Diversidad vegetal y fúngica del sistema lagunar de La Carbonera, Reserva Estatal de Ciénagas y Manglares de la costa norte de Yucatán
Guadarrama Chávez M P, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Diversidad vegetal y fúngica del sistema lagunar de La Carbonera, Reserva Estatal de Ciénagas y Manglares de la costa norte de Yucatán. Version 1.11. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/bc53z4 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-12.Description
Este proyecto pretende generar listados de plantas y hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares de las unidades vegetales presentes en el sistema lagunar costero "La Carbonera", Chuburná, Yucatán que forma parte del corredor para la protección de la biodiversidad costera denominado Reserva estatal cienagas y manglares de la costa norte de Yucata?n. Este proyecto es complementario al también sometido "Diversidad de peces residentes y visitantes del sistema lagunar de la Carbonera, Reserva Estatal de Ciénagas y Manglares de la costa norte de Yucatán" con lo que se pretende conocer la riqueza y diversidad florística, la faunística y parte de la riqueza micológica del suelo, en el ambiente terrestre y el acuático y que pueden ser determinantes de la conservación de los humedales del estado. En el caso de la flora se revisará el herbario nacional (MEXU) y los regionales (UADY y CICY), asimismo se realizarán búsquedas bibliográficas que se incorporarán a una base de datos considerando endemismos, especies con estatus de protección especial e invasoras. Bimensualmente se realizarán exploraciones de campo en cada unidad de vegetación que conforman el sistema lagunar donde se identificarán las especies vegetales, de las que se tomarán medidas de altura y cobertura, asimismo se recolectarán ejemplares botánicos, determinarán y se incorporarán a los herbarios regionales y nacional. Posteriormente la información será capturada en bases de datos. De igual manera se recolectará suelo rizosférico de las plantas y raíces finas (con diámetro menor a 2 mm), se extraerán las esporas de los hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares, se colocarán en preparaciones fijas y se enviarán a la especialista en Tlaxcala, las raíces serán teñidas y se cuantificará la colonización micorrícica para posteriormente incorporar el dato de estatus micorrícico de las plantas en una base de datos.
Reino: 2 Filo: 2 Clase: 2 Orden: 27 Familia: 64 Género: 163 Subgénero: 5 Especie: 203 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 3
Taxonomic Coverages
Plantaerank: kingdom
Fungirank: kingdom
Tracheophytarank: phylum
Glomeromycotarank: phylum
Equisetopsidarank: class
Glomeromycetesrank: class
Gentianalesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Malpighialesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Paraglomeralesrank: order
Boraginalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Diversisporalesrank: order
Asparagalesrank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Brassicalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Glomeralesrank: order
Lauralesrank: order
Zygophyllalesrank: order
Sapindalesrank: order
Solanalesrank: order
Commelinalesrank: order
Celastralesrank: order
Arecalesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Saxifragalesrank: order
Alismatalesrank: order
Santalalesrank: order
Apocynaceaerank: family
Surianaceaerank: family
Rhizophoraceaerank: family
Combretaceaerank: family
Paraglomeraceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Heliotropiaceaerank: family
Acanthaceaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Acaulosporaceaerank: family
Asparagaceaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Chenopodiaceaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Erythroxylaceaerank: family
Cordiaceaerank: family
Aizoaceaerank: family
Bataceaerank: family
Primulaceaerank: family
Glomeraceaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Lauraceaerank: family
Goodeniaceaerank: family
Portulacaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Zygophyllaceaerank: family
Anacardiaceaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Capparaceaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Malpighiaceaerank: family
Verbenaceaerank: family
Commelinaceaerank: family
Gigasporaceaerank: family
Diversisporaceaerank: family
Celastraceaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Petiveriaceaerank: family
Passifloraceaerank: family
Iridaceaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Arecaceaerank: family
Polygonaceaerank: family
Sapotaceaerank: family
Moraceaerank: family
Lythraceaerank: family
Onagraceaerank: family
Burseraceaerank: family
Crassulaceaerank: family
Alismataceaerank: family
Cactaceaerank: family
Typhaceaerank: family
Bignoniaceaerank: family
Gentianaceaerank: family
Loranthaceaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Bixaceaerank: family
Araceaerank: family
Phyllanthaceaerank: family
Metastelmarank: genus
Surianarank: genus
Rhizophorarank: genus
Conocarpusrank: genus
Paraglomusrank: genus
Pithecellobiumrank: genus
Heliotropiumrank: genus
Avicenniarank: genus
Desmodiumrank: genus
Caprariarank: genus
Acaulosporarank: genus
Agaverank: genus
Herissantiarank: genus
Hymenocallisrank: genus
Lagunculariarank: genus
Atriplexrank: genus
Sidarank: genus
Alternantherarank: genus
Flaveriarank: genus
Dactylocteniumrank: genus
Ruelliarank: genus
Plumeriarank: genus
Commicarpusrank: genus
Erythroxylumrank: genus
Varroniarank: genus
Rhabdadeniarank: genus
Cienfuegosiarank: genus
Justiciarank: genus
Desmanthusrank: genus
Sesuviumrank: genus
Batisrank: genus
Bonelliarank: genus
Caesalpiniarank: genus
Glomusrank: genus
Lactucarank: genus
Abildgaardiarank: genus
Ambrosiarank: genus
Phragmitesrank: genus
Iresinerank: genus
Pluchearank: genus
Suaedarank: genus
Sporobolusrank: genus
Bravaisiarank: genus
Cassytharank: genus
Scaevolarank: genus
Paspalumrank: genus
Canavaliarank: genus
Waltheriarank: genus
Portulacarank: genus
Chiococcarank: genus
Euphorbiarank: genus
Kallstroemiarank: genus
Metopiumrank: genus
Baccharisrank: genus
Physalisrank: genus
Asclepiasrank: genus
Quadrellarank: genus
Cyperusrank: genus
Enriquebeltraniarank: genus
Salicorniarank: genus
Malvaviscusrank: genus
Cuscutarank: genus
Helicteresrank: genus
Tetrapterysrank: genus
Manihotrank: genus
Lantanarank: genus
Commelinarank: genus
Scutellosporarank: genus
Mimosarank: genus
Tribulusrank: genus
Crotonrank: genus
Gossypiumrank: genus
Entrophosporarank: genus
Diversisporarank: genus
Fimbristylisrank: genus
Gigasporarank: genus
Maytenusrank: genus
Vitexrank: genus
Haematoxylumrank: genus
Rivinarank: genus
Okeniarank: genus
Solanumrank: genus
Malpighiarank: genus
Passiflorarank: genus
Cipurarank: genus
Cladiumrank: genus
Melochiarank: genus
Blutaparonrank: genus
Mecardoniarank: genus
Lyciumrank: genus
Acoelorrapherank: genus
Gymnopodiumrank: genus
Evolvulusrank: genus
Neearank: genus
Tamonearank: genus
Chromolaenarank: genus
Sideroxylonrank: genus
Ficusrank: genus
Boerhaviarank: genus
Spermacocerank: genus
Echitesrank: genus
Schoenoplectusrank: genus
Cuphearank: genus
Guazumarank: genus
Bulbostylisrank: genus
Trianthemarank: genus
Cenchrusrank: genus
Fuirenarank: genus
Rhynchosporarank: genus
Manilkararank: genus
Piscidiarank: genus
Vachelliarank: genus
Capparisrank: genus
Bidensrank: genus
Phylarank: genus
Amaranthusrank: genus
Ludwigiarank: genus
Angeloniarank: genus
Melantherarank: genus
Ipomoearank: genus
Sclerocystisrank: genus
Burserarank: genus
Racocetrarank: genus
Bryophyllumrank: genus
Ageratumrank: genus
Cnidoscolusrank: genus
Cascabelarank: genus
Sagittariarank: genus
Lysilomarank: genus
Cynanchumrank: genus
Setariarank: genus
Matelearank: genus
Opuntiarank: genus
Diphysarank: genus
Randiarank: genus
Centrosemarank: genus
Gomphrenarank: genus
Havardiarank: genus
Distichlisrank: genus
Typharank: genus
Eleocharisrank: genus
Parmentierarank: genus
Tetrameriumrank: genus
Chlorisrank: genus
Eustomarank: genus
Bauhiniarank: genus
Psittacanthusrank: genus
Erythrinarank: genus
Cakilerank: genus
Merremiarank: genus
Cochlospermumrank: genus
Anthuriumrank: genus
Tournefortiarank: genus
Corchorusrank: genus
Leucaenarank: genus
Cordiarank: genus
Oxycaryumrank: genus
Phyllanthusrank: genus
Chamaecristarank: genus
Struthanthusrank: genus
Crescentiarank: genus
Pentalinonrank: genus
Jacquemontiarank: genus
Agaverank: subgenus
Grammicarank: subgenus
Leptostemomumrank: subgenus
Erythrinarank: subgenus
Cochlospermunrank: subgenus
Metastelma schlechtendaliicommon name: sal xiiw, sal xiiw (Maya) rank: species
Suriana maritimacommon name: pats'il, tabaquillo, pantsil, pats'il (Maya), tabaquillo rank: species
Rhizophora manglecommon name: xtabché, ta'ab che', xtapché, xtaab che', tabché, tapché, mamey Santo Domingo, mangle colorado, mangle dulce, mangle negro, mangle tinto, mangle, mangle rojo, candelón, mamey Santo Domingo, mangle, mangle candelilla, mangle colorado, mangle dulce, mangle negro, mangle rojo, mangle tinto, ta'ab che' (Maya), tabché (Maya), tapché (Maya), xtaab che' (Maya), xtabché (Maya), xtapché (Maya) rank: species
