A Tenebrionid beetle’s dataset (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from Peninsula Valdés (Chubut, Argentina)
Cheli G (2015). A Tenebrionid beetle’s dataset (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) from Peninsula Valdés (Chubut, Argentina). Version 13.2. CCT CONICET-CENPAT Centro Científico Tecnológico. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/02s75c accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-25.Description
The Natural Protected Area Peninsula Valdés, located in Northeastern Patagonia, is one of the largest conservation units of arid lands in Argentina. Although this area has been in the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1999, it has been continually exposed to sheep grazing and cattle farming for more than a century which have had a negative impact on the local environment. Our aim is to describe the first dataset of tenebrionid beetle species living in Peninsula Valdés and their relationship to sheep grazing. The dataset contains 118 records on 11 species and 198 adult individuals collected. Beetles were collected using pitfall traps in the two major environmental units of Peninsula Valdés, taking into account grazing intensities over a three year time frame from 2005-2007. The Data quality was enhanced following the best practices suggested in the literature during the digitalization and geo-referencing processes. Moreover, identification of specimens and current accurate spelling of scientific names were reviewed. Finally, post-validation processes using DarwinTest software were applied. Specimens have been deposited at Entomological Collection of the Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET). The dataset is part of the database of this collection and has been published on the internet through GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). Furthermore, it is the first dataset for tenebrionid beetles of arid Patagonia available in GBIF database, and it is the first one based on a previously designed and standardized sampling to assess the interaction between these beetles and grazing in the area. The main purposes of this dataset are to ensure accessibility to data associated with Tenebrionidae specimens from Peninsula Valdés (Chubut, Argentina), also to contribute to GBIF with primary data about Patagonian tenebrionids and finally, to promote the Entomological Collection of Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET) and its associated biodiversity data. For these reasons, we believe that this information will certainly be useful for future faunistic, ecological, conservational and biogeographical studies.Purpose
The general purpose of this dataset is to ensure accessibility to data associated with Tenebrionidae specimens from Peninsula Valdés (Chubut, Argentina) deposited in the Entomological Collection of Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET), Argentina. At present, datasets about Tenebrionidae beetles in GBIF portal contains only two records of Tenebrionids for whole Patagonia (accessed 04/13/2013), one of these is a fossil record, interpreted as Tenebrionidae indet (Locality: Rio Pichileufu, Rio Negro; Data Publisher: Marine Science Institute, UCSB; Dataset: Paleobiology Database; http://data.gbif.org/occurrences/40876235/). Taking into account this scenario, the dataset presented here makes a significant contribution of primary data about Patagonian tenebrionids. In addition, this information could be useful for future faunistic, ecological and conservation studies. Finally, through this dataset we intend to promote the Entomological Collection of Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT-CONICET) and their associated biodiversity data.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The variety of soils and plant communities living in the region determines the presence of several types of habitats in Peninsula Valdés. In the north portion, the dominant physiognomy is a shrub steppe of Chuquiraga avellanedae, C. histrix, Condalia microphylla, Lycium chilense, Schinus polygamous and Prosopidastrum globosum, accompanied by the grasses Nassella tenuis, Piptochaetium napostaense and Poa ligularis (Bertiller et al. 1981) (Figure 4). In the south, the shrub steppe is replaced by a herbaceous steppe where Sporobolus rigens becomes the most important species along with patches of C. avellanedae and Hyalis argentea (Bertiller et al. 1981) (Figure 4). The dataset presented here comprise tenebrionid beetles sampled in both physiognomy units, with three sampling sites (farms) in the shrub steppe and one in the herbaceous steppe (Figure 4). Sampling was made during the middle austral summer (February) of 2005, 2006 and 2007. Dataset include specimens from sampling sites along a gradient of grazing disturbance. This dataset also shows that several entomofaunal differences between these two main ecological areas of Peninsula Valdés are evident when the North and South collecting sites are taken into account separately. The main variation is observed in dominant tenebrionid species: Blapstinus punctulatus is the most common species in the northern part of Peninsula Valdés, while Hylithus tentyroides dominates in the southern one (Figure 5).Sampling
The specimens composing this dataset were collected using pitfall traps. This trapping technique was selected for several reasons: 1- it is the most frequently used method for sampling ground-dwelling arthropods (Niemelä et al. 1992, Pekár 2002, Phillips and Cobb 2005); 2- pitfall traps serve to evaluate the distribution of macroinvertebrates in diverse ecosystems at different scales, also to describe activity patterns and habitat associations, as well as establishing the effects of disturbances on biodiversity (Niemelä et al. 1992, Pekár 2002, Mazía et al. 2006); 3- in some cases, pitfall traps are the only alternative for sampling arthropods (Niemelä et al. 1993, Pearsal 2007); 4- their objectivity is a crucial feature that allows better comparisons (Vennila and Rajagopal 1999); 5- pitfall traps are a quick and cheap method to capture arthropods. Four sheep farms, with a single well per fenced plot, were selected for conducting the study (three in the northern shrub steppe and one in the southern herbaceous steppe) (Figure 4). The sampling design consisted on 3 transects per farm covering different grazing intensities in relation to the position of the water well (Figures 4 and 6). At each transect, six sampling sites varying in distance to the water well were established (100, 200, 400, 800, 1600 and 3200m) (Figure 6). Three pitfall traps were placed at each sampling site and then treated as a sample unit. A total of 12 transects with 216 traps per year were established (making 648 traps in three years). In order to enhance catches, each trap was placed in vegetation patches and neatly buried in the soil near bushes. Traps consisted of plastic jars of 12cm in diameter at the opening and 12cm deep. The quantity of traps used guaranteed capturing almost all taxa dwelling in the area (Cheli and Corley 2010). Besides, the type of traps employed has proved to be the most efficient pitfall configuration for this region. Each trap was filled with 300ml of a 30% solution of ethylene glycol used as preservative and opened on-site for two weeks (Cheli and Corley 2010).Quality Control
