GBIF Strategic Plan 2012-2016 - Seizing the Future


GBIF’s Strategic Plan for the period 2012-2016. It was endorsed at the GBIF Governing Board meeting GB17 in Suwon, Republic of Korea on 14 October 2010.


GBIF’s 2012–2016 Strategic Plan is based on the understanding that GBIF’s core business - building and maintaining a global biodiversity research infrastructure to enable the free flow
of biodiversity information - has never been so necessary, and more so now than when GBIF
was conceived. GBIF must rise to this challenge of not just investing in providing the much-needed public mega-science infrastructure, but of reaping the scientific and societal benefits of the past 10 years of investment. By the end of 2016, GBIF should have demonstrated an unquestionable rationale for ‘Biodiversity Information Facilities’ becoming a permanent infrastructure in every country and region. Both science and society stand to benefit enormously from a fully operational ‘Global Biodiversity Information Facility’ accessible to all.




GBIF Secretariat


GBIF Secretariat


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GBIF (2011). GBIF Strategic Plan 2012-2016 - Seizing the Future. Copenhagen: Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 12 pp. Available online at