Conocarpus erectuscommon name: xtabché, x-tab-ché, x-kanché, k'an che', tabche, xk' aan che, k' oopte', kanche, taab che', k'aan ché, pasch-ch' uhmul, saladillo, taab-che, laurelillo, mangle prieto, madre sal, mangle botoncillo, mangle cenizo, mangle negro, pash-ch'uhnul, k'ank-ank-che, k'ank-che', k'an-chik'-inche, mangle blanco, mangle, mangle chino, botoncahui, canché, canchi kin-ak, estachahuite, gusano, botoncillo, botoncillo, gusano, k' oopte' (Maya), k'aan ché (Maya), k'an che' (Maya), k'an-chik'-inche (Maya), k'ank-ank-che (Maya), k'ank-che' (Maya), laurelillo, madre de sal, madre sal, mangle, mangle blanco, mangle botoncillo, mangle cenizo, mangle chino, mangle negro, mangle prieto, pasch-ch' uhmul (Maya), pash-ch'uhnul (Maya), saladillo, taab che' (Maya), taab-che (Maya), tabché (Maya), x-kanché (Maya), x-tab-ché (Maya), xk' aan che (Maya), xtabché (Maya) rank: species
Paraglomus occultumrank: species
Pithecellobium keyensecommon name: xiax-k'aax, ya'ax k'aax, xiax-k'aax (Maya), ya'ax k'aax (Maya) rank: species
Heliotropium curassavicumcommon name: chile max, colita de alacrán, nema'ax, hoja de sapo, chiltepín, turjú, xch'u', cola de escorpion, alacrancillo de playa, ts'ats', hediondilla, hierba del gusano, heliotropo, heliotropo cimarrón, chile piquín, cola de gato, cola de mico, cola de alacrán, nemaax, rabo de mico, nej ma'ax, sinan-xiw, hierba de fuego, hierba de sapo, alacrancillo de playa, chile max (Maya), chile piquín, cola de alacrán, cola de escorpion, cola de gato, cola de mico, colita de alacrán, hediondilla, heliotropo, hierba de fuego, hierba del gusano, hoja de sapo, nej ma'ax (Maya), nemaax (Maya), rabo de mico, sinan-xiw (Maya), ts'ats' (Maya), xch'u' (Maya) rank: species
Avicennia germinanscommon name: mangle puyeque, ta'ab che', taab ché, tab ché, madre de sal, tabché, salado, saladillo, mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle cenizo, madre sal, mangle blanco, mangle, madre de sal, madre sal, mangle, mangle blanco, mangle bobo, mangle cenizo, mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle rojo, saladillo, salado, ta'ab che' (Maya), taab ché (Maya), tab ché (Maya), tabché (Maya) rank: species
Desmodium glabrumcommon name: k'iin taj, k'iin taj (Maya) rank: species
Capraria mexicanarank: species
Acaulospora scrobiculatarank: species
Agave (Agave) angustifoliacommon name: xix-ki, ixtle, zapupe verde, bacanora, cu'u, agave, maguey de ixtle, ch eelem, maguey de campo, zapupe de Tepezintla, maguey de flor, zapupe de Vincent, ch'elem kij, maguey rayado, henequén de playa, hamoc, zapupe de Sierra Chontla, ch'elem, zapupa, doba-yey, maguey mezcalero, zapupe, zapupe cimarrón, zapupe de San Bernardo, juya cuum, pita-ki, maguey, mezcal, bab-ki, kitam-ki, henequén, chukum-ki, ch'elem-ki, espadín, espadilla, quiote, agave, bab-ki (Maya), bacanora, ch'elem-ki (Maya), chukum-ki (Maya), cu'u (Mayo), doba-yey (Zapoteco), espadilla, hamoc (Seri), henequén, juya cuum (Mayo), kitam-ki (Maya), maguey, maguey de campo, maguey de flor, maguey de ixtle, maguey mezcalero, maguey rayado, mezcal, pita-ki (Maya), quiote, xix-ki (Maya) rank: species
Herissantia crispacommon name: sak miis, hierba del campo, p'up'ul iik', sak le', Monacillo blanco, hierba del campo, monacillo blanco, p'up'ul iik' (Maya), sak le' (Maya), sak miis (Maya) rank: species
Hymenocallis littoralisrank: species
Laguncularia racemosacommon name: mangle amarillo, sak okom, sak oljom, mangle-kanche, tsak oljom, sak-okom, mangle cenizo, mangle bobo, mangle negro, mangle prieto, tsakolkon, mangle, mangle blanco, mangle chino, mangle rojo, colorado, mangle, mangle amarillo, mangle blanco, mangle bobo, mangle cenizo, mangle chino, mangle colorado, mangle negro, mangle prieto, mangle rojo, sak okom (Maya), sak oljom (Maya), sak-okom (Maya), tsak oljom (Maya) rank: species
Atriplex tampicensisrank: species
Sida acutacommon name: alahuaxipahuas, Chi'chi'bej, chi'chi' bej, malva amarilla, malva de castilla, malva colorada, malva blanca, malva de cochino, malva serrana, malva rastrera, malva de platanillo, escoba, ajalache, huinar, k'aax, malvavisco, escobilla, alacle, malva, chichibe, chik'ich-bek'aak, ch'chibé, calalagua, chichipe, güinare, güinar, licopodio, escobillo, alahuaxipahuas (Náhuatl), ch'chibé (Maya), chi'chi' bej (Maya), chichibe (Maya), chichipe, chik'ich-bek'aak (Maya), escoba, escobilla, escobillo, huinar, k'aax (Maya), licopodio, malva, malva amarilla, malva blanca, malva colorada, malva de castilla, malva de cochino, malva de platanillo, malva rastrera, malva serrana, malvavisco rank: species
Alternanthera flavescenscommon name: sak mul rank: species
Flaveria lineariscommon name: x-k'anlo-xiu, k'an lool xiiw, anis xiiw, k'anlol-xiu, canlolshiu, anis xiiw (Español-Maya), k'an lool xiiw (Maya), k'anlol-xiu (Maya), x-k'anlo-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Dactyloctenium aegyptiumcommon name: es-me-cha, pasto pata de pollo, zacate grama, k' an toop su'uk, zacate egipcio, chimes su'uk, suc, pasto, pata de cuervo, pata de pollo, chimes-suuk, grama, chimes su'uk (Maya), chimes-suuk (Maya), grama, k' an toop su'uk (Maya), pasto, pasto pata de pollo, pata de cuervo, pata de pollo, zacate egipcio, zacate grama rank: species
Ruellia nudifloracommon name: kabal xa'an, pajkanul, berraco xiiw, cruz xiiw, che'su'uk, xana mukuy, kabal ya'ax niik, berraco xiiw (Español-Maya), che'su'uk (Maya), cruz xiiw (Español-Maya), kabal xa'an (Maya), kabal ya'ax niik (Maya), pajkanul (Maya), xana mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Plumeria obtusacommon name: cojon de toro, aak'its, nikte' ch'oom, jaway, flor de mayo, aak'its (Maya), cojon de toro, flor de mayo, nikte' ch'oom (Maya) rank: species
Commicarpus scandenscommon name: xicomini, bejuco de la araña, sonorita, bejuco de purgación, hierba del mosco, bejuco de la araña, bejuco de purgación, hierba del mosco, pega-pollo, plúmbago, señorita, sonorita rank: species
Erythroxylum confusumcommon name: tooso, cascarillo, cascarillo, tooso (Maya) rank: species
Varronia bullatacommon name: pool tsutsuy, sak baakel kaan, xopche', Orégano silvestre, pool tsutsuy (Maya), sak baakel kaan (Maya), xopche (Maya) rank: species
Rhabdadenia biflorarank: species
Cienfuegosia yucatanensisrank: species
Justicia carthagenensiscommon name: aka' xiiw, aka' xiiw (Maya), cruz k'aax (Español-Maya), took' sits' (Maya) rank: species
Desmanthus virgatuscommon name: cocoite negro, huizachillo, bilil, bu'ul k'aax, ejtil tsakam wayal, pegajoso, kabal-pich, guaje, bu'ul k'aax (Maya), cocoite negro, ejtil tsakam wayal (Huasteco), guaje, guaje de ratón, guajillo, huizachillo, kabal-pich (Maya), pegajoso rank: species
Sesuvium portulacastrumcommon name: xukul, vidrillo, verdolaga de playa, ts'a'aykann, saladillo, ts'ay-kan, verdolaga, chamis, cenicilla, cenicienta, cenicienta, cenicilla, saladillo, ts'a'aykann (Maya), ts'ay-kan (Maya), verdolaga, verdolaga de playa, vidrillo, xukul (Maya) rank: species
Batis maritimacommon name: vidrillo, robadilla, mañanita de la mar, alambrillo, perejil silvestre, ts'aay kaan, saladilla, saladillo, chamis, dedito, alambrillo, dedito, mañanita de la mar, perejil silvestre, robadilla, saladilla, saladillo, ts'aay kaan (Maya), vidrillo rank: species
Bonellia macrocarpacommon name: ya'ax k'iix le' che', pico de gallo, limoncillo rank: species
Caesalpinia vesicariacommon name: yaxkix-kanab, ya'ax-k'iix-k'anab, chaqueque, ya'ax k'iin che', yaax k'anab, mareña, chiin took, palo negro, palo de rosa, toxob, chintok, box-che, box-che (Maya), chiin took' (Maya), chintok (Maya), k'aan lool (Maya), mareña, palo de rosa, palo negro, toxob (Maya), ya'ax k'iin che' (Maya), ya'ax-k'iix-k'anab (Maya), yaxkix-kanab (Maya) rank: species
Glomus fasciculatumrank: species
Lactuca intybaceacommon name: lechuga de playa, lechuga de monte, lechuga de playa rank: species
Abildgaardia ovatacommon name: zacate, su'uk, su'uk (Maya), zacate rank: species
Ambrosia hispidacommon name: k'an lool xiiw, altanisa de mar, muuch' kook, margarita de mar, altanisa de mar, k'an lool xiiw (Maya), margarita de mar, muuch' kook (Maya) rank: species
Phragmites australiscommon name: yaga-gui, ya-qui, picua remo, zachalal, zak-halal, gui-ya-gui, zacate, pasto rojo común, sak jalal, jalal, picuaremu, pi-xilla-qui, qui, taa-gui, quij, sak-halal, acatl, bambú, halal, carrizo, bi-xilla, cañoto, cañote, guii, gui, carricillo, acatl (Náhuatl), bambú, bi-xilla (Zapoteco), carricillo, carrizo, cañote, cañoto, gui (Zapoteco), guii (Zapoteco), jalal (Maya), pasto rojo común, pi-xilla-qui (Zapoteco), picuaremu (Tarasco), qui (Zapoteco), quij (Zapoteco), sak jalal (Maya), sak-halal (Maya), taa-gui (Zapoteco), ya-qui (Zapoteco), yaga-gui (Zapoteco), zacate, zachalal (Maya) rank: species
