The checklist of macrofungi of raised bogs: barcoding of accumulated collection following the 9-year plot-based monitoring in Northwestern Siberia
Filippova N, Rudykina E, Zvyagina E (2024). The checklist of macrofungi of raised bogs: barcoding of accumulated collection following the 9-year plot-based monitoring in Northwestern Siberia. Version 1.5. Yugra State University Biological Collection (YSU BC). Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-01-22.Description
The project aimes to describe the diversity and community structure and dynamics of larger fungi of peatlands in Northwestern Siberia, Russia by direct observation and complement it with molecular approach (barcoding of ITS region of revealed species diversity). In contrast to previous research, we used permanent plots with regular visits all over the vegetation season and continued the monitoring for nine years, which is to our knowledge the longest observation series of the community of larger fungi made in peatlands.
The resulted data with counts of fruitbodies was published in a different dataset ( The accumulated collection of dried specimens of larger fungi resulted during the monitoring totals about 500 specimens. These specimens were revised in terms of collection and photographs quality, and a selected about 200 specimens were used for bacroding (ITS, rarely LSU and TEF).
The resulted sequences were analysed using manual BLAST search and UNITE/PlutoF Species Hypothesis matching.
The aim of this dataset is to preserve the sequence data in relation to studied specimens in a structured way ( The dataset contains two related table: 1) occurrence table describes the specimens, including photographs of the specimens (totally 149 specimens); 2) dna extention table describes related sequences (totally 155 sequences). The paper with the description and analyses of these data is to be published.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
For molecular identification we used ITS region using primers ITS1F, ITS4 (for a few specimens other regions and primers accordingly).Sampling
DNA extraction was done from dry exsiccata or freshly collected material using Diatom DNA Prep 200 or TransDirect® Plant Tissue PCR Kit following the standard protocols of these kits. The PCR was made using ready mix for PCR 5X ScreenMix (Evrogen). PCR and sequence reaction products were purified using Cleanup Standard (Evrogen), CleanMag DNA (Evrogen) and Dynabeads™ Sequencing Clean-Up kits. The sequencing was done with BrilliantDye™ Terminator (v3.1) Cycle Sequencing kit (NimaGen) using Applied Biosystems® Sanger Sequencing 3500 Series Genetic Analyzer.Method steps
- Sequence processing was made using BaseAlign and Mega11 software. The search of the nearest sequence was done through BLAST at NCBI and using UNITE SH matching. The resulted sequences were uploaded to GenBank and BOLD.
- Fields in the Occurrence table: occurrenceID - ID of the record identificationRemarks - "Current identification is based on morphological and sequence analyses." for all specimens kingdom - Fungi verbatimIdentification - Previous identification based on morphological characters ScientificName - Current identification based on morpho- and sequence analysis identificationQualifier - Aff., sp Genbank Accession Number - Number of associated sequences in GenBank catalogNumber - Catalog number otherCatalogNumbers - Alternative catalog numbers basisOfRecord - Preserved specimen collectionCode - YSU-F country - Russian Federation stateProvince - Region county - Rayon locality - Locality decimalLatitude - Latitude decimalLongitude - Longitude eventDate - Date of specimen collection habitat - Vegetation description geodeticDatum - Datum recordedBy - Name of collector fieldNotes - Substrate associatedMedia - Macro- and micro- morphological images of the specimen Fields in the DNA-derived-data table: occurrenceID - key field target_subfragment - ITS, LSU, TEF seq_meth - Sanger sequencing pcr_primer_forward - sequence of formard primer used for pcr pcr_primer_reverse - sequence of formard primer used for pcr pcr_primer_name_forward - name of the forward primer used for pcr pcr_primer_name_reverse - name of the reverse primer used for pcr pcr_primer_reference - citation of the primer in literature DNA_sequence - sequence FASTA
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Nina Filippovaoriginator
position: reseracher
Yugra State University
Elena Rudykina
position: researcher
Yugra State University
Elena Zvyagina
position: researcher
Yugra State University
Nina Filippova
metadata author
position: reseracher
Yugra State University
Nina Filippova
administrative point of contact
position: reseracher
Yugra State University