Following Wieczorek (2001) and Chapman and Wieczorek (2006), validation of geographic, taxonomic and additional data was incorporated in the digitalization process at several steps (Figure 1), as well as the geo-referencing of all specimens. Therefore, the geographic coordinates were recorded in decimal degrees using a Garmin eTrex Legend GPS, (WGS84 Datum) with an accuracy of less than 10 m and with at least 5 satellites. The calculated uncertainty was 2.83 meters (Wieczorek 2001). In addition, the geo-coordinates of each specimen were verified using digital cartography (satellite images; Quantum GIS v1.7; Google Earth). The taxonomical identification of specimens, scientific names and their current accurate spelling were reviewed using suitable literature (Kulzer 1955, 1963, Flores 1997, 1999) and verified by a tenebrionid’s specialist (G. E. Flores). Other postvalidation procedures (including geographic coordinate format, coordinates within country/provincial boundaries, congruence between collection and identification dates absence of ASCII anomalous characters) were checked by use of the Darwin test software (http://www.gbif.es/darwin_test/Darwin_Test_in.php).Method steps
- Figure 1 summarizes the methodological procedure. Planning and data collection: The dataset was obtained from PhD thesis of G.H. Cheli (2009) whose main objectives were to improve the knowledge of the epigeal arthropods living in Peninsula Valdés and to study the effect of grazing on this group of animals in the region. This was the first study carried out in the area that used pitfall traps, for this reason the art of capture should be optimized (see Cheli and Corley 2010). Due to strong water limitations in Peninsula Valdés, grazing intensity varies in relation to the water well proximity (Lange, 1969). This gradient of disturbance offers an experimental opportunity to study the effects of grazing over artropodofauna avoiding the methodological problems associated with other experimental designs (see, Andrew, 1988, James et al. 1999). Therefore, the grazing impact on terrestrial arthropods of Peninsula Valdés was assessed through transects related to water wells (Figures 5 and 6) (see Sampling description). Data curation: Damaged specimens were excluded from the dataset. When necessary, curative treatment was provided and these individuals were reserved like trade specimens. Identification: The taxonomic identification was carried out in the laboratory using suitable literature (see details in the “Design description” section). Data management: Biodiversity data existing on the specimens' labels (i.e. collection code, catalog number, species identification, name of determiner, locality, collection date, habitat, altitude, GPS coordinates, collector, ecological observations and notes) were included in a digital database using ZOORBAR software (http://www.gbif.es/zoorbar/zoorbar.php). Data were exported in Darwin Core (v1.4) format. Data quality enhancement: see details in the section on quality control. Data publishing: Once postvalidation was applied, dataset was transformed into DarwinCore Archive format associating their metadata. Finally, the dataset was published into the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) portal, by means of their Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and provided to Sistema Nacional de Datos Biológicos, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva (SNDB, MinCyT, Argentina).
Taxonomic Coverages
Tenebrionidaecommon name: darkling beetles rank: family
Lagriinaerank: subfamily
Pimeliinaerank: subfamily
Tenebrioninaerank: subfamily
Belopinirank: tribe
Edrotinirank: tribe
Epitraginirank: tribe
Nycteliinirank: tribe
Stenosinirank: tribe
Opatrinirank: tribe
Rhypasma quadricollisrank: species
Hylithus tentyroidesrank: species
Epitragusrank: genus
Epipedonota cristallisatarank: species
Mitragenius araneifoirmisrank: species
Nyctelia nodosarank: species
Ecnomoderes bruchirank: species
Blapstinus punctulatusrank: species
Emmallodera hirtipesrank: species
Leptynoderes strangulatarank: species
Leptynoderes tuberculatarank: species
Rhypasmarank: genus
Hylithusrank: genus
Epipedonotarank: genus
Mitrageniusrank: genus
Nycteliarank: genus
Ecnomoderesrank: genus
Blapstinusrank: genus
Emmalloderarank: genus
Leptynoderesrank: genus
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Hexapodarank: subphylum
Insectacommon name: insect rank: class
Coleopteracommon name: beetles rank: order
Polyphagarank: suborder
Cucujiformiarank: infraorder
Tenebrionoidearank: superfamily
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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Germán Chelioriginator
position: Researcher
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: cheli@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Germán Cheli
metadata author
position: Researcher
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: cheli@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Germán Cheli
principal investigator
position: Researcher/ collector/curator/Metadata provider/Content provider
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: cheli@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Gustavo Flores
content provider
position: Researcher/Author
Casilla de correo 507
email: gflores@mendoza-conicet.gov.ar
Nicolás Martínez Román
position: Collector / Data entry/Colection Assistant/author
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: nikikv84@hotmail.com
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Darío Podestá
position: Collection Assistant/author
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: podesta@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Renato Mazzanti
position: Centralized Computer Service Manager
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: renato@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Lidia Miyashiro
position: CENPAT, Centralized Computer Service
Boulevard Brown num. 2915
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 4450401
email: yoko@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar
Germán Cheli
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Bvd. Brown 2915
Puerto Madryn
Telephone: 54-0280 - 4451024 - 445040
email: cheli@cenpat.edu.ar
homepage: http://www.cenpat-conicet.gob.ar