NDFF Environmental DNA
Laan R, Oomen D (2018). NDFF Environmental DNA. Dutch National Database of Flora and Fauna (NDFF). Metadata dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/raajkb accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-14.Description
Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a DNA-based research method used to establish the presence of a species in samples. The underlying principle is that all organisms living in water emit DNA via skin cells, faeces and urine. The presence of a target species can be established by collecting water samples and analysing them for DNA in a laboratory. Research has shown that DNA dissolves in water within 2 to 3 weeks. When a water sample indicates the presence of DNA of a species, this means habitation must have been recent. Detection is carried out via a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in a laboratory , using species-specific primers. In all cases, a large number (8 to 12) of PCR reactions are carried out on each sample (replica samples). The number of reactions that indicate a positive result for the DNA of the target species indicates how much DNA the sample contains. The amount of DNA is causally related to the occurrence of the target species, but there are many factors that affect the disintegration and production of eDNA. Dataset available via https://www.ndff.nl/english / serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl Positive observations without zeros. 1,340 records (March 2018) NDFF protocol https://www.ndff.nl/overdendff/validatie/protocollen/10-002-environmental-dna-onderzoek/Taxonomic Coverages
all organisms living in water detectable by DNA via skin cells, faeces and urine.
Amphibiacommon name: Amphibian rank: class
Misgurnus fossiliscommon name: European weatherfish rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Ronald Laanoriginator
position: datamanager
homepage: http://ravon.nl/English/tabid/1599/Default.aspx
Dries Oomen
metadata author
position: metadata publisher
email: serviceteamNDFF@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english/
Henk de Vries
position: Node manager NLBIF
NLBIF Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility
P.O.Box 9517
2300 RA
email: henk.devries@naturalis.nl
Dries Oomen
administrative point of contact
position: metadata publisher
email: serviceteamNDFF@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english