GBIF Strategic and Operational Plans 2007-2011: From Prototype towards Full Operation


The major purpose of the GBIF Strategic and Operational Plans for 2007 - 2011 is to provide a roadmap that would enable GBIF to move toward full operational status by 2011. This document lays out the ambitions of the GBIF community.

This document is intended to:

- direct the work of GBIF (Secretariat, Participants and Nodes) and

- be a communication document to the broader scientific and user community interested in the future directions of GBIF for this period of five years.


GBIF Secretariat


GBIF Secretariat


Permission to copy and/or distribute all or part of the information contained herein is granted, provided that such copies carry due attribution to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).

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GBIF Secretariat


GBIF (2006). GBIF Plans 2007-2011 - From prototype towards full operation. Copenhagen: Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 85 pp.