Phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity of 18 lakes of the lacustrine system of the Middle Rio Doce
Pujoni D, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais U F D M G, Barros C, Aguila G (2019). Phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity of 18 lakes of the lacustrine system of the Middle Rio Doce. Version 1.4. Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira - SiBBr. Metadata dataset accessed via on 2025-01-14.Description
This resource contains data from the phytoplankton and zooplankton community structure, as well as the physical and chemical variables of eighteen ponds sampled in the Brazilian Long-Term Ecological Research project site 4 "Biological Dynamics and Biodiversity Conservation in the Atlantic Forest of the Rio Doce-MG". Sampling occurred quarterly for one year.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Four sampling campaigns were carried out in quarterly intervals: August 2007, November 2007, February 2008 and May 2008. The sampling point was set in the deepest part of each lake. Temperature, electrical conductivity, ph profiles of the water column were obtained with a Horiba U-22 multiparameter probe. The photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) was measured between 10:00 and 14:00 h with a Li-Color radiometer with spherical underwater sensor (model LI 193). The scalar attenuation coefficient of the photosynthetically active radiation k0 (m-1) was determined by the slope of the linear regression line between the depth and the natural logarithm of the scalar irradiance.Sampling
For phytoplankton, samples for qualitative analysis were collected by successive vertical and horizontal throws with a 20-μm mesh plankton net, then fixed with 4% formaldehyde solution. For each qualitative sample (four samples/lake), eight slides were analyzed, for a total of 32 slides per lake. Organisms were identified under light microscopy down to the lowest possible taxonomic level using a specific biblio- graphy: Föster (1969; 1974), Prescott et al. (1975; 1977; 1981; 1982), Komárek & Fott (1983), Sant’Anna (1984), Komárek & Anagnostidis (1989; 1999), Menezes et al. (1995), and Bicudo & Menezes (2006). Samples for quantitative analyses were collected with van Dorn bottles at three depths (100%, 10%, and 1% of incident light, as defined with Secchi disk measurements) and fixed with Lugol’s solution. Quantitative analysis followed the method described by Utermöhl (1958). For zooplankton, quantitative samples were collected filtering 200 liters of lake water through a 68 μm plankton net using a hydraulic pump at three depths (100%, 10%, and 1% of incident light, as defined with Secchi disk measurements) (Cole, 1983). In shallow lakes (depth < 3m) samples were collected at the sub-surface, at the Secchi depth and at 0.5 m from the bottom. All collected samples were immediately transferred into plastic bottles, stained with rose bengal and preserved with 4% neutral formaldehyde solution. The identification of the species was made under a light microscope at 200x to 1000x magnification, referring to the relevant taxonomic literature (e.g. Koste 1978, Koste & Robertson 1983, Reid 1985, Matsumura- Tundisi 1986, Dussart 1987, Segers 1995, Segers & Dumont 1995, Smirnov 1996, Elmoor-Loureiro 1997, Rocha 1998, Gomes-Souza 2008, checked for synonyms and redescriptions).Method steps
- Qualitative and quantitative samples also collected.
Taxonomic Coverages
Phytoplankton: Specimens are identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level as possible, mostly at family levels. Some taxa were identified until genus or species level.
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Charophytarank: phylum
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Dinophytarank: phylum
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Heterokontophytarank: phylum
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Fragilariophyceaerank: class
Coscinodiscophyceaerank: class
Chlorophyceaerank: class
Trebouxiophyceaerank: class
Klebsormidiophyceaerank: class
Chrysophyceaerank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Cyanophyceaerank: class
Dinophyceaerank: class
Conjugatophyceaerank: class
Euglenophyceaerank: class
Synurophyceaerank: class
Eustigmatophyceaerank: class
Xanthophyceaerank: class
Thalassiosiralesrank: order
Eunotialesrank: order
Cymbellalesrank: order
Fragilarialesrank: order
Rhizosolenialesrank: order
Sphaeroplealesrank: order
Trebouxialesrank: order
Chlorellalesrank: order
Klebsormidialesrank: order
Chromulinalesrank: order
Cryptomonadalesrank: order
Synechococcalesrank: order
Chroococcalesrank: order
Pseudanabaenalesrank: order
Dinotrichalesrank: order
Peridinialesrank: order
Desmidialesrank: order
Euglenalesrank: order
Synuralesrank: order
Eustigmatalesrank: order
Naviculalesrank: order
Chlorococcalesrank: order
Chlamydomonadalesrank: order
Oscillatorialesrank: order
Nostocalesrank: order
Zygnematalesrank: order
Mischococcalesrank: order
Pyrenomonadalesrank: order
Surirellalesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Aulacoseiralesrank: order
Stephanodiscaceaerank: family
Eunotiaceaerank: family
Gomphonemataceaerank: family
Fragilariaceaerank: family
Rhizosoleniaceaerank: family
Selenastraceaerank: family
Botryococcaceaerank: family
Chlorellaceaerank: family
Scenedesmaceaerank: family
Oocystaceaerank: family
Elakatotrichaceaerank: family
Hydrodictyaceaerank: family
Dinobryaceaerank: family
Cryptomonadaceaerank: family
Merismopediaceaerank: family
Chroococcaceaerank: family
Pseudanabaenaceaerank: family
Dinotrichaceaerank: family
Peridiniaceaerank: family
Desmidiaceaerank: family
Radiococcaceaerank: family
Phacaceaerank: family
Cymbellaceaerank: family
Euglenaceaerank: family
Synechococcaceaerank: family
Mallomonadaceaerank: family
Eustigmataceaerank: family
Naviculaceaerank: family
Gomphosphaeriaceaerank: family
Chlorococcaceaerank: family
Pinnulariaceaerank: family
Microcystaceaerank: family
Closteriaceaerank: family
Neochloridaceaerank: family
Phacotaceaerank: family
Oscillatoriaceaerank: family
Nostocaceaerank: family
Zygnemataceaerank: family
Schroederiaceaerank: family
Spirulinaceaerank: family
Pleurochloridaceaerank: family
Phormidiaceaerank: family
Pyrenomonadaceaerank: family
Cyanobacteriaceaerank: family
Surirellaceaerank: family
Bacillariaceaerank: family
Treubariaceaerank: family
Sphaerocystidaceaerank: family
Ophiocytiaceaerank: family
Sphaerodictyaceaerank: family
Aulacoseiraceaerank: family
Stauroneidaceaerank: family
Volvocaceaerank: family
Zooplankton: Specimens are identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level as possible, mostly at family levels. Some taxa were identified until genus or species level.
Arthropodarank: phylum
Rotiferarank: phylum
Gastrotricharank: phylum
Platyhelminthesrank: phylum
Copepodarank: class
Rotiferarank: class
Chaoboridaerank: class
Cladocerarank: class
Ostracodarank: class
Hydracarinarank: class
Flosculariaceaerank: order
Cyclopoidarank: order
Collothecaceaerank: order
Dipterarank: order
Ploimarank: order
Cladocerarank: order
Bdelloidearank: order
Calanoidarank: order
Trombidiformesrank: order
Harpacticoidarank: order
Rhabdocoelarank: order
Flosculariidaerank: family
Cyclopidaerank: family
Hexarthridaerank: family
Collothecidaerank: family
Chaoboridaerank: family
Brachionidaerank: family
Trichocercidaerank: family
Conochilidaerank: family
Daphnidaerank: family
Sididaerank: family
Bosminidaerank: family
Gastropidaerank: family
Philodinidaerank: family
Lepadellidaerank: family
Chydoridaerank: family
Ilyocryptidaerank: family
Lecanidaerank: family
Diaptomidaerank: family
Hydrachnidiaerank: family
Notommatidaerank: family
Mytilinidaerank: family
Trichotriidaerank: family
Filiniidaerank: family
Typhloplanidaerank: family
Dicranophoridaerank: family
Synchaetidaerank: family
Euchlanidaerank: family
Testudinellidaerank: family
Macrothricidaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
Middle Stretch of the Rio Doce Basin - MG (Brazil)
Bibliographic Citations
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Diego Pujonioriginator
position: Post Doc
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +5531988665113
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
position: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Cristiane Barros
position: Professor
Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
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Telephone: +55 (31) 3533-2157
Diego Pujoni
metadata author
position: Post Doc
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +5531988665113
Gabriel Aguila
metadata author
position: Masters
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +5531992417738
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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position: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
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Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Francisco Barbosa
administrative point of contact
position: Professor
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
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Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591
Paulina Maia-Barbosa
administrative point of contact
position: Professor
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627
Belo Horizonte
Minas Gerais
Telephone: +55 (31) 34092591