Staphylinidae) from Mexico. Entomological News. 104 -
- ND. 1992. Description of the male of Oxyporus balli Campbell, with notes on distribution of Oxyporus in Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 100 -
- ND. 1995. Aspectos biológicos de Philonthus apiciventris y P. oxyporinus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae), en una zona de Morelos, México, con una lista de las especies mexicanas de Philonthus. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Autonoma de México (Zoología). 66 -
- ND. 1998. Descripción de Styngetus adrianae sp. nov., incluyendo nuevos datos de distribución para las especies de Styngetus de México (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 101 -
- ND. 1993. Notas sobre los Staphylinidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) de cuevas en México. Mundos Subterráneos. 4 -
- ND. 1995. Rediscovery of Oxyporus flohri, (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), from Mexico and new distributional records of two other Mexican Oxyporus. Entomological News. 106 -
- ND. 1997. Tachinus mexicanus Campbell, 1973 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Dugesiana. 4(1) -
- ND. 1998. A new Mexican species of Gastrisus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Entomological News. 109 -
- ND. 1996. Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Biodiversidad, taxonomía y biogeografía de artrópodos de México: hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento. 109. Instituto de Biología, Universidad Autonoma de México. México, D. F., México. -
- ND. 1990. Contributions to the knowledge of Oxyporinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) associated with mushrooms (Fungi: Basidiomycetes) in Mexico. Coleopterists Bulletin. 44 -
- ND. 1989. Clave para las familias neárcticas de Staphylinidae, incluyendo las registradas para México. Boletín de la Sociedad Mexicana de Entomología. 2 -
- ND. 1834. Entomological notes (continued...). Entomological Magazine. 2 -
- ND. 1982. Redefinition, revised phylogeny, and relationships of Pseudopsinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). American Museum Novitates. 2743 -
- ND. 1982. A new genus and species of Oxytelinae from Australia, with a description of its larva, systematic position, and phylogenetic relationships (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). American Museum Novitates. 2744 -
- ND. 1984. Mycophagy in Staphilinoidea (Coleoptera). Fungus-Insect Relationships: perspectives in Ecology and Evolution. Columbia University Press. New York. -
- ND. 1985. South temperate Staphylinoidea (Coleoptera): their potential for biogeographic analysis of austral disjunctions. The beetles of the United States (a manual for identification). Catholic University of America Press. Washington, D. C. -
- ND. 1987. Four Staphylinus (sensu lato) species new to North America, with notes on other introduced species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 41 -
- ND. 1988. Fooled by flatness: subfamily shifts in subcortical Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Coleopterists Bulletin. 42 -
- ND. 1990. Larvae of Staphyliniformia (Coleoptera): where do we stand?. Coleopterists Bulletin. 44 -
- ND. 1990. Myrmelibia, a new genus of myrmecophile from Australia, with a generic review af Australian Osoriinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Invertebrate Taxonomy. 4 -
- ND. 1991. Agyrtidae through Silphidae and Pselaphidae (Staphylinoidea), Sphaeritidae through Histeridae (Hydrophiloidea). Immature Insects. Vol 2. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa. -
- ND. 1996. Book review : Smetana, A., 1995, Rove beetles of the subtribe Philonthina of America North of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae): Classification, phylogeny and taxonomic revision. Dugesiana. 3(1) -
- ND. 1997. First record of the genus Platydracus (=Staphylinus in part) from Hawaii, with notes on Hawaiian Creophilus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae: Staphylinini). Bishop Museum Occasional Papers. 49 -
- ND. 1988. A critique on Naomi's phylogeny and higher classification of Staphylinidae and allies (Coleoptera). Entomologia Generalis. 14 -
- ND. 1995. Protopselaphinae new subfamily for Protopselaphus new genus from Malaysia, with a phylogenetic analysis and review of the Omaliine Group of Staphylinidae including Pselaphidae (Coleoptera). Biology, phylogeny and classification of Coleoptera: Papers celebrating the 80th birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Muzeum i Institut Zoologii PAN. Warszawa. -
- ND. 9999. Symbolae ad monographiam staphylinorum. Tésis de No Aplica. Academie Caesareaceae Scientiarum. Petropoli [St. Petersburg]. -
- ND. 1920. Staphylinidae from Florida in the collection of the American Museum of Natural History, with descriptions of new genera and species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 42 -
- ND. 1924. Two new staphylinids from Cranberry Lake, New York. Technical Publication No. 17, State University College of Forestry, Syracuse University. 24 -
- ND. 1925. A synoptic review of the beetles of the tribe Osoriini from the Western Hemisphere. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 67(11) -
- ND. 1929. New species of Palaminus from the West Indies, together with a synoptic review of the genus. American Museum Novitates. 386 -
- ND. 9999. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des insectes, avec leurs carateres géneriques et spécifiques, leur description, leur synonymie, et leur figure enluminée. Coléoptères Vol. 2, Nos. Tésis de No Aplica. -
- ND. 1985. Deux Osoriinae anophtalmes de Guyane Francaise (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Revue Francaise d Entomologie. 7 -
