Tetraonid line transect surveys from Norway: Data from Fjellstyrene
Nilsen E B, Vang R, Kjønsberg M, Kvasnes M A J (2022). Tetraonid line transect surveys from Norway: Data from Fjellstyrene. Version 1.7. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/975ski accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-08.Description
The dataset originates from a line transect survey program on the land managed by Fjellstyrene (Mountain boards) carried out from 2000- and onward. The surveys are part of a national program - Hønsefuglportalen (http://honsefugl.nina.no), operated in close collaboration among NINA (www.nina.no), Nord University (www.nord.no), Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (www.inn.no) as well as landowners responsible for grouse management on their properties (state-owned land on Finnmarkseiendommen (FeFo), Statskog, and Fjellstyrene, as well as several private landowners). In general, NINA offers common e-infrastructure for data entry, data curation, management of users and communication from the project (http://honsefugl.nina.no). NINA together with the involved universities are offering advice regarding sampling design, and has developed a standard field protocol used by all participating stakeholders. The specific part of the program carried out on the land managed by Fjellstyrene is operated in collaboration between the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and each manager in Fjellstyrene, with clear and distinct allocation of tasks and responsibilities between the parties. Managers are responsible for conducting field work, as well as final decisions regarding allocation of transect lines among study areas. Surveys are carried out mainly by volunteer personnel instructed to follow standardized field protocols. Field work is carried out annually in August, with a team of two persons following pre-defined transect lines, using trained pointing dogs to search both sides of the transect line. When birds are observed, species, cluster size (separated into age- and sex classes), perpendicular distances from the transect line to the observed cluster of birds, GPS coordinates of the clusters and time of day are recorded. In addition, length (and geographical position) of the transect line is recorded, as well as some other auxiliary data.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Surveys are carried out annually in August, mainly in the period of 5th - 20th August. Specific locations of surveys have changed over the time period. A study site consist of a collection of two or more transect lines.Sampling
In August each year, field work is carried out by volunteer personnel instructed to follow standardized field protocols. A team of two persons follow pre-defined transect lines, using trained pointing dogs to search both sides of the transect line. When birds are observed, species, cluster size (separated into age- and sex classes), perpendicular distances from the transect line to the observed cluster of birds, GPS coordinates and time of day is recorded. In addition, length (and position) of the transect line is recorded, as well as some other auxillary data.Quality Control
Since the establishment of the common e-infrastrucure Hønsefuglportalen in 2013, quality control has been included at several stages of the process. First, the data entry forms are designed such that impossible or unlikely values are not allowed, and all data fields must be completed. Second, for each study site, a local administrator is responsible for quality control just after the annual field work period in August. Last, participating research institutions conduct additional quality control when analyzing data for management or scientific purposes.Method steps
- Additional information could be found at “http://honsefugl.nina.no” or in Eriksen, L. F., P. F. Moa, and E. B. Nilsen. 2018. Quantifying risk of overharvest when implementation is uncertain. Journal of Applied Ecology 55:482-493. doi 10.1111/1365-2664.12992. Contacts
Taxonomic Coverages
This line transect program focus on tetraonid gamebirds (subfamiliy: Tetraoninae - family: Phasianidae), which in Norway include willow ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus), rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta), black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) and hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia). Not all species are found all of the areas where the line transect surveys in this program are performed. Most of the surveys target willow ptarmigan monitoring, which is also reflected in the spatial distribution of survey lines.
Lagopus lagopuscommon name: Willow Ptarmigan
Lagopus mutacommon name: Rock ptarmigan
Tetrao tetrixcommon name: Black grouse
Tetrao urogalluscommon name: Capercaillie
Bonasa bonasiacommon name: Hazel Grouse
Geographic Coverages
Cover land managed by Fjellstyrene (https://www.fjellstyrene.no/finn-fjellstyre) in Norway south of Nordland county.
Bibliographic Citations
Erlend B. Nilsenoriginator
position: Senior Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
Telephone: +4741425684
email: erlend.nilsen@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5119-8331
Roald Vang
position: Data Manager
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
email: roald.vang@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4006-8689
Marius Kjønsberg
position: Research Manager
Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
P.O. 400
email: marius.kjonsberg@inn.no
Erlend B. Nilsen
metadata author
position: Senior Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
Telephone: +4741425684
email: erlend.nilsen@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5119-8331
Roald Vang
metadata author
position: Data Manager
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
email: roald.vang@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4006-8689
Mikkel Andreas Jønsøn Kvasnes
metadata author
position: Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
Telephone: +4799400705
email: mikkel.kvasnes@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6603-337X
Erlend B. Nilsen
principal investigator
position: Senior Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
Telephone: +4741425684
email: erlend.nilsen@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5119-8331
Erlend B. Nilsen
administrative point of contact
position: Senior Research Scientist
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
Telephone: +4741425684
email: erlend.nilsen@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5119-8331
Roald Vang
administrative point of contact
position: Data Manager
Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Postboks 5685 Torgarden,
email: roald.vang@nina.no
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4006-8689