Iresine diffusacommon name: zaktezxiu, tlancuaya, clacancuayo, tancuatarro, Sak tees xiw, rocío, rocío, zaktezxiu (Maya) rank: species
Glomus mosseaerank: species
Pluchea odoratacommon name: chal che', tok'aban, siguapate, Santa María, ahuapatli, almapatli, alinanché, alaa-patli, tzeauj, teposa, hierba de Santa María, ishashcutsiculán, hoja de playa, cihuapatle, canimim-tzójol, canelo, cipatle, chalchay, chalché, comalpatli, flor de ángel, flor de Guadalupe, clina, canela, Santa María, ahuapatli (Náhuatl), canela, canelo, canelón, canimim-tzójol (Huasteco), chal che' (Maya), comalpatli (Náhuatl), flor de Guadalupe, flor de ángel, hierba de Santa María, hoja de playa, ishashcutsiculán (Totonaco), tok'aban, tzeauj (Tseltal) rank: species
Acaulospora kentinensisrank: species
Suaeda linearisrank: species
Sporobolus pyramidatuscommon name: zacate de agua, zacatón piramidal, zacate salado, pasto, pasto, zacate de agua, zacate salado, zacatón piramidal rank: species
Bravaisia berlandierianacommon name: juluub, julub, xiuhulub, sak-hulub, hooloop, hulub, hooloop (Maya), juluub (Maya), sak-hulub (Maya) rank: species
Cassytha filiformiscommon name: k'an le' kay, fideo de monte, k'an le'kay, fideo de monte, k'an le' kay (Maya) rank: species
Scaevola plumiericommon name: chunup, chunup (Maya) rank: species
Paspalum wrightiirank: species
Canavalia roseacommon name: haba de mar, frijol de playa, Frijolillo de mar, frijolillo, frijol de playa, frijolillo, haba de mar rank: species
Waltheria indicacommon name: zacxiu, zakmisib, manrrubio, zak-xiu, cancerina, tapaculo, tatapolin, yerba del tapaculo, tapasereno, manrubio rojo, sak mis bil, malva del monte, sak xiiw, sak-xiu, tapacola, manrubio, escoba, tzitziquílitl, hierba del soldado, malva, escobilla, alacle, cadillo, cuaulotillo, güinare, cadillo, cancerina, cuaulotillo (Maya), escoba, escobilla, hierba del soldado, malva, malva del monte, manrubio, manrubio rojo, sak mis bil (Maya), sak xiiw (Maya), sak-xiu (Maya), tapasereno, tzitziquílitl (Náhuatl), yerba del tapaculo, zacxiu (Maya), zak-xiu (Maya), zakmisib (Maya) rank: species
Portulaca oleraceacommon name: xukul, xeedxe, xpulh, verdolaga de playa, zheeche, itzmiquilitl, zeeche, mixquilitl, aurarra, tzonquilitl, x'pulcac, mixquilit, tezmitl, xúukul, xanab mukuy, páats mo'ol t'u'ul, pitzitzhual, shenche, pítzizemal, pi-tu-le, shenshe, nocuana-zeeche, acahuecashacua, uadela, tzutcaní, tequilitl, kabal-chum, itzmiquilit, itz-mi-quitl, verdolaga, quelite, acahuecashacua (Tarasco), aurarra (Huichol), itz-mi-quitl (Náhuatl), itzmiquilitl (Náhuatl), kabal-chum (Maya), mixquilit (Náhuatl), mixquilitl (Náhuatl), nocuana-zeeche (Zapoteco), pi-tu-le (Chontal de Oaxaca), pitzitzhual (Huasteco), páats mo'ol t'u'ul (Maya), quelite, shenche (Zapoteco), tzutcaní (Otomí), uadela (Cuicateco), verdolaga, x'pulcac (Totonaco), xanab mukuy (Maya), xeedxe (Zapoteco), xpulh (Totonaco), xukul (Maya), xúukul (Maya), zeeche (Zapoteco), zheeche (Zapoteco) rank: species
Glomus geosporumrank: species
Chiococca albacommon name: x-kan-chak-ché, t'un che', xkan chak che', ka'an chak che', sabak che', xt'uun che', cancer aak', chakan che', k'anchak che', sip aak', sak xt'uun che', perlilla, perilla, suelda con suelda, madreselva, pegajosa, oreja de ratón, kan-chakché, huele de noche, caninana, canchak-ché, canica, cuanecatashich, nigua, cancer aak' (Español-Maya), canchak-ché (Maya), canica, chakan che' (Maya), huele de noche, k'anchak che' (Maya), ka'an chak che' (Maya), kan-chakché (Maya), madreselva, oreja de ratón, pegajosa, perilla, perlilla, sabak che' (Maya), sak xt'uun che' (Maya), sip aak' (Maya), x-kan-chak-ché (Maya), xt'uun che' (Maya) rank: species
Euphorbia mesembryanthemifoliacommon name: sak iits, siis ja', sak iits (Maya), siis ja' (Maya) rank: species
Kallstroemia maximacommon name: xich'iil aak', golondrina cimarrona, abrojo de flor amarilla, alfalfa, dormilona, capotillo, cacahuatillo, bola de hilo, geoduna, abrojo de flor amarilla, alfalfa, bola de hilo, cacahuatillo, capotillo, dormilona, golondrina cimarrona, xich'iil aak' (Maya) rank: species
Euphorbia cyathophoracommon name: jobon xiiw, jobon k'aak, jobon k'aak (Maya), jobon xiiw (Maya) rank: species
Euphorbia heterophyllacommon name: tiriciaxihuitl, juboncac, yanajobonte'k'aak, jobon k'aak', pool kuuts, ndiichtog maril, quebranto, picachali, xtop'lan xiix, chuleb xiw, ndiichtog amarillo, japidh ichich, noche buena de monte, lab ichich, picachalih, picachlich, lechosa, pascua, nela, noche buena, contrahierba, hobonté, habon-hax, hobonk'aak, casalina, catalina, golondrina, lechuguilla, catalina, contrahierba, golondrina, habon-hax (Maya), hobonk'aak (Maya), hobonté (Maya), japidh ichich (Huasteco), jobon k'aak' (Maya), juboncac (Maya), lechosa, lechuguilla, noche buena, noche buena de monte, pascua, picachlich (Guarijío), pool kuuts (Maya) rank: species
Metopium browneicommon name: cheechem, chechem negro, boox cheechem, box cheechem, kabal'chechem, madera de barco, cheechem negro, chechen negro, palo de rosa, kabal-chechen, chechen, boxcheché, cabal-besicté, cabal-chechén, chechem, flor de mayo, boox cheechem (Maya), box cheechem (Maya), boxcheché (Maya), chechem, chechem negro, chechen, cheechem (Maya), cheechem negro, flor de mayo, kabal'chechem (Maya), kabal-chechen (Maya), madera de barco, palo de rosa rank: species
Baccharis dioicarank: species
Physalis viscosacommon name: pahab-kán, paknul, pahab-kán (Maya), paknul (Maya) rank: species
Asclepias curassavicacommon name: x-pol-k'uchil, veneno rojo, x-pol-kutsil, venenillo, cancerina, soliman, quiebramuelas, pinatawan, pablito, papuyut, chipus, tesuchi potei, anal k'aax, pool kuuts', anal xiiw, tawan cajli, salvilla, pericón, sak-kansel-xiu, señorita, k'uchil-xiu, analk'aak, adelfilla, kabal-kumché, hierba María, chak-anal-k'aak, chak-kansel-xiu, chilillo venenoso, chak-hulubte'k'aak, cinco llagas, burladora, flor de tigre, chilillo, flor de muerto, adelfilla, anal k'aax (Maya), anal xiiw (Maya), analk'aak (Maya), burladora, cancerina, chak-anal-k'aak (Maya), chak-hulubte'k'aak (Maya), chak-kansel-xiu (Maya), chilillo, chilillo venenoso, cinco llagas, flor de muerto, flor de tigre, hierba María, k'uchil-xiu (Maya), kabal-kumché (Maya), pablito, pericón, pinatawan (Totonaco), pool kuuts' (Maya), quiebramuelas, sak-kansel-xiu (Maya), salvilla, señorita, tesuchi potei (Otomí), venenillo, veneno rojo, x-pol-k'uchil (Maya), x-pol-kutsil (Maya) rank: species
Quadrella incanacommon name: tayche', Bokanche', bokanché (Maya), kanaan che' (Maya), mata gallina, matagallina, palo cenizo, quina, vara blanca, x-koh-ché (Maya) rank: species
Cyperus compressusrank: species
Enriquebeltrania crenatifoliacommon name: puut mukuy, ch'iin took', ch'iin took' (Maya), puut mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Salicornia bigeloviirank: species
Malvaviscus arboreuscommon name: taman ch'iich', tulipán de monte, tulipán xiw, tzopelchichixochitl, taman che', manzanita del pollo, atlatzompilili, bisil k'aax, aretera, ixhuaquelt, gapache, makgxo, tlagoxochitl, monacillo rojo, tlalsompilt, taman ch' iich', taman-che'ich, majahuilla, majagüilla, molinillo, mazapán, media noche, manzanillo, obelisco de la sierra, obelisco, alalatz, ata, aretillo, trompetilla, bejuquillo, tulipán, tzopelchichilxóchitl, teresita, ishlicatapachat, quesito, monacillo, civil, altea, monaguillo, bizil, bisil, bequem-tzójol, chocho, chupamirto, cadillo, chanita, farolito, flor de molinillo, manzanilla, manzanita, aguate, alalatz (Tsotsil), altea, amapola, aretera, aretillo, ata (Huasteco), bejuquillo, bequem-tzójol (Huasteco), bisil (Maya), cadillo, chilillo, chupamirto, civil, farolito, flor de molinillo, huinar, ishlicatapachat (Totonaco), joolol (Maya), majahuilla, makgxo (Totonaco), malva, malvavisco, manzanilla, manzanillo, manzanita, manzanita del pollo, mazapán, media noche, molinillo, monacillo, monacillo rojo, monaguillo, obelisco, obelisco de la sierra, quesito, taman ch' iich' (Maya), taman che' (Maya), taman-che'ich (Maya), taman-ché (Maya), teresita, tlalsompilt (Tepehua), trompetilla, tulipán, tulipán de monte, tzopelchichilxóchitl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Cuscuta (Grammica) yucatanarank: species
Helicteres baruensiscommon name: zuput, zutup, tsutsup, tzutup, ts'ulap, sutup, sutut, sutub, barrenillo, ts'ulup, tsutup, tsutsuk, algodoncillo, suput, algodoncillo, barrenillo, suput, sutub (Maya), sutup (Maya), ts'ulap (Maya), ts'ulup (Maya), tsutsuk (Maya), tsutup (Maya), zuput (Maya), zutup (Maya) rank: species
Tetrapterys selerianacommon name: péepem aak', sak anil kaab, wayúum aak', péepem aak' (Maya), sak anil kaab (Maya), wayúum aak' (Maya) rank: species
Manihot aesculifoliacommon name: xchak-ché, x-chaché, x-chak-ché, yuca de monte, aak' che', sutup baalam, yuca cimarrona, batul, chak-ché, cuadrado, pata de gallo, aak' che' (Maya), chak-ché (Maya), cuadrado, pata de gallo, sutup baalam (Maya), x-chaché (Maya), x-chak-ché (Maya), yuca cimarrona, yuca de monte rank: species
