Roridella rorida (Scop.) E.Horak
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- (2005). Röhrlinge Und Blätterpilze in Europa, Fussend Auf Moser, 5 Aufl. (1983): Kleine Kryptogamenflora Band 2, Teil B2. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Bestimmungsschlüssel Für Polyporales (p.p.), Boletales, Agaricales, Russulales</.
- kingdom
- Fungi
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- order
- Agaricales
- family
- Mycenaceae
- genus
- Roridomyces
- species
- Roridomyces roridus
- Homonyms
- Roridella rorida (Scop.) E.Horak
Bibliographic References
- Knudsen & Vesterholt (12/19/2012 23:00:00) Funga Nordica. Agaricoid, boletoid, clavarioid, cyphelloid and gastroid genera
- Robert, Stegehuis & Stalpers. (03/15/2019 11:21:00) The MycoBank engine and related databases
- Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, Landcare Research-NZ & Chinese Academy of Science (03/15/2019 11:59:00) Index Fungorum