Technical support hour for GBIF nodes: February 2025

16:00 - 17:00 CET

The next technical support hour for GBIF nodes will be on February 5th, 2025, at 4 pm CET, and the topic is investigating taxonomic issues on

The taxonomy of the records published to GBIF is matched to GBIF’s taxonomic backbone to normalize the data and make records easier to find for GBIF data users. This means that publishers sometimes share a taxon name that is changed when appearing on For example, a beetle record appears as a butterfly record, or the authorship is changed. We will show examples of how the taxonomy is changed, how to investigate where the source of the change comes from, and how you can provide feedback directly to the source or GBIF helpdesk.

We will be happy to answer any question relating or not to the topic and welcome your input on some of the stranger things you have had to deal with a node staff. Please feel free to post questions in advance on the discourse forum or write

2025年2月5日 16:00 - 17:00