Lantana involucratacommon name: sikil-ha-xiw, mbeots, orégano xiiw, sikil ja' xiiw, sikil-ha'xiu, sonora, mocseté, peonía colorada, orégano, orégano de monte, peonía, tilihuet, tarachique, tarape, caca de mono, cinco negritos, chapúl, duraznillo, confiturilla blanca, confite, manzanita, confiturilla, caca de mono, cinco negritos, confite, confiturilla, confiturilla blanca, duraznillo, manzanita, orégano, orégano de monte, orégano xiiw (Español-Maya), peonía, peonía colorada, sikil ja' xiiw (Maya), sikil-ha'xiu (Maya), sonora rank: species
Commelina diffusarank: species
Scutellospora arenicolarank: species
Mimosa bahamensiscommon name: kaatsim, aatsim, zak-katzim, sak katzin, boxcetzin, sak káatsim blanco, sak káatsim, boxcatzim, sak-katsin, saskatzim, motita morada, motita, tonaca xóchitl, kitsim, katsim, boxcetzim, catzim, box kaatsim (Maya), boxcatzim (Maya), boxcetzim (Maya), kaatsim (Maya), katsim (Maya), kitsim (Maya), motita, motita morada, sak káatsim (Maya), sak káatsim blanco (Español-Maya), sak-katsin (Maya), saskatzim (Maya), tonaca xóchitl (Náhuatl), zak-katzim (Maya) rank: species
Tribulus cistoidescommon name: verbena, abrojo amarillo, abrojo rojo, hierba del campo, abrojo manso, chivo de mar, chan xnuuk, chan koj xnuk, rosilla, quechi-pioba, raíz de abrojo, abrojo, abrojo de tierra caliente, toboso, hierba de la araña, chanixnuk, chanxinuk, cabeza de arriero, chanxnuk, guechi bioba-roo, coyé-pulé, cuechibioba-roo, torito, abrojo, abrojo amarillo, abrojo de tierra caliente, abrojo manso, abrojo rojo, cabeza de arriero, chan koj xnuk (Maya), chan xnuuk (Maya), chanixnuk (Maya), chanxinuk (Maya), chanxnuk (Maya), chivo de mar, coyé-pulé (Chontal de Oaxaca), guechi bioba-roo (Zapoteco), hierba de la araña, hierba del campo, quechi-pioba (Zapoteco), raíz de abrojo, rosilla, torito, verbena rank: species
Croton punctatuscommon name: sak chuum, zac-chukum, Hierba de jabalí, sak-chukum, hierba del jabalí, hierba del jabalí, sak chuum (Maya), sak-chukum (Maya) rank: species
Gossypium hirsutumcommon name: xiaa, xuruata, h-taman, taman, algodón cimarrón, piits', algodón amarillo, taman ch'up, taman ch' up, rü musa, shuruata, suruata, musá, móoj, Panamác, algodón, algodonero, algodón silvestre, algodón coyuche, ichcalchishit, ixcatl, ixcaxihuitl, ichcaxihuitl, algodoncillo, Panamác (Totonaco), algodoncillo, algodonero, algodón, algodón amarillo, algodón cimarrón, algodón silvestre, cuanim (Huasteco), cuinim thacni (Huasteco), ichcalchishit (Totonaco), ichcaxihuitl (Náhuatl), ixcatl (Náhuatl), ixcaxihuitl (Náhuatl), musá (Chinanteco), móoj (Seri), rü musa (Cora), shuruata (Tarasco), suruata (Tarasco), taman (Maya), taman ch'up (Maya), tamán (Lacandón), tsocoy (Huasteco), xiaa (Zapoteco), xuruata (Tarasco) rank: species
Entrophospora infrequensrank: species
Diversispora spurcarank: species
Fimbristylis cymosacommon name: ki'ch'em, ki'ch'em (Maya) rank: species
Gigaspora candidarank: species
Maytenus phyllanthoidescommon name: sak-ché, mangle aguabola, mangle dulce, palo blanco, agua bola, mangle, granadilla, granadillo, agua bola, granadilla, granadillo, mangle, mangle aguabola, mangle dulce, mangle rojo, palo blanco, sak-ché (Maya) rank: species
Vitex gaumericommon name: yashniké, yaxnik, ya'axnik, yuy, yaaxnic, xaax nik, ya'as niik, yashnik, ya' axnik, yax niik, carrete, canelillo, crucillo, cuyotomate, papelillo, canelillo, carrete, papelillo, xaax nik (Maya), ya' axnik (Maya), ya'axnik (Maya), yashcabté (Tseltal), yashnik (Maya), yaxnik (Maya), yuy (Maya) rank: species
Euphorbia gramineacommon name: quelite de copal, quelite fraile, onob-kax, golondrina, fraile, fraile, golondrina, onob-kax (Maya), quelite de copal, quelite fraile rank: species
Haematoxylum campechianumcommon name: yaga-cohui, yaga-quela-tiquiani, yaga-guela-tiguiani, bon che', palo tinto, palo de tinte, éek, tooso boon che', ec, eek', palo Campeche, kikche, tinto de akalche', tinta che, chaktinto, bonche', palo de Campeche, palo de tinta, tinto, tinta, tinte, campeche, ek, bonche' (Maya), brasil, campeche, ec (Maya), ek (Maya), kikche (Maya), palo Campeche, palo de Campeche, palo de tinta, palo de tinte, palo tinto, tinta, tinta che (Español-Maya), tinta che' (Español-Maya), tinto, tinto de akalche' (Español-Maya), tooso boon che' (Maya), yaga-cohui (Zapoteco), yaga-guela-tiguiani (Zapoteco), yaga-quela-tiquiani (Zapoteco), éek (Maya) rank: species
Rivina humiliscommon name: x-payché, venenillo, xpaiché, pata paloma, raja tripa, pajarera, zorrillo, hierba roja, flor de disipela, cuachalalacua, k'uxu'ub xiiw, k'uxu'ub kaan, tojitos, piniuat, tomatillo, hierba de la hormiga, hierba del susto, coral xilacuaco, coralilla, manzanilla, chilillo, hierba de la víbora, coralito, baja tripa, cordilinea, hierba del cáncer, coral xilacuaro, coralillo, chile de coyote, xilacuaco, yerba pet, teyuesi, chilacoaco, chijil kat wamal, pinksguat, bajatripa, pinkswat, x-paiché, colorin, yooch-p' ack-can, venerillo, yerba del perro, yamagobo, kixu kam, xkuxuub kaan, x-k' uxu' ub ka´an, teihuisí, ucuquiro, xk' uxub ka´an, k' uxub ka' an, solimancillo, chilpastle blanco, solimán, hierbamora, ta' t' ele', coral, itzil-cua, hierba del sabañon, chilacuaco, hierba mora roja, chilpatillo, ichi' bok, goycocoi, masan ay, colorines, k'uxub-kan, lombriz, pincihuat, chilpayita, jala tripa, lombricera, tzotz wamal, kuxuub kaan, baja tripa, bajatripa, chijil kat wamal (Tseltal), chilacoaco, chilacuaco, chile de coyote, chilillo, chilpastle blanco, chilpatillo, chilpayita, colorin, colorines, coral, coral xilacuaro, coralillo, coralito, cordilinea, flor de disipela, goycocoi (Yaqui), hierba de la hormiga, hierba de la víbora, hierba del cáncer, hierba del sabañon, hierba del susto, hierba mora roja, hierba roja, hierbamora, ichi' bok (Tseltal), itzil-cua (Huasteco), jala tripa, k' uxub ka' an (Maya), k'uxu'ub kaan (Maya), k'uxu'ub xiiw (Maya), k'uxub-kan (Maya), lombricera, lombriz, manzanilla, masan ay (Popoloca), pata paloma, pincihuat (Totonaco), piniuat (Totonaco), pinkswat (Totonaco), raja tripa, solimancillo, solimán, ta' t' ele' (Huasteco), teyuesi (Guarijío), tojitos, tomatillo, tzotz wamal (Tseltal), ucuquiro (Guarijío), venenillo, venerillo, x-k' uxu' ub ka´an (Maya), x-paiché (Maya), x-payché (Maya), xilacuaco, xk' uxub ka´an (Maya), yamagobo, yerba del perro, yooch-p' ack-can (Maya), zorrillo rank: species
Okenia hypogaearank: species
Solanum nigrumcommon name: verbena, vishate, hierba mora hoja, tomaquilit, mustulut, hierba mora negra, maax iik, iik koox, pettoxe, pii-toxe, pitoxe, pit-toxi, pitoxi, mora, maniloche, mambia, mutztututi, laa-bithoxi, morita, pak'al-kan, pahalkán, bahal-kan, bahab-kan, tucupache-xacua, tzopilotlácuatl, toniche, tojonchíchi, tojonechichi, tonchichi, tomatillo, ich-kan, ha-mung, hierba mora, ichamal, itzunchichichitzi, ixcapul, chuchilitas, chichiquelite, chichiquílitl, berenjena, bi-tache, quelite, laurel, hierbamora, bahab-kan (Maya), bahal-kan (Maya), berenjena, bi-tache (Zapoteco), chichiquelite (Zapoteco), chuchilitas (Náhuatl), ha-mung (Chinanteco), hierba mora, hierba mora hoja, hierba mora negra, hierbamora, ich-kan (Maya), ichamal (Huasteco), laa-bithoxi (Zapoteco), laurel, maniloche (Guarijío), mora, morita, mustulut (Totonaco), mutztututi (Totonaco), pak'al-kan (Maya), pettoxe (Zapoteco), pii-toxe (Zapoteco), pit-toxi (Zapoteco), quelite, tomaquilit (Náhuatl), tomatillo, tzopilotlácuatl (Náhuatl) rank: species
Glomus constrictumrank: species
Malpighia lundelliicommon name: wayate', wayate' (Maya) rank: species
Passiflora foetidacommon name: amapola hoja, pasión, granadita china, poch'iil, poch'aak', poch, túubok, maracuyá silvestre, talayote, pangola, bejuco, tu'bok, tomatillo de guajolote, tomasita, ishipishpac, ixpolón, amapola, chachahuilá, granada de ratón, granadita, granada, clavellín blanco, granadilla, melón de coyote, amapola, amapola hoja, bejuco, chachahuilá (Totonaco), clavellín blanco, granada de ratón, granadilla, granadita, granadita china, ishipishpac (Totonaco), maracuyá silvestre, melón de coyote, pangola, pasión, poch (Maya), poch'aak' (Maya), poch'iil (Maya), talayote (Náhuatl), tomasita, tomatillo de guajolote, tu'bok (Maya), túubok (Maya) rank: species
Cipura campanulatacommon name: cebolla de zopilote, kúukut ch'oom, xa'an ch'oom, cebolla de zopilote, kúukut ch'oom (Maya), xa'an ch'oom (Maya) rank: species
Cladium jamaicensecommon name: puj, su'uk, puuch, jol che', navajuela rank: species
Melochia pyramidatacommon name: najtaj nijimb, morad nijimb, ejti tsakam akich, narix nijimb, chak ch'ooben, sak chi'chi'bej, chi'chi' bej, sak chi'chi' bej, suponite, orégano cimarrón, malvavisco, malva, escobilla, chichité, claudiosa, escobillo, chak ch'ooben (Maya), chi'chi' bej (Maya), claudiosa, ejti tsakam akich (Huasteco), escobilla, escobillo, malva, malvavisco, narix nijimb (Huave), orégano cimarrón, sak chi'chi' bej (Maya) rank: species
