Checklist of vertebrates of Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" (Kherson region, Ukraine)
Starovoitova T (2024). Checklist of vertebrates of Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" (Kherson region, Ukraine). Version 1.1. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Checklist dataset accessed via on 2025-01-14.Description
This dataset presents a checklist of vertebrate fauna from the territory of the Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" (natural core, zoo, dendrological park, buffer and interaction zones) situated in the Kherson region, Ukraine. The checklist is based on author's observations made during 2016–2022, as well as the observations made by the staff of the Reserve during 2010–2022. The DarwinCore Archive of this resource consists of three tab-separated tables, connected by "taxonID" term: - core: taxonomic information; - vernacular: species' vernacular names in Ukrainian; - distribution: information on species' category in Ukrainian and international Red Lists, as well as the establishment status (native, captive, or both).
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova", Kherson region, UkraineSampling
Amphibian species composition and distribution were determined through terrestrial surveys and inspections of breeding water bodies. Reptiles were surveyed using transect and plot methods. Bird fauna analyses incorporated previous research materials. Contemporary stationary observations were conducted directly in the enclosures of the Great Chapelsky Pod and adjacent areas, along with periodic surveys of the entire biosphere reserve territory using vehicle-based routes. Mammals were studied using various methods depending on their habitats: - Soricidae and Rodentia: live traps, analysis of prey remains in raptor diets, video and photo recording. - Chiroptera: visual observations in flight, inspection of roosting sites, and ultrasonic signal detection. - Sciuridae, Cervidae, and Carnivora: remote monitoring along fixed routes, inspection of habitats, and analysis of activity traces.Method steps
- Reconnaissance surveys of the territory.
- Route-based and point-based studies of different sections (areas) of the "Askania Nova" Biosphere Reserve.
- Data collection and critical processing.
- Summarising results of vertebrate fauna inventory, taxonomic analysis, and creating a checklist of vertebrate fauna.
Taxonomic Coverages
Lacertidaerank: family
Psittacidaerank: family
Dipodidaerank: family
Suliformesrank: order
Sylviidaerank: family
Upupidaerank: family
Phylloscopidaerank: family
Anseriformesrank: order
Columbidaerank: family
Certhiidaerank: family
Regulidaerank: family
Struthioniformesrank: order
Artiodactylarank: order
Galliformesrank: order
Aegithalidaerank: family
Perissodactylarank: order
Emberizidaerank: family
Passeriformesrank: order
Pelecaniformesrank: order
Muridaerank: family
Glareolidaerank: family
Picidaerank: family
Chiropterarank: order
Lagomorpharank: order
Chordatarank: phylum
Gruiformesrank: order
Fringillidaerank: family
Scolopacidaerank: family
Alcedinidaerank: family
Avesrank: class
Rheidaerank: family
Camelidaerank: family
Procyonidaerank: family
Charadriidaerank: family
Gruidaerank: family
Carnivorarank: order
Sciuridaerank: family
Recurvirostridaerank: family
Percidaerank: family
Emydidaerank: family
Mammaliarank: class
Otididaerank: family
Phoenicopteridaerank: family
Soricidaerank: family
Soricomorpharank: order
Testudinesrank: class
Phasianidaerank: family
Turdidaerank: family
Caprimulgidaerank: family
Acrocephalidaerank: family
Colubridaerank: family
Laniidaerank: family
Paridaerank: family
Gaviidaerank: family
Squamatarank: class
Ardeidaerank: family
Oriolidaerank: family
Amphibiarank: class
Anatidaerank: family
Casuariiformesrank: order
Dromaiidaerank: family
Cyprinidaerank: family
Ranidaerank: family
Caviidaerank: family
Bufonidaerank: family
Numididaerank: family
Troglodytidaerank: family
Laridaerank: family
Cuculiformesrank: order
Corvidaerank: family
Leporidaerank: family
Bovidaerank: family
Muscicapidaerank: family
Motacillidaerank: family
Animaliarank: kingdom
Phalacrocoracidaerank: family
Canidaerank: family
Perciformesrank: order
Cuculidaerank: family
Podicipedidaerank: family
Phoenicopteriformesrank: order
Anurarank: order
Haematopodidaerank: family
Ciconiiformesrank: order
Viperidaerank: family
Falconiformesrank: order
Pelobatidaerank: family
Vespertilionidaerank: family
Accipitriformesrank: order
Pandionidaerank: family
Sturnidaerank: family
Erinaceomorpharank: order
Columbiformesrank: order
Rheiformesrank: order
Coraciidaerank: family
Charadriiformesrank: order
Threskiornithidaerank: family
Myocastoridaerank: family
Passeridaerank: family
Cypriniformesrank: order
Bucerotiformesrank: order
Bombycillidaerank: family
Accipitridaerank: family
Podicipediformesrank: order
Hirundinidaerank: family
Struthionidaerank: family
Strigidaerank: family
Psittaciformesrank: order
Alaudidaerank: family
Caprimulgiformesrank: order
Burhinidaerank: family
Erinaceidaerank: family
Panuridaerank: family
Falconidaerank: family
Rodentiarank: order
Rallidaerank: family
Tytonidaerank: family
Otidiformesrank: order
Strigiformesrank: order
Cervidaerank: family
Coraciiformesrank: order
Piciformesrank: order
Mustelidaerank: family
Locustellidaerank: family
Cricetidaerank: family
Gaviiformesrank: order
Ciconiidaerank: family
Meropidaerank: family
Equidaerank: family
Pelecanidaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
Ukraine, Kherson Region, Kakhovka District, Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova" (area: 33,307.0 ha).
Bibliographic Citations
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Tetiana Starovoitovaoriginator
position: Head of the Biomonitoring and Protected Steppe Laboratory
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"
Tetiana Starovoitova
metadata author
position: Head of the Biomonitoring and Protected Steppe Laboratory
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"
Oleh Prylutskyi
custodian steward
position: Senior Researcher
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"
Oleh Prylutskyi
administrative point of contact
position: Senior Researcher
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania Nova"