- ND. 1980. A revision of the species of Cafius Curtis from the west coast of North America with notes of the east coast species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History. 19 -
- ND. 1978. Year-round survey of Staphylinidae of a sandy beach in southern California (Coleoptera). Wasmann Journal of Biology. 35 -
- ND. 1975. A rove beetle, Ocypus olens, with potential for biological control of thr brown garden snail, Helix aspersa, in California, including a key to the Nearctic species of Ocypus. Canadian Entomologist. 107 -
- ND. 1986. Aleocharinae del Perú. (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Redia. 69 -
- ND. 1987. Revisione di quattro specie della tribù Diglottini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) descritte da Fauvel. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturali di Genova. 86 -
- ND. 1987. Aleocharinae del Cile (Coleoptera Staphylidae). Redia. 70 -
- ND. 1987. Revision delle Aleocharinae dell Argentina sudorientale descritte da Scheerpeltz nel 1972 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Folia Entomologica Hungarica. 48 -
- ND. 1990. Aleocharinae neotropiche del Museo Ungherese di Storia Naturale (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici. 81 -
- ND. 1990. Nuovi Falagriini, Hoplandriini ed Aleocharini della Regione Neotropica (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Giornale Italiano di Entomologia. 5 -
- ND. 9999. Fauna d Italia, XXXIV. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Leptotyphlinae. Tésis de No Aplica. Edizioni Calderini. Bologna. -
- ND. 1932. The food of Batrisodes globosus (LeC.) (Coleop.: Pselaphidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 40 -
- ND. 1935. Further records of beetles associated with ants (Coleop., Hymen.). Entomological News. 46 -
- ND. 9999. Systema eleutheratorum secundum ordines, genera, species, adjectis synonnimis, locis, observationibus, descriptionibus. Vol. 2. Tésis de No Aplica. Bibliopolii Academici Novi. Liliae [Kiel]. -
- ND. 1944. New and little known Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) from Brazil, Colombia and Mexico, with keys to Mexican genera and species. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 7 -
- ND. 1945. Further studies in Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Mexico and Guatemala. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 7 -
- ND. 1943. A preliminary study of the Pselaphidae (Coleoptera) of Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 7 -
- ND. 1946. Revision of the fifty-fourth group of the pselaphid genus Reichenbachia (Coleoptera). Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 7 -
- ND. 1947. Observations on Batrisodes (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae), with particular reference to the American species east of the Rocky Mountains. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 8 -
- ND. 1948. New and little known Reichenbachia (Coleoptera: Paselaphideae) from Guerrero , and their zoogeographic integration. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 8 -
- ND. 1949. New species of Nearctic pselaphid beetles and a revision of the genus Cedius. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 8 -
- ND. 1952. A revisional study of Neotropical pselaphid beetles. Part One. Tribes Faronini, Pyxidicerini and Jubini. Chicago Academy of Sciences, Special Publication. 9(1) -
- ND. 1952. A revisional study of Neotropical pselaphid beetles. Part Two. Tribe Euplectini sensu latiore. Chicago Academy of Sciences, Special Publication. 9(2) -
- ND. 1956. New or little known species of pselaphid beetles from southeastern United States. Journal of the Tenesse Academy of Science. 31 -
- ND. 1958. New or little known species of pselaphid beetles chiefly from southeastern United States. Journal of the Tenesse Academy of Science. 33 -
- ND. 1964. Observations upon the behavior of myrmecophilous pselaphid beetles. Pedobiologia. 4 -
- ND. 1950. The tree-hole habitat with emphasis on the pselaphid beetle fauna. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 9 -
- ND. 1949. Pselaphid beetles of an Illinois prairie: the fauna, and ist relation to the prairie peninsula hypothesis. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences. 8 -
- ND. 1953. Pselaphid beetles of an Illinois prairie: the population. Ecological Monographs. 23 -
- ND. 1976. Review of the pselaphid beetles of the West Indies (Coeloptera: Pselaphiade). Fieldiana: Zoology. 68 -
- ND. 1971. Revision of the termitophilous subfamily Trichopseniinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). II. The remainder of the genera with a representational study of the gland systems and a discussion of their relat. Miscellaneous Publications of the Entomological Society of America. 7 -
- ND. 9999. In: Delectus animalium articulatorum, quae in itinere per Brasiliam annis MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maximiliani Josephi I. Tésis de No Aplica. Bavariae regis augustissimi peracto collegerunt Dr. J. B. Spix, ... F. Fleischer. Monachii. -
- ND. 9999. Petite faune entomologique du Canada precedée d un traité élementaire d entomologie. Volume I - Les coléoptères. Tésis de No Aplica. C. Darveau. Quebec. -
- ND. 1967. Über Bohemansche Stenus-Typen, nebst synonimischen Bemerkerungen. Arkiv för Zoologi. 19(2) -
- ND. 1968. Neue und alte mittelamerikanische Steninen (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Annotationes Zoologicae et Botanicae. 48 -
- ND. 1971. Revision der afrikanischen Steninenfauna und allgeimeines über die Gattung Stenus Latreille (Coleoptera Staphylinidae). Annales du Musée Royal de l Afrique Centrale, Tervuren (Série 8 : Sciences Zoologiques). 187 -
- ND. 1971. New synonyms and new taxonomic positions in the genus Stenus Latr. (Col. Staphylinidae). Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 107 -
