Please cite as (29 June 2017) GBIF Occurrence Download


83 KB Darwin Core Archive
Involved datasets
{{ 23 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
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Involved publishing countries
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Scientific name
  1. Bothrops caribbaea Schwartz & Henderson, 1991
  2. Bothrops caribbeus Lazell, 1964
  3. Trigonocephalus caribbaeus Garman, 1887
  4. Bothrops lanceolatus Lacépède, 1789
  5. Coluber lanceolatus Lacépède, 1789
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "or",
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      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "5220816",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "5220814",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "5220813",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "9193350",
      "matchCase": false
      "type": "equals",
      "key": "TAXON_KEY",
      "value": "2443954",
      "matchCase": false

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