Timed Species Count Data collected in the Lower Tana River Forest Fragments 1999 - 2001
Oyugi J, Owino A, Ndang'ang'a K, Amakobe B, Gichuki P, Jackson C, Ndithia H, Ochieng J, Mwangi E, Njambi M, Njoroge P (2023). Timed Species Count Data collected in the Lower Tana River Forest Fragments 1999 - 2001. National Museums of Kenya. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/amp2sp accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-09-16.Description
The Lower Tana River Forest patches in Coastal Kenya are remnants of a vast tropical forest that once extended from the East Coast of Africa to the Congo Basin during the Miocene (some 26million years ago). The forest now occurs patchily on each side of the river. The forest fragments are among the key forests for bird conservation in Africa and qualify as an Important Bird Area (Bennun & Njoroge 1999). However, there has been little systematic ornithological work in the Lower Tana, and information on the avifauna is patchy and scant. The forest fragments are at different succession stages and are unlikely to be of equal conservation importance to birds hence the studies sought to characterize the avifauna of the different forests' types in Lower Tana River and to identify the most important fragments for bird’s conservation. This dataset gives baseline information on the timed species count events of birds at the Lower Tana River Forest Fragments including; Mchelelo, Mnazini South, Mnazini North, Congolani Central, Guru North, Guru South, Makere West and East, Mchelelo East, Sifa East, Wenje East, Baomo South, Maroni East, Maroni West and Kipende West between 1999 to 2001. Guru North,Guru South, Kipende West and Sifa East areas was given the Tana River Forest central point coordinates as they were missing from google maps. A total of 161 species were observed. Among these species, 2 were globally near threatened species, 2 regionally vulnerable species and 6 East Coast biome species.Purpose
Lower Tana River Forest Fragments are listed among the key forests for bird conservation in Africa and qualify as an Important Bird Area hence are of conservation significance. This dataset was provided to act as a reference point against which to compare current bird's situation in these forest fragments and the past. It will also give a focus for contemporary survey work and management decisions. Raising the profile of data for the conservation of four forested African landscapes project has played a role in unlocking this dataset which has been locked in unpublished reports for many years. Later, this project will create relevant and applicable tools to interpret this dataset hence guiding the conservation work and policy decisions of the Lower Tana River Forest Fragments.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The TSCs were done in The Tana River Primate National Reserve (1⁰55’5, 40⁰5’E) located along the lower reaches of the Tana River. This Reserve covers 169km2 of which around 11km2 is riverine forest. 15 forest fragments of this including: Mchelelo (63ha), Mnazini South (50ha), Mnazini North(38ha), Congolani Central (50ha), Guru North (5ha), Guru South (46ha), Makere West (48ha), Mchelelo East (10ha), Sifa East (150ha), Wenje East (525ha), Makere East (4ha), Baomo South (30ha), Maroni East (4ha), Maroni West (16ha) and Kipende West (14ha) were covered.Sampling
Time species Counts were conducted each morning along open spaces in the understorey or foot paths where available. Birds seen or heard calling within 25 m of the observer were recorded.Quality Control
Species identification and ringing was done on site by a team of bird experts from the Ornithology Section, National Museums of Kenya.Method steps
- The TSCs procedure followed Bennun & Waiyaki (1993). Every time a new bird species was detected during count, the time was recorded, together with an indication of whether the detection was by sight or sound, whether the bird was within 25M of observer and if so, whether it was above 3 m from ground. Each count was 40 minutes long. A total 0f 12 counts were conducted in each study area.
Taxonomic Coverages
Birds observed via Timed Species Count (TSC) method within the Lower Tana River Forest Patches.
