
任何機構或組織若想透過 GBIF 分享資料,可以在此註冊藉以獲得許可,成為資料發佈者。


你的回答有助於我們為你分享的資料集提供適當的授權與署名權。 你的回答也可有助於其他使用者更了解透過GBIG工作網分享的資料出處。

在 GBIF 為新發佈者的資料集編制索引之前,該機構必須獲得資料發佈者之認可,可由負責協調 GBIF 工作網中國家和組織成員活動的成員節點來認可 若你的國家還不是成員,GBIF 將透過GBIF 節點指導小組 (NSG) 協調認可需求。


  1. 所發佈的資料與 GBIF 的目標和範圍相關
  2. 資料託管的安排是穩定且持續
  3. 資料的發布及使用均可以得到國家、地區及相關領域的互助支持。
  4. 資料盡可能為開放、可被分享及再利用。
  5. 資料發佈者能回應使用者意見及提升資料品質

:目前GBIF及其成員僅發佈來自組織(即機構、工作往和社群)的資料,非來自個人。 若你希望以個人來發佈資料,你可以選擇:

  • 透過附屬組織來取得成為發佈者的認可
  • 透過具有 GBIF 建置軟體和/或託管服務的期刊發佈者發佈資料論文
  • 透過向GBIF 發佈記錄的眾多公民科學平台之一來分享記錄

Organization details Your chance to tell GBIF users who you are and what you do.
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Please provide a valid website address
Organization email e.g. secretariat@fibg-museum.org
Please provide a valid email
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This is required.
None {{country.title}}
Please select a country
E.g. http://my.organization.org/images/logo.png
Invalid url
Briefly describe the scope of your institution/organization in relation to GBIF's mission (e.g. collection holdings, research focus, biodiversity information management, etc.). This description will appear on your publisher page.
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© OpenStreetMap contributors.
Endorsing node To support publishers and review data quality all publishers are associated with a GBIF node. Please check the suggestion below, and correct it if needed:
Help me with endorsement {{ eoi.suggestedCountryNode.participantTitle }} ({{ eoi.suggestedCountryNode.title }}) suggested {{ eoi.suggestedNonCountryNode.title }} Marine data publishers: request endorsement for OBIS (Ocean Biogeographic Information System) related data

If endorsement through the country node suggested above is not the right option, please check this list of associated participants for multinational or thematic networks:

GBIF projects Are you associated with a project funded by a GBIF programme ? For example: Biodiversity Information for Development (BID), Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia (BIFA), Capacity Enhancement Support Programme (CESP).
Yes No
Contacts We need to know how to keep in touch with you.
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This is required
Please provide a valid email
Remember to prefix with country code

People move on! Please add at least one alternate contact, and consider using a generic email e.g. helpdesk@a.com that will always reach an appropriate person.

Add administrative contact Add technical contact
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This is required.
Please provide a valid email
Remember to prefix with country code
Technical contact Who can we approach for technical information such as sending passwords to register data publishing tools?
This is required.
This is required
Please provide a valid email
Remember to prefix with country code
What and how

Resources metadata Checklist data Occurrence-only data Sampling-event data
What kinds of relevant data do you have that you intend to publish through GBIF? Please give a brief description.

Yes No
Please select a value

Yes No
Please select a value

Do you need help in publishing your data?

Yes No
Please select a value
Register organization

Submission failed

For some reason, your submission failed.

Please contact us about your interest at helpdesk@gbif.org.

Thank you for your interest

We have received your expression of interest of becoming a data publisher in the GBIF network.

You will receive a confirmation email once your endorsement has been approved.