- ND. 1972. Über nordamerikanische Stenus-Arten der Untergattung Hypostenus Rey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Mitteilungen der Zoologischen Museum Hamburg. 4 -
- ND. 1973. Revision der nearktischen Steninfauna (I). Neue nordamerikanische Stenus- ( s. str. + Nestus) Arten. Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 69 -
- ND. 1973. Zur Synonymie und Stellung einiger Stenus-Arten. IV (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologisk Tidskrift. 94 -
- ND. 1973. On some Neotropical Euasthetinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 8 -
- ND. 1973. Zwei neue Neotropische Edaphus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Nouvelle Revue d Entomologie. 3 -
- ND. 1974. Revision der nearktischen Steninfauna 2. Taxonomische Revision der von früheren Autoren beschriebenen Taxa. Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 70 -
- ND. 1976. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Megalopininen IX. Bemerkungen zur Synonymie einiger Megalopinus-Arten (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 3 -
- ND. 1976. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Megalopininen XI. Über Megalopinus cruciger (Sharp) und Megalopinus mexicanus (Sharp) (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 3 -
- ND. 1977. Die Gattung Octavius Fauvel (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) weltweit verbreitet!. Opuscula Zoologica [Budapest]. 14 -
- ND. 1977. The group of Stenus aculeatus Sharp (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 12 -
- ND. 1979. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Steninen CLXVI. Neue neotropische Stenus-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Philippia. 4 -
- ND. 1980. Neue Synonyme in der Gattung Megalopinus Eichelbaum, 1915 (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 76 -
- ND. 1984. Über neue and alte neotropische Stenus (Hypostenus)-Arten (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 79 -
- ND. 1988. Revision der nearktischen Steninfauna 3 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 84 -
- ND. 1989. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Megalopininen XVI. Über neue und alte Megalopinus-Arten (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 6 -
- ND. 1994. Die Gruppe des Megalopinus peploides (Sharp) (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer. 90 -
- ND. 1994. Beiträge zur Kennnis der Megalopsidiinen XX. Über neue und alte neotropische Megalopinus-Arten 2 (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 6 -
- ND. 1996. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Steninen. CCIL. Drei neue neotropische Stenus-Arten (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 7 -
- ND. 1998. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Euasthetinen. LXXIX: Neweltliche Euaesthetus-Arten (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera). Philippia. 8 -
- ND. 1969. Xanthopygus cognatus Sharp (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), an enemy of the Coconut Weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in El Salvador. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 77 -
- ND. 1883. Psélaphides nouveaux ou peu connus. Deuxième mémoire. Revue d Entomologie. 2 -
- ND. 1887. Psélaphides nouveaux ou peu connus. Troisième mémoire. Revue d Entomologie. 6 -
- ND. 1890. Étude sur les Psélaphides. V. Tableaux synoptiques.- Notes et synonymie. Revue d Entomologie. 9 -
- ND. 1890. Étude sur les Psélaphides. VI. Diagnoses de espèces nouvelles sur lesquelles sont fondés des genres nouveaux. Revue d Entomologie. 9 -
- ND. 1893. Essai monographique sur la tribu des Faronini (Psélaphiens). Revue d Entomologie. 12 -
- ND. 1891. Voyage de M. E. Simon au Venezuela (Décembre 1887-Avril 1888), 10e mémoire. Psélaphides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 10(6) -
- ND. 1897. Nouvelles études sur les Psélaphides et les Clavigérides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 65 -
- ND. 1898. Révision des Batrisus et genres voisins de l Amerique centrale et méridionale. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 66 -
- ND. 1898. Notes sur les Psélaphides. Révision générique de la tribu des Euplectini. Descriptions d espèces nouvelles. Revue d Entomologie. 17 -
- ND. 1904. Genera et catalogue des Psélaphides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 72 -
- ND. 1904. Genera et catalogue des Psélaphides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 73 -
- ND. 1909. Nouvelles espéces de Psélaphides. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 78 -
- ND. 1935. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilenfauna Brasilien und Costa Ricas III (Col. Staphyl. Hist.). Arbeiten über Morphologische und Taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem. 2 -
- ND. 1936. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen- und Termitophilenfauna Brasiliens und Costa Ricas, IV (Col. Hist. Staphyl. Pselaph.). Revista de Entomología. 6 -
- ND. 1967. The temperature and humidity relations of some bog pselaphid beetles. Ecology. 48 -
- ND. 1880. Die Gattungen und Arten der Coleopteren-Familie: Scaphidiidae meiner Sammlung. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn. 18 -
- ND. 1881. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. V. Enthaltend die Familien: Paussidae, Clavigeridae, Pselaphidae und Scymanidae. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 31 -
- ND. 1882. Neue Pselaphiden und Scymaeniden aus Brasilien. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 26 -
- ND. 1882. Versuch einer systematischen Eintheilung der Clavigeriden und Pselaphiden. Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn. 20 -