Glomus minutumrank: species
Blutaparon vermicularerank: species
Euphorbia hypericifoliacommon name: jobon k'ak', Sak its, lechosa, lecherillo, pata de paloma, pela tripa, toplan-xiu, topian-xiu, hierba de la golondrina, ciridonia, golondrina, golondrina, hierba de la golondrina, lecherillo, lechosa, pata de paloma, pela tripa, topian-xiu (Maya), toplan-xiu (Maya) rank: species
Mecardonia procumbenscommon name: esperanza, hoja de quebranto, oreja de ratón, quina, x-mok'aak (Maya), xakan-lum (Maya), yaaxhach (Maya) rank: species
Lycium carolinianumcommon name: Ch'ilib tux rank: species
Acoelorraphe wrightiicommon name: tesiste, taxiste', palma tasiste, palma, gusano prieto, tasiste, gusano prieto, palma, palma tasiste, tasiste rank: species
Gymnopodium floribundumcommon name: sak ts'iits' il che', xts'iits'iche', zaktzitzilché, t'sit'silche', ts its ilche, ts'iits'il che', ts'iits'ilche', pata de venado, canilla de venado, tzitzilché, canilla de venado, pata de venado, sak ts'iits' il che' (Maya), t'sit'silche' (Maya), ts its ilche (Maya), ts'iits'il che' (Maya), ts'iits'ilche' (Maya), tzitzilché (Maya), xts'iits'iche' (Maya), zaktzitzilché (Maya) rank: species
Evolvulus alsinoidescommon name: xia-xiu, ojitos azulitos, jaway, xia xiiw, yerba de la pastora, Ojitos azules, pico de pájaro, ojo de víbora, jaway (Maya), ojitos azules, ojitos azulitos, ojo de víbora, pico de pájaro, xia xiiw (Maya), xia-xiu (Maya), yerba de la pastora rank: species
Neea choriophyllacommon name: xtadzi, pinta uña, ramón negro, ta'tsi', laurelillo, pinta uña, ramón negro, ta'tsi' (Maya), xtadzi (Maya) rank: species
Tamonea curassavicacommon name: chan aak' uuch, cabeza de arriero, chanxnuk, cicazontacomit, hierba del golpe, cabeza de arriero, chan aak' uuch (Maya), chanxnuk (Maya), hierba del golpe rank: species
Chromolaena odoratacommon name: xtok'aban, x-tokabal, tok'abam, oken sukun aak', krus tok'te, tok'ja'aban, cruz dulce grande, te kaban, tok'aban, tok, tokaban, sich, bejuco, tsitsaquetcútzushu, hierba del pasmo, hierba dulce, crucetillo, cihuapatli, ciguapaztle, gobernadora, crucita, bejuco, cihuapatli (Náhuatl), crucetillo, crucita, cruz dulce grande, gobernadora, hierba del pasmo, hierba dulce, krus tok'te (Huasteco), oken sukun aak' (Maya), sich (Tseltal), tok'abam (Maya), tok'aban, tokabán (Maya), tsitsaquetcútzushu (Totonaco), x-tokabal (Maya), xtok'aban (Maya) rank: species
Sideroxylon americanumcommon name: sak ts'iits' il che', pico real, péech kitam, puuts' mukuy, mulche', caimitillo, caimitillo, mulche' (Maya), pico real, puuts' mukuy (Maya), péech kitam (Maya), sak ts'iits' il che' (Maya) rank: species
Ficus cotinifoliacommon name: uohtoli, uojtoli, koopo' chit, planta de hule, álamo, ciebo, ju'un, ju' un ch' iich', ju' un, hu' un, xkoopo', tlilamat, koopp', amate negro, camichina, camuchina, saiba güicha, kipochit, koopo', kopo', saiba, kopó, muju, nacapuli, kopochit, matapalo, amate, amate prieto, texcalamate, tescalama, tlilámatl, jalamate, higuerón, higuera, camichín, chuna, ceibo, chipil, copó, coobó, cobó, congo, capulín, alamo, amate, amate (Náhuatl), amate amarillo, amate blanco, amate negro, amate prieto, amezquite (Náhuatl), camuchina (Tarasco), capulina, capulín, ceiba, ceibo (Maya), chipil, chuná (Tarahumara), cobó (Maya), coobó (Maya), higo, higuerilla, higuerón, hu' un (Maya), hu'un (Mixe), ju' un (Maya), ju' un ch' iich' (Maya), kipochit (Maya), koopo' (Maya), koopo' chit (Maya), koopp' (Maya), kopo' (Maya), kopochit (Maya), kopó (Maya), mata palo, matapalo, mutut (Tseltal), planta de hule, saiba güicha (Tarasco), uohtoli (Guarijío), uojtoli (Guarijío), xkoopo' (Maya), árbol de leche rank: species
Boerhavia erectacommon name: xaakil, xaak-xiu, xakilsak-xiu, zak-iuthul, zakxiutul, zaak-xiu, sak xiiw, pants'iil, pants' iil, sak-xiu-t'uul, mochi, altamisa, hierba blanca, golondrina, fraile, hierba del golpe, anisillo, comida de gusano, fraile, golondrina, hierba blanca, hierba del golpe, mochi, pants'iil (Maya), pata de pollo, sak xiiw (Maya), xaak-xiu (Maya), xaakil (Maya), xakilsak-xiu (Maya), zaak-xiu (Maya), zak-iuthul (Maya) rank: species
Glomus microcarpumrank: species
Spermacoce verticillatacommon name: ni'soots', kaba mul, sak sajun, romero xiiw, nizota, nisox, nitsox, ni'sots, culantrillo, culantrillo, kaba mul (Maya), ni'soots' (Maya), romero xiiw (Español-Maya), sak sajun (Maya) rank: species
Echites umbellatuscommon name: aak'its, aak'its (Maya) rank: species
Schoenoplectus erectusrank: species
Cuphea gaumerirank: species
Guazuma ulmifoliacommon name: yaco, yaco de venado, uiguic, guácima, guácima prieta, zam-mí, coahulote, guázumo, bulín, kabal piixoy, cuázima, guázimo cuaulote, akeichta, cashet, guacimo, sac-pixoy, akgexta, piixoy, cuahlote, puklnankiwi, cuahuilote, hierba del tapón, caulote, bellota de cuaulote, tapa culo, kabal pixoy, poxoy, pishoy, pixoy, tablote, majagua de toro, nocuana-yana, palote negro, ajya, ajiya, aquich, cuajilote, aquiche, acashti, tzuyui, kabal-pixoy, kabal-pishoy, cuaulote blanco, cuahulote, guásima, guazuma, cuaulote, capulincillo, acashti (Totonaco), ajiya (Guarijío), ajya (Mayo), akeichta (Tepehua), akgexta (Totonaco), aquich (Huasteco), barrenillo, bellota de cuaulote, capulincillo, caulote (Náhuatl), chayote, cuahulote, cuajilote, cuaulote, cuaulote blanco, guacima, guacimillo, guayacán, guácima prieta, guácimo, guázumo, hierba del tapón, kabal pixoy (Maya), kabal-pishoy (Maya), kabal-pixoy (Maya), majagua de toro, nocuana-yana (Zapoteco), palote negro, pishoy (Maya), pixoy (Maya), poxoy (Maya), sac-pixoy (Maya), tapa culo, tzuyui (Tseltal), uiguic (Popoloca), yaco, yaco de venado, zam-mí (Chontal de Oaxaca) rank: species
Bulbostylis juncoidesrank: species
Trianthema portulacastrumcommon name: verdolaga blanca, verdolaga bronca, verdolaga, cenicilla, verdolaga, verdolaga blanca, verdolaga bronca rank: species
Cenchrus echinatuscommon name: t'oyol toom, ojo de arriera, k'iith, t'oyol, ojo de hormiga, k'iit toom, t'oxol ch'ohool, huizapul, zacate banderilla, cadillo carretón morado, roseta, mul, zacate cadillo, grano de mazote, cadillo tigre, zacate erizo, cadillo de perro, espolón, muul, olotillo, pega-pega, pasto, huizápotl, huizapol, cadillo, guechi-na-ta, mozote, cadillo, cadillo carretón morado, cadillo de perro, cadillo tigre, espolón, grano de mazote, guechi-na-ta (Zapoteco), mozote, mul (Maya), muul (Maya), ojo de arriera, ojo de hormiga, olotillo (Náhuatl), pasto, pega-pega, roseta, zacate banderilla, zacate cadillo, zacate erizo rank: species
Fuirena simplexcommon name: kabal xa'an rank: species
Rhynchospora coloratarank: species
Cyperus ligulariscommon name: chiquita rank: species
Manilkara zapotacommon name: ya, xe'enkll, yaga-guelde, zapote de abejas, ya', zapote, chak ya', sapotillo, tzabitath, tzicotzapotl, xicozapotl, costic tzapot, zapote colorado, zapote blanco, ta-nich, chicozapotl, itzaj-ya, zaya, sak-yá, yaa, scalu jaka, guenda-giña, xe-nkll, zapote campechano, zapote huevo de chivo, chi' kéej, guenda-china, chiczápotl, qui-li-dzi-na, sheink, shenc, sak-yab, peruétano, quela-china, mo-ta, licsujacat, macshancabac, nu-yunna, jiya, látex de chicozapote, sak-ya', chicle, zapote de Campeche, chapote, chico, guela-chiña, gueladao, chicozapote, tzitli-zapotl chicle, xicotzápotl, zapote chico, chico zapote, tzitli-zapotl, tzabitatb, tiaca-ia, jeya, jaas, chaté, cal-que-lidzi-na, colorado, guindagiña, guenda-dxina, guela dau, nazareno, zapotillo, cal-que-lidzi-na (Chontal de Oaxaca), chak ya' (Maya), chapote, chaté (Tsotsil), chi' kéej (Maya), chicle, chico, chico zapote, chicozapote, chicozapote de montaña, chiczápotl (Náhuatl), colorado, costic tzapot (Náhuatl), guela dau (Zapoteco), guela-chiña (Zapoteco), gueladao (Zapoteco), guenda-chiña (Zapoteco), guenda-dxina (Zapoteco), guindagiña (Zapoteco), itzaj-ya (Maya), jaas (Tsotsil), jeya (Popoloca), jiya (Zoque), licsujacat (Totonaco), látex de chicozapote, macshancabac (Popoloca), mo-ta (Chinanteco), nazareno, nu-yunna (Cuicateco), quela-china (Zapoteco), qui-li-dzi-na (Chontal de Oaxaca), sak-ya' (Maya), sak-yab (Maya), sak-yá (Maya), sapotillo, scalu jaka (Totonaco), sheink (Mixe), shenc (Popoloca), ta-nich (Chinanteco), tiaca-ia (Cuicateco), tzabitatb (Huasteco), tzabitath (Huasteco), tzitli-zápotl (Náhuatl), xe'enkll (Mixe), xicotzápotl (Náhuatl), ya' (Maya), yaa (Maya), yaga-guelde (Zapoteco), yá (Maya), zapote, zapote blanco, zapote cabello, zapote campechano, zapote chico, zapote colorado, zapote de Campeche, zapote de abejas, zapote huevo de chivo, zapote mamey, zapotillo, zaya rank: species
Piscidia piscipulacommon name: ja'abin, yaxmojan, ja'bin, tzijol, nexcuáhuitl, tatzumbo, poluca, ya' ax ha' abin, barbasco jancu, cahúricua, ja' abim, matapescado, jabin, scaak'an-kihui, matapiojo, peonía, barbasco, tatzungo, jabí, haabín, habí, haabí, habín, jamguijy, palo de agua, cahuiricua, chijol, cahuirica, flor de papagayo, cocuite, cocuile, barbasco, borrego, cahuirica (Tarasco), cahuiricua (Tarasco), flor de papagayo, haabí (Maya), haabín (Maya), habí (Maya), habín (Maya), ja' abim (Maya), ja'abin (Maya), jabí (Maya), jabín (Maya), jamguijy (Popoloca), matapescado, matapiojo, palo de agua, peonía, scaak'an-kihui (Totonaco), ya' ax ha' abin (Maya), yaxmojan (Maya) rank: species
