The checklist of vertebrates of the Natural park «Kondinskie lakes»
Larin E (2022). The checklist of vertebrates of the Natural park «Kondinskie lakes». Version 1.4. Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» named after L.F. Stashkevich. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2024-12-11.Description
The dataset includes a list of vertebrate species registered on the territory of the Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» (Russian Federation, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug) from 1949 to 2019. Various researchers studied the park vertebrate animals: A.M. Vasin (1992), V.P. Lykhvar (1992), V.N. Vorobyev (1992), F.S. Buydalina (1992), E.G. Larin (from 2002 to present), S.N. Gashev (2004-2011), V.P. Starikov (2017), K.A. Bernikov (2017), A.V. Morozkina (2017), E.S. Sarapultseva (2017). According to the data for 2019, the list of vertebrates includes 196 species registered on the territory of the Park.Taxonomic Coverages
According to the data for 2019, the list of vertebrates of the «Kondinskie lakes» includes 196 species from 137 genera, 63 families and 30 orders of the classes Aves (133), Mammalia (47), Actinopterygii (11), Amphibia (3), Reptilia (2).
Avesrank: class
Mammaliarank: class
Actinopterygiirank: class
Amphibiarank: class
Reptiliarank: class
Geographic Coverages
The Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» named after L.F. Stashkevich was established in 1998 for sustainable management and research of rare ecosystems of the three unique lakes (Arantur, Pontur, Rangetur) and nearby areas with their historical and archeological sites. The surface area of the park is 43900 hа. The territory of the Park is located in the middle taiga subzone. It is located on the left bank of the river Konda, South from the reserve “Malaya Sosva” (Small Sosva). The vegetation cover is represented by forest, marsh and meadow types of vegetation. The core of the park is a system of lakes located along the left coast of the river Konda, including the lakes Arantur, Pontur, Rangetur and some smaller ones. There are also rivers, brooks and oxbow lakes. The three large lakes, Lake Arantur, Pontur and Rangetur are bordered by sandy soil uplands covered by pine forests – with lichens, greenmoss and Vaccinium in the forest floor. Prominent features of the natural park Kondinsky Lakes is the presents of large floating bogs (quagmires), transitional bogs and periodically flooded marshes. These mires together with sedge meadows, willow thickets and paludified small forest gave the park a very high biodiversity, being inhabited by many rare kinds of animals, vascular plants and mosses.
Bibliographic Citations
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- Е.Г. Ларин. Краснокнижные виды хищных птиц (falconiformes) в природном парке «Кондинские озера» им. Л.Ф. Сташкевича. Сборник статей IV Всероссийской научно-практической конференции «Устойчивое развитие особо охраняемых природных территорий». Сочи, 2017. С. 174 – 176. -
- Е.Г. Ларин. Список птиц природного парка «Кондинские озера» Материалы межрегиональной конференции, посвященной 20-летию природного парка «Нумто» «Современное состояние и перспектива развития сети особо охраняемых природных территорий в промышленно развитых регионах». Белоярск, 2017. С. 36 – 39. -
- Видовой состав и некоторые экологические характеристики мелких млекопитающих природного парка «Кондинские озера». Отчет о НИР. БУВО ХМАО-Югры «Сургутский государственный университет». Ответственный исполнитель В.П. Стариков. Сургут, 2017 г. Рукопись, 28 с. -
Eugene Larinoriginator
position: Reseacher
Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» named after L.F. Stashkevich
Komsomolsky pereulok, 5
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Sovetskiy district
Eugene Larin
metadata author
position: Reseacher
Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» named after L.F. Stashkevich
Komsomolsky pereulok, 5
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Sovetskiy district
Eugene Larin
administrative point of contact
position: Reseacher
Natural park «Kondinskie lakes» named after L.F. Stashkevich
Komsomolsky pereulok, 5
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Sovetskiy district