- ND. 1883. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Clavigeriden, Pselaphiden und Scymaeniden von Westindien. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 27 -
- ND. 1883. Neue Pselaphiden und Scymaeniden aus Central- und Südamerika. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 32 -
- ND. 9999. Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. Vol 2. Tésis de No Aplica. K. G. Lutz. Sttugart. -
- ND. 1884. Tribu des brévipennes. Deuxième groupe: Micropéplides. Troisième groupe: Sténides. Annales de Société Linnéenne de Lyon (N. S.). 30 -
- ND. 9999. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Brévipennes. Micropéplides, Sténides. Tésis de No Aplica. J.-B. Baillière et Fils. Paris. -
- ND. 1983. Feeding and activity patterns of a intertidal beetle. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 73 -
- ND. 1992. La comunidad de coleópteros asociados al arbolado muerto en un bosque mesófilo de montaña de la Sierra de Manantlán, Jalisco, México. Folia Entomológica Mexicana. 85 -
- ND. 1852. Neue Käfer. Entomologische Zeitung [ Stettin]. 13 -
- ND. 1844. Coleoptera diebus XV-XXVII Decembris MDCCCXXXIX ad Rio Janeiro lecta. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. 2 -
- ND. 1847. Coleoptera diebus XV-XXVII Decembris MDCCCXXXIX ad Rio Janeiro lecta. (Continuatio). Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae. 2 -
- ND. 1973. Biogeography of soil beetles in Mediterranena regions. Ecological studies. Analysis and synthesis, Vol. 7. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. -
- ND. 1947. The North American species of Stilicolina Casey (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 20 -
- ND. 1971. Aleocharinae (Staphylinidae, Coleoptera) from the intertidal zone Japan. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 19 -
- ND. 1823. Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains, performed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Major Long. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 3 -
- ND. 9999. Descriptions of new species of North American insects, and observations on some of the species already described. 1-41. Tésis de No Aplica. New Harmony. Indiana. -
- ND. 1834. Descriptions of new North American insects, and observations on some already described. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 4(2) -
- ND. 1839. Descriptions of new North American insects, and observations on some already described (continued...). Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. 6(2) -
- ND. 1905. Additions to the Coleopteraof the United States with notes on some known species. Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Science Bulletin. 1 -
- ND. 1906. Six new Pselaphidae. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 32 -
- ND. 1872. Tabellen-Entwurf zur Bestimmung der Pselaphiden-Gattungen. Nuquam Otiosus. 2 -
- ND. 1874. Beschreibung einiger Pselaphiden (Fortsetzung ...). Nuquam Otiosus. 2(2) -
- ND. 1877. Ueber Pselaphidengattungen. Nuquam Otiosus. 2 -
- ND. 1880. Beschreibung sechzig neuer Pselaphiden. Der Société entomologique de Belgique zu Brüsel zur Feier Ihres fünfunzwanzigsten Stiftungstages die herzlichsten Festgrüsse aus dem Museum Ludwig Salvator in Oberblasewitz-Dresden. Dresden-Oberblasewitz. -
- ND. 1880. Beschreibung sechzig neuer Pselaphiden. Nuquam Otiosus. 3 -
- ND. 1882. Pselaphinorum spuriorum monographia. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturali di Genova. 18 -
- ND. 1887. Beischreibung neuer Pselaphiden aus der Sammlung des Museum Ludwig Salvator. Ein Beitrag zur Fauna Brasiliens, der Kgl. Niederländischen Besitzungen in Indien und Neuhollands. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 30 -
- ND. 1888. Ueber Pselaphiden und Scymaeniden des Königl. zoologischen Museums zu Berlin und verwandte Arten. Berliner Entomologische Zeitschrift. 31 -
- ND. 1931. XV. Teil, Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). In: M. Beier, Zoologische Forschungsreise nach den Jonischen Inseln und dem Peloponnes. Sitzungsberichten der Akademie de Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse (Abt. I). 140 -
- ND. 1933. Staphylinidae VII: Supplementum I. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 129. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1934. Staphylinidae VIII: Supplementum II. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 130. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1937. Eine neue Art der Gattung Cordylaspis Nordm. Mit einer Bestimmungstabelle der bis jetzt bekannt gewordenen Arten der Gattung (Col. Staphylinidae). Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin. 22 -
- ND. 1952. Revision der Gattung Piestus Gravh. (Coeloptera Staphylinidae). Revista Chilena de Entomología. 2 -
- ND. 1953. Rindenbewohnende Staphyliniden aus Guatemala (Coleoptera):. Beiträge zur Entomologie. 3 -
- ND. 1960. Zur Kenntnis neotropischer Staphyliniden (Col.). Beitrage zur Neotropischen Fauna. 2 -
- ND. 1968. Eine neue Art der Gattung Phanolinus Erichson (Col.: Staphylin.), nebst einer Übersicht über die bisher bekannt gewordenen Arten dieser Gattung. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía (Maracay). 4 -
- ND. 1969. Die zentral- und südamerikanischen Arten der Gattung Xanthopygus Kraatz. Koleopterologische Rundschau. 46/47 -
- ND. 1971. Studien an den Arten der neotropischen Gattung Brachydirus Nordman (Col. Staphylininae, Subfam. Staphyliniae, Tribus Xanthopygini. Mitteilungen der Entomologischen Gesellschaft Basel (N. F.). 21 -
- ND. 1972. Eine neue Art der Gattung Trigonopselaphus Gemminger-Harold, nebst einer Dichotomik der jetzt zu dieser Gattung gehörigen Arten, Bemerkungen über die aus dieser Gattung auszuscheidenden Arten und neue. Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (e. V.). 62 -
