Key messages | Exhibit booth | GBIF delegation | Side events
Key messages
- GBIF provides an essential, trusted network and infrastructure for mobilizing open data to support implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework
- The GBIF network’s tools, materials and programmes enhance individual, organizational and national capacity to mobilize and apply biodiversity data in research and decision-making, help build communities of practice, and develop skills needed to scale up sharing and use of data in all regions
- GBIF works with businesses, including the financial sector and multilateral development banks, to support sharing and use of open biodiversity data, fill data gaps, and contribute to and inform disclosure and transparent assessment of impact
- GBIF remains at the cutting edge by integrating data from emerging technologies that document biodiversity, including DNA-derived sources and real-time taxonomic discovery
- GBIF collaborates with CBD regional support centres to integrate common data standards, tools and infrastructure into their operations while providing technical support and capacity building in alignment with the centres' goals, missions and national commitments
- GBIF’s experience in data governance and its approach to responsible data use and open access could offer valuable insights for the development of the benefit-sharing mechanism for digital sequence information (DSI)
Exhibit booth
Stop and visit members of the GBIF delegation at Booth #4 in the CBD Blue Zone, Centro de Eventos Valle Del Pacífico, outside the Amazonia Plenary Hall. View the location on the map below:

GBIF delegation
Name | Role |
Joe Miller | Executive Secretary |
Kyle Copas | Communications Manager |
Javier Gamboa Martínez | Communications Officer |
Hilary Goodson | Strategic Partnership Officer |
Andrew Rodrigues | Data Partnerships Officer |
Tim Hirsch | Special Advisor |
Side events
Mon, 21 October
- Updates on the indicator for Target 21.1 on biodiversity information and knowledge
GEO Pavilion #23, Plaza Three, Blue Zone
Tue, 22 October
- Open Data for Biodiversity: Accelerating Monitoring and Action
MDB Pavilion #14, Plaza One, Blue Zone
13:15 - Invasive alien species: Setting out the data, resources and guidance needs at a national level to support countries develop and implement action towards Target 6
IUCN Pavilion #12, Plaza One, Blue Zone
Wed, 23 October
- Improving the usability of primary biodiversity data: Innovative Tools and Actions from iNaturalist, Biotope, and GBIF
Casa Biotope, La Mercedes Boutique Hotel, Calle 15 Norte #8n-26, Cali - Establishing collaborations on science, technology and capacity building for biodiversity data between the GBIF network and CBD regional support centres
Organized by GBIF
Chiribiquete, Plaza One, Blue Zone
Thu, 24 October
- The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting
Sinu-Africa Meeting Room, Plaza One, Blue Zone
Fri, 25 October
- The EU contribution to the GBF implementation: a dialogue with partners
EU Pavilion, Tumaco, Plaza One, Blue Zone - Tools to support nations for ocean biodiversity conservation and management
UN Colombia Pavilion #13, Plaza One, Blue Zone - Foro del Sur Global: Panel 1: Datos abiertos y sistemas de información
Casa Humboldt, Centro Cultural Comfandi, Salón Manacacías, Calle 8 #6-23 - Activation Event: Datos Vivos | Living Data 2025
Casa Humboldt, Centro Cultural Comfandi, Salón Manacacías, Calle 8 #6-23
Sun, 27 October
- Sixth Science Policy-Forum for Biodiversity
Session 6: Monitoring: Advances of scientific networks for addressing gaps in the implementation of the Monitoring Framework of COP 15 Decision 15/5
Macarena Room / Sea Flower Room, CEVP Courtyard, Blue Zone
Session 8: Science for NBSAPs: Integrating Science and Data for Effective NBSAPs and Community Engagement (Targets 20 and 21)
Macarena Room / Sea Flower Room, CEVP Courtyard, Blue Zone
Tue, 29 October
- Business and productive sector of Colombia at COP 16
Intercontinental Hotel, Avenida Colombia #2-72, Comuna 3, Cali - Data4Nature in context of World Bank Environmental and Social Standard 6
MDB Pavilion #14, Plaza One, Blue Zone