Avesrank: class
Passeriformesrank: order
Coliiformesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Coraciiformesrank: order
Bucerotiformesrank: order
Accipitriformesrank: order
Trogoniformesrank: order
Cuculiformesrank: order
Columbiformesrank: order
Musophagiformesrank: order
Pelecaniformesrank: order
Strigiformesrank: order
Caprimulgiformesrank: order
Psittaciformesrank: order
Galliformesrank: order
Pterocliformesrank: order
Falconiformesrank: order
Nectariniidaerank: family
Monarchidaerank: family
Ploceidaerank: family
Dicruridaerank: family
Cisticolidaerank: family
Meropidaerank: family
Picidaerank: family
Alcedinidaerank: family
Pycnonotidaerank: family
Malaconotidaerank: family
Upupidaerank: family
Sturnidaerank: family
Accipitridaerank: family
Indicatoridaerank: family
Trogonidaerank: family
Bucerotidaerank: family
Cuculidaerank: family
Oriolidaerank: family
Columbidaerank: family
Musophagidaerank: family
Muscicapidaerank: family
Rhamphastidaerank: family
Platysteiridaerank: family
Scopidaerank: family
Threskiornithidaerank: family
Tytonidaerank: family
Apodidaerank: family
Psittacidaerank: family
Stenostiridaerank: family
Numididaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Vangidaerank: family
Ardeidaerank: family
Hirundinidaerank: family
Coraciidaerank: family
Estrildidaerank: family
Coliidaerank: family
Strigidaerank: family
Campephagidaerank: family
Nicatoridaerank: family
Leiothrichidaerank: family
Laniidaerank: family
Phasianidaerank: family
Macrosphenidaerank: family
Pteroclidaerank: family
Passeridaerank: family
Fringillidaerank: family
Motacillidaerank: family
Caprimulgidaerank: family
Falconidaerank: family
Lybiinaerank: subfamily
Prionopinaerank: subfamily
Geographic Coverages
The timed species counts were done in 15 Lower Tana River Forests patches which lies at an altitude of 40-70m within the floodplain of the river Tana in Tana River County at approximately 2⁰30’ S and 40⁰30’ E.
Bibliographic Citations
- Bennun, L. A., & Njoroge, P. (1999). Important Bird Areas in Kenya. Nairobi: Nature Kenya. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature, 403, 853-85. -
Joseph Oyugioriginator
position: Professor of Biology, Natural Sciences
Gardner-Webb University
203 GW Laboratory Center
Boiling Springs
Campus Box: 7270
North Carolina
Telephone: (704) 406-2411
email: joyugi@gardner-webb.edu
homepage: https://gardner-webb.edu/people/dr-joseph-oyugi/
Alfred Owino
position: Research Scientist; Biodiversity Research and Monitoring Division
Kenya Wildlife Service
P. O. Box 40241- 00100
email: alfred@kws.go.ke
Kariuki Ndang'ang'a
position: Head of Conservation Division for Africa
BirdLife International
P. O. Box 3502 - 00100
email: kariuki.ndanganga@gmail.com
homepage: https://www.birdlife.org/
Bernard Amakobe
position: Research and Biodiversity Monitoring Officer
Wildlife Works Kenya Ltd
Telephone: +254721517910
email: libukujulius@yahoo.com
Patrick Gichuki
position: Technician, Ornithology Section, Zoology Department
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Colin Jackson
position: National Director
A Rocha Kenya
383 - 80202
Telephone: +254722842366
email: colin.jackson@arocha.org
Henry Ndithia
position: Senior Research Scientist, Ornithology Section, Zoology Dept.
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
Telephone: +254724584121
email: hndithia@gmail.com
Judith Ochieng
position: Project Coordinator, Department Science and Conservation
A Rocha Kenya
383 - 80202
Telephone: +254704843754
email: judith.ochieng@arocha.org
Esther Mwangi
position: Research Scientist
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254787596660
email: ewmwangi@museums.or.ke
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4961-0278
Maryanne Njambi
position: Data Clerk, Ornithology Section, Zoology Department
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254718374256
email: njambiwaceke@gmail.com
Peter Njoroge
position: Head, Ornithology Section, Zoology Department
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254724521770
email: pnjoroge@museums.or.ke
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1165-3579
Peter Njoroge
metadata author
position: Head, Ornithology Section, Zoology Department
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254724521770
email: pnjoroge@museums.or.ke
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1165-3579
Maryanne Njambi
metadata author
position: Data Clerk, Ornithology Section, National Museums of Kenya
National Museums of Kenya
Museum Hill Road
40658 - 00100
Telephone: +254718374256
email: njambiwaceke@gmail.com
Judith Ochieng
metadata author
position: Project Coordinator, Department Science and Conservation
A Rocha Kenya
383 - 80202
Telephone: +254704843754
email: judith.ochieng@arocha.org
Joseph Oyugi
administrative point of contact
position: Professor of Biology, Natural Sciences
Gardner-Webb University
203 GW Laboratory Center
Boiling Springs
Campus Box: 7270
North Carolina
Telephone: (704) 406-2411
email: joyugi@gardner-webb.edu
homepage: https://gardner-webb.edu/people/dr-joseph-oyugi/
Alfred Owino
administrative point of contact
position: Research Scientist; Biodiversity Research and Monitoring Division
Kenya Wildlife Service
P. O. Box 40241- 00100
email: alfred@kws.go.ke
Kariuki Ndang'ang'a
administrative point of contact
position: Head of Conservation Division for Africa
BirdLife International
P. O. Box 3502 - 00100
email: kariuki.ndanganga@gmail.com
homepage: https://www.birdlife.org/