- ND. 1974. Studien an den Arten der Gattung Cyrtothorax Kraatz, mit Beschreibung neuer Arten sowie einer Dichotomik aller bis heute bekannt gewordenen Arten dieser Gattung (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Staphylinin. Reichenbachia. 15 -
- ND. 1974. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae. South African Animal Life. Vol 15. Swedish Natural Science Research Council. Stockholm. -
- ND. 1975. Staphyliniden aus der verrotteten vegetabilischen Bodenbedeckung von Cacao-Pflanzungen in Nordost-Brasilien (Col. Staphylinidae). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 22 -
- ND. 1997. Taxonomic revision of the Oriental species of Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Monographs on Coleoptera. 1 -
- ND. 1902. Ein neuer mexicanischer Conurus. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1902 -
- ND. 1909. Neue mexikanische Staphyliniden (Col.). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1909 -
- ND. 1999. Zur Taxonomie der Gattung Bolitobius Leach in Samouelle 1819 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge. 31 -
- ND. 1968. A new genus of pselaphid beetle from southeast United States (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 44 -
- ND. 1958. A study of the North American genus Megafaronus Casey (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 34 -
- ND. 1855. Neue Staphylinen. Entomologische Zeitung [ Stettin]. 16 -
- ND. 1937. New species of termitophilous Staphylinidae from tropical America and the Solomon Islands. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 30 -
- ND. 1938. The termitophilous Coleoptera occurring in the United States. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 31 -
- ND. 1944. A new subfamily of beetles parasitic on mammals, Staphylinidae, Amblyopininae. Field Museum of Natural History, Zoological Series. 28 -
- ND. 1951. A revision of the North American and European staphylinid beetles of the subtribe Gyrophaenae (Aleocharinae, Bolitocharini). Fieldiana: Zoology. 32 -
- ND. 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Fieldiana: Zoology. 40 -
- ND. 1958. A revision of the Vatesini, a tribe of neotropical myrmocophiles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Revista Brasileira de Entomologia. 8 -
- ND. 1960. New termitophilous Staphylinidae of zoogeographic significance (Coleoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 53 -
- ND. 1965. The systematics, evolution and zoogeography of staphilinid beetles associated with army ants (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology. 47 -
- ND. 1971. Fossil Staphylinidae in Tertiary Mexican amber (Coleoptera). University of California Publications in Entomology. 63 -
- ND. 1978. A generic and tribal revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Fieldiana: Zoology. 71 -
- ND. 1943. A synopsis of the Limulodidae (Coleoptera): a new family proposed por myrmecophiles of the sufamilies Limulodinae (Ptiliidae) and Cephaloplectinae (Staphylinidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 36 -
- ND. 1962. A gazetteer to accompany the "Insecta" volumes of the "Biologia Centrali-Americana". American Museum Novitates. 2099 -
- ND. 1994. Costruction of the egg chamber and protection of the eggs by female Oxyporus japonicus Sharp (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Oxyporinae). Japanese Journal of Entomology. 62 -
- ND. 1876. On a new genus and species of the family Staphylinidae. Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 12 -
- ND. 1874. The Staphylinidae of Japan. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1874 -
- ND. 1876. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Coleoptera-Staphylinidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1876 -
- ND. 1876. Description of a new genus, and some new species, of Staphylinidae from Mexico and Central America. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1876 -
- ND. 1883. Fam. Staphylinidae. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta, Coleoptera. Vol. 1 (2). Taylor and Francis. London. -
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- ND. 1911. Contributo alla conoscenza dei mirmecofili del Messico. Bolletino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria. 5 -
- ND. 1938. Descrizione di uno straordinario satafilinide (Insecta, Coleoptera) mirmecofilo. Bolletino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria. 30 -
- ND. 1963. Zwei neue Neobisnius-Arten von Nordamerika (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Bulletin de l Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 39(15) -
- ND. 1971. Revision of the tribe Quediini of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 79 -
- ND. 1971. A small collection of nearctic Quediini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Opuscula Zoologica [Budapest]. 117 -
- ND. 1975. A new Quedius (Megaquedius) species from Mexico (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae):. Coleopterists Bulletin. 29 -
- ND. 1975. New and little known high altitude Quedius from Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 107 -
- ND. 1976. Review of the Mexican species of the subgenus Microsaurus of the genus Quedius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Canadian Entomologist. 108 -
- ND. 1976. Review of the Central American species of the subgenus Quedionuchus of the genus Quedius (Col. Staphylinidae). Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment. 11 -
- ND. 1977. Lectotype designations and taxonomic remarks on some xantholinine genera and species from Central and South America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 31 -
- ND. 1980. Review of the Mexican species of the genus Nudobius C. G. Thomson (Col., Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 34 -
