Data mobilization for use is a multi-institutional process bringing together organizations that may or may not have worked together before and who bring different perspectives, experiences and resources to the table. Developing a clear framework for collaboration ensures that organizations have a clear understanding of the project's shared goals and objectives as well as the expectations for each institution as activities move forward.

Chlorocala guerini (Janson, 1888), Senegal, from iNaturalist Research-grade Observations. Photo by Lies Van Rompaey licensed under CC BY
Senegalese national information system on biodiversity: SENBIO-INFOS
Organizations collecting data on Senegal's rich biodiversity have generally worked independently and without coordination. This project sought to create a national information system-SENBIO-INFOS-to bring these different organizations together to make the data they possess accessible to all. An initial partners' meeting introduced a charter covering the key principles for SENBIO-INFOS, setting the terms of scientific cooperation by outlining the role of participating organizations, project governance, data mobilization priorities, capacity building and communication between organizations.
The records mobilized through SENBIO-INFOS made it the largets source of primary biodiversity data from Senegalese institutions. Its data has been integrated into national reporting through the Clearing House Mechanism of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, and, by giving decision-makers, SENBIO-INFOS contributed to the "on track" assessment in Senegal's progress report for Aichi Target 19.