Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion Tables is part of the suite of tools offered within Google Drive. This system allow users to combine their own tabular data with other sources and perform all sort of analysis over them. Maps, charts and summaries can be produced easily and shared online (including through an API interface).

This tool can be very useful to perform data quality analysis and quick data visualizations.

Fusion Tables is an experimental data visualization web application to gather, visualize, and share larger data tables.

  1. Visualize bigger table data online

    • Filter and summarize across hundreds of thousands of rows.

    • Then try a chart, map, network graph, or custom layout and embed or share it.

    • Collaborate! All your data organization is automatically saved and stored in Google Drive.

  2. Two tables are better than one! Combine with other data on the web

    • Merge two or three tables to generate a single visualization that includes both sets of data.

    • Find public data to combine with your own for a better visualization.

  3. Make a map in minutes

  4. Host data online - and stay in control

    • Viewers located anywhere can produce charts or maps from it.

    • Offer developers an API, instantly!

Tool: Google Fusion Tables

Thumbnail image for tool