SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - macroalgae - Data
Wiencke C, Amsler C D, Clayton M N, Van de Putte A (2020). SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean - macroalgae - Data. Antarctic Biodiversity Information Facility (ANTABIF). Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-13.Description
This dataset represents a literature study on the distribution of marcoalgae in Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic waters. Dataset supplied in the framework of the SCAR Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean (BASO). The Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean is a collection of representative maps and syntheses on the distribution of the Southern Ocean organisms, providing a general overview of the biogeography of the Southern Ocean (s.l.) and a benchmark of current biogeographic knowledge at the end of the Census of Antarctic Marine Life. This updates the well-known and useful but largely outdated biogeographic Folios of the Antarctic Map Folio Series (American Geographical Society). This dataset contains species records of macro algae from the Southern Ocean (locations below 40°S) reported in 72 publications published between 1890 and 2011.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Literature studySampling
/Quality Control
A common first step in data cleaning was to check the data-type constraints for all variables. In the provided template, each variable was associated with a particular data type (e.g. text for species names, or numeric values for latitudes and longitudes). Where possible, incorrect data types were transformed to the correct ones. The taxonomic information of the records was validated using RAMS through the taxon match tool on the WORMS website. For samples lacking geographic coordinates but possessing verbatim localities, approximate localities were determined using the SCAR gazetteer. In cases where records were georeferenced using degrees minutes seconds or degrees decimal seconds, these values were converted to decimal degrees. Plots of the data points were used to identify obvious outliers (e.g. points over land, or in the wrong hemisphere) and errors due to swapping of latitude and longitude values, or in the sign of decimal degrees.Method steps
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Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
All macro algae were identified to family or species
Chromistarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Rhodophytarank: phylum
Bangiophyceaerank: class
Florideophyceaerank: class
Phaeophyceaerank: class
Ulvophyceaerank: class
Ascoseiralesrank: order
Bangialesrank: order
Bryopsidalesrank: order
Ceramialesrank: order
Cladophoralesrank: order
Desmarestialesrank: order
Ectocarpalesrank: order
Fucalesrank: order
Gigartinalesrank: order
Palmarialesrank: order
Plocamialesrank: order
Ulotrichalesrank: order
Ulvalesrank: order
Adenocystaceaerank: family
Ascoseiraceaerank: family
Bangiaceaerank: family
Bryopsidaceaerank: family
Cladophoraceaerank: family
Delesseriaceaerank: family
Desmarestiaceaerank: family
Gigartinaceaerank: family
Gomontiaceaerank: family
Palmariaceaerank: family
Phyllophoraceaerank: family
Plocamiaceaerank: family
Seirococcaceaerank: family
Ulotrichaceaerank: family
Ulvaceaerank: family
Wrangeliaceaerank: family
Adenocystisrank: genus
Ascoseirarank: genus
Chaetomorpharank: genus
Cystosphaerarank: genus
Desmarestiarank: genus
Georgiellarank: genus
Gigartinarank: genus
Himantothallusrank: genus
Iridaearank: genus
Lambiarank: genus
Monostromarank: genus
Myriogrammerank: genus
Palmariarank: genus
Phycodrysrank: genus
Phyllophorarank: genus
Plocamiumrank: genus
Porphyrarank: genus
Ulvarank: genus
Urosporarank: genus
Adenocystis utricularisrank: species
Ascoseira mirabilisrank: species
Chaetomorpha mawsoniirank: species
Cystosphaera jacquinotiirank: species
Desmarestia ancepsrank: species
Desmarestia antarcticarank: species
Desmarestia menziesiirank: species
Georgiella confluensrank: species
Gigartina skottsbergiirank: species
Himantothallus grandifoliusrank: species
Iridaea cordatarank: species
Lambia antarcticarank: species
Monostroma hariotiirank: species
Myriogramme manginiirank: species
Palmaria decipiensrank: species
Phycodrys antarcticarank: species
Phyllophora antarcticarank: species
Plocamium cartilagineumrank: species
Porphyra plocamiestrisrank: species
Pyropia endiviifoliarank: species
Ulva hookerianarank: species
Urospora penicilliformisrank: species
Geographic Coverages
Southern Ocean and sub-Antarctic region
Bibliographic Citations
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Christian Wienckeoriginator
position: Prof. Dr.
Alfred Wegener Institute
Am Handelshafen 12
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Telephone: +49(471)4831-1338
Charles D. Amsler
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Margaret N. Clayton
Monash University
Anton Van de Putte
metadata author
position: Science Officer
Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences
Rue Vautier 29
Telephone: 02 627 43 18
Christian Wiencke
administrative point of contact
position: Prof. Dr.
Alfred Wegener Institute
Am Handelshafen 12
Free Hanseatic City of Bremen
Telephone: +49(471)4831-1338