Vachellia pennatulacommon name: chimay, acacia, algarroba, algarrobo, cajui (Tarahumara), cenizo, chimay (Maya), cubata, cubata blanca, espina, espino, espino blanco, espino jiote, espino negro, huixtle (Huasteco), huizache, huizache blanco, pe (Otomí), peineta, quebracho, quebrahacha, sak chuum (Maya), shashib (Tseltal), te-pam (Huasteco), tepame, tepamo, yepovecha (Guarijío) rank: species
Capparis flexuosacommon name: xbayuamak, xpayumak, xpayunak, chuchuk che', yoon xiiw, tablelojeca, thiuh, jos, anona, bokanché, clavellina, alcaparra, arete, bokanché (Maya), chile de perro, clavelina, clavellina, jos (Huasteco), thiuh (Huasteco), xbayuamak (Maya), xpayumak (Maya), xpayunak (Maya) rank: species
Bidens pilosacommon name: zeta, k'an mul, quelem, rosilla, saetilla, matsab-kitam, mozote amarillo, mozote blanco, mulito, acahual, a-cocotli, amor seco, acahuale blanco, té de milpa, hierba de la culebra, k'an-mul, aceitilla, aceitillo, chichik-xul, corrimiento, cruceta, a-cocotli (Náhuatl), acahual, acahuale blanco, aceitilla, aceitillo, amor seco, chichik-xul (Maya), corrimiento, cruceta, hierba de la culebra, k'an mul (Maya), k'an tumbuub (Maya), k'an-mul (Maya), matsa ch'ich bu'ul (Maya), matsab-kitam (Maya), mozote amarillo, mozote blanco, mulito, quelem (Huasteco), rosilla, té de milpa rank: species
Passiflora obovatarank: species
Vachellia cornigeracommon name: subin che, acacia, cachito de toro, carnezuelo, cola de iguana, cornezuelo, cornizuelo, cuernitos, cuerno de toro, espino blanco, hoitzmamazali (Náhuatl), huitzmamaxali (Náhuatl), subin che' (Maya), subinché (Maya), subín (Maya), tepame, thóbem (Huasteco), toritos, tsubin (Maya), tsujpin (Totonaco), tsúpin (Totonaco), árbol de cuerno, árbol del cuerno rank: species
Glomus globiferumrank: species
Phyla nodiflorarank: species
Amaranthus arenicolarank: species
Ludwigia octovalviscommon name: yerba del chile, achili, máaskab che', clavel de laguna, cornezuelo cimarrón, puuts' mukuy, maskabché, moco de pavo, tlanchane, hoja de clavo, calavera, flor de agua, flor de camarón, clavillo, camarón, calavera, camarón, clavel de laguna, clavillo, cornezuelo cimarrón, flor de agua, flor de camarón, hoja de clavo, maskabché (Maya), moco de pavo, máaskab che' (Maya), puuts' mukuy (Maya), yerba del chile rank: species
Solanum (Leptostemomum) tridynamumcommon name: pool iik, p'aak kaan, ya'ax puut baalam, kóon ya'ax nik, ts'ay, puut balam, ts'ay ooch, kóon ya'ax iik, tóom p'aak, berenjena silvestre, k'on-yaax-nik (Maya), kóon ya'ax iik (Maya), kóon ya'ax nik (Maya), mala mujer, p'aak kaan (Maya), palohuisi (Guarijío), pool iik (Maya), puut balam (Maya), tomatillo, ts'ay (Maya), ts'ay ooch (Maya), tóom p'aak (Maya), x-k'on-yaaz-nik (Maya), xkon-yakik (Maya), ya'ax puut baalam (Maya) rank: species
Euphorbia hyssopifoliacommon name: jaway, xana mukuy, golondrina, golondrina, xana mukuy (Maya) rank: species
Angelonia angustifoliacommon name: ya'ax xiiw, angelonia, hierba de gorrito, boca de vieja, boca de vieja, hierba de gorrito rank: species
Heliotropium angiospermumcommon name: uña de gato, xnemax, me'ex nuk xiib, juche', kots'nem'ax, nemax, texixiuhtli, tdiniy ts'ojol, njma'ax, ix tlajak mextun, wew tdiniy, ix tasuk, cola de escorpión, Ta ulu'um ma'ax, soguilla, kot's-ne-maax, macapura, ne-maax, arete, alacrancillo, taseuyu-túan, totoli-yacapipílol, toloti-ya capipilol, hierba del sapo, cola de mono, cola de gato, cola de alacrán, hierba de chatilla, hierba del negro, rabo de mico, hierba del alacrán, ne'miis, cola de mico, rabanico, xtáulun, ne' miij, x nemaax, xnej maax, nej ma'ax, hierba de fuego, ne' sinan, codzne max, colar de alacrán, xneej maax, nemaax, ne ma'ax, nej maax, nejmaax, lee maxi, ne' maax, ne-mis, alacrancillo, arete, codzne max (Maya), cola de alacrán, cola de escorpión, cola de gato, cola de mico, cola de mono, colar de alacrán, hierba de chatilla, hierba de fuego, hierba del alacrán, hierba del negro, hierba del sapo, ix tasuk (Tepehua), ix tlajak mextun (Totonaco), juche' (Maya), kot's-ne-maax (Maya), lee maxi (Maya), macapura (Guarijío), me'ex nuk xiib (Maya), ne ma'ax (Maya), ne' maax (Maya), ne' miij (Maya), ne' sinan (Maya), ne'miis (Maya), ne-maax (Maya), ne-mis (Maya), nej ma'ax (Maya), nej maax (Maya), nejmaax (Maya), nemaax (Maya), nemax (Maya), njma'ax (Maya), rabanico, rabo de mico, taseuyu-túan (Totonaco), uña de gato, wew tdiniy (Huasteco), x nemaax (Maya), xneej maax (Maya), xnej maax (Maya), xnemax (Maya), xtáulun (Maya) rank: species
Melanthera niveacommon name: levisa xiiw, ts'aan top'an xiiw, soot'kay, sak sooj, sooj, toplan xiiw, sak sajum, mulito, pasto, canilla de mulita, canilla de mulita, ehtiil kelem (Huasteco), levisa xiiw (Español-Maya), mulito, pasto, pie mulito, sak sajum (Maya), sak sooj (Maya), sooj (Maya), soot'kay (Maya), toplan xiiw (Maya), ts'aan top'an xiiw (Maya) rank: species
Ipomoea carneacommon name: choko kat, quiebraplato, ke'elil, farafán, quiebra plato, patancán, palo santo de castilla, baros, amapola, campanilla, flor de la mañana, amapola, baros, flor de la mañana, palo santo de castilla, quiebra plato, quiebraplato rank: species
Ipomoea albacommon name: xutu, xutub, petén, sak p'uul, sutub, nacta, mash, nata, oración, bejuco de cuajar hule, bejuco de vaca, amule, hedrón, huamol, cuaja leche, flor de luna, gamuza, guamol, amole, trompillo, nigua, amole, bejuco de cuajar hule, bejuco de vaca, cuaja leche, dama de noche, flor de luna, mash (Maya), oración, petén, sak p'uul (Maya), sutub (Maya), trompillo, xutu (Maya), xutub (Maya) rank: species
Sida cordifoliacommon name: zakmizbil, escobilla china, zakmizib, sak le', sak le' xiiw, sak xiiw, sak miisbil, sak-miebil, malva, malvavisco, escobilla china, malva, malvavisco, sak le' (Maya), sak le' xiiw (Maya), sak miisbil (Maya), sak xiiw (Maya), sak-miebil (Maya), zakmizbil (Maya) rank: species
Sclerocystis sinuosarank: species
Bursera simarubacommon name: tasuni, chaca rojo, taxun, tsok, lon-sha-laec, chacai, tusum, indio desnudo, chakaj, chacajiota, zongolica, chakaa', chaca, huk' up, tasun, Cha kaj, songolica, palo jito, palo chino, jobillo, jobo, cha-kah, chogüite, chohuite, chacaj, caoba, chico huiste, palo mulato, jiote, piocha, chicohuiste, palo colorado, palo retinto, suchicopal, cohuite, ta'sun, chaca o chacah, huk'up, copalillo, chacaj o chakaj, palo jiote, quiote, chakah, chachah, mulato, yala-guito, jiote colorado, lon-sha-la-ec, thi-un, papelillo, tzaca, tusun, yaga-guito, chocohuite, chocogüite, songolica o zongolica, cacho de toro, cha-kah (Maya), chaca, chaca o chacah (Maya), chacaj (Tojolabal), chacaj o chakaj (Tojolabal), chachah (Maya), chakah (Maya), chakaj (Maya), chico huiste, chicohuiste, chocogüite, chocohuite, cohuite (Náhuatl), copal, copalillo, cuajiote (Náhuatl), huk' up (Maya), huk'up (Maya), jiote (Náhuatl), jiote colorado (Náhuatl), jobillo, lon-sha-la-ec (Chontal de Oaxaca), mulato, palo chino, palo colorado, palo culebro, palo jiote, palo jito, palo liso, palo mulato, palo retinto, papelillo, piocha, quiote, songolica o zongolica (Náhuatl), suchicopal (Náhuatl), ta'sun (Totonaco), tacamaca (Náhuatl), thi-un (Chinanteco), torote, torote colorado, tusun (Totonaco), tzaca (Huasteco), yaga-guito (Zapoteco), yala-guito (Zapoteco) rank: species
Caesalpinia gaumericommon name: x-kitin-ché, kitim che', citinche, xkitam che', kitam che', kitimche', x kitin che, xkitiin che', kitinche', k'itamché, Kitamché, citinché (Maya), k'itamché (Maya), kitam che' (Maya), kitim che' (Maya), kitinche' (Maya), x-kitin-ché (Maya), xkitiin che' (Maya) rank: species
Racocetra gregariarank: species
Bryophyllum pinnatumcommon name: sanalotodo, akaxukulh, caxtujut xhanat, hoja vidriosa, cienvidas, hierba de la lechuza, amorosa, chupona, caxi potei, huey atlic, tkaya tuwan, sil-al-xiu, sisal-xiu, siempreviva, sinvergüenza, sánalo todo, maravillosa, mayorga, pácac-tzojol, oopop, admirable, belladona, baiborín, tolouxéquel, tojtopo, tzitzalxiu, tzitzilxiu, totopo, hoja de aire, hoja fresca, tronador, tronadora, bruja, flor de arete, lengua de vaca rank: species
Ipomoea pes-capraecommon name: bejuco de mar, ormuri, ol muen, riñonina, pata de cabra, campanilla, bejuco de mar, campanilla, pata de cabra, riñonina rank: species
Ageratum gaumericommon name: sak jaway, zakmisib, ageratum, chi'ch'ibe', pasmar xiiw, aak'umbil, mota de obispo, sereno, mota, mota morada, flor de San Juan, taulum, tsetsilché, aak'umbil (Maya), ageratum, chi'ch'ibe' (Maya), flor de San Juan, mota (Cora), mota de obispo, mota morada, pasmar xiiw (Español-Maya), sak jaway (Maya), taulum (Maya), tsetsilché (Maya), zakmisib (Maya) rank: species