- ND. 1980. Neohypnus vilis (Sharp) - taxonomy and lectotype designation (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 34 -
- ND. 1982. Revision of the subfamily Xantholininae of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada. 120 -
- ND. 1983. The status of the staphylinid genera Derops Sharp and Rimulincola Sanderson (Coleoptera). Entomologica Scandinavica. 14 -
- ND. 1988. Revision of the tribes Quediini and Atanygnathini. Part 2. The Himalayan region (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Quaestiones Entomologicae. 24 -
- ND. 1991. Philonthus furvus Nordmann, 1837 and its allies in Mexico and Central America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Insecta Mundi. 5 -
- ND. 1995. Rove beetles of the subtribe Philontina of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Classification, phylogeny and taxonomic revision. Memoirs on Entomology, International. 3 -
- ND. 2000. Reclassification of the north temperate taxa associated with Staphylinus sensu lato, including comments on relevant subtribes of Staphylinini (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). American Museum Novitates. 3287 -
- ND. 1978. Ecology and behavior of Osorius planifrons. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 71 -
- ND. 1849. Coleópteros. Historia Física y Politica de Chile. Zoología, Vol 4. Privately published. Paris. -
- ND. 1864. Description de quelques nouvelles espèces de staphylinides. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 37(2) -
- ND. 1866. Deux Staphylins nouveaux du Mexique. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. 4 -
- ND. 1868. Etudes sur les Staphylinides du Mexique. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. 5 -
- ND. 1870. Staphylins de l Amerique méridionale et du Mexique. II. Bulletin de la Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou. 42(2) -
- ND. 1872. Enumération et description de Coléoptères de la famille des Staphylinides recueillis par Mrs. C Iesky et le baron de Nolken pendant leurs voyages dans I Amerique du Sud en 1870 et 1871. Première parti. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. 8 -
- ND. 1875. Matériaux pour l entomographie de l Amerique du Sud. Staphylinides recueillis par MM. C. Jelsky et le Baron de Nolcken dans le Pérou et la Nouvelle Grenade. Article III. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae. 11 -
- ND. 1950. Notes on Staphylinidae, chiefly from New Zeland. (2) A new genus and three new species of Eleusiini. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zeland. 78 -
- ND. 1966. A revision of the staphylinid subfamily Proteininae (Coleoptera) I. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 118 -
- ND. 1970. The larvae of the genera of Omaliinae with particular reference to the British fauna. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 122 -
- ND. 9999. Catalogus coleopterorum Europae. Tésis de No Aplica. F. Nicolai. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. The nomenclature of British insects: being a compendious list of such species as are contained in the systematic catalogue of British insects and forming a guide to their classification. & c. & c. Tésis de No Aplica. Baldwin and Cradock. London. -
- ND. 9999. Illustrations of British entomology, or a synopsis of indigenous insects, containing their generic and specific distinctions, with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, loc...241-304. Tésis de No Aplica. Baldwin & Cradock. London. -
- ND. 9999. Illustrations of British entomology, or a synopsis of indigenous insects, containing their generic and specific distinctions, with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, loc...369-477. Tésis de No Aplica. Baldwin & Cradock. London. -
- ND. 9999. Illustrations of British entomology, or a synopsis of indigenous insects, containing their generic and specific distinctions, with an account of their metamorphoses, times of appearance, local...1-240. Tésis de No Aplica. Baldwin & Cradock. London. -
- ND. 1930. The biology on the certain Coleoptera associated with bark beetles in western yellow pine. University of California Publications in Entomology. 5 -
- ND. 1985. The larva of Brathinus nitidus LeConte and the systematic position of the genus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 39 -
- ND. 1987. Biology and phylogenetic relationships of Neophonus bruchi, an anomalous south Andean staphylinid (Coleoptera). Systematic Entomology. 12 -
- ND. 1995. Predation on the soil inhabiting stages of the Mexican fruit fly. Southwestern Entomologist. 20 -
- ND. 1858. Försök till uppställning af Sveriges Staphyliner. Öfversigt af Kongliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar. 15 -
- ND. 9999. Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. Vol. 1. Tésis de No Aplica. Berlingska Boktryckeriet. Lund. -
- ND. 9999. Skandinaviens Coleoptera, synoptiskt bearbetade. Vol. 2. Tésis de No Aplica. Berlingska Boktryckeriet. Lund. -
- ND. 9999. Morfoekologicheskiye osobennosti i filogenez Stafilinid (s katalogom fauny SSSR) [in Russian]. Tésis de No Aplica. Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Moscow. -
- ND. 1939. Some new species of Staphylinidae (Col.). Entomologist s Monthly Magazine. 75 -
- ND. 1955. Studies in the genus Philonthus Stephens (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Parts II, III, and IV. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 106 -
- ND. 9999. Catálogo de la colección de coleópteros mexicanos del Museo Nacional, formada y clasificada por el Dr. D. Eugenio Dugès (Salón de Entomolgía). Secunda edición. Tésis de No Aplica. Museo Nacional. México. -
- ND. 1985. Quelques éléments de la faune coléopterologique résistant à la destruction de l ancienne foret de pantano de Policoro (Basilicata). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturali di Genova. 85 -
