Global Nodes Training 2019

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17 - 18 octubre 2019
08:45 - 17:00 CEST
Group photo Nodes Training
Group photo at the Nodes Training in Leiden, the Netherlands, 17-18 October 2019

The two-day global nodes training is aiming to assist all node managers in further developing their nodes, irrespective of their current level of development. Previous training programmes have focused on biodiversity data mobilization and data use for decision making. This workshop will focus on the skills that node managers need to effectively position their node in the broader institutional landscape, to identify and engage key stakeholders for their networks, to develop strategic and implementation plans that align with the GBIF strategic plan, and to organize training for their workshop that benefit from the GBIF community of practice.

The event will have online and onsite components and both will have a strong practical approach (including a significant component of group work). The online preparation modules cover topics developed for a one-day course on node management for project teams as part of the EU- funded Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) programme.

The official language of the workshop will be English with some support materials translated into French, Spanish and Portuguese. Mentors will also provide some support in these languages onsite.

The training is open to GBIF Node managers. If the Node manager is not able to attend, he/she may appoint an alternate to attend on his/her behalf.

Lugar de celebración
Naturalis Biodiversity Center
País o área
Países Bajos
17 de octubre de 2019 08:45 - 18 de octubre de 2019 17:00
English and French