Workshop "The Living Atlases community in action: demonstration of real implementations of Atlas of Living Australia modules"


This workshop organized as part of the CESP project International Living Atlases workshop: how to improve data use with Atlas of Living Australia modules was held during the SPNHC+TDWG2018 conference and was arranged to present to participants examples of running modules installed by community members to help participants understand the different possibilities given by these tools.

The workshop was composed of several sessions. The first was focussed on the ALA global presentation and an introduction to the community. The others gave an overview of the registry module including collection metadata visualization and data integration using GBIF’s Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and Darwin Core Archives, the occurrence search engine, the spatial portal and different other modules developed by the ALA team. The workshop was attended by approximately 30 participants, inlcuding members of ALA, the community and GBIF. Presentations from the workshop included:

The workshop was also the beginning of the discussion about the future of the Living Atlases community that lasted for the entire project, and will continue beyond the project implementation period.