Croton humiliscommon name: iik aban, ik-aban, palillo, ek'balam, ek'balam (Maya), iik aban (Maya), ik-abán (Maya), palillo rank: species
Cnidoscolus aconitifoliuscommon name: x-tsah, saj, xe'tel, tsaaj, chayapica, ts'iim chaay, ts'iim, chaya silvestre, chaay, chaay kool, picar, laec, mala mujer, mal hombre, ts'in'k-chay, tsah, tzintzin-chay, tza, tziminchay, tzah, kiki-chay, chaya, chay, chaya pica, chaya de castilla, chaya mansa, ortiga, quelite, chaay (Maya), chaya, chaya de castilla, chaya mansa, chaya pica, chaya silvestre, chayapica, kiki-chay (Maya), laec (Tseltal), mal hombre, mala mujer, ortiga, picar, quelite, ts'iim (Maya), ts'iim chaay (Maya), ts'in'k-chay (Maya), tsah (Maya), tza (Huasteco), tziminchay (Maya), x-tsah (Maya) rank: species
Cascabela gaumericommon name: venenillo, ajkits, cojón de gato, aki'its, sakits, campanita de oro, k'aanloo, acitz, akits de la playa, nacuy, k'aan lool, acits, akitz, akits, campanillo, campanilla, cojón de toro, aak'its (Maya), ajkits (Maya), akits (Maya), campanilla, campanillo, campanita de oro, cojón de gato, cojón de perro, cojón de toro, cojón de venado, k'aan lool (Maya), sakits (Maya), venenillo rank: species
Sagittaria lancifoliacommon name: cola de lagarto, cola de pato, lirio, cola de lagarto, cola de pato, lirio rank: species
Lysiloma latisiliquumcommon name: zalam, bo'ox salam, spolillo, dzalam, tsukte', tzukt'e, tzalam, tsalam, tzukté, bo'ox salam (Maya), dzalam (Maya), tsalam (Maya), tzalam (Maya), tzukté (Maya), zalam (Maya) rank: species
Cynanchum rensoniicommon name: ents'ul aak', ents'ul aak' (Maya) rank: species
Acaulospora mellearank: species
Setaria parvifloracommon name: x-nok'-suuk, zacate, zacate amargo, remolín, pajita cerdosa, nej miis, zacate peludo, zacate cerdoso, zacate sedoso, triguillo, motilla, nook' ol su'uk, suuk, mijillo, pajita amarilla, pasto, pajita, gusano, gusanillo, gusanillo, gusano, mijillo, motilla, nej miis (Maya), nook' ol su'uk (Maya), pajita, pajita amarilla, pajita cerdosa, pasto, suuk (Maya), triguillo, x-nok'-suuk (Maya), zacate, zacate amargo, zacate cerdoso, zacate peludo, zacate sedoso rank: species
Matelea lanceolatarank: species
Diphysa carthagenensiscommon name: xbabalché, babalche, d'susuk, tzuk-tzuk, ruda de monte, guachipilin, ts' ulubtook', susok, tamarindo xiw, ruda buena, k'aan lool che', susuk, tsutsu, sukuk, babalche, ruda buena, ruda de monte, tamarindo xiw (Español-Náhuatl), tsusuk (Maya), xbabalché (Maya) rank: species
Acaulospora morrowiaerank: species
Randia longilobacommon name: xkaax, x-kax, aak, akan k'ax, aj kam k'ax, ka'anal k'ax, k'aaxil, ka'aal che', aak'aax, cruz k'iix, kanal-k'aax, k'aax, aak (Maya), aak'aax (Maya), cruz k'iix (Español-Maya), k'aax (Maya), k'aaxil (Maya), ka'aal che' (Maya), kanal-k'aax (Maya), xkaax (Maya) rank: species
Centrosema virginianumcommon name: bu'ul che', ib che', sonajera azul, chi' ikam t'u'ul, k'antsin, gallito, cantsin, bu'ul che' (Maya), cantsin (Maya), chi' ikam t'u'ul (Maya), gallito, ib che' (Maya), k'antsin (Maya), sonajera azul rank: species
Gomphrena serratacommon name: sanguinaria, Santa Teresa, olotillo, amor seco, tmuul, inmortal, chak-mol, Santa Teresa, amor seco, chak-mol (Maya), inmortal, olotillo (Náhuatl), sanguinaria, tmuul (Maya) rank: species
Sporobolus domingensisrank: species
Havardia albicanscommon name: chimay, chak chukum, sak chukum, huisache, chukum, chak chukum (Maya), chimay (Maya), chukum (Maya), huizache, sak chukum (Maya) rank: species
Distichlis spicatacommon name: pasto salado, zacahuistle, zacate salado, baakel aak', huizapol, huizapole, pasto salado, zacate salado rank: species
Ipomoea turbinatacommon name: flor de venado rank: species
Typha domingensiscommon name: vela de sabana, tula, p'oop, Tular, petatzimicua, peecho, palmilla, junco, beecho, tule, hueizacat, junquillo, chuspata, coba-guyarma, cola yaguema, espadaña, enea, cola becho, cola de yaguema, cola de gato, cola de pecho, beecho (Zapoteco), coba-guyarma (Zapoteco), cola becho (Zapoteco), cola de gato, cola de pecho, cola yaguema (Zapoteco), espadaña, junco, junquillo, masa de agua, p'oop (Maya), palmilla, peecho (Zapoteco), tula, tule, vela de sabana rank: species
Eleocharis acutangularank: species
Parmentiera millspaughianacommon name: kat ku'uk, pepino de monte, kaat (Maya), kat (Maya), kat ku'uk (Maya), pepino de monte, pepino kat (Español-Maya) rank: species
Tetramerium nervosumcommon name: x-wayon-k'aak, xhuayumhak, corrimiento xiiw, sak ch'iilib, xolte' xnuk, aka' xiiw, baak soots', zakchilib, k'uuchel, sak-ch'ilih, sak-ch'ilib, olotillo, aka' xiiw (Maya), baak soots' (Maya), corrimiento xiiw (Español-Maya), k'uuchel (Maya), olotillo (Náhuatl), sak ch'iilib (Maya), sak-ch'ilib (Maya), x-wayon-k'aak (Maya), xolte' xnuk (Maya) rank: species
Chloris virgatacommon name: me'ex nuk xiib, zacate, zacate cola de zorra, zacate lagunero, zacate mota, verdillo plumerito, wak toop su'uk, meex-maseual, pasto, barbas de indio, huak top suuk, cebadilla, barbas de indio, cebadilla, huak top suuk (Maya), me'ex nuk xiib (Maya), meex-maseual (Maya), pasto, verdillo plumerito, wak toop su'uk (Maya), zacate, zacate cola de zorra, zacate lagunero, zacate mota rank: species
Eustoma exaltatumcommon name: violeta cimarrona, lisianthus, violeta, habilla, cimarrón, cimarrón, violeta, violeta cimarrona rank: species
Racocetra weresubiaerank: species
Sclerocystis rubiformisrank: species
Bauhinia divaricatacommon name: u-ts'omel-tok', ixchajapach, smaay wakax, ix tojon paxni, pata de puerco, samkanwakas, tsulubtoc, ts' runtook, maay wakax, spipilikjkiwi, palo de mariposa, ix tojon vacax, cimarrona, ixtoton paxnin, tusomeltoc, xpipe, akam pakash, may wakax, ts'uruk, ts' ulub took', took', pata de vaca, papalocuahuitl, pata de cabra, pata de cochino, ts'ulub-tok, tatilbichim, calzoncillo, pezuña de venado, calzoncillo, cimarrona, cordoncillo, guacimilla, ixchajapach (Tepehua), may wakax (Maya), palo de mariposa, papalocuahuitl (Náhuatl), pata de borrego, pata de cabra, pata de chivo, pata de cochino, pata de puerco, pata de res, pata de toro, pata de vaca, pata de venado, pezuña de venado, pie de cabra, sak (Maya), smaay wakax (Maya), spipilikjkiwi (Totonaco), tatilbichim (Huasteco), took' (Maya), ts' runtook (Maya), ts' ulub took' (Maya), ts'ulub-tok (Maya), tsulubtoc (Maya), tusomeltoc (Maya), u-ts'omel-tok' (Maya) rank: species
Psittacanthus mayanuscommon name: mata palo, káawis, k'uben ba', k'uben ba' (Maya), káawis (Maya), mata palo rank: species
Sida spinosacommon name: chi'chi'bej k'aax, chi'chi' bej, huinar, malva, chikichbe-kax, chik'ich-bek'aak, chichibe, chi'chi' bej (Maya), chi'chi'bej k'aax (Maya), chichibe (Maya), chik'ich-bek'aak (Maya), chikichbe-kax (Maya), huinar, malva rank: species
Glomus claroideumrank: species
Erythrina (Erythrina) standleyanacommon name: xoyo, chak mo'ol che', chak mo' ol ch' oobenche', chacmolcheí, chack che' chak mo'olche', xkolok ma' ax, xmoloko, chak ch'oobenche', chak molon che' koyol, Chak mo'ol, piñon espinoso, chakmolché, colorín, chack che' chak mo'olche' (Maya), chacmolcheí (Maya), chak mo' ol ch' oobenche' (Maya), chak mo'ol che' (Maya), chak molon che' koyol (Maya), chakmolché (Maya), colorín, piñon espinoso, xkolok ma' ax (Maya), xmoloko (Maya), xoyo (Maya) rank: species
Cakile edentulacommon name: Xaal rank: species
Merremia quinquefoliacommon name: quiebra cántaro rank: species
Fimbristylis spadiceacommon name: zacate, jaral, camalote, gamalote, camalote, zacate rank: species
Cochlospermum (Cochlospermun) vitifoliumcommon name: x-k'uyché, yaga-begaa, chak ch'ooy, chu'um, ch'ooy, apánicua, pongalote, xjimil, chimul, chimi, xanatchichini, choy, imil, xchu'un, ya'ax ch'ooy, panicha, chuum, tonalxochit, chimu, quia-quega, rosa amarilla, shuti, pumpuchut, pichichinishanat, pumpusuchi, tambor, quie-quega, quiériga, pongolote, pomposhuti, puchcui, pochotle, ma-go-hu, la-li-pe, mano de león, madera de pasta, mirasol, palo cuchara, palo amarillo, palo de rosa amarilla, palo barril, palo de rosa, paniagua, pánicua, panaco, apánico, algodón, apomo, tecomaxóchitl, tecomate, tecomasúchil, ita-tyaha, iquilté, pochote, apompo, chum, chuun, carne de perro, ch'um, guie-quigá, cocito, cojón de toro, flor izquierda, guate, girasol, coquito, tamborcito, acacia, algodón, algodón silvestre, bola de toro, carne de perro, ch'ooy (Maya), ch'um (Ch'ol), chak ch'ooy (Maya), chimu (Maya), chimul (Maya), chimí (Mazahua), choy (Maya), chuum (Maya), chuun (Maya), cojón de caballo, cojón de toro, copa de oro, coquito, corcho, flor de mayo, flor izquierda, girasol, guie-quigá (Zapoteco), iquilté (Tseltal), ita-tyaha (Mixteco), la-li-pe (Chontal de Oaxaca), ma-go-hu (Chinanteco), madera de pasta, mano de león, mirasol, palo amarillo, palo barril, palo cuchara, palo de cuchara, palo de rosa, palo de rosa amarilla, pichichinishanat (Totonaco), pochota (Totonaco), pochote, pánicua (Tarasco), quia-quega (Zapoteco), rosa amarilla, sarna de perro, tamborcito, tecomate, tecomaxóchitl (Náhuatl), tonalxochit (Náhuatl), x-k'uyché (Maya), xanatchichini (Totonaco), xchu'un (Maya), xjimil (Maya), ya'ax ch'ooy (Maya), yaga-begaa (Zapoteco) rank: species
