Cryptosphaeria eunomia (Fr.) Fuckel
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- (1870). Jb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 212 (’1869-70′).
- kingdom
- Fungi
- phylum
- Ascomycota
- class
- Sordariomycetes
- order
- Xylariales
- family
- Diatrypaceae
- genus
- Cryptosphaeria
- species
- Cryptosphaeria eunomia
- Synonyms
- Cladosphaeria eunomioides Nitschke
- Cladosphaeria eunomioides Nitschke ex G.H.Otth
- Cryptosphaeria eunomia var. fraxini (Richon) Rappaz
- Cryptosphaeria eunomioides (Nitschke ex G.H.Otth) Höhn.
- Cryptosphaeria millepunctata Grev.
- Cryptosphaerina fraxini (Ellis & Everh.) Lambotte & Fautrey
- Cryptosphaerina fraxini Lambotte & Fautrey ex Sacc. & Sydow
- Cytosporina millepunctata Sacc.
- Diatrype eunomia (Fr.) Quél.
- Endoxyla fraxini (Ellis & Everh.) Ellis & Everh.
- Engizostoma millepunctatum (Grev.) Kuntze
- Eutypa eunomioides (Nitschke ex G.H.Otth) Höhn.
- Halonia millepunctata (Grev.) Quél.
- Kalmusia fraxini (Ellis & Everh.) Lindau
- Sphaeria corticis Sowerby
- Sphaeria eunomia Fr.
- Sphaeria eunomioides G.H.Otth
- Sphaeria millepunctata (Grev.) Fr.
- Sphaeria millepunctata (Grev.) Spreng.
- Sphaeria millepunctata Grev.
- Homonyms
- Cryptosphaeria eunomia (Fr.) Fuckel
- Common names
- Taklijnkogeltje in Dutch
- askehulekule in Norwegian Bokmål
- tusengömming in Swedish
- tusengömming in Swedish
Bibliographic References
- (1899-12-31 23:00:00) Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2010
- Eriksson (1899-12-31 23:00:00) The non-lichenized ascomycetes of Sweden.
- Eriksson (2014-09-24 22:00:00) Checklist of the non-lichenized ascomycetes of Sweden
- Eriksson, E. (2014) Checklist of the non-lichenized ascomycetes of Sweden. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Symbolae Botanicae Upsalienses 36:2.
- Eriksson, Ove E. (2009) The non-lichenized ascomycetes of Sweden. Department of Ecology and Environmental Science. Umeå University.
- Fuckel (2022-02-14 17:04:00) Symbolae mycologicae. Beiträge zur Kenntniss der rheinischen Pilze
- Gärdenfors (ed.) (2010) Rödlistade arter i Sverige 2010
- Minter & Hayova (2024-10-22 13:19:51) Cryptosphaeria eunomia. [Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria]
- Robert, Stegehuis & Stalpers (2016-02-03 23:00:00) The MycoBank engine and related databases.
- Robert, V., Stegehuis, G. and Stalpers, J. (2016) The MycoBank engine and related databases.