The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) joined GBIF as an Associate Participant Organization in 2013. THe GBIF-CAS Node was established since then. The download and use of data from GBIF by Chinese users rank among top 10 among countries. By the end of August 2020, a total of 668 peer-reviewed papers (in Chinese and English) have been published. Among these, over 300 papers are published in Chinese journals.
In view of the current common non-standard citation of data, the GBIF-CAS Node organizes this webinar to introduce how to correctly cite data downloaded from GBIF with assistance from GBIF Secretariat.
Host: Prof. MA Keping, Head of delegation
- 15:00–15:15 Introduction to GBIF: sources and uses of global biodiversity data (Tim Hirsch, Deputy Director of GBIF Secretariat)
- 15:15–16:00 Citation and the Case Studies of Data from GBIF (XU Zheping, Node manager of GBIF-CAS Node)
- 16:00–16:10 Questions and answers
How to join?
Please register at
Organizer: GBIF-CAS Node/Biodiversity Committee, Chinese Academy of Sciences