- ND. 1934. Biologic investigations on the Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis. 28 -
- ND. 1939. The immature stages of the genera Ontholestes, Creophilus and Staphylinus; Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 32 -
- ND. 1975. Review of the genera Euplectus, Pycnoplectus, Leptoplectus, and Acolonia (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae) including Nearctic species north of Mexico. Entomologica Americana. 49 -
- ND. 1887. Neue Brasilianische Staphyliniden, bei Eciton hamatum gesammelt von Dr. W. Müller. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 31 -
- ND. 1889. Neue Eciton-Gäste aus Südbrasilien. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1889 -
- ND. 1891. Neue Termitophilen, mit einer Uebersicht über die Temitengäste. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 41 -
- ND. 9999. Kritisches Verzeichniss der Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen Arthropoden. Mit Angabe der Lebensweise und mit Beschreibung neuer Arten. Tésis de No Aplica. F. L. Dames. Berlin. -
- ND. 1896. Revision der Lomechusa-Gruppe. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1896 -
- ND. 1900. Zwei neue Lobopelta-Gäste aus Südafrika. Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1899 -
- ND. 1900. Neue Dorylinengäste aus dem neotropischen und dem äthiopischen Faunengebiet. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abtheilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Thiere. 14 -
- ND. 1901. Zwei neue Liometopum-Gäste aus Colorado (116. Beitrag ...). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 20 -
- ND. 1902. Species novae insectorum termitophilorum ex America meridionali. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. 45 -
- ND. 9999. Die psychischen Fähigkeiten der Ameisen. Mit einem Ausblick auf die vergleichende Tierpsychologie. Zweite,, bedeutend vermehrte Auflage. Tésis de No Aplica. E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Stuttgart. -
- ND. 1925. Drei neue myrmecophile Staphyliniden (Col.). Deustche Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1925 -
- ND. 1925. Die Ameisenmimikry; ein exakter Beitrag zum Mimikryproblem und zur Theorie der Anpassung. Abhandlungen zur Theoretischen Biologie. 19 -
- ND. 1981. Studies of Lathrobium (Lobrathium): revision of the grande species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America. 74 -
- ND. 1968. Über den Klebfangapparat der Imagines von Stenus Latr. (Coleopt., Staphylinidae) mit einem Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Judgendstadien diser Gattung. Zeitschrift für Morphologie der Tiere. 62 -
- ND. 1928. Neue exotische Staphyliniden (Coleoptera) (16. Beitrag ...). Neue Beiträge zur Systematischen Insektenkunde. 4 -
- ND. 1957. Neue Leptochirus-Arten des Zoologischen Museums Berlin (Col. Staphylinidae). Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft. 16 -
- ND. 1870. Descriptions of twelve new exotic species of the Coleopterous family Pselaphidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1870 -
- ND. 1979. Some predators and parasitoids of dung-breeding Diptera from central California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 55 -
- ND. 1955. Ocypus olens (Muller) in the United States (Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 9 -
- ND. 1996. Diversity and seasonality of tropical Pselaphidae and Anthicidae (Coleoptera). Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. 99 -
- ND. 9999. Catalogue of the coleopterous insects of Madeira in the collection of the British Museum. Tésis de No Aplica. -
- ND. 9999. Fauna d Italia XXV. Coleoptera: Staphylinidae, Omaliinae. Tésis de No Aplica. Edizioni Calderini. Bologna. -
- ND. 1976. Coleópteros de algunas bromelias epifitas y doce nuevos registros de especies para la fauna mexicana. Anales del Instituto de Biología, Universidad Autonoma de México (Zoología). 45 -
- ND. 1993. Una especie nueva de Amblyopinus Solsky, 1875 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae; Amblyopininae) de México. Universidad Ciencia y Tecnologia. 3 -
- ND. 9999. Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundem ordinem alphabeticum unicum di. Tésis de No Aplica. Jent et Gassman. Soloduri [Solothurn]. -
- ND. 1989. A review of Sharp's types of Aleochara from Latin America (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Entomologica Scandinavica. 20 -
- ND. 1923. Neue Staphyliniden aus Südamerika (29. Stück). Wiener Entomologische Zeitung. 40 -
- ND. 1910. Staphylinidae I. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 19. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1911. Staphylinidae II. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 29. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1912. Staphylinidae III. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 40. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1914. Staphylinidae IV. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 57. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 1916. Staphylinidae V. Coleopterorum Catalogus, Pars 67. Ed., S. Schenkling. W. Junk. Berlin. -
- ND. 9999. Checklist of the Pselaphidae of Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. North American Beetle Fauna Project, Family No. 16 (Red Version). Tésis de No Aplica. Biological Research Institute of America, Inc.,. Latham, New York. -
- ND. 9999. Checklist of the Scaphidiidae of Canada, United States, Mexico, Central America and the West Indies. North American Beetle Fauna Project, Family No. 24 ( Red Version). Tésis de No Aplica. Biological Research Institute of America, Inc.,. Latham, New York. -
