Technical support hour for GBIF nodes: February 2024

Añadir al calendario
7 de febrero de 2024
16:00 - 17:00 CET

The theme for February session of the Technical Support Hour for Node, is DNA data publishing. For this session, we welcome Tobias Guldberg Frøslev from the Participation and Engagment team. Tobias will present the resource currently available for sharing DNA-derived data - with a focus on a new tool for formatting environmental DNA dataset – on GBIF and answer all your questions on the topic.

You are welcome to read more about DNA and GBIF here

The Data Product team will join as well.
We will be happy to answer any question relating or not to the topic.

If nodes and nodes staff have ideas for topics, or questions please post them in the community forum or email them to

Lugar de celebración
Virtual (by email invitation only)
7 de febrero de 2024 16:00 - 17:00