Avian diversity study (water birds) of Kamarganti Bheries, Haroa, North 24 parganas, West Bengal, India during winter season
Basu Roy A, Chatterjee L, Samanta T, Sengupta N, Barve V (2024). Avian diversity study (water birds) of Kamarganti Bheries, Haroa, North 24 parganas, West Bengal, India during winter season. Version 1.5. Nature Mates-Nature Club. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/8a3p24 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-19.Description
The Nature Mates Nature Club has released a dataset entitled "Avian diversity study (water birds) of Kamarganti Bheries, Haroa, North 24 parganas, West Bengal, India during winter season" Bheries are the type of fisheries generally practiced in low land impounded with earthen embankments all round. The age-old bheri culture has emerged in North 24 Parganas District in its south and eastern skirts centering the lower course of the Bidyadhari River. Salinity in bheri-water is sourced from brackish sea-water entered through rivers and canals.. In the south-eastern parts of present North 24 Parganas district-territory such type of aquaculture is found to be rehearsed particularly in the mudflats, swamps, marshes or paddy-fields centering the spill zones of the Bidyadhari River, where agricultural cultivation is not so viable due to want of suitable irrigable water. As a result, paddy cum fish and/ or shrimp culture was significantly developed in those low-lying areas The district falls within the new alluvium sub-region of the lower Gangetic Plain (Zone-III) and found to be very fertile for crop production. The main rivers are Ichhamati, Hooghly, Raimangal, Kalindi, Dansa, Benti, Haribhanga, Bidyadhari etc and the physiographic structure is mostly plain and the soils of the southern side are characterized with clay loam. The climate is featured with warm and humid tropical ones, south west monsoon usually from June to September, average annual rainfall 1750mm and mean temperature variation from 120C to 320C. The district has 22 community development (CD) blocks, though brackish water bheri fishery is usually found to exist in its 13 blocks in the south and eastern skirts. This dataset is concerned with one such area, Kamarganti,Haroa,North 24 Parganas. A list of all the birds identified during a biodiversity survey carried out in the year 2023 is included in the dataset. During the survey Red Necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) was recorded which is a very rare bird in West Bengal. Species or genus-level identifications have been made for every species. There are 42 bird species total, with records of them in 16 different families and 10 different orders. These bheries serve as resting grounds for water birds throughout their winter migratory path. This study can give a future scope in understanding how bheries affect the biodiversity of an area.Purpose
This study can give a future scope in understanding how bheries affect the biodiversity of an area.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Kamarganti Bheries, Haroa, North 24 parganas, West Bengal, IndiaSampling
Point Count The data were recorded using the point count method from multiple points within the study area.Method steps
- Direct observation, Call identification, Field notes, Photography Equipment used are binocular Olympus (10*50 DPS I ) Camera (Nikon Coolpix P900, P600, B600). Observed data were recorded in the field notebook
Taxonomic Coverages
A list of all the birds identified during a biodiversity survey carried out in 10th of Aril 2023 is included in the dataset. During the survey Red Necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) was recorded which is a very rare bird in West Bengal.
All the birds are identified up to the species level. There are 42 bird species total, with records of them in 16 different families and 10 different orders.
Avescommon name: Birds rank: class
Geographic Coverages
Kamarganti Bheries, Haroa, North 24 parganas, West Bengal, India
Bibliographic Citations
- Grimmett R, Inskipp C, Inskipp T (2016) Birds of the Indian Subcontinent: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and the Maldives. Bloomsbury Publishing. -
- eBird. (2022). eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance. eBird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Available: http://www.ebird.org -
- IUCN. 2023. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2023-1. https://www.iucnredlist.org. Accessed on [20/03/2024]. -
Arjan Basu Royoriginator
position: Secretary
Nature Mate-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
Telephone: 98743 57414
email: basuroyarjan@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9872-3562
Lina Chatterjee
position: Research Associate
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: lina.linachatterjee@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5626-5046
Tarak Samanta
position: Research Associate
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: taraksamanta995@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6809-0549
Nivedita Sengupta
position: Intern
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: niveditasngpta.ns@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1085-7385
Vijay Barve
position: Research Advisor
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: vijay.barve@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4852-2567
Lina Chatterjee
metadata author
position: Research Associate
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: lina.linachatterjee@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5626-5046
Vijay Barve
metadata author
position: Research Advisor
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: vijay.barve@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4852-2567
Nivedita Sengupta
metadata author
position: Intern
Nature Mates-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
email: niveditasngpta.ns@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1085-7385
Nivedita Sengupta
email: niveditasngpta.ns@gmail.com
Arjan Basu Roy
administrative point of contact
position: Secretary
Nature Mate-Nature Club
6/7 Bijoygarh
West Bengal
Telephone: 98743 57414
email: basuroyarjan@gmail.com
homepage: https://naturematesindia.org/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9872-3562