- ND. 9999. An illustrated descriptive catalog of the Coleoptera or beetles (exclusive of the Rhynchophora) Known to occur in Indiana. Tésis de No Aplica. The Nature Publishing Co.,. Indianapolis, Indiana. -
- ND. 1890. In: E. Brendel and H. F. Wickham. The Pselaphidae of North America. A Monograph. Bulletin of the Laboratory of Natural History, State University of Iowa. 1 -
- ND. 1991. Families Micropeplidae, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiidae, Pselaphidae. Checklist of Beetles of Canada and Alaska. Publication 1861/E, Research Branch, Agriculture. Canada, Ottawa. -
- ND. 9999. Contributions to the descriptive and systematic Coleopterology of North America. Part I. Tésis de No Aplica. Collins Printing House. Philadelphia. -
- ND. 1911. New American species of Aleocharinae and Myllaeninae. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Vol. 2. New Era. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. -
- ND. 1915. Studies in some staphylinid genera of North America. Memoirs on the Coleoptera, Vol. 6. New Era. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. -
- ND. 1976. A revision of the genus Caccoplectus (Coleoptera: Pselaphidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 29 -
- ND. 1990. Insecta: Coleoptera: Staphylinidae adults and larvae. Soil Biology Guide. John Wiley & Sons. New York. -
- ND. 1988. Comportamento predatorio nelle larve di Pselaphus heisei Herbst (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae). Atti del XV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia. 1988 -
- ND. 1864. Études sur les Staphylinides de l Amerique Centrale, principalement du Mexique. Notices entomologiques, deuxième partie. A. Hardel. Caen. -
- ND. 1865. Études sur le Staphylinides de Amerique Centrale, Principalement du Mexique (suite). Notices entomologiques, troisième partie. F. Le Blanc- Hardel. Caen. -
- ND. 9999. Staphylinides auct. Microptera Grav.-Brachélytres Latr. [Faune gallo-rhénane... Vol. 3, livr. 4]. Tésis de No Aplica. Caen. -
- ND. 9999. Staphylinides auct. Microptera Grav.-Brachélytres Latr. [Faune gallo-rhénane... Vol. 3, livr. 5]. Tésis de No Aplica. Caen. -
- ND. 1918. Coleoptera. Fam. Staphylinidae, subfam. Aleocharinae. Genera Insectorum Fasc. 173a-c. M. Nijhoff, The Hague and L. Desmet-Verteneuil. Brussels. -
- ND. 1908. Coleoptera Fam. Pselaphidae. Genera Insectorum. Fasc. 64. V. Verteneuil & L. Desmet. Brussels. -
- ND. 1890. Liste des coléoptères de la Guadeloupe et descriptions d'espèces nouvelles. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 9(6) -
- ND. 1991. Staphylinidae (Staphylinoidea). Immature Insects. Vol 2. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co. Dubuque, Iowa. -
- ND. 9999. Recherche de l espéce typique de quelques anciens genres. Rectifications Synonymiques et notes diverses. Tésis de No Aplica. Herbin. Montlucon. -
- ND. 9999. Coleoptera Microptera Brunvicensia nec non exoticorum quotquot extant in collectionibus entomologorum Brunsvicensium in genera familiae et species distribuit. Tésis de No Aplica. C. Reichard. Brunsuigae [Braunscweig]. -
- ND. 9999. In: E. Griffith and E. Pidgeon, The class Insecta arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions to each order. Vol. 1, Supplement on the Brachelytra. Tésis de No Aplica. Whittaker, Treacher and Co. London. -
- ND. 1852. Insects. Exploration and survey of the Great Salt Lake of Utah... Appendix C: Zoology. Lippincott, Grambo & Co. Philadelphia. -
- ND. 1898. Neue Käfer von Celebes, III. Abhandlungen und Berichte des Königlichen Zoologischen und Antropologisch-Ethnographischen Museums zu Dresden. 7(3) -
- ND. 9999. Natursystem aller bekannten in- und ausländischen Insekten, als eine Forsetzung der von Büffonschen Naturgeschichte. Der Käfer, Vol. 4. Tésis de No Aplica. B. J. Pauli. Berlin. -
- ND. 1965. Revision of Orus. II. Subgenera Orus, Pycnorus and Nivorus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). Coleopterists Bulletin. 19 -
- ND. 1868. Catalogue of Coleoptera from the south western Virginia. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. 2 -
- ND. 9999. Études sur la Faune du Sol. Tésis de No Aplica. Centra National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. -
- ND. 1962. Les Psélaphides de la Paleantarctide occidentale. Biologie de l Amerique Australe. Vol. 1. Études sur la Faune du Sol. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Paris. -
- ND. 1964. Révision des Psélahides de l Afrique Australe. IN: The Humicolous Fauna of South Africa: Pselaphidae and Catopidae (Coleoptera) (N. Leleup Expedition 1960-1961). Transvaal Museum Memoir No. 15. Transvaal Museum. Pretoria. -
- ND. 1966. The subfamilies of the larvae of Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) with keys to the larvae of the British genera of Steninae an d Proteininae. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 118 -
- ND. 1970. The larvae of Paederinae and Staphylininae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) with keys to the known British genera. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 1221 -
- ND. 9999. An introduction to entomology, or elements of the natural history of insects; with plates. Vol. 1, 512. Tésis de No Aplica. -
- ND. 1834. Bericht über eine auf Madagascar veranstaltete Sammñlung von Insecten aus der Ordnung Coleoptera. Abhandlumgen der Könoglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 1832 -
- ND. 1860. Ueber die Gattung Diochus Er. Wiener Entomologische Monatschrift. 4 -
- ND. 1831. Précis d un nouvel arragement de la famille des brachélytres, de l odre des insectes coléoptères. Memoires de l Academie Impériale de Sciences de St.-pétersbourg. 1 -
- ND. 1937. A list of the beetles of San diego County, California. Occasional Papers, San Diego Society of Natural History No. 2. -
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