SENBIO-INFOS National Launch Workshop

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27 October 2016
08:30 - 16:30 CEST

This launch workshop is organized to introduce the Senegal Biodiversity Information Facility (Système National d'informations sur la Biodiversité - SENBIO-INFOS) to national stakeholders and is articulated around three main events:

  • Opening ceremony presided over by Mr. Souleymane Diallo, Chief of staff for the Senegalese Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Introduction of SENBIO-INFOS by the project's lead coordinator, Pr. Bienvenu Sambou

  • Discussion about the development of a charter for biodiversity information

Atelier de lancement SENBIO INFOS
Ministry of the environment and sustainable development
Country or area
27 October 2016 08:30 - 16:30