BID communications guidelines

Prothonotary warbler (Protonotaria citrea), Mettawa, Illinois, USA. Photo 2017 andriy via iNaturalist Research-grade Observations, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.

Credits and attributions

To meet the terms of GBIF's grant from the EU, all communications related to BID-funded projects must include the following acknowledgement:

This project is funded by the European Union.

Where possible—and as above—the attribution should hyperlink the words ‘European Union’ to

Where appropriate, the attribution should also be accompanied by the EU flag:

 This programme is funded by the European Union.

Materials should also acknowledge both GBIF and the BID programme. Grantees are encouraged to seek help, review and feedback on appropriate approaches and formats by emailing the GBIF Communications team.

Funder logos

Programme logos


We will link datasets published as a result of your project activities to your project page. While we monitor the arrival of new datasets, please do email links to your dataset pages to when you publish data.

IMPORTANT: Acknowledge the European Union or JRS Biodiversity Foundation, as described above, using the following credit line in the metadata description:

Publication of this dataset was funded by the European Union.

Metadata descriptions should also acknowledge GBIF and the BID programme.

Guidelines on project updates for

GBIF hopes to capture key activities and deliverables on the BID project pages. We recommend that grantees gather the key information for each of the following materials.


Please provide as much of the following information as possible about planned events so that we can publish useful information about them in the upcoming events section (we will also link them to your project page). We can also add further information, like documents, programmes, resources or participant lists, after the event.

  • Title: A short name for the event that explains the topic of the event (e.g. data mobilization) and type of event (e.g. training or national meeting). Note: do not include the location in the title, as that information is captured separately
  • Date(s) and Time(s): The start and end for the event
  • Location: Venue, city and country
  • Host: Contact information for the event organizer
  • Language of the event: One or more languages that will be used
  • Description: A paragraph describing the event, its objective, the targeted participants, the link to your BID project, the programme or agenda etc.
  • Resources: Documents and links associated with the event, such as presentations, videos, agenda documents, photos, and news items (see also the other points below)

Reusable training materials

You can search existing documents to adapt or translate for any planned workshops. If you are developing new training material, please consider whether others in the community can reuse them. If so, please provide the following information:

  • File: Document (PDF or Word, etc.), presentation, video, or link
  • Title: A short name for the resource that explains its content
  • Description: An abstract of the contents of the resource
  • Authors: If applicable, the names of the person or people who produced the resource
  • Language: Multiple languages gladly accepted, if available
  • Rights: If applicable, choose the most open license available, such as CC-0 or CC-BY


We will add narrative reports to your project page once review and approval. If you produce any other reports or articles during your project, please send us the documents and we will do our best to make them available to download from your project page.

Please send us links to any mention of your project and activities on other websites, in newspapers or in other media. We will add these links to your project page.


We are always looking for photos from events and activities going on in the network to display on project pages, in our newsletter, in presentations etc. Please send them in the highest resolution possible along with credit, caption and copyright information. If files are too large to transmit by email, contact for solutions. Consider not only group photos, but photos of practical work and interactions.

Limited additional funding is available to support project participants in visibility actions that promote the BID programme's work and value to relevant audiences. Project participants interested in seeking such support should complete the funding request form.

Staff from the GBIF Secretariat will review and respond to completed applications as quickly as possible. Project participants should note, however, that no projects are guaranteed to receive support without formal notification from GBIF.