Back from the Brink vascular plant species abundance and distribution for Great Britain for the period 2002-2009
Plantlife International (2023). Back from the Brink vascular plant species abundance and distribution for Great Britain for the period 2002-2009. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-16.Description
This dataset of c.2500 species records gives distribution and abundance data on Plantlife's Back from the Brink vascular plant species, it collates information collected at rare and threatened species sites by Plantlife's Staff, Flora Guardians and Contracted botanical experts over a eight -year period.
The Back from the Brink programme is Plantlife's practical, hands-on response to the crisis of wild-plant loss in Britain - 35 vascular plant species have been in our care during the period this data was collated. BFB sites are monitored (usually annually) to ensure the populations are being kept at healthy levels and management techniques instigated at sites to conserve populations are working. Volunteers known as Flora Guardians undertake the majority of monitoring - this group of 400 volunteers allows Plantlife to have a presence at 240 sites across the UK.
Dataset records collected (in the most instances) as part of the ongoing BFB Programme instigated to safeguard and increase numbers of rare species at their native sites. Monitoring data is essential to assess the population health and distribution of rare and threatened species, as well as integral to the decision making about management techniques etc. that should be carried out for species and at specific sites. It gives a clear indication of population trends and informs our UK conservation fieldwork.
Sampling Description
Quality Control
Data has been added annually and the database maintained from 2002 onwards; data should not be regarded as having comprehensive geographic or temporal coverage due to constraints given above. Records are variable in quality. Many records are detailed, with six-figure grid references and full dates, but some are not. A certain level of duplication can be expected. Experience is needed in interpretation. Although the dataset is comprised of records from surveys conducted or collated/checked by botanical experts and we are in the most instance confident that species were correctly identified and the geographic position derived properly, Plantlife recognises a margin of human error must be considered when looking at the dataset as a whole. Plantlife cannot therefore guarantee 100% accuracy of information included in the dataset.Method steps
This dataset gives details of the species recorded, site name, OS grid reference of the site, date of record (as detailed as possible), and abundance data.
Flora Guardians visit the BFB sites (usually) once a year and carry out a detailed assessment of the population - manually counting the number of plants present and noting grid reference of populations, and general site details. If the plant populations are too numerous to count manually an estimation of population size may be given. The estimation may be worked out by surveying several quadrats or transects at the site and extrapolating abundance data based on area size. Flora Guardians are often botanical experts in their own right and have been fully trained to recognise BFB species. If uncertain a second expert will be consulted to ensure correct identification.
In some instances Plantlife will contract a botanical expert to visit sites and provide a report on findings. This information is also included in this dataset (and is subject to the same standards listed above).
Grid references can be indicative of site location or species population. For further information on this distinction please contact Plantlife.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Some sensitive records have had their grid references reduced from OS 6 fig to 4 fig (please see access constraint section below)
Bibliographic Citations
originatorPlantlife International
metadata author
Plantlife International
NBN Atlas
27 Old Gloucester St, Holborn
Beth Newman
administrative point of contact