Anthurium schlechtendaliicommon name: kilbal chak, boxk uuts, u-k uts-box, lengua de ciervo, hoja de pescado, hoja de piedra, hoja de viento, pool boox, hoja de pescado, hoja de piedra, hoja de viento, lengua de ciervo, pool boox (Maya) rank: species
Tournefortia gnaphalodescommon name: k'an chooch, Siki' may, siki-may, tabaquillo, k'an chooch (Maya), siki-may (Maya), tabaquillo rank: species
Corchorus siliquosuscommon name: niich' yuuk, niich' xnuk, sak chi' chi' bej, sak chi'chi' bej, Niich yuuk, chi'chi' bej, púuts chichí bej, malva cubierta, malva de castilla, malvavisco grande, mostacilla, malva de platanillo, platanillo, thipon, malvavisco, malva, chichibe, claudiosa, chi'chi' bej (Maya), chichibe (Maya), claudiosa, malva, malva cubierta, malva de castilla, malva de platanillo, malvavisco, malvavisco grande, mostacilla, niich' xnuk (Maya), niich' yuuk (Maya), platanillo, púuts chichí bej (Maya), sak chi'chi' bej (Maya), thipon (Huasteco) rank: species
Lantana camaracommon name: uña de gato, venturosa, verbena, pionía, shalac pomixtli, yiamju potei, ich ch'o, ik'il ja'xiw, ojo de ratón, orozus, chancaca xiuitl, maxikgaka chitin, orégano k'aax, ojo de pescado, lakastapuskite, lantana morada, estambre xichit, castajatz tuki, meshengua, torongu, mo'ol peek, orégano xiiw, rosa blanca, petel-k'in, pet-k'in, sonora roja, sonora, sonoba, siete colores, lantana, mastranzo, matizadilla, lampana, mocseté, patelaxhuitz, orégano, peonía negra, peonía de jardines, orégano de monte, alantana, alfombrilla hedionda, tomatillo, tres colores, tozizquiu, tozisquiut, tosisquiu, tosisquiut, hierba amarga, ishlacastapu-mastapu-mashtanics, hierba de cristo, ik'ii-ha-xiu, hierba del becerro, cinco negritos, chancaquilla, gobernadora, confite, confite negro, confituria, confiturio, flor de San Cayetano, confiturilla amarilla, granadilla, frutilla, frutillo, negrito, confiturilla, manzanita, zapotillo, alfombrilla, alfombrilla hedionda, balsamillo, chancaca xiuitl (Náhuatl), chichiquelite (Zapoteco), cinco negritos, confite, confite negro, confitura, confiturilla, confiturilla amarilla, confiturilla blanca, flor de San Cayetano, frutilla, frutillo, gobernadora, granadilla, hierba amarga, hierba de cristo, hierba del becerro, hierba mora, ik'ii-ha-xiu (Maya), ishlacastapu-mashtansics (Totonaco), ishlacastapu-mastapu-mashtanics (Totonaco), lantana, lantana morada, laurel, manzanita, mejorana, meshengua (Tarasco), mo'ol peek (Maya), morita, negrito, negritos, ojo de pescado, ojo de ratón, orozus, orozuz, orégano, orégano de monte, orégano k'aax (Español-Maya), orégano xiiw (Español-Maya), patelaxhuitz (Huasteco), peonía, peonía de jardines, peonía negra, pet-k'in (Maya), petel-k'in (Maya), riñonina, rosa blanca, salvia real, sapotillo, shalac pomixtli (Totonaco), siete colores, siete negritos, sonora, sonora roja, tomatillo, tres colores, uña de gato, venturosa, verbena, zapotillo, zarzamora rank: species
Leucaena leucocephalacommon name: xaxim, cola de zorro, waaxiim, atenhuaxin, guachin, chjlib, huaxe, liliak, huaxquelite, almendra de guaje, huachi, waaxim, casi, li'hak, liliakes, lalax, lakak, chajal, tumbapelo, hueje blanco, leleques, pacapaca, uaxim, uaxi, huaxi, kiulilac, huatsin, huashi, uaxin, chajlib, chashi, guaje de castilla, guaje blanco, guaje, almendra de guaje, barba de chivo, cola de zorro, guachin, guachín (Maya), guaje, guaje blanco, guaje colorado, guaje de castilla, guajillo, huaje, huatsin (Maya), huaxe (Maya), huaxi (Náhuatl), kiulilac (Totonaco), lakak (Totonaco), lalax (Tepehua), nacaste, pacapaca (Zoque), tepeguaje, tumbapelo, uaxim (Maya), uaxin (Náhuatl), waaxiim (Maya), waaxim (Maya), xaxim (Maya) rank: species
Cordia sebestenacommon name: sak k'oopte', copte, zak-kopté, palo de asta, sak k'oopte, siricote blanco, sak-k'opte, kopté, anacuite, anacahita, anacahuita, siricote, k'opte', k'oopte', siricote de playa, anacahuita siricote, anacahuite, kupte, ciricote, k'opté, anacahuite, ciricote, k'oopte' (Maya), k'opte' (Maya), k'opté (Maya), kopté (Maya), kupte (Maya), palo de asta, sak k'oopte (Maya), sak k'oopte' (Maya), sak-k'opte (Maya), siricote, siricote blanco, siricote de playa, zak-kopté (Maya) rank: species
Spermacoce confusarank: species
Chloris ciliatacommon name: verdillo de fleco, yok-t'ut-suuk, verdillo cacahuatoide, yook t'uut', yook t'uut' su'uk, grama, grama, verdillo de fleco, yok-t'ut-suuk (Maya), yook t'uut' (Maya), yook t'uut' su'uk (Maya) rank: species
Oxycaryum cubenserank: species
Phyllanthus amaruscommon name: rocio rank: species
Chamaecrista chamaecristoidesrank: species
Acaulospora spinosarank: species
Glomus macrocarpumrank: species
Struthanthus cassythoidescommon name: kaawis, k'ubenba', k'ubenba' (Maya), kaawis (Maya) rank: species
Fimbristylis ferruginearank: species
Capraria frutescenscommon name: sek'aax bóox, claudiosa rank: species
Crescentia cujetecommon name: xica-gueta-nazaa, xa-gueta-guia, sihuajcal, luuch, jicarera, cuatecomate, zacual, h-was, guirototumo, waas, chomo, joma', maxat kgax, güira, guiro, cuayotomate, calabash, lunch, was-güiro, Jicara, pog, le-ua, luch, morro, palo de huacal, árbol de las calabazas, cirian, tzimá, totumo, tecomate, guito-xiga, jícaro, japt, huaz, huas, jicarillo, ayale, boch, gua, cua, cué, güiro totumo, cujete, cuautecomate, gusano, guaje, ayale, ciriam, cirian, cirián (Tarasco), cua (Chinanteco), cujete, cué (Chinanteco), gua (Chinanteco), guaje, guito-xiga (Zapoteco), gusano, güiro, h-was (Maya), huas (Maya), huaz (Maya), japt (Mixe), jicara, jicarillo, le-ua (Chontal de Oaxaca), luch (Maya), lunch (Maya), luuch (Maya), maxat kgax (Totonaco), mimbre, morro, palo de huacal, sihuajcal (Náhuatl), tecomate, totumo (Zoque), tzimá (Zoque), urani (Tarasco), waas (Maya), xa-gueta-guia (Zapoteco), xica-gueta-nazaa (Zapoteco), árbol de las calabazas rank: species
Pentalinon andrieuxiicommon name: xiiw kaan, tip'te' aak', ya'ax juux, bejuco guaco, contrayerba, bejuco guaco, contrayerba, tip'te' aak' (Maya), xiiw kaan (Maya), ya'ax juux (Maya) rank: species
Chromolaena lundelliicommon name: tok'abam, anilkab, anilkab (Maya), tok'abam (Maya) rank: species
Glomus etunicatumrank: species
Jacquemontia pentanthacommon name: yaax-hebil, xkilxiu, yaxhal, solen aak', ya'ax aak', sak lool aak', sak miis, aak'il xiiw, solen ak', jaway, sakmix, sombrerito azul, ak'il-xiu, campanilla azul, aak'il xiiw (Maya), ak'il-xiu (Maya), campanilla azul, sak lool aak' (Maya), sak miis (Maya), sakmix (Maya), solen aak' (Maya), sombrerito azul, xkilxiu (Maya), ya'ax aak' (Maya), yaax-hebil (Maya), yaxhal (Maya) rank: species
Amaranthus spinosuscommon name: xtes, tsaualhtukun, stokonosau, tzahual-tukun, recio, bledo blanco, itukumizahua, k'iix tees, x'ltucua cal'tunit, quintonil espinoso, kantsudi, tees, viakani, kinsawakak, X tees, quelite espinoso, quelite blanco, quelite de puerco, bledo, amaranto, kix-xtez, k'ii-k-xtes, bledo cimarrón, cimarrón, cenizo, guie lachi, guilache, epazote de mula, guie-lachi, quelite, amaranto, bledo, bledo blanco, bledo cimarrón, cenizo, cimarrón, epazote de mula, guie lachi (Zapoteco), guie-lachi (Zapoteco), k'ii-k-xtes (Maya), k'iix tees (Maya), kantsudi (Otomí), kix-xtez (Maya), quelite, quelite blanco, quelite de puerco, quelite espinoso, quintonil espinoso, recio, stokonosau (Tepehua), tees (Maya), xtes (Maya) rank: species
Fuirena simplex var. simplexcommon name: kabal xa'an, kabal xa'an (Maya) rank: infraspecificname
Opuntia stricta var. dilleniicommon name: tuna, tsakam, chaparra, cuija, nopal, nopal costeño, nopal estricto, oreja de elefante, pak'am (Maya), tsakam (Maya), y'ax-'pak'an (Maya), ya-ak-pak'an (Maya), yaaxpakan (Maya) rank: infraspecificname
Conocarpus erectus var. sericeuscommon name: k'an che', mangle prieto, mangle botoncillo, k'an ché (Maya), mangle botoncillo, mangle prieto rank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- L. C. Wheeler. 1939. ND. Cactus and Succulent Journal. 11. Cactus and Succulent Society of America. Los Angeles, California. -
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María Patricia Guadarrama Chávezoriginator
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoFacultad de CienciasUnidad Multidisciplinaria de Docencia e Investigación de Sisal
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Telephone: 5622-6710 al 17 ext. 7156, fax 5622-6710 al 17 ext. 7215
email: pguadarrama@ciencias.unam.mx
CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
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Patricia Ramos Rivera
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position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
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Telephone: 50045000
email: patricia.ramos@conabio.gob.mx
homepage: https://www.gob.mx/conabio