Online seminar 'Natural History Collections and Open Science'

23:00 CET

Organized as part of the BIFA6_015 project "Filling data gaps with the natural history collections of the Western Ghats" by the French Institute of Pondicherry and MS University of Baroda, this online seminar was held with more than 80 participants from various countries in South Asia.

The agenda was:

  • Intro & Welcome speech: Julien Andrieu (IFP)
  • Keynote on Open Biodiversity Data and the GBIF: Lily Shrestha (GBIF Asia)
  • Keynote on Natural history collections and challenges in digital maintenance: Vijay Barve (GBIF)
  • Demo of IFP and Baroda herbarium datasets, lessons from organization of workflow, standards (IFP and Baroda teams)
  • Lightning talks from key institutions
  • Discussions/follow up/future network plan
  • Summary/Thanks note

See below for the seminar report